Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Twenty-nine sinners, whose willingness to transgress the eleventh commandment, "Thou shalt not shave," faced the judg-ment bar of the Hall County Whisker club Wednesday, June 29, provided an evening of extraordinary entertainment, paid $175.50 toward the finances of the celebration, and will pay and pay and pay, in sweat and hilarity, when they march in the last whisker club parade prior to the celebration.

Variety of Victims

The 29 victims ranged in the scale of occupation from hotel porters to prominent attorneys and business executives, and their crimes ranged from mere passiveness to the need of growing whiskers to complaints, which if proven, would put them behind the bars-of a bank.

The smooth-shaven chin of Reed Alter might have escaped bobbing up and down to the time of "Not guilty" if it hadn't bobbed up and down in step with an alleged brag made by Banker Alter that he was the mother of Prosperity, whose sturdy body, wrapped in swaddling clothes and whose kicking heels formed a part of the parade last Saturday. Alter, it was charged, had laid claim to being the mother but had deserted the child after bringing it from around the corner. It was also charged that the banker didn't grow a beard because he was afraid he would get interest in his whiskers. Alter parted with $10 to aid the celebration fund.

Cady and Guendel Fined

Jack Glass, charged with hunting trouble and finding it, refused to plead guilty, but added that he would plead guilty to a charge of hunting fun and finding it, and the complaint was so entered. Glass continued his hunting at the ball park, when he hunted ducks in the vicinity of home plate, wearing hip waders, carrying his gun, and looking hopefully over a bunch of decoys spread over the infield. He hunted up $10 and turned the cash over to the club.

Ed Brown, fruit dealer, "learned more about raspberries than he had hitherto learned all his life," to quote Judge Paul Holmberg, who presided. Brown was charged with being the father of Prosperity, and when asked what his plea was to be, replied "I wish I was." Prosperity or no prosperity, Brown paid $20 to the worthy cause.

Addison Cady and Art Guendel faced a charge similar to the one filed against Brown. Cady consented to pay $10 and Guendel consented to pay $20 to the support of the child.

Fined for "Peeking"

Claude Russell, stalwart son of the International Harvester company, -was charged with peeking. Russell wouldn't tell what he saw, and he was fined $5.

V. M. Johnson, of the Central Power, charged with running around and not shaving, and Supt. C. Ray Gates, charged with attempting to hold school on July 4 and 5, planked down $5 to swell the fund, and Gates explained that there would be no classes during the celebration.

Costs Reimers Twenty

Oscar Reimers, charged with habitual shaving, paid $20 for the habit, and Ray Chamberlain, charged with wearing a smooth face because of numerous "wim-min" about town paid $5 for his privilege of keeping handsome before the ladies.

Paul Sothman, contractor, who, it was alleged, was launching forth into cutthroat competition with a feller by the name of Chic Sale who, it seems, is also a contractor and builder, paid $10 to silence the court.

Frank Thorpe, another fruit man, transferred $10 of the profits from the business to the celebration fund last night, and



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