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Partial Listing taken from various sources |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Adair, Robert G - March 24,1929 - Jan 20,1977 - Agee, Anna Douglas - Dec 9, 1952 - Aguirre, Anthony D - born April 15,1980 - died Jan 29,2002 - son Ahle, Anna Josephine - born Nov 12,1892 - died Jan 8,1956 - age 63 years - shares stone with Anton J and Bernadine Ahle, Anton J - born 1857 - died Sept 29,1934 - shares stone with Bernadine and Anna J Ahle, Bernadine Schulta - born 1866 - died March 31,1921 - married Anton J Ahle - had children - Anna Josephine, Mary Pierce, Elsie Dvorak, Emma Gerwing, Eda Folda, Tresa Ziska, William, Henry - shares stone with Anton and Anna Ahle, William Henry - Sept 18,1972 Alworth, Bridget Cody - born Feb 2,1833 County of Tipperary, Ireland, married in LaCrosse, Wis May 7,1854 to Robert Alworth - died May 26,1908 - had nine children - Mrs W H Preston, Mrs A W Miller, Mrs James Crowley Alworth, Robert - died Sept 18,1962 Civil War Vet Anson, Rose Mary Osborne - born July 28,1950 - died March 2,2006 - dau of Richard Frank Osborne and Mary Ann Schmit - married Robert L Anson - had children - Jennifer, Sarah, Robert O, Jacque, Jacqueline KeogH |
Babcock, Helen Irene Collamer "Irene" - born July 15,1899 - died April 3,1930 - married Clyde Babcock Babl, John - Feb 17,1924 Baker, Al Ellis - born April 30,1904 - died Nov 3,1992 - age 88 years - married Victoria Maslonka - had children - Richard Baker, Alva E - born April 30,1904 - died Nov 3,1992 - Shares stone with Victoria Baker, Elizabeth A - born Sept 29,1880 - died Aug 9,1974 - Mother - shares stone with Merl Baker, Ivan D - born May 10,1910 - died July 30,1967 - Nebr, Tec 5, 740 Mil Police Bl - World War II Baker, Joseph - Aug 25,1979 Baker, Joseph Henry - Aug 10,1949 Baker, Merl M - born Feb 19,1909 - died Feb 12,1984 - son - shares stone with Elizabeth Baker, Victoria E "Vicki" - born Jan 20,1909 - died Aug 3,1975 - shares stone with Alva Balleweg, Charles F - born May 2,1842 - died Feb 17,1909 - age 66 years 8 months 15 days - married Josephine Marks - CO I 23rd Indiana - had ten children - Mrs H H Smith, Mrs Herman Gallun, Mrs Frank Crane, Mrs Miles Greenfield, Anna, Arnold, George, Mrs Wright Hitchcock, Mrs Frank Miles, Louis - March 5,1909 Atkinson Graphic Barnes, Charles Edward - son of Fred Barnes - died July 15,1952 - Barnes, John Jr - Dec 15,1956 - Barrett infant - Nov 16,1911 - Barrett, Anna - Feb 18,1907 - Barrett, Dorothy - Oct 31,1946 - Barrett, Edward - April 20,1945 - Barrett, Emmet Pat - Sept 8,1925 - Barrett, James Edward "Jim" - Sept 9,1879 - Oct 13,1944 Barrett, Julia Torpy - Aug 15,1948 - Barrett, Mary Sarah - 1886 - Nov 16,1972 Barrett, Patrick - Feb 24,1932 - Barrett, Patrick Francis - Sept 15,1969 - Barrett, Phyllis Rose - dau of Pat Barrett died March 1929, age 3 years of bronchial Barrett, Sara - Aug 11,1937 Bartos, Antonia - Jan 13,1975 Battey, Nellie Fleming - April 2,1940 - Baum, Elizabeth - Sept 23,1925 - Bauman, Anna Alworth - March 15,1864 - Sept 1944 - wife of Henry Bauman Bauman, Barbara Gene - Sept 29,1943 - Bauman, Chas - Nov 28,1933 - Bauman, Charles - April 17,1947 - Bauman, Ella - March 14,1954 - Bauman, Gertrude - July 3,1936 - Bauman, Harold - April 7,1982 - Bauman, Henry - Dec 30,1946 - Bauman, Henry J - born June 1,1853 - died Dec 16,1939 - married Anna Alsworth Bauman, Jennie Seger - born 1865 - died Feb 14,1939 - age 74 years - married John Bauman - had children Bauman, John - born Aug 8,1861 - died March 16,1932 - age 70 years - married Jennie Seger - had twelve children - Jennie Callen, Margaret Brewer, Barbara, Marie Holtzfaster, Charlotte, Jack, Charles, Louise Reynolds, Henry, Harold, Josephine, Edward, Bauman, John - Oct 16,1886 - Bauman, John Seger - Feb 4,1939 - Bauman, Mary - June 18,1919 - Beck, Evelyn - born Sept 8,1918 - died Feb 24,1986 - shares stone with Ralph Beck, Ralph - born March 13,1917 - died Sept 21,2005 - age 88 years - son of James Beck and Sarah Myrtle Haigh - married Evelyn Ramm - had children - Marlene Kay Hytrek, Larry Leland, Ronald Joseph, infant son - shares stone with Evelyn - to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven....a time to plant and a time to harvest.... Becker, Catherine - Jan 9,1929 - Becker, Harry B - died Feb 2,1892 - age 5 years - son of Katherine and Jacob Becker Becker, Joseph - May 12,1891 - Becker, Katherine Wedige - June 11,1861 - Jan 9,1929 - age 77 years - married Jacob Becker Bigelow - Photo Bigelow - infant daughter - Jan 1894 - buried St Joseph Cem Bigelow, Francis Dana - born 1894 - died 1983 - WWI - shares stone with Marcella Bigelow, Frank Warren - born Nov 10,1869 - died Feb 3,1965 Bigelow, Marcella Kunz - born 1909 - died 2002 - shares stone with Francis Dana Bigelow, Margaret Julia Carberry - born Jan 14,1873 - died Aug 14,1937 - age 64 years - married Frank W Bigelow - dau of John Carberry - had six children - Francis Dana, Maurice Charles, John Norman, Margaret Theresa Kennelly, Blanche Ann Seger, Marion Gertrude, Helen, Bind, Anna Cassidy - Aug 6,1943 - Blackburn, Mary Condon - born Feb 9,1864 - died Sept 1,1938 - age 74 years 6 months 22 days - married William Blackburn Blackburn, William - died July 13,1932 - son of William Blackburn - married Clara Davis Bock, Josephine - Sept 30,1897 - Bogue, Anna - Nov 27,1930 - Bogue, Donald - Nov 24,1930 - Bogue, Marie Ries - March 6,1983 - Bogue, Theron C - Jan 25,1972 - Bond, Edward Harold - Feb 3,1932 - Bond, Gertrude Seger - born Oct 3,1903 - died May 18,1980 - dau of Paul P Seger - married Judd P Bone - married Aug 28,1928 - shares stone with Juddson - Photo Bond, John Vincent - Nov 1,1944 - Bond, Juddson P - born July 5,1905 - died Feb 25,1985 - shares stone with Gertrude - Photo Bonenberger, Bernard - born March 6,1867 - died June 23,1946 - married Mary Ann Mick - Son of Nikolaus Bonenberger and Margaretha Goetzinger - had children - Elizabeth, Peter Paul, John, Michael, Nicholas Henry, Marie Johnson, Margaret Catherine Mathis Bonenberger, Bernard - born Dec 12,1946 - died Sept 23(26),1975 - son of Nicholas Henry