Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

1916 Business College Graduates

This page is a list of graduates from the Class of 1916 of the Grand Island Business College.

Local Newspaper Article

Grand Island Daily Independent, Saturday, August 12, 1916.---This paper contains the names and positions of a few of our former students. We could print thousands if neccessary, but we consider the following pages sufficient proof. Scarcely a day goes by that we do not hear from some boy or girl who has attended the Grand Island Business College, telling of their success in the Business World. Scarcely a day passes that some graduate of the Grand Island Business College is not placed in a good position in some bank or other business house. As POSITIVE PROOF of our claims, we publish here a list of several hundred of the successful graduates of our school who are now occupying first-class positions. Thousands of others could be added to this list, but for lack of space they are necessarily left out."

(Transcriber's Note: unfortunately, no dates of graduation were given.)

Thanks to "Penny Postcards" from USGenWeb Archives

A Brief History of the Grand Island Business College
Excerpt from History of Hall County (1920)

This institution was started in 1885 by Prof. Hargis, Prof. Reicher and Prof. Evans. By 1897 the institution used the whole upper floor of a building at Third & Spruce. A business course, a normal course, and a shorthand course have been the main courses offered by the school. The school has in recent years been quartered in the five-story buliding at South Locust street between Second and Third streets.


Graduates, A - E Graduates, F - K
Graduates, L - Q Graduates, R - Z

In The News . . .

Read some of tid-bits about the Grand Island Business College in some of the other newspapers.

The Best Business College in the State.

The Western Stockman and Cultivator published at Omaha, Neb., is one of the most enterprising farmers journals in this country. The last number contains a very timely article to farmers' sons and daughters urging upon them the imprortance of securing a business educaton. A representative of the paper who has been taveling over the West during the past month has taken the trouble to investigate the merits of the different Business Colleges in Nebraksa for the benefit of their readers and as a verdict be pronounced the Grand Island Businesss College of Grand Island Island, Neb., the most desirable school in the state at which to pursur a commercial course of study. This investigation will be of great benefit to young people in deciding where to attend college and as but few people attend college but once, and so much depends upon the thoroughtness of the course the greatest care should be taken in selecting a first-class school. The circulars of this college can be had free by addressing the president, Prof. A. M. Hargiss.

Source: The Columbus Journal (Colubus, Nebraska) Wednesday, November 28, 1888, p. 3 col. 6. Provided by Library of Congress -- Chronicling America.

Business College At Grand Island

Grand Island---Grand Island Business College is in its 73rd (1882) year. Harry Anderson, president, says the school's classes are arranged so a student may begin any time. Classes are held the year around except for spring and Christmas vactions. The school offers specialized business courses in accounting, business administration, secretartal, stenographic and bookkeeping.

Source: Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, Nebraska) Sunday, August 7, 1955, p. 8-E col. 2. Provided by Newspapers.com.

See the Grand Island Business College's advertisement (on the right sied).


Click to Enlarge

Source: Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, Nebraska) Sunday, August 7, 1955, p. 12-E col. 2-3. Provided by Newspapers.com.

Do You Have Any Photographs?

If you know any of these individuals listed and have a photograph of them. Hall County NEGenWeb Project would like to display who these individuals were. Contact the County Coordinator that you have a photograph for one or two of the Business College Grads.


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