Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Hall County Women Clubs

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

About the Woman's Club

There has at various times in the past been a Woman's club flourishing in Grand Island, devoted to the civic purposes best suited to a woman's organization. But recently a revival of interest in this civic obligation of the women has brought about a new organization, which while not exactly an auxiliary of the commercial club, is intended to carry on similar objects which the women can best undertake for the community.

The new Woman's club of Grand Island was organized in the summer of 1919. Two preliminary meetings were held by a few interested women and then on the 18th of June at the city library a mass meeting was held with nearly fifty present. A constitution was adopted which was signed by those present. The officers elected for the first year (See List Below).

Grand Island Woman's Club, 1919
Mrs. C. G. Ryan
Mrs. W. A. Prince
1st Vice-President
Mrs. A. J. Baumann
2nd Vice-President
Mrs. Ward Hurst
Miss Ruth Boyden
Corre Sponding Secretary
Mrs. R. D. Kingsbury

The object of this club can best be given' in the words used in its constitution : "to promote fellowship among the women of this community, to unite their influence and enter prise for the betterment of educational, social and moral conditions."

A most interesting plan for the first year's work has been mapped out and there will be several departments to begin with and others will no doubt be added before the year is very far along. The St. Cecilia Society, a prominent musical organization of Grand Is land, has become the music department of the new Woman's Club.

Woman's Club In The News

The Club Calendar: Among the Clubs

Mrs. Addison E. Sheldon, president of the state federation, was the guest of the Grand Island Woman's Club which has just been organized and of the Mothers-Teachers club of Grand Island Wednesday. The woman's club of Grand Island has applied for federal funds. While in Grand Island Mrs. Addison Sheldon was the guest of Mrs. C. G. Ryan as president of the Woman's club.

The Nebraska State Journal Sunday, July 6, 1919.

Women's Activities

During the summer twenty-four new clubs have joined the federation. The newest club to organize is the Grand Island Woman's club which federated the past week with 106 members. Mrs. C. G. Ry[a]ns who was at the head of the war work in Hall county, is the president and has many plans for the work of the club the coming years. it is hoped and expected

that several more clubs will join before the meeting in October.

The Lincoln Star Sunday, August 24, 1919.

Mrs. Frank Patt[i]son
Leaves for Grand Island.

Mrs. Frank Pattison of New Jersey who spoke before the fortnightly meeting of the Lincoln Woman's club Monday afternoon left this morning for Grand Island. Mrs. Pattison will be the guest of the Grand Island Woman's club and will speak there this evening before an open meeting which will be attended by the members and escorts. From Grand Island Mrs. Pattison will return directly to the east to fulfill a speaking engagement. While here Mrs. Pattison was the guest of Mrs. W. E. Barkley. ---Monday evening Mrs. Barkley was at home informally in honor of the out-of-town guest.

The Lincoln Star Tuesday, October 28, 1919

Source Cited:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty: The Woman's Club" History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 391. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.

Lincoln Star, The (Lincoln, Nebraska). Sunday, August 24, 1919, p. 11 col. 4. Provided by Newspapers.com.

Lincoln Star, The (Lincoln, Nebraska). Tuesday, October 28, 1919, p. 2 col. 5. Provided by Newspapers.com.

Nebraska State Journal, The (Lincoln, Nebraska). Sunday, July 6, 1919, p. 3-B col. 8 & p. 5-B col. 1. Provided by Newspapers.com.


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