Bonenberger and Margaret Coday Bonenberger, John E - born Sept 11,1908 - died June 28,1971 - maried Margaret Ione Dallegge - son of Bernard Bonenberger and Mary Ann Mick - had children - Duane Bonenberger, Margaret Catherine Coday - born Dec 14,1917 - died Dec 23,2005 - age 88 years - dau of James Coday and Anna McCarthy - married Nicholas Henry Bonenberger - had children - Pat Ringlein, Linda Gorseth, Jane Weiland, Bernard, Bonenberger, Mary Ann Mick - born Jan 1,1880 - died Nov 9,1953 - married Bernard Bonenberger - dau of Pete Mick and Mary Berg - had children - Elizabeth, Peter Paul, John, Michael, Nicholas Henry, Marie Johnson, Margaret Catherine Mathis Bonenberger, Mary - March 26,1899 - Bonenberger, Michael - born Oct 9,1910 - died Oct 20,1995 - married Velma Johnson - son of Bernard Bonenberger and Mary Ann Mick - had children - Jean, Joan Bonenberger, N - infant - Oct 10,1942 - Bonenberger, Peter Paul - born June 23,1904 - died Jan 21,1959 - married Freda Viola Johnson - son of Bernard Bonenberger and Mary Ann Mick - had children - Glen LeRoy, Dorothy Lorraine, Margorie Jeannine, Bernard Leo, Mary Ann, Richard Lane, Peter Paul, Ronald Dean, Laurence Eugene, Roger Wayne Bose, Catherine E Seger - born March 29, 1909 - died May 5,1984 - age 75 years - dau of Paul Seger and Catherine Christ - married Harry Bose - had children - Dr Richard P, Karen Schaaf - shares stone with Harry J - Photo Bose, Harry J - born 1903 - died 1990 - parents of Richard and Karen - shares stone with Catherine E - Photo Bourne, Marie Kubitscek - March 9,1947 - Bouska, Edward A - born Feb 6,1902 - died July 27,1995 - shares stone with Sylvia W Bouska, Ethel V - born 1901 - died 1999 - mother Bouska, Gerald - Aug 2,1946 - Bouska, John - born Nov 11,1860 - died May 6,1930 Bouska, Josephine Verzal - born Oct 31,1871 - died March 21,1935 - age 64 years 4 months 21 days - married John Bouska Bouska, Sylvia W - born Aug 18,1907 - died Dec 26,1995 - shares stone with Edward A Bouska, William - pvt U S Army - WWI - born 1898 - died 1979 Braun, Laura L - dau - March 13,1967 - shares stone with Mary K Braun, Mary K Seger - mother - Sept 23,1948 - shares stone with Laura L Breiner, Janell Lee - July 25,1980 - Brewer, Dr Claude E - born July 13,1881 - died Oct 19,1954 - age 73 years - son of Steven Brewer and Alice Julian - married Margaret Bauman - had children - Claudine Hinckley Brooke, Clair J - born July 23,1890 - died Nov 18,1984 - age 94 years - married Ann Brooke Brown, Archie David - Jan 10,1940 - Bruder, Anna - Dec 14,1984 - Bruder, Anna Fehige - June 1,1941 - Bruder, Elizabeth - born 1848 - died Dec 7,1915 - married Joseph Bruder Bruder, Joseph - born Dec 25,1839 - died Dec 2,1921 - married Elizabeth Gatz - had children - William, Lawrence, Annie Dickover, Joseph, Minnie Scripture, Josephine, Henry Bruder, Joseph - April 23,1954 - Bruder, Joseph - born 1841 - died 1925 Bruder, William - Feb 15,1966 - Brudna, Mary - March 29,1888 - |
Caddy, Anna Carberry - born Dec 27,1880 - died Sept 21(22),1926 - age 45 years 9 months - married Herbert D Caddy - Photo Cadwallader, Christy Ann - May 1,1973 - Calelly, John B - born Oct 20,1945 - died Aug 13,1965 - age 66 years - married Sara D Callen, Jennie Baumen - Nov 11,1967 Callen, Walter - Nov 17,1935 - Campbell, Anna - Aug 29,1979 - Campbell, Ellen Keeman - Dec 12,1952 - Campbell, Ethel Murray - born Sept 24,1897 - died Jan 1,1926 - married George Campbell Campbell, Moyses - Sept 7,1931 - Campbell, Thomas - died Jan 28,1935 - age 52 years Cannon, Mary - Feb 5,1912 - Cannon, Patrick - died April 25,1908 - age 44 years - son of Mary - May 1,1908 Atkinson Graphic Carberry, Agnes - born 1883 - died June 29,1895 - age 12 of Bright's Disease - dau of John Carberry, 2nd daughter buried in the last 3 months, another dau is sick, but reportedly better, Carberry, Charles Clement - born 1891 - died Jan 19,1894(1893) Carberry, John - born Oct 4,1835(1836) - died May 19,1896(1898) - married Mary Stuart - shares stone with Mary - Photo - Photo Carberry, John J - born Feb 19,1886 - died July 25,1929 - age 43 years - son of John Carberry - Photo Carberry, Lizzie - died Dec 21,1887 - age 12 months 27 days - dau of JC and M Carbury - shares stone with Peter Stuart Carberry, Mary Stuart - married John Carberry - born Oct 24,1846 - died Feb 9,1918 - married John Carberry - had eleven children - shares stone with John - Photo - Photo Carberry, Minnie - born 1870 - died 1895 Carberry, Patricia - July 15,1931 - Carberry, Peter C - 1865 - 1931 - Photo Carberry, Thomas - born 1868 - died 1905 Carbury - Photo Carbury, Clement - 1891 - 1893 - Photo Carbury, Lizzie - Dau of J.C. & M Carbury - Photo Carbury, Minnie - 1870 - 1895 - Photo - Photo Carroll, Donald L - Nov 4,1976 - Carroll, John Joseph "Jack" - born Sept 1,1893 - died July 12,1968 - Married Sylvia Carroll, Margaret - Aug 17,1943 - Carroll, Sylvia Eberhard - May 5,1971 - Carroll, William Patrick - May 22,1957 - Cassidy, Mrs Bridget Curran - born Feb 2,1835 - died Feb 7,1927 - age 92 years - married Captain Peter Cassidy - had children - Mrs John Bond, Nellie Green, Agnes Plunkett, Mary Ann Donnelly, Cearns, Matilda Tasler "Tillie" - born April 29,1904 - died May 16,1979 - age 75 years - dau of Anton A Tasler and Cora J Mlinar - married Raymond Wilbur Cearns Cearns, Raymond Wilbur - born Jan 13,1907 - died Aug 3,1964 - son of John Cearns and Effie Coburn - married Tillie Tasler - had children - Raydean McConnell and Vivian Krysl Cessy, Anna - Jan 9,1898 - Chace, David Charles - June 5,1948 - Chambers, Arthur W - born 1882 - died 1948 Chambers, Ava T Williams - born 1885 - died Dec 2,1962 Chambers, Catherine Powers - born 1820 - died Dec 27,1903 - married James Chambers Chambers, Hannah Shea - born Nov 20,1855 - died Dec 3,1947 - married Hezekiah Chambers Chambers, Hezekiah - born 1853 - died Nov 9,1938 - married Hannah Shay - had children - Arthur W, Chambers, James - born 1800 - died Sept 3,1894 - married Catherine Powers Chambers, Jennie - died Jan 31,1887 - age 1 year 6 months - dau of H and H Chambers - We loved this tender little one and would have