Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

City & Railroad Young Men's Christian Association

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

City & Railroad Young Men's Christian Association

A meeting was held April 7, 1913, to per fect proper articles of incorporation of "The City and Railroad Young Men's Christian Association." For the first board of directors under this organization, the following were elected to hold until the annual meeting in 1915, E. W. Augustine, L. M. Talmage, J. W. Rose, E. R. Farmer, Bayard H. Paine ; to hold until 1914, A. M. Hargis, E. F. Starr, Elmer Williams, D. E. Ryder, T. J. Hansen ; to hold until annual meeting in 1913, J. V. Anderson, A. U. Hannan, A. F. Buechler, C. H. Tully and O. C. Bundy. The officers elected were J. W. Rose, president, E. R. Farmer, vice-president, Bayard H. Paine, secretary, Elmer Williams, treasurer. H. L. Rowe was elected general secretary. In March, 1914, A. F. Buechler and E. F. Starr resigned, and Mr. Rose was compellel to resign as both president and director owing to his removal from the city and A. M. Hargis also removed from the city. F. E. Slusser was elected president, F. J. Coats, Dr. Geo. Sutherland, J. T. Dill and W. E. Clayton were chosen to succeed Rose, Starr, Hargis and Buechler as directors. In April, 1914, Bayard H. Paine became president of the City and Railroad Association, E. R. Farmer continued as vice-president, F. E. Slusser became secretary, E. Williams remained as treasurer, and the same board continued to serve. The officers and directors of the Building Association during 1914 were E. Williams, president, J. Donald, vice-president,, B. H. Paine, secretary, and L. M. Talmage, treasurer, with directors as Hargis, T. J. Hansen, Tully, Whitmore, Riemers, Ross, Slusser, Rose, Ryan, Augustine, and Anderson.

The dedication of the new Y. M. C. A. building was celebrated with a banquet.

Y. M. C. A., Grand Island, Nebraska

In 1915 a very active membership campaign was carried on. The executive membership committee was Geo. W. Wigington, chairman, J. R. Fulton, Theo. Boehm, Raymond Thurston, Wm. Suhr. The membership committee was F. J. Coates, T. H. McHaley, W. E. Clay ton, H. J. Palmer, Glenn Jones, Max Egge. C. T. Clayton, S. M. Clayton, T. J. Ellsberry. A. K. Mader, T. J. Cunningham, D. A Trivelpiece, Thos. McGowan, E. S. Fair banks, E. F. Younkin, E. G. Johnson, Ernest Meyer, J. Frank Scott, Clarence Engleman and Estel Jones.

The same officers continued, with H. L. Rowe, general secretary, J. A. Noble, physical director and E. C. Anderson boy's secretary. Secretary Rowe left Grand Island in April, 1916, and his successor was J. T. J. Maxwell, who came to the Grand Island Association from Omaha, and is in 1919 at Detroit, Michigan. The directors in 1916 were Wm. Suhr, Chas. H. Tully. J. E. Dill, Glenn Jones, B. H. Paine, T. J. Hansen, E. Williams, E. W. Augustine, F. E. Slusser, W. E. Clayton, Dr. Geo. Sutherland. Directors elected in October, 1916, were W. E. Clayton,

J. B. Lesher, F. E. Slusser, C. H. Tully, Guy Smith and J. B. Ellseffer. When Mr. Maxwell resigned in September, 1916, his successor was C. O. Michael. Roland W. Seibert worked as boy's secretary until July, 1917, having been then called to war work, when Mr. Fred Olsen was appointed. W. E. Daniels was soon thereafter chosen athletic director. Judge Paine insisted upon retiring from the presidency in October, 1917, after having served during the strenuous years of buliding and equipping the association's new home, and Glenn Jones was elected president. E. W. Augustine was elected vice-president, J. B. Elseffer, secretary, and T. J. Hansen, treasurer. Directors serving thereafter were Messrs. Jones, Slusser, Tully, A. L. Dunn, Suhr. Michael, Augustine, Bayard H. Paine, Hansen, Dill, J. R. Hanna, Elseffer, J. B. Lesher, and in 1918 Augustine, Bury, Slusser, Jones. Elseffer, Hansen and Tully were elected directors.

The directors serving in 1919 are Glenn Jones, J. B. Lesher, E. W. Augustine, C. H. Tully, judge J. R. Hanna, F. E. Slusser, J. T. Dill, Judge B. H. Paine, J. B. Elseffer, W. E. Clayton. O'Laughlin, Geo. Candish, T. V. McGowan, D. J. Traill. Mr. C. O. Michael resigned in the summer of 1919 and left for Davenport, Iowa, to enter Palmer Chiropractic College, and after a short time the board '■ secured E. F. Bear, who came to this associa\ tion from Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. Bear has served as a secretary in Y. M. C. A. war service. W. J. Rother, of Des Moines, Iowa, was chosen physical director, and Mr. Schoupphoys' secretary.

Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty: City and Railroad Young Men's Christian Association," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 388-389. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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