If you own or know of any Garfield County reference resources or books, whether listed or not, and will do look-ups, please let me know. As you can see, volunteers are needed.Feel free to request a look-up from the following reference resources. Please limit your request to one name per request. Please put Garfield COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request to ensure the message is not overlooked or accidentally deleted. In the first line of the message please put the title of the resource from which you are requesting the lookup.
Don't forget to thank your volunteer for his or her time.
Garfield County Resources
Resource Lookup Volunteer
"50 Years of Nebraska's Big Rodeo"
This book was published in 1975 to celebrate the 50th anniversary
of Burwell's largest event and the biggest outdoor rodeo in the U.S.
The book is no longer available--copies are very scarse.
The book has many, many beautiful pictures with
names, dates as well as articles about events
and profiling each decade of the rodeo.
Ronda Weber (Email not valid)
Burwell School System Annuals
starting at approximately 1937.
Ronda Weber
Graduates of Burwell High SchoolBurwell, Nebraska 1901 -- 1987 courtesy of the Garfield County Historical Society
the State Coordinator
Garfield County Roundup -- Vol. IHistory 1867 -- 1967 compiled by GARFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY courtesy of the Garfield County Historical Society Includes some indices of names
Lori Brandon
(we need a valid e-mail address)
the State Coordinator
Sandra Barber (we need a valid e-mail address)
Garfield County Roundup -- Vol. IICentennial 1885 -- 1984 compiled by GARFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Burwell, Nebraska courtesy of the Garfield County Historical Society
Lori Brandon
(we need a valid e-mail address)
the State Coordinator
Sandra Barber
(we need a valid e-mail address)
Trail of the Loupby H.W. Fought courtesy of the Garfield County Historical Society ------------------------------ *The book is now on-line, scanned by Pam Rietsch
A Pictorial Historycourtesy of the Garfield County Historical Society
the State Coordinator
1920 Census of Garfield County
Fred Sears
Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, Marines
& Widows from 1890
Fred Sears
CensusTools -35 free electronic spreadsheets for archiving federal, state and international census data!
Sandi Whitty I will do obituary look-ups for a fee of $10.
This will be used to cover
locating, printing, parking and postage.
William Andrew neresearcher@inetnebr.com
Your resource (book, listing etc) goes here
Your name & email address
Professional Researchers That Do Research for Garfield County
This a list of people who will do genealogical research or search records in Garfield County for a fee. They do not have an affiliation with the NEGenWeb Project and the NEGenWeb Project cannot be responsible for their work. You must make any arrangements directly with them. If you have a complaint about any researcher's work, please contact me David Gochenour, so that the name can be removed from the list.
William Andrew- As commonly known, the Nebraska State Historical Society is the leading source for Nebraska Genealogy. With ten years experience visiting this facility I consider that I am competent on their holdings. I am not a professional genealogist so I don't have the fees basis that goes along with that prestigious title. If you are interested in receiving a bid for my services or simply just asking questions about Nebraska genealogy, I will enjoy corresponding with you, answering questions. I request a lookup fee of $10 which would include time spent, parking, copy fee and postage. Please state that your request is for Garfield County. Contact me at neresearcher@inetnebr.com
If you are willing to do genealogical research but do need to charge for your services to help defray your costs, I will happily list you or your group here also.
Garfield County Library |
Garfield County Courthouse |
Eberle Funeral Home (no longer in operation) |
Fleming Funeral Home Inc. (no longer in operation) |
Tribune 2000 Printing and Publishing- |