Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Ashlar Lodge No. 33, A. F. & A. M.

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

History & Membership of Ashlar Lodge No. 33

Ashlar Lodge No. 33, A. F. & A. M., the first lodge of this order in Hall County, was organized October 5, 1870, and at the session of the Grand Lodge at Lincoln in 1871 application was made in proper form for a charter and the same was granted. Its report then showed thirty-four Master Masons, nineteen initiated, seventeen passed, and seventeen raised. The charter members . . . [and] at the time the charter was granted in 1871 the [early] officers were:

Ashlar Lodge Charter Membership

This charter membership are marmbers of the early masonic lodges that shows when joined the charter and what position held (if known). These names were extracted from the History of Hall Cuonty Nebraska

Name Year(s) Joined Position(s) Held Year(s) Served
Abbott, O. A. 1871 Sec.
W. M.
1874, 1878
Abbott, Sr., O. A. 1871
Ackerman, Jr., David W. M. 1881
Adams, Jos. B. 1871
Alden, Frank W. M. 1918
Alden, Wm. T. W. M. 1907
Allan, Henry W. M. 1910
Ames, Chas. E. 1871
Barnes, E. A. Sec. 2 yrs.
Barr, R. J. Sec. 1 yr.
Baylor, P. H. 1870-71 Jr. Wdr.
Birk, C. P. W. M. 1903
Bond, Daniel C. 1871
Bowers, John J. 1871
Bowersox, B. E. W. M. 1919
Brininger, C. W. Sec. 3 yrs.
Chapman, Horace M. 1871 W. M.
Cosh, A.
Dean, Geo. P. W. M. 1891
Deuel, Wm. A. W. M. 1875-76
Dietz, Phillip 1871
Engle, Ludwig 1871
Ferguson, J. B. Sec. 1 yr.
Fuhrer, Chas. E. W. M. 1916
Hanchett, L. J. 1871
Handy, J. P. 1871
Henderson, C. P. 1871
Hensley, Jos. 1871
Hexter, Sam W. M. 1892, 1899
Howard, Blake C. W. M. 1883
Howell, Charles L. 1871 Sec.
W. M.
1 yr., 3 yrs.
Huff, F. H. 1871
Huss, C. A. W. M. 1913
Hutchinson, Jno. T. 1871
Jordon, Robert C. 1871 W. M. 1870-71, 1879-80
Kelley, W. T. 1871
Kelly, B. B. 1871
Kirschke, Oscar R. W. M. 1909
Lloyd, Warren 1871 Tyler 1871
Makeley, Henry P. 1871 Sec. 1 yr.
Menck, John G. Sec. 1901-02
Meunch, Elias 1871
Michelson, Chris. W. M. 1914
Michelson, James 1871
Miller, Geo. H. W. M. 1906
Miller, Jas. H. W. M. 1911
Moore, John D. 1871 W. M. 1887
Munch, Elias 1871 Jr. Deac. 1871
Obermiller, C. 1871
Piatt, Nathan Sec. 1 yr.
Piatt, W. H. S.
W. M.
1 yr.
Prince, W. A. W. M. 1896
Robinson, C. E. 1871
Robinson, Thomas W. M. 1905
Rollins, Chas F. W. M. 1884-86, 1890
Rollins, L. W. 1871
Ryder, D. E. W. M. 1904
Saxe, S. J. 1871 Sr. Deac. 1871
Schlotfeld, Chris W. M 1888-89
Schmidt, Louis W. M. 1894
Sharpless, O. B. 1871
Smith, Samuel W. 1871
Spethman, D. W. M. 1895
Thomas, C. W. 1871 Sec. 1 yr.
Thummel, George H. 1870-71 W. M.
J. W.
G. M.
1870-71, 1872
Touhey, Patrick 1871
Tout, Jas. 1871
Vieregg, Emil H. W. M. 1908
Vieths, D. H. Sec. 3 yrs.
Washburn, C. D. M. 1871
Watson, R. R. W. M. 1897
Watson, R. R. W. M. 1900-01
Watson, Robert R. Sec. 1906-19
Wells, Oscar Sec. 1894-1901
Wells, Oscar Sec. 1902-06
White, Jay E. > Sec. 1 yr.
Whitmore, Jesse D. W. M. 1915
Williams, C. P. R. W. M. 1893
Wilson, Geo. E. 1870-71 Sr. Wdr.
W. M.
Wolbach, Emil W. M. 1917
Wright, J. E. W. M. 1898

Worshipful Masters of Masonic Order, 1870 - 1919

The number of members increased from seventeen at the start until sixty-one in 1876. The responsible office of Worshipful Master (W. M.) has been filled by the following:

1870-71 - R. C. Jordon
1870-71 - G. H. Thummel
1872 - Geo. H. Thummel
1873 - Geo. E. Wilson
1874 - O. A. Abbott
1875-76 - Wm. A. Deuel
1877 - Wm. H. Piatt
1878 - 0. A. Abbott
1879-80 - Robt. C. Jordon
1881 - David Ackerman, Jr.
1882 - Charles L. Howell
1883 - Blake C. Howard
1884-86 - Chas F. Rollins
1887 - John D. Moore

1888-89 - Chris Schlotfeld
1890 - Chas. F. Rollins
1891 - Geo. P. Dean
1892 - Sam Hexter
1893 - C. P. R. Williams
1894 - Louis Schmidt
1895 - D. Spethman
1896 - W. A. Prince
1897 - R. R. Watson
1898 - J. E. Wright
1899 - Sam Hexter
1900-01 - R. R. Watson
1902 - A. Cosh
1903 - C. P. Birk
1904 - D. E. Ryder

1905 > Thomas Robinson
1906 - Geo. H. Miller
1907 - Wm. T. Alden
1908 - Emil H. Vieregg
1909 - Oscar R. Kirschke
1910 - Henry Allan
1911 - Jas. H. Miller
1913 - C. A. Huss
1914 - Chris. Michelson
1915 - Jesse D. Whitmore
1916 - Chas. E. Fuhrer
1917 - Emil Wolbach
1918 - Frank Alden
1919 - B. E. Bowersox

Source Cited:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 368-371. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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