Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


And so the Whisker Club, designed and manipulated to publicize Grand Island's big celebration of the Fourth of July and the 75th anniversary of the settlement of Hall county and for the amusement of the members, was off to a "House of David" start as the result of an enthusiastic meet' ing held Tuesday evening, May 10, in the district court room at the court house.

Membership petitions were placed in various business establishments about the city late Tuesday and early Wednesday and after the noon hour, Wednesday, 100 celebration boosters had signed the petitions and paid their membership fee of fifty cents.

George Bartenbach, who called Tuesday evening's meeting at the instance of a group of whiskerites, served as temporary chairman, opening the meeting with a brief resume of the movement to organize the club and prospectus of what it hopes to accomplish. Nearly forty were in attendance and there was an unanimous expression in favor of immediate and lasting organisation.

The following rules were adopted and all those in attendance at the meeting agreed that they should be observed to the letter.

Rules of the Hall County Whisker Club

  1. Be it resolved that the zero hour for beginning "the crop" be May 15, at 8 p. m. One long blast of the fire whistle at that time will remind all members that they are to place their whisker fate in the hands of their barber i.e. every member is to be under the complete command of his barber as to the development and design of his beard. Furthermore he is to report to his barber for a neck shave and beard trim at least once a week. It is mandatory that a mustache and the full chin be the minimum requirement as defining membership to this club.
  2. Member upon signing membership roster and the payment of the 50 cents membership fee, will receive a membership badge which must be worn continuously to July 5th inclusive.
  1. It is further resolved that a Kangaroo Court will convene at the Hall County Court House, District Court Room every Monday at 8 p. m., to deal with violators of the rules of this organization.
  2. Suitable prizes will be awarded for the First, Second, and Third best awards. A jury composed of Hall County Ladies will award the prizes at the Kangaroo Court on the last Friday evening preceding July 4th.
  3. Membership will be open only for four days beginning May 11 and closing at noon on May 14. Each list will be published daily in the Daily Independent.
  4. The proceeds from the membership fees will be used to finance the expenses of the Whisker Club and any remaining balance to revert to the Finance Committee of the Hall County Celebration.
  5. It is further resolved that the minimum number of members be two hundred Hall County men. In event of failure of this stated number of members the obligations of membership cease and the fee owill be returned upon proper surrender of the badge.
  6. At the first convening of the Kangaroo Court, officers will be elected consisting of five Grand Island men and one man from each of the following Hall County towns: Wood River, Cairo, Don- iphan and Alda.
  7. The Kangaroo Court shall have the power to interpret the rules of this club.
  8. Approved by the Publicity committee.

    David J. Traill, Chairman.
    U. M. Harman
    H. M. Augustine
    Eddie Forester.

    To avoid misunderstanding as to what constituted a legitimate crop of whiskers, an amendment was made to the original rules which defined the area and extent of whiskers required.



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