wished her stay but to our Fathers will belong she shines in endless day Chambers, Rita Marie - born 1921 - died Sept 19,1961 Chambers, Robert and two other infants of Hez and Hannah (Shea) Chambers Chambers, Robert - born 1852 - died 1919 Chittick, Esther A - born Dec 10,1912 - died Oct 17,2001 - shares stone with Ralph Chittick, Ralph J - born May 27,1912 - died June 21,1998 - shares stone with Esther Christ, Johan - April 10,1896 - geb 10 Sept 1841 - gest 11 April 1896 - iron cross - Hier Ruhtin Christo - Ruthe Sanft Christ, John - born 1842 - died 1896 - shares stone with Margaret Christ, Margaret - born 1846 - died May 18,1918 - shares stone with John Cieslak, Bonnie - killed self June 1944 - age 33 years Cleary, Alex - born March 2,1911 - died May 4,1982 - shares stone with Ella Cleary, Eleanor Marie Mlinar "Ella" - born June 25,1910 - died Aug 26, 1980 - married Wm Alex Cleary - dau of Frank Mlinar and Mary Coufal - had six children - Francis, Ruth Hausmann, Fr Donald, Bill, Tom, infant child - shares stone with Alex Cleary, Jeanne R - born Nov 9,1949 - shares stone with William J Cleary, William Alex - born March 2,1911 - died May 1982 - age 71 years - married Eleanor Marie "Ella" Mlinar - son of Matthew Cleary and Bessie Ratliff - had six children - Ruth Haumann, Francis, Dan, Father Donald, Bill, Tom Cleary, William Joseph - born Dec 8,1848 - died Jan 22,2005 - age 56 years - married Jeanne Skrdla - son of William Alex Cleary and Ella M Mlinar - loving parents of Kelli and Melissa - married Aug 30,1969 - had children - Kelli, Melissa, shares stone with Jeanne Coday, Anna Thersa McCarthy - born March 26,1885 - died May 26,1968 - married James Thomas Coday - had eight children - Rita Cuatt, Raymond, Bernard, Margaret Bonenberger, Clara Wolcott, Rose Ann Standage, Mike, Edward - shares stone with James F Coday, Hugh J - Oct 14,1960 - Coday, James Francis - born Feb 17,1889 - died Nov 20,1956 - age 87 years heart attack - married Anna T McCarthy - shares stone with Anna T Coday, John - infant son of Edward Coday - born and died March 28,1944 Coday, Michael A Sr - born April 20,1923 - died June 16,2004 - married Dorothy A Wewel - Tec 5, U S Army - WWII - married May 31,1951 - parents of Father Tim CPPS, Tom, Gerard, Mike, Dennis, Nancy,Kathy, Carol - shares stone with Dorothy - had children - Fr Timothy, Thomas, Gerard, Michael Jr, Dennis, Nancy Schulte, Kathleen, Carol Jones Collamer, Mark Barrett - June 25,1955 - Collamer, Myron - Oct 26,1912 - Collins, Lettie Tuller - Feb 21,1941 - Conard, Cecelia Marie Norris - born March 27,1902 - died Oct 1,1937 - age 35 years 6 months 3 days - married Rudolph Conard - had children - James Edward, John Stevens age 2 years, Corkle, Mary H Osborne - born July 30 - died July,1988 - age 46 years - married James Corkle - had children - Marie, Susie, James Corrigan, Anna Ciniff - Nov 21,1945 - Corrigan, Bernard - Feb 3,1942 - Corrigan, Catherine - May 5,1912 - Corrigan, Cornelius - May 21,1895 - Corrigan, John - Jan 31,1924 - Corrigan, Joseph - June 2,1864 - Nov 4,1944 Corrigan, Julia Kane - died Feb 1,1922 - age 68 years - married William Corrigan and Edward Mullen - had thirteen children - 2 inf dau, Edward Mullen, Patrick Corrigan, Catherine, Julia Samples, Corrigan, Mary - April 30,1910 - Corrigan, Patrick - April 16,1972 - Corrigan, Theresa Heinowski - Jan 6,1984 - Corrigan, William - April 20,1933 - Coufal, Anna - Jan 13,1936 - Coufal, Anna Zeman - born June 20,1845 - died Aug 18,1909 - age 64 years 1 month 28 days - had nine children - Aug 20,1909 Atkinson Graphic - shares stone with Elizabeth and John Coufal, Edward John - born Sept 10,1902 - died Oct 13,1979 - age 77 years - married Helen Mary Kubart - Son of John Albert Coufal and Anna Koziol - parents of Sister M Lorraine, Constance Ramold, Maureen Troxel, and Joseph - shares stone with Helen Mary Coufal, Elizabeth - born June 8,1883 - died-Sept 29(21),1888 - shares stone with John and Anna Coufal, Helen Mary - born Dec 8,1912 - shares stone with Edward John Coufal, John - born Oct 31,1843 - died April 7,1904 - shares stone with Elizabeth and Anna Coufal, Mary Helen - born Oct 27,1900 - died Oct 24,1993 - daughter Coufal, Max - Aug 29,1892 - Coughlin, Michael - June 21,1897 - Cranby, Amelia - Aug 20,1886 - Cremence, Elizabeth - June 11,1892 - Cremens, Catherine Cannon - May 2,1940 - Cremins, Thomas - Feb 14,1941 - Crier, John - Aug 14,1894 - Crimmins, John - March 25,1932 - Crimmons, Katherine Hanrahan - born 1857 - died June 27,1922 - married Thomas Crimmons Cross, Anna Loretta - born Oct 14,1875 - died (Dec 14) Nov 23,1913 Cross, Johanna - Jan 10,1893 - Cross, John - Aug 10,1889 - |
Danebly, George - Aug 30,1918 - Davis, - died Aug 1910 - son of Gilman V Davis Davis, Charles Henry - born May 11,873 - died April 26,1947 - age 73 years 11 months 15 days - son of Sylvanus Miner Davis and Clarissa Spicer - married Pauline Mlinar - had children - Cora Weichman, Clare Walsh, Florence Ackerman Davis, Gilbert Rinaldo - born Nov 12,1871 - died Nov 21,1947 - married Mary W. O'Connor - son of James A Davis and Arianna K Wyman Davis, Mrs Gilbert - dau of Patrick O'Connor - born June 5,1873 - died June 6,1929 - had nine children - Neal, Donald, LeRoy H, Errol E, James I, Wilma Westlake, Jetty M, Evelyn Frohman, Stanley Davis, Irene Tasler - born Jan 30,1915 - died April 11,1937 - as she was about to become a mother - dau of Anton Tasler - married Ferne Davis Davis, Mary Winifred O'Connor "Mamie" - born June 15,1874 - died June 6,1929 - married Gilbert Rinaldo Davis - buried St Joseph Cem, Atkinson Davis, Pauline Clare Mlinar, "Polly" - born Feb 13,1878 - died Aug 27,1964 - age 86 years - dau of Frank Mlinar and Caroline Kodytek - married Charles H Davis - had children - Cora Weichman, Clare Walsh, Florence Ackerman Davis, Richard James - Sept 27,1946 - Davis, Rita I Morgan - born June 9,1916 - died Feb 5,2006 - age 89 years - dau of William Morgan and Mary Bauman - married Leonard C Davis - had four children - Bob, Larry, Tom, Richard Davis, Stanislaus - Aug 13,1910 - Deermer, Carl - Jan 26,1949 - Deermer, Charles - born Sept 