Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Fisher - Hardin


Fisher, C. E. Galvin, Carl Gottsche, Wm. Haack, Ernest
Fisher, Hillard Gano, Yal Goldsmith, C. O. Haack, John
Fitch, C. C. Gard, Clair Gollaher, M. L. Haack, R.
Filch, Zed D. Garrett, H. M. Gollaher, J. P. Habig, K. E.
Fitzgerald, C. W. Garrison, M. S. Good, C. H. Hackenberry, Frank
Flannigan, H. E. Garrison, C. K. Gorin, John H. Hackman, A. E.
Fleischer, Leonard Garrison, Keni Gorman, L. G. Hackman, Henry
Fleming, Gen. E. Garrison, John Gorman, Percv N. Hagen, Rudy
Flehman, Jess Gartner, Herman Gostas, A. Haggard, Archie
Flower, C. T. Gariner, R. H. Gould, J. D. Haggart, Don
Folda, R. J. Gates, C. Ray Gouldrmi'h. J. E. Hagge, Frit;
Foote, Morris Gates, M. E. Grace, Frank Hagerman, Jay
Foran, H. L. Gauvreau, W. V, Giaham, G. S. Hahn, Bill
Ford, H. P. Gaver, Jack Grandon, Irving A. Hahn, E. G,
Foreman, E. M. Geer, R. L. Grandorff, Alfred Hainline, Verne
Foreman, H. L. Gehle, Albert Grant, Frank Hainline, Roy
Forester, Eddie Geil, W. B. Grass, Earl Hald, Ed
Forgy, J. W. Gcisinner, Felix G'rav, Earl Hald, Fred
Forman, M. E. Geist, Tuner Greb, E. H. Hald, Chas. A.
Forster, Eugene Genz, Wm. Green, C. A. Kale, Geo,
Foster, Beryl Gerbig, Lawrence Green, Harland Haley, W. R.
Fox, Edward Gericke, Jim Greenberger, Sam Hall, Bert M.
Fox, Frank Gestnng, C. L, Grcenberger, Max Hall, John
Frahm, Harry M. Gets, Laurence Gregersen, L. H. Haller, O. H.
Frakes, Otis Getsfred, Fred F. Gregg, F. W. Hallstead, H. E.
Frakes, Walter Gil-bs, Everette Grega, Lawrence Halstead, C. E.
Frame, J. R. Gitbs, Jim Grcgorv, Earl Haltorff, F. H.
Francisco, Bruce Gibbs, Geo. E. G'itlin, Fred Hamann, Fred
Francisco, H. B. Gier, E. R. Grimmin, Harry Hamilton, C. A.
Frank, Wm. Grese, Fred Grlziell, John Hamilton, Owen
Frank, Ernie Giesenhagen, Adolph, Jr. Grosch, Frank Hammacher, Leaford
Franssen, Anton Giesenhagen, Geo. Gross, Homer Hammond, Jack
Franssen, Bob Giesenhagen, Otto Gross, William A. Hammond, John
Franssen, Henry Giesenhagen, Ben R. Grosfart, James Hampton, Ray
Franssen, Joe Gilbert, F. E, Grotiky, John N. Hampton, Frank
Franssen, Wm. F. Gilbert, Mink Giotsky, A. F. Hank, Van
Franssen, Wm. H. Gilingham, Frank Groumas, Peter Hann, B. J.
Frantz, Curly B. Gillespie, John Grubbs, Al Hann, Carl
Frauen, Gus Gil'ett, Fred Grundy, Ned Hann, Chas.
Frauen, Paul Gingticrick, Camp Grunz, Joe Hann, E. C.
Fredericks, Owen Glade, Fred Gude, Harry Hann, Herbert
Frederking, Hy. Glaser, Dutch Guendel, E. R. Hann, Geo.
Fredricksen, C. W. Glass, W. J. Guendel, A. J. Hann, L. C.
Fredrickson, L. L. Glass, Jack Guenther, Frank E. Hannon, Edw. F.
Fredrickson, Lewis Gleason, Gerald Guiles, Lou Hanover, A. C.
Frese, Louis Gleason, Dick Cuiou, Cliff Hansen, L. O.
Friesman, Henry Glrason, C. W. Gulzow, H. H. Hansen, M. T.
Frye, Leo L. Glines, E. Gulzow, H. D. Hansen, O. C.
Frye, R. W. Gloc, Herman Gul?ow, Fred W. Hansen, C. F.
Fuehner, Donald M. Gloe, Rudv Gulzow, Otto Hansen, Alfred
Fuen, Joe Glover, El) Gul?ow, W. F. Hansen, A. C.
Fuerstein, Harry Glover, Chas. M. Gulzow, Arthur Hansen, Robert
Fulbright, J. Q, Glover, H. F. Gulzow, Lloyd Hansen, Henry
Fulton, Joe Goble, Vern Gunnarson, John Hansen, H. H.
Fuqua, Irvin Goc, A. L. Gustin, Pete Hanson, Pat
Furniss, Bob Gocke, H. H. Guthmann, C. C, Hardekopf, Fred
Ftirniss, Fritz Gorfdard, W. F. Guyette, Laurence Harden, Geo, W.
Fuss, Alex Goehring, Richard, Jr. Cuvette, C. J. Harder, J. J.
Fuss, Henry, Jr. Goetsch, Frank Harder, Ernest
Fuss, John Goettsche, John Haack, Art Harder, Herbert
Goettscha, H. F. Haack, Bill Harders, Will
Gaddis, G. Arthur Goettsche, R. A, Haatk, Chris Hardin, M. B.

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