Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

G. I. H. S. Commencement, Class of 1892

This page is a history and demographic of the early schools of Hall County, Nebraska.

Closing of the Year: Commencement Exercises

GRAND ISLAND, June 17.---(Special.)---The commencement exercises of the high school, took place at the opera house and were attended by a packed house. Following is the programme (sse program below). ---The Nebrask State Journal Saturday, June 18, 1892 (4:4)

  • Invocation Rev. W. H. H. Pillisbury
  • Music Overture. ---"The First Heart Throbs,"--- Eilenberg Bartling's Orchestra
  • Salutatory Edith G. Glanville
  • Oration---"Nothing at a Stanstill in Life," Austin F. Sanders
  • Esay ---"The Mission of the Poet," Bertha L. Smith
  • Oration---"The Dawning Day," Frank A. Hetzel
  • Music---"Tell Me Thou Lov'st Me,"---Campana Mr. and Mrs. Revnard
  • Class History Daisy B. Honck
  • Oration---"The Summit," Robert J. Holmes
  • Essay---"little Things," Maud E. Stevens
  • Oration---"Defense of Napoleon," Bartling's Orchestra
  • Essay---"Trides Light as air," Ada J. Vorhes
  • Class Oration ---"Waiting Fields," Herman Janss
  • Essay---"Coowebs and Brooms," Abbie A. Seeley
  • Music, Vocal Solo ---"The Skipper," ---Jude Mr. Lawrence Donald
  • Class Prophecy William A. Harrison
  • Oration ---"Garibaldi," Lafayette B. Myers
  • Essay ---"Sight," May W. Wagner
  • Music, Vocal Solo ---"Dove Waltz," ---Arditi Miss Eve Murphy
  • Oration & Valedictory ---"Socialism," Gus H. Rose
  • Presetation of Diplomas Nathan Platt, Presdient
  • Music ---"At the fountain," ---Eilenberg Bartling's Orchestra

Researcher's Note: unable to locate any listing of graduates of this class;
however, it os possible that many of these names were one of them.

Graduates Class of 1892

This list is compiled, based on what another published article had showed who and how the graduates took part in the commencement exercises. Therefore, I’ve extracted the names from this article, the above “commencement programme” as it was published. I hoped that I got all those names correctly. Thank you.

Hariison, William A. Jaoss, Herman Seeley, Abbie A.
Hetzel, Frank A. Kuhlman, Chas. Smith, Bertha L.
Holmes, Robert J. Myers, Lafayette B. Stevens, Maud E.
Homck, Daisy B. Rose, Gus H. Wagner, Mary W.
Cited Source:

"Closing of the Year. Commencement Exercises at the Grand Island High School: Graduates Class of 1893," Nebrask State Journal, The (Lincoln, Nebraska). Saturday, June 18, 1892 p. 4 col. 4. Provided by Newspapers.com.


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