15,1910 - died April 27,1982 - age 71 years - adopted by Karl Deermer and Theresa Kollman - married Katherine Ramold - had children - Marion Cook, Linda Baker, Richard, Larry, Ronald, Joanne - Orphan Train in Nov 29,1979 Atkinson Graphic Deermer, Henry Karl - killed Jan 29,1945 Deermer, Katherine Theresa Ramold - born Feb 8,1914 - died Feb 12,1993 - age 79 years - married Charles S Deermer - had children - Larry, Ronald, Linda Baker, Marian Cook, Richard, JoAnn Deermer, Richard - Sept 8,1983 Deermer, Theresa Kollman - born Oct 14,1882 - died Dec 10,1959 - married Karl Deermer - had children - Johanna Moeller, Rose "Sister Milford OSF", Clara Vrooman, Charles, Joe, Paul, Fred, Henry Denckinger, Lucy - July 23,1927 - Denkinger, John - Dec 10,1938 - Denkinger, Lucy Jane White - born Aug 1,1901 - died July 22,1927 - married John G Denkinger - had two small children daughter, son, Denkinger, Margaret - April 25,1931 - Deseive, Edward J - Nov 18,1961 - Deseive, Rose Campbell - Dec 14,1902 - July 21, 1977 - wife of Edward Deseive Determan, Agnes - Dec 12,1972 - Determan, Frank - Jan 25,1963 - Dexter, Bertha West - Jan 20,1954 - Diehl, James Albert - Jan 8,1983 - Dobias, Anna - died May 11,1915 - married Vencil Dobias Dobias, Vaclav - Zae odpociva Zemrel 28 Cervna 1890 Siari 67 Roku Dobias, Vencil - died 1890 - married Anna - had six Children - James, John Dobias, Wenceslaus - July 1,1889 - Dobrovolny, Albena Mae (Ella) Ziska - born 1897 - died Jan 31,1985 - married Joseph Dovrovolny - daughter of John Ziska and Mary Regal Dobrovolny, Dorothy Musil - Nov 5,1967 - Dobrovolny, Emmanuel John - Feb 22,1918 - Dobrovolny, Helen Dorothy - May 13,1958 - Dobrovolny, Joseph - born 1883 - died July 21,1971 - married Albena Mae Ziska - son of Thomas Dobrovolny and Antonia Elias Dobrovolny, Margaret - March 26,1951 - Dobrovolny, Tammy Jo - born Oct 8,1968 - died Oct 18,1968 -daughter of Stanley Dobrovolny Dobrovolny, Thomas - died Nov 18,1888 - age 9 years Dohman, Adam - March 30,1949 - Dohmann, Adolph - born 1872 - died May 17,1945 Dohman, Frank - born Dec 15,1837 - died Feb 20, 1902 - age 64 years - shares stone with Sophie Dohman, Paul - March 30,1949 - Dohmann, Sophia Josephine - born June 12,1846 - died March 2,1919 - his wife - shares stone with Frank Dokulil, John - Jan 7,1890 - Donnelly, Mary Ann O'Brien McQuilken - June 3,1857 - Feb 19, 1929 - age 72 years - married Michael McQuilken and George Donnelly Doolittle, Luella Gertrude Kennedy - born March 5,1910 - died Sept 16,2005 - age 95 years - dau of Patrick Joseph Kennedy and Lucy Curran - married Arthur C Doolittle - had four children - Ramona Tesch, Cleone Adair, Dale, Dolores Gartner Douglas, Anna Campbell - Aug 10,1945 - Douglas, Dr William J - born Aug 6,1876 - died Jan 23, 1958 - March 11,??? - had children - Katherine Dowling, Frank - March 6,1896 - Doyle, Mary M - died Dec 15,1951 - age 68 years Duffin, Bridget - Dec 21,1917 - Dvorak, Anna - born 1828 - died Oct 18,1911 - age 89 years - Marozena 23 Cervna Leta Pane 1828 - Zemrela 16 Rijna 1911 - shares stone with Jan and Detega Dvorak, Anna - Jan 21,1899 - Dvorak, Barbara - May 3,1978 - Dvorak, Charles Ray - May 18,1964 - Dvorak, Detega Matka - shares stone with Jan and Anna Dvorak, Edward G - Nov 30,1971 - Dvorak, Helen M - born July 15,1923 - married April 10,1945 - shares stone with John Dvorak, Jan - Narozen 9 Ledna - Leta Pane 1819 Zemrel 19 Ledna 1891 - shares stone with Detega and Anna Dvorak, John Joseph - born Feb 18,1921 - died Feb 13,2005 - age 83 years - married Helen Marie Mullen - WWII vet - had ten children - Patricia Pospichal, Kathy Smolik, Mike, Jake, Joe, Jerry, Gina Davis, Mary Fecht, Barb Leiswald, Lori Bowers - shares stone with Helen Dvorak, John Roland - Nov 15,1965 - Dvorak, Joseph S - June 9,1975 - Dvorak, Louis - March 6,1940 - Dvorak, Mary - Oct 14,1928 - Dvorak, Rose "Kathleen" - Nov 16,1983 - |
Elsbury, Caroline Sue - dau of Ray and Darla Elsbury - born Jan 3,1958 - died June 2, 1958 Elsbury, Darla M - born Feb 18,1929 - shares stone with Raymond Earl Elsbury, Raymond Earl - born July 10,1928 - died March 25, 2004 - age 75 years - married Darla Marie Davis - married May 3,1950 - PFC U S Army - Shares stone with Raymond Engler, Bernard Duane - born Dec 26,1935 - died May 9,1999 - age 63 years - married Twila Rossman Engler, Elizabeth Bouska - Jan 18,1949 - Engler, Gilbert J - Aug 28,1978 - Engler, Sheryl Jean - born May 12,1962 - died July 3,1983 - age 21 years - dau of Bernard Engler and Twila Rossman Ermels, Theresa - Dec 9,1911 - |
Faltin, Frances - Nov 5,1919 - Farley, Mary Ellen - Feb 20,1983 - Farr, Mary Greig - Jan 16,1980 - Farr, William E - Oct 2,1920 - April 14,1977 - husband of Bernice Greig Ferguson - infant - Sept 13,1964 - Fitzgerald, Jerry - June 25,1906 - Flannery, James M - Nov 1,1959 - Flannery, John J - died Aug 23,1919 - married Kate R Jennings - had four children - Loretta Torpy, Catherine Prussa, Tom, John Flannery, John - born Jan 29,1913 - died Oct 11,1995 - aged 82 years - married Olive Prussa - had children - Richard,Jack, Barbara Preusler, Cathy Gokie Flannery, Kate R Jennings - born March 15,1876 - died Oct 15,1955 - age 79 years - married John J Flannery Flannery, Margaret Torphy - May 19,1969 - Flannery, Michael - Feb 11,1942 - Flannery, Thomas - Nov 13,1961 - Fleming, Ellen Green - June 15,1940 - Fleming, John - March 9,1949 - Fleming, Michael Patrick - April 13, 1931 - Ford, Bobbie Jr - born Sept 22,1927 - died May 2(4),1989 - Fl U S Navy WW II - son of Robert Ford and Sarah Sterns - married Jean Gant Glaser - shares stone with Jean - had children - Thomas Gant, Tim Gant, Todd Gant, Mary Jo Winings, Rebecca Heiser, Judy Newcomer, Brenda Stephens Ford, Jean E - born Sept 7,1927 - shares stone with Bobbie Fred infant - Nov 16,1911 - Freed, Alvin John - Jan 20,1915 - Freed, Emmett Patrick - Aug 8,1984 - Freed, Irene Zahradnicek - Aug 5,1962 - Freed, John - July 19,1981 - Freed, Kathryn Barrett - Nov 21, 1967 - Freed, Robert L - July 28,1974 - Freed, Robert - Aug 12,1943 - Freouf, Frances Ziska - born Aug 27,1861 - died May 7,1935 - age 73 years - married