Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Whisker Club In The News

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.

in the News

This page presents the following articles that were extracted from the old newspapers on Newspapers.com or other resources, such as microfilms. The booklet gives the club’s history, but the newspaper’s articles gives the public notoriety or point-of-view about the organization and some of its members. We hope you’ll enjoy reading some of the news about the Hall County Whisker Club. Thank you for your patron.

May 10 - July 5, 1932

Start Whisker Club

GRAND ISLAN, (UP). A whisker club is in the process of formation here as a stunt to besst Hall county's coming celebration. It is planned to declare the shaving moratorium for all club members May 15.

Source Cited:

The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska). Tuesday, May 10 1932, p. 2 col. 4. Provided by Newspapers.com.

Governor Joins Whisher Club

GRAND ISLAND, May 18---(AP)---Governor C. W. Bryan was elected honorary president of Grand Island Whisker Club by acclamation at ceremonies inaugurating the Nebraska State baseball league season here Tuesday night. Members of the Whisker club organized to publicize the celebration of the Fourth of July and the 75th anniversary of the settlement of Hall county were out in full force for the opening game and enjoyed the induction of the governor thoroughly. With Dr. W. W. Arrasmith acting for the Whiskerites the governor, while standing in the pitcher's box ready to pitch the first ball, signed a membership application specifying that he agreed to abide by and adhere to all the rules and regulations of the club which places use of a razor under stringent limitations, while residing in the boundaries of Hall county. The club now numbers more than 850 members.

Source Cited:

The Linclon Star (Lincoln, Nebraska), Wednesday, May 18, 1932, p. 10 col. 6. Provided by Newspapers.com.M/p>

Fines Member for Shaving
Week After Joining.

GRAND ISLAND, (AP). The first victim of the Whisker club organized to promote the two-day celebration of the Fourth of July and the seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Hall county was A. V. James, Union Pacific master mechanic, Omaha. Having joined the club and then shaving a week after the club in kangaroo court session insisted that the charge was grave, despite the fact that James contended that court had no jurisdiction, the shaving having taken place in North Platte. The judges said however, the for all intends and purposes of the club, North Platte was considered a suburb of Grand Island and duly assessed the fine. More than 1, 600 men are growing beards here. Although the membership books here are closed members are still being accepted at Doniphan, Wood River and Cairo.

Source Cited:

The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska), Thursday, May 26, 1932, p. 2 col. 6. Provided by Newspapers.com.

It Happaned In Nebraska or To Nebraska
Grand Island Has 1,800 in Its Whisker Club.
What Constitute Whiskers.

Grand Island Independent: As the deadline for memberships approaches, the big celebration of the Fourth of July and the 75th anniversary of the settlement of Hall county was assured more than 1,300 loyal boosters, in the Whisker club, organized to publicize the event Saturday's additions to the club's membership roll numbered 166 bringing the total membership to 1,280. Membership petitions in circulation about the city are to be withdrawn at 8'clock tonight, and it was a certainty that more than twenty more would be signed. In the meantime, President George Cowton announced the appointment of a board of directors and a committee of barbers, the latter being charged with the highly technical task of the determination of just what constitutes whiskers within the meaning of the

requirements of membership in the club.

Source Cited:

The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska), Sunday, May 29, 1932, p 26 col. 4. Provided by Newspapers.com.

In a "hair raising" ceremony before 15,000 spectators. Russell Boardman, Trans-Atlantic fliers, was made an honorary member of the Grand Island Whiskers club. A sixteen-inch false beard was tied around his chin by ten club members who flew here Sunday in five planes to advertise the forthcoming celebration of the Hall county seventy-fifth anniversary. determination of just what constitutes whiskers within the meaning of the requirements of membership in the club.

Source Cited:

The Nebrask State Journal (Linconln, Nebraska), Monday, May 30, 1932, p. 1 col 4. Provided by Newspapers.com.

Grand Islan Whisker Club
Seeking Thrill Act.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UP). Two members of the Grand Island Whisker Club flew to Kansa City Tuesday flaunting appropriate symbols of their corgations. They came to ask Kansas City air corps reserve fliers to particpate in their celeberation of the severty-fifth anniversay of the founding of Grand Island. Dr. W. W. Arrasmith and George Bartenbach were the delegates. The visitors conferred with Capt. W. B. Wright, Jr. head of the air corps base here. He agreed to do everything he could to take the unit to Grand Islad for the occasion.

Source Cited:

The Nebrask State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska), Wednesday, Jun 22, 1932, p. 4 col. 2.Provided by Newspapers.com.

Beatrice Following Lead of
Grand Island Club.

BEATRICE---Following the lead of the Grand Island Whisker club the Beatrice De Molays are sponsoring a whisker club here to create interest in a proposed celeberation of Beatrice's diamond jubilee on Aug 5. Follwoing in the same vein is the Overall club, which will hold its organization and drive for members meeting at the local hall Friday. In lieu of other pioneers cosume, the members will be pleges to don overalls.

Source Cited:

The nebraska State Journal (Linconln, Nebrask), Thurday, Jun 30, 1932, p. 15 col. 5. Provided by Newspapers.com

Grand Island Man Critically
Hurt Buring Parade.

GRAND ISLAN, (AP). A. R. Berkmeimer, manager of the local Woolworth store, who was injured when thrown to the pavement from a horse which he was riding in a parade, was recovering in a hospital here Monday. His condition remained critical however. He was taking part in the "whisker club parade" last Saturday when the accident occurred. He suffered a small fracture to the skull. Soon after he was taken to the hospital he regained consciousness but lapsed later.

Source Cited:

The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska), Tuesday, July 5, 1932, p. 5 col. 3. Provided by Newspapers.com.


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