Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Newspaper Tidbits, 1880 - 1889

This page is filled with tidbits from various newspapers of Hall County or Nebraska.

Tidbits of News on this Day

Grand Island Independent
Mondda, January 4, 1886

Fred Mudzler was fined $1 and cost, by Esq. Willson, this morning, for being drunk and bucking the tiger and the snowstorm on Sunday.

A number of our citizens are out taking physical excersises this morning, wrestling with a shovel and the "beautiful snow."

Hon. O. A. Abbott returned from Clumbus last evening, where he has been an attorney for a client whose interests involved in the suit amounted to over $8,000.

Our city council should adopt an ordinance requiring the police to take care of all horses found hitched on the streets, after a given hour at night. It is a shame that some hackman, and farmers who come in to fill up with bug-juice, allow their animals to remain standing in front of saloons very frequently until after midnight, without being blanketed or sheltered in any way. Such inhuman treatment of those poor dumb animals should be discouraged. By the punishment of owners so negligent in their care.

The change so sudden to sure cold weather has crated considerable sickness in the way of colds and lung complaints. The doctors are all out on duty this morning.

This weather is rough on stock. It is also rough on railroader. It's likewise rough on the rest of the human race, and yet the coal dealer smiles, and is a villan still.

J. D. Moore Lodge of he brother-hood of railroad brakemen, are issuing some elegant invitations to their bal, to be held at Berth's academy of music the 22d inst. They are a deserving set of boys, and should receive a liberal patronage fo the benefit of their lodge.

A. D. Owens has pruchased A. Baldwin's express-teams and business, and took possession of the same Jan. 2, 1886. He will give prompt attention to hauling of all kinds, including freight, baggage, express and passengers.

There is considerable sympathy manifested for the family of Miss Ahlers, and also her betrothed Mr. Fred Stolley, over her sad suicide, which it is now known was the result of a spell of sickness, which brought on temporary aberration of the mind. All arrangements had been made for the marriage of the young couple, even to the renting of Mr. Hagge's farm for them for a number of years, the deceased's father having decided to move to the city to reside. The funeral will occur to-morrow.

A very pleasant entertainment was provided at the residence of Dr. Saners, Saturday night, by the music pupils of Mrs. Wm. Quillan. The recitals consisted of songs, instrumental duets,a nd musical selections of various kinds, and the excellent manner in which the scholars deported themselves, was the very best evidence of the skill of their teacher. Refreshments were served, and the parents present expressed themselves very much pleased witht the entertainment.

Chan. Robinson, ex-county clerk of Howard county, called at our sanctum this afternoon. His arrest was made, but he has waived examination, given bail, and will stand trial the next term of court.

Services were abandoned in all the churches yesterday, the sinners and saint both holding communion with the hard coal stove.

Aug. Thompson has just completed his new flour and feed store, and will handle a full line of all grades of choicest flour, also pearl barley, barley grits, buckwheat grits, buckwheat flour. Come in and give us a call, opposite the Presbyterian church.


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