Joseph Freouf Freouf, Joseph - Feb 8,1916 - Freouf, Joseph - born May 31,1857 - died August 26,1927 - struck by lightning - age 70 years 2 months 26 days - married Frances Ziska - had nine children - Frank J, Charles E, Marie Kemp, Frederick, Vincent, Millie E Miller, Anton, Emanuel, Blanche, Frances, Anna, Theresa, Joseph S Freouf, Joseph S - died age 31 on Feb 8,1916 Freouf, Tehresa - died infancy - daughter of Joseph Freouf Frey, Louise - Oct 16,1894 - Friedel, Edward Henry - born Sept 24,1901 - died June 4,1958 - age 56 years - married Gertrude Steinhauser - son of Frank Friedel and Louise Heid - had children - Robert, Evelyn Ohde Friedel, Federick - March 30,1983 - Friedel, Frank - born Sept 1,1860 - died May 25,1948 - married Louise Hein - father - shares stone with Louise Friedel, Louise Hein - married Frank Friedel - born Sept 6,1866 - died Jan 3,1954 - Mother - shares stone with Frank Friedel, Alois - Oct 17,1892 - Fritton, Clara Marie - Jan 16,1930 - Frost, Ellen Gaukel - Jan 1,1980 - Frost, Philip J - Sept 21,1973 - Ftorik, Antonia - May 4,1914 - |
Gaffney, Bartholomew - died Nov 2,1927 - married Mary McNally - had thirteen children - Bart, Thomas, William, John, Mrs Dan Grady, Mrs W J Fickle, Mrs C L Cain, Mrs Ed Flood, Mrs John Rotherham, Nellie Galligan, Patrick, Mrs William Malloy, Lillie Rogan Gallagher, Bridget Dixon - July 15,1943 - Gallagher, John S - Dec 18,1958 - Gallager, Mardel Lou - April 13,1942 - Galligan, Anna Torpy - Feb 1,1969 - Galligan, Francis - July 24,1957 - Galligan, James M - July 27,1961 - Galligan, John - Aug 23,1915 - Galligan, John Francis - March 13,1943 - Galligan, John Marvin - Feb 6,1939 - Galligan, Matilda O'Dempsey - died April 19,1958(1957) Galligan, Rosanna - March 3,1923 - Galligan,Thomas - born 1879 - died Jan 14,1923 Galligan, Thomas Dempsey - July 9,1946 - Galligan,William LaVern - born Oct 1,1920 - died Jan 8,1968 - age 47 years - WWII vet Gannon, Jacob - May 30,1893 - Gannon, Mike - July 26,1894 - Gans, Elmer - infant son of James and Martha Gans - born Dec 8,1912 - died Feb 3,1913 Gant, James "Ray" - Aug 22,1963 - Gant, Leonard V - March 2,1970 - Gant, Mary Cecilia Dennison - born July 4,1895 - died Sept 8,1972 - age 77 years - dau of Thomas Dennison and Mary - married L V Gant - had four children - Ray,Patrick Geddes, Eileen Herman, Shirley Joseph Garbury, Lizzie - dau of JC and M Garbury - died Dec 21,1887 - aged 12 years 27 days - shares stone with Peter Stuart Gaughenbaugh, Ida Katherine - March 11,1943 - Gettert, James Michael - April 16,1954 - Gilg, Edward - died July 2,1928 - Gilg, Edward Joseph - born March 5,1906 - died Oct 13,1910 - son of Edward Gilman, LaFoy, Mary M - April 18,1954 - Gleeson, Daniel - Feb 3,1912 - Gokie, Eileen Kathryn Johnson - born July 5,1912 - died June, 1988 - age 75 years - married Conie Gokie - had children - Donald, Dean, Bonnie shaffer,Robert Goldfuss, Agnes Hanel - born April 23, 1862 - died Aug 1,1955 - married Frank Goldfuss - had eleven children - Paul, Max, John, Catherine O'Conner, Oswald, George, Frank, Martha Sargent, Rosalie, Clara Peters, Margaret Cotton Goldfuss, John - Oct 25,1937 - Goldfuss, Max - Oct 21,1918 - Goldfuss, Rosalie A - born Feb 21,1893 - died Oct 18(11),1979 - age 86 years - dau of Frank Goldfuss and Agnes Gonderinger, Charles - Aug 7,1954 - Gonderinger, Edith - wife - born 1920 - shares stone with Gerald Gonderinger, Gerald Edwin - born Aug 17,1919 - died Feb 10,2004 of lung cancer - age 84 years - married Edith Westrom - had children - Terry, Gerald, Mary Jo Jeffrey, Andrea Walz, shares stone with Edith Gonderinger, John - Nov 1,1927 - Gonderinger, Lizzie - Feb 15,1950 - Gonderinger, Michael - April 19,1917 - Gonderinger, Michael - June 16,1941 - Gondering, Peter - Jan 24,1894 - Nov 1976 - husband of Mary Gonderinger, Bertha Verzal - Feb 7,1980 - Gonderinger, Josephine Coufal - April 6,1896 - 1978 - wife of Chas N Gonderinger Grausen, John - Oct 14,1954 - Gregor, Kathleen J Jilg - born July 23,1924 - died May 5,2005 - age 80 years - dau of Dan Jilg and Annie Jebousek - married Frank A Gregor - had children - Jerry,Terry, Tim, Dan Gregory, Robert John - HMI U S Navy - Vietnam - born Dec 9,1940 - died Dec 11,1984 Greig, Mary Grace Duffy - March 28,1964 - Greig, Robert Clarence - Dec 30,1940 - Groeger, Julia Weber - born May 3,1900 - died March 3,1980 - shares stone with Louis Groeger, Louis Vincent - born Oct 3,1895 - died Jan 30,1945 - age 49 years - married Julia D Weber - shares stone with Julia Groeling, Gerthold Carl - died Oct 1918 - married Josephine Catherine Mott Grof, John - Aug 22,1957 - Grof, Katherine Kramer - born Nov 16,1889 - died May 29, 1974 - married Theodore Grof - dau of Jacob Kramer Grof, Magdalena - March 19,1933 - Grof, Mary Ramold - born April 15,1888 - died Oct 2,1927 - married John Grof - had three children - Harvey age 13 years, Raymond age 10 years, Clarence age 6 years Grof, Mary - Nov 8,1972 - Grof, Peter - Dec 17,1919 - Grof, Theodore - born Nov 6,1885 - died Dec 29,1944 - age 59 years - married Katherine Kramer - had four children - Eleanor Frickenstein, Evelyn, Harold, Mary Catherine Jardee Grooms, Mary Donnell - March 22,1943 - |
Hamik - infant son - Dec 1,1963 Hamik, Agnes Ann Judge - born May 24,1925 - died Aug 4,2005 - age 80 years - dau of Christopher Judge and Josephine Becker - married Max Hamik - children - Rick, Gary, Jeff, Rol, Becky Watts, John Francis Hamik, Clara Monica Ziska - born March 28,1904 - died Jan 25,2005 - age 100 years - married Joseph L Hamik - had children - Rita Batenhorst, Melvin, LaVern, Marvin, Jerry, Don Hamik, Edward Leo - born Nov 1, 1899 - died April 19,1948 - fuel oil explosion - age 48 years 5 months 18 days - son of Egnaz Hamik and Theresa - married Mary Kaup Hamik, Eugene Andrew - born Feb 16,1927 - died July 6,2005 - age 78 years - son of Henry Hamik and Mary Weichman - married Shirley Johnson - WWII vet - had children - Mike, Bill, Tim, Mark Hamik, John - born Sept 20,1891 - died Nov 18,1986 - age 95 years - married Louise Wewel - son of Egnate Hamik and Thersa Blaschko - had children - Leo, Bernard, Raymond, Max, Charles, Sister