Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1870 - 1879

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

This is the first issue to be published in Grand Island, Nebraska on this day.

Grand Island Times
Wednesday, August 6, 1873


Straw is a very useful article-when one end is bathed in a sherry cobbler.

John Newhart was fined $1 and costs in the Police Court last Wednesday, ro committing a nuisance.

Everybody and all his friends will meet somebody and his whole family in the future Capital of Nebraska* today.

(*Grand Island, at this time, was hoping the State Capital would be moved to Hall County.)

Grand Island Times
Wednesday, August 6, 1873


On Friday evening last, the 1st inst., Bishop Clarkson paid a visit to St. Stephen's-being the second one within four months. Evening Prayer was

read by the rector, after which the right Rev. Bishop delivered one of his powerful and eloquent discourses for which he is so justly celebrated. He selected for his text words from the 23d verse of the 3d ch. of Paul's Epistle to the Colossians:-"Do it heartily, as to the Lord." The serman was eminently practical, and delivered with such sweet persuasiveness as to win any heart-not completely steeled in indifference and unbelief. After the sermon the Rev. Mr. Lyon presented for confirmation a class of thirteen. The words of Apostolic blessing which accompanied "the laying on of hands," must have strengthened the candidates in their Christian warfare; and cheered them in the perilous journey of life.

We understand that within eighteen months thirty-seven persons have been confirmed, and that during the year, the church has more than doubled its communicants.

The Anniversary of the building of St. Stephens will be celebrated on the first Sunday of next month, when a full, and accurate account of all church work done during the past two years will be given by the Rector. We hope the occasion may be a pleasant one, and that all interested in the prosperity of the Church will attend.


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