Terese Louise, Sister Lorraine, Edith Tielke, Hanley, Margaret Caroline - Aug 19,1892 - Hanley, Mary - Aug 22,1895 - Hannigan, Joseph - July 19,1942 - Harrington, Christi - July 25,1956 - Hart, Juliet Wehrle - May 19,1935 - Haslam, Margaret Walsh - Jan 9,1962 - Hausladen, Joseph - Sept 3,1928 - Hayes, Inez Beck - Feb 2,1980 - Hayes, Lawrence Patrick - born Sept 18,1902 - died July 29,1972 - son of Patrick Hayes and Nora - married Marcella Bouska - had one child - Larry Hayes, Mary - born 1870 - died Sept 1,1915 - his wife Hayes, Michael - April 4,1892 - Hayes, Morgan - born July 14,1820 - died May 13,1907 - Civil War Vet - had six children - John F, Patrick, William, Mary Sullivan, Hannah Meals, Mrs Watkins Hayes, Nora - June 7,1909 - Hayes, Nora Andrus - April 4,1967 - Hayes, Owen - Feb 25, 1970 - Hayes, Viola Schaaf - Jan 16,1954 - Hayes, William T - born 1857 - died 1941 Head, Adam - Aug 9,1898 - Head, Adam L Sr - born 1866(1867) - died July 7,1937 - age 71 years - married Mary - father - had twelve children - Alex, Adam, Peter, Paul, Louis, Albert, August, Leona, Lucille Brewer, Mrs Charles O'Leary, Barbara, Sister Philomena, John Head, Adam Samuel - Nebr - Pvt US Army - died Feb 26,1940 Head, Albert William - born Jan 27(28),1893(1894) - died Jan 21,1961 - WWI - Nebr Btry B 338 Fld Arty Head, Alex A - born March 12,1904 - died Dec 28,1965 Head, August - born 1898 - died 1898 - shares stone with John Head, Barbara M - Nov 12,1972 - Head, John - born 1908 - died March 26,1933 - age 25 years - shares stone with August Head, Joyce Irene - born March 7,1955 - died March 9,1955 - inf dau of Peter F Head and Louise Brau Head, Joyce Irene - March 7,1955 - Head, Leona - Nov 21,1976 - Head, Mary M Socha - born 1873 - died April 26,1949 - mother Head, Pete Walter - Sept 14,1944 - Head, Peter F - Dec 5,1981 - Head, W - Jan 21,1961 - Hebe, John - died May 26,1895 - aged 64 years Heeb, Agatha Odelia - born Aug 26,1864 - died Jan 2,1952 - age 87 years - mother - married Frances Joseph Heeb Heeb, Agnes Dixon - born July 15,1883 - died Feb 8,1971 - age 88 years - married Edwin E Heeb Heeb, Albert J - born Feb 27,1903 - died May 8,1986 Heeb, Alois - died Oct 15,1948 - age 75 years Heeb, David - Sept 30,1947 - Heeb, Edward L - born 1899 - died 1948 Heeb, Edwin - born Dec 3,1880 - died March 19,1952 - son of John Heeb and Elizabeth - Married Agnes Dixon - had children - Mrs John Babl, Mrs Joe Pongratz, Mrs Ed Cavanaugh Heeb, Elizabeth - born Nov 13,1834 - died Aug 30,1910 Heeb, Emil P - born Feb 8,1901 - died Oct 19, 1994 Heeb, Frank Joseph - born 1861 - died April 21,1940 - father - married Agatha - had children - Harry, Albert, Emil, Rose, Mae, Lizzie Ryan Heeb, Herman John - born Aug 18,1896 - died Aug 20,1963 Heeb, John - May 26,1895 - Heeb, John B - born Jan 5,1830 - died May 26,1895 - age 64 years Heeb, Jno - CO K - 54th Heeb, Joseph - born Nov 5,1871 - died Oct 21,1955 - age 83 years Heeb, Marie B - born Aug 15,1899 - did Jan 22,1999 Heeb, Mary S - born 1909 - died 1992 Heeb, Rose A - born Dec 4,1897 - died March 15,1971 Heinowski infant - Sept 15,1947 - Heinowski, Helen - died May 23,1932 - age 15 years - dau of John Heinowski and Valeria Mankowski Heinowski, John J - July 21, 1897 - Nov 24,1976 Heinowski, Leonard William - born July 20,1909 - died Nov 27,1992 - age 83 years - WWII Vet Heinowski, Theodore - March 27,1979 - Heinowski, Valeria Mankowski - born Jan 21,1878 - died Aug 24,1936 - age 58 years 7 months 3 days - dau of Anna Mankowski - married John Heinowski - had twelve children - John, Theodore, Anton, Leonard, Leo, Regina, Clara Pomictor, Theresa, Agnes Hansen, Frances, Margaret, Cecelia, Helen, Heinz, John - March 29,1899 - Hemberger, Cecelia Mary Horton - born Jan 20,1901 - died Jan 1,1996 - age 94 years - married John Hemberger Hemberger, John - died Sept 20,1927 - fire - age 36 years - married Cecelia Mary Horton Henning, Ernest - born June 14,1908 - died Sept 9,1917 - son Henning, John W - born Aug 26,1881 - died April 13(14),1931 - father Henning, John J - March 26,1969 - Henning, Mary K Becker - born May 4,1884 - died Dec 15,1963 -mother Heying, Frank - Jan 5,1950 - Hiatt, Margaret Malloy - born March 18,1897 - died Feb 28,1927 (March 19,1927) - age 29 years - married Morton (Martin) Hiatt - had two children - son died at age 5 years, Joseph Morton, infant daughter died Dec 1925 Higgins, Francis P - Nov 6,1976 - Hise, Fay Thomas - born June 30,1884 - died July 21,1927 - married Anna Elizabeth Casner (Fogin) - had children - Raymond Hitchcock, Frances Ullrich - March 3,1980 - Hitchcock, Orville - June 8,1983 - Hoffman , Gertrude C - born 1883 - died Aug 26,1950 Horton, Josephine - died June 20,1917 Horton, Margaret - Nov 2,1983 - Horton, Mary Ann Erwin -born Jan -died June 26,1927 - age 63 years - married Patrick Horton - had six children - Josephine, Anna Jane Lorentz, Margaret, Franics P, Cecelia Hemberger, Vera Mlinar Horton, Patrick - May 29,1922 - Humpal, Arthur A - June 19,1980 - Humpal, Doris Judge - born Feb 12,1919 - died Oct 4,1975 - married Edward Humpal - dau of Christopher Judge and Jospehine Becker - had children - Edwin, Ruth,Mary Jo Pacha Humpal, Edward J - July 25,1897 - Jan 22,1977 Humpal, Elsie Skrdla - died Nov 18,1969 - married Arthur Humpal Humpal, Jacob - Feb 17,1917 - Humpal, Jan Ellen - April 18,1978 - Humpal, Rose Marie Krobot - born Sept 21,1910 - died Jan 17,2003 - age 92 years - married Leonard Wedige and Arthur A Humpal - had children - Geraldine Irwin, Joe Wedige, infant daughter, Humphrey, Angela Julie - Jan 19,1958 - Hurley, Eleanor - March 18,1887 - Hurley, Frances Loppa - Feb 20,1954 - Hurley, Honora - Dec 24,1919 - Hurley, John Q - 1862 - Nov 1929 - age 67 years Hurley, Timothy - Nov 29,1913 - Hurley, William - May 25,1940 - Husak, Frances Bacak - Dec 12,1903 - Husak, John - May 20,1934 - Hytrek, Frank - Aug 29,1889 - Hytrek, Roman - Romaine - died Jan 12,1888 in bizzard - found in March 1888 |
James, Alfred O - born March 24,1911 - died April 26,1973 - age 62 years - son of Hugh I James and Mary Ellen Murphy - married Leona D McAllister - had children- Paul, Jesse, Hugh James, Hugh Lloyd - died Dec 22,1942 - age 64 years James, Lloyd - Aug 11,1971 - James, Margaret - Sept 10,1921 - James, Marguerite LaVerne - infant dau of H L - died Sept 1921 - age 11 days James, Mary Ellen Murphy - died Dec 6,1969 - age 94 years Janasek, Victoria - born Nov 29,1879 - died March 4,1913 - age 34 years - married George Janasek - had childen - daughter age 11 years, daughter age 13 years Janaszak, George - Sept 4,1928 - Jansen, Catherine Ann - April 14,1944 - Jansen, Edward R Sr - born July 4,1895 - died Nov 5,1985 - age 90 years - son of Fred Jansen and Roselia Becker - married Mary Catherine Steinhauser - had children - Edward, Charles Jansen, Ethel Schaaf - born Oct 7,1916 - died Jan 4,1993 - married Norbert Schaaf - had children - Duane, Leonard, Harold, Jeanne Krantz, Arlene Keppel, Catherine Schimmers, Leslie Schultz, JoAnn Herold Jansen, Leonard - July 8,1914 - Jansen, Mary Steinhauser - Feb 15,1983 - Jansen, Rosalie Becker - April 14,1950 - Jennings, Edward - July 22,1929 - Jennings, Mrs Honora - July 21,1890 - Johnson, Catherine Dixon - born June 1881 - died Feb 3,1965 - married Dell Johnson Johnson, Del - died May 21,1952 - married Catherine Dixon Johnson, Eric Mack - Sept 10,1960 - Johnson, Helen Wilkinson - born Nov 9,1923 - died April 9,1992 - age 77 years - married Warren Johnson - had children - Bob Johnson, Josephine - Dec 31,1960 - Johnson, Kathryn Dixson - born June 13,1882 - died Feb 3,1965 - age 83 years - married Dell Johnson Johnson, Marjorie "Mack" - born April 12,1934 - shares stone with Norris Johnson, Mervin - born Sept 22,1906 - died Aug 12,1965 - married Marie Bonenberger Johnson, Mervin LeRoy - born Sept 22,1906 - died Oct 12,1965 - age 59 years - married Marie Bonenberger - son of Frank Johnson and Stella Bloomgren - had children - Glen LeRoy Johnson, Norris Arthur - born March 25,1925 - shares stone with Marjorie Jonas, Aloys - July 6,1910 - Jonas, Barbara Caroline Mlinar - born Feb 7,1876(1877) - died June 5,1932 - age 56 years 4 months 29 days - married John Baptist Jonas - had three children - William, Laurence, Lester - shares stone with John B Jonas, Charles Felix -Nov 28,1969 - Jonas, George Edward -Aug 24,1957 - Jonas, John Baptist - born June 21,1869 - died April 24,1942 - married Barbara C Mlinar - had children - William, Lawrence, Lester - shares stone with Barbara Jonas, Joyce E - born Aug 7,1944 - died Sept 15,1973 Jonas, Laurence E - born Aug 2,1902 - died Aug 11,1966 - son of John B Jonas and Barbara C Mlinar - married Nina B Rotherham - had two children - Robert, Richard - shares stone with Nina P Jonas, Marvella E - born Aug 16,1926 - shares stone with Robert J Jonas, Nina P Rotherham Gaughenbaugh - born Oct 29,1908 - died Sept 23,1988 - dau of Robert Robotham and Minnie Hockenberry - married Lawrence Jonas - had two children - Robert, Richard - shares stone with Laurence Jonas, Richard E - born Dec 16,1938 - died May 14,2001 Jonas, Robert J - born Sept 1,1925 - shares stone with Marvella Jones, Earl W - born July 31,1925 - did Feb 24,1997 - shares stone with Eleanor Jones, Eleanor R - born Nov 6,1943 - married Aug 25,1967 - shares stone with Earl Judge, Christ - Oct 22,1947 - Judge, Eugene - died Sept 1938 - drowned - age 2 years - son of Joe Judge, Jane Agnes Minton - married Roy D Judge - Died July 2,1960 - age 66 years Judge, Joseph Edward - born July 29,1896 - died Dec 13,1964 - son of Peter J Judge and Margaret McHen - married Ann James - had children - John, Father Emmanuel, Paul, Don, Larry, JoAnn Blohm, Janet Martin, Sister Mary Gerald, Judge, Josephine Jansen - Sept 12,1975 - Judge, Joseph Edward - born July 29,1896 - died Dec 13,1964 - married Anna James WWI Judge, Lorene F - March 21,1960 - Judge, Margaret McCue - born July 4,1861 - died March 28,1944 - age 82 years 8 months 24 days - married Peter Judge Judge, Peter - married Margaret McCue - died Feb 17,1933 Judge, Raymond - Sept 22,1937 - Judge, Roy D - born Oct 6,1890 - died Sept 22,1937 - age 46 years 11 months 16 days - married Janie Minton - had six children - Mary Alice 12 years, Margaret 7 years, Catherine 5 years, Patricia 2 years, two infant sons Juranek, Henry K - Sept 27,1960 - Jurgensmeier, Christopher - Nov 30,1967 - |
Kafda, Hedda B - born Oct 8,1896 - died Aug 28,1981 - dau of Anthony Kafda and Kristena Verzal Kafka, Hedda B - died Aug 28,1981 Kafka, Joseph - died March 31,1919 - age 28 years Kafka, Kristine - Feb 16,1920 - Kaldowski, Benedict - March 25,1923 - Kalkowski, Benedict - born June 2,1909 - died March 25,1923 Kalkowski, Irene Rosalie - born Sept 2,1919 - died Nov 26,1919 Kalkus, Julius - born 1861 - died June 15,1895 - age 34 years, blood poison from Shotgun wound in arm - had 8 yr old son Kane, Dennis - born Ireland Nov 9,1843 - died March 1908 - married Ellen O'Connell in 1863 Kane, Eleanor - March 21,1919 - Kane, Ellen O'Connell - died March 1919 - age 70 years - married Dennis Kane Kane, Jeremiah J - Missouri - Sgt 37 Mag Bn 13 Div - died Nov 15,1928 Kaplan, Sharon Kay - April 13,1953 - Kaup, Linda Mack - born Jan 30,1949 - died Sept 28,2004 - age 55 years - married Alvin Kaup - had children - Deborah, Heather, Damian Kaup, Sharon Ann - died Aug 7,1957 - Keane - March 19,1908 - Keating, Anna Tushla Prussa - Jan 19,1977 - wife of Francis Prussa (died May 15,1914) - wife of Frank M Keating Keating, Caroline Wabs "Carrie" - born Feb 21,1901 - died Nov 14,1984 - age 83 years - married Phillip J Keating Keating, Emma Pfeffer - April 12,1953 - Keating, Frank Michael - Feb 24,1960 - Keating, Mark Robert - born April 24,1958 - died Feb 26,1967 Keating, Morris Michael - Sept 17,1922 - Keating, Patrick Henry - born July 19,1932 - died May 13,2004 - married Kay Keating, Philip J - died May 3,1952 - married Rose Tushla and Carrie Wabs - had five children - John, Robert, Mary Ellen, Patrick Keating, Robert - born July 30,1918 - died Jan 16,1979 - married Emma Pfeffer and Bernice Westrom Keating, Rose L Tushla - married Philip J Keating - born June 11,1894 - died Nov 29,1926 - age 32 years 5 months 18 days - had three children - Robert, John Frances, infant son, Kelley, Thomas - Feb 13,1931 - Kemp, Kenneth Clarence - born Sept 1,1926 - died March 25,1927 - age 6 months 25 days - son of John Kemp Kennedy, Hale Bernard - born Jan 17,1939 - died Aug 8,2005 - age 66 years - son of Bernard Kennedy and Ruth Doolittle - had children - Dan Rogers, Debra Isacksen,Pat, Sonya Paxton, Amber Kennedy, John - May 17,1926 - Kennedy, Mrs Patrick - died April 4,1927 - age 46 years - had children - Mrs Joseph Rotherham, Agnes, Bernard, Louella, Maurice Kennedy, William - born Nov 9,1931 - died May 29,1997 Kenny, Margaret - born Feb 27,1870 Pottawattamie Co, Iowa - July 2,1947 - age 77 years 4 months 5 days - dau of Luke Kenney Keogh, John N - born Feb 15,1914 - married May 8,1945 - parents of George, Ronald, Raymond, Thomas, Lawrence, Carl, Margaret - shares stone with Lawrence, Mary Keogh, Lawrence A - born July 18,1952 - died Sept 4,1984 - shares stone with Mary and John Keogh, Mary - born Feb 14,1915 - died May 25,2000 - shares stone with John and Lawrence Keogh, Matthew James - May 1,1978 - Kilmurry, Eva Marie - born 1888 - died June 23,1972 - mother - shares stone with Patrick W Kilmurry, Frank "Francis" William - born April 29,1912 - died Nov 28,2002 - age 90 years - married Rosemary Troshynski Kilmurry, James Joseph - Sept 16,1962 - Kilmurry, Kent John - Dec 14,1982 - Kilmurry, Leona - born March 1,1910 - died Oct 18,1992 - dau Kilmurry, Margaret Mary - born and died Oct 9,1951 - dau of Frank Kilmurry Kilmurry, Patrick W - born 1883 - died Jan 16,1966 - father - shares stone with Eva Kilmurry, Rosalie Loecker - Dec 4,1966 - Klein, Nick J - born Nov 13,1875 - died Nov 7, 1953 - age 78 years - married Lena M Wenner Kokes, Joseph - April 11,1976 - Kollman, Catherine Straka - July 23,1983 - Kollman, Francis - Feb 11,1984 - Kollman, Johann - died 1925 - married Mary Straka and Mary Vincenz - Kollman, John - Dec 9,1948 - Kollman, John - Aug 11,1897 - Kollman, John - died Oct 9,1925 - married Mary Magdeline Vinzenz Kollman, John R - born Sept 27,1919 - died Sept 20,1985 - age 68 years Kollman, Mary - Sept 12,1886 - Kollman, Mary Magdeline Vinzenz - born Nov 8,1855 - died Oct 17,1939 - age 83 years 11 months 9 days - married John Killman Kollman, Robert - Aug 31,1930 - Kosicek, Frank E - Jan 27,1947 - Kozicek, Catherine - March 8,1903 - Kozicek, Josephine - April 5,1922 - Kozisek, Josefa Slamova - born Aug 26,1845 - died April 5,1922 - age 76 years 8 months 9 days - married Frank Kozisek Kozmek, Frank - born 1845 - died Dec 28,1899 - age 55 years - marriedJosefa Slamova - had seven children Kramer, Anton J - born June 8,1839 - died June 13(12) (18),1921 - age 82 years 5 days - had three children - Anton, Mrs C F Ahrndt, Mrs F Ziska - shares stone with Mary Kramer, Bertha - born March 16,1906 - died March 31,1971 - age 65 years - daughter Kramer, Catherine Vinzenz - born March 25,1890 - died April 1,1967 - Mother Kramer, Charles - Aug 3,1915 - Kramer, Conrad - Sept 21, 1890 - Kramer, Conrad Sr- born Nov 19,1864 - died May 3,1950 - married Theresa Weichman - father - had children - Edward, Conrad, Joseph, Fred, Bertha, two infants, Carl Kramer, Conrad - born Feb 9(15),1891 - died July 14,1979 - married Catherine Vinzenz - father - had children - Karl and Leonard Kramer, Donald - born Aug 27,1925 - died Nov 26,1999 - married Jan30,1965 - parents of Chris and Carl - shares stone with Leona J Kramer, Edward J - born April 15,1897 - died July 17,1988 - age 91 years - married Pearl C Koltenbronn - had children - Marie Shinn, Donald - shares stone with Pearl C Kramer, Frank - born Sept 5,1890 - died Dec 20,1975 - married Katherine Kollman - had children - George, Richard, Henry, Clarence, Leona Kubart, Mary Grof Kramer, Fred C - born July 15, 1903 - died Nov,1986 - son - son of Conrad Kramer and Theresa Weichman - age 83 years Kramer, Henry - born March 16,1925 - died Sept 23,1992 - age 67 years - U S Army WWII Kramer, John Bernard - born Oct 27,1927 - died March 28,1999 - married June Siebert - Parents of John, Janell, Marbell and Dawnita - had four children - John F, Janell Weeks, Mardell Widhalm, Dawnita Buck, - shares stone with June E Kramer, Joseph Edward - Pvt US Army WWI - Born March 5,1893 - died Aug 19, 1990 Kramer, Joseph E died Aug 1990 - age 97 years Kramer, June E Siebert - born June 21, 1929 - married John B Kramer - St Joseph Cem - shares stone with John B Kramer, Karl Conrad - born Sept 7,1917 - died Aug 25,2004 - age 86 years - son Kramer, Katherine Kollman - born Feb 8,1889 - died June 10,1952 - age 63 years - married Frank Kramer Kramer, Leona Joyce Jauernig - born Sept 25,1928(1930) - died March 9,1990 - age 61 years - married Donald Kramer - had children - Chris Donald, Carl Joseph - shares stone with Donald Kramer, Leonard - born Oct 19,1920 - son Kramer, Maria - July 4,1913 - Kramer, Mary - born Jan 7,1845 - died July 4,1913 - shares stone with Anton Kramer, Mary - born 1872 - died Dec 26,1950 - age 78 years Kramer, Pearl C Koltenbronn - born Aug 15,1898 - died Feb 3,1974 - married Edward J Kramer Feb 8,1922 - shares stone with Edward J Kramer, Richard - born Sept 25,1922 - died May 30,1986 - U S Army WWII Kramer, Theresa Weichman - born June 14,1866 - died July 29,1957 - age 91 years - mother - married Conrad Kramer Krobot, Joseph A - born Aug 18,1906 - died April 13,1976 - shares stone with Pauline and William Joe Krobot, Pauline J - born Jan 7,1913 - died May 30,2002 - shares stone with Joseph and William Krobot, William Joe - June 23,1949 - son - shares stone with Pauline and Joseph Krysl, Albert J - born Dec 7,1900 - died Aug 16,1977 - married Mary Cecelia Ziska had six children - Robert Joseph, Alvin John, Deloris Marie Groves, Eugene Vencil, LaVerne Albert, Ronald Dean, - shares stone with Mary C Krysl, Mary Cecelia Ziska - born June 15,1905 - died July 17,1993 - married Albert Krysl - shares stone with Albert J Kubart, Effie Pacha - July 18,1985 - Kubart, Theodore Q - died Jan 22,1953 - age 74 years - son of Jospeh Kubart and Anna - married Effie Pacha - had four children - Josephine Kramer, Father Francis, Helen Coufal, Evelyn Thompson Kubik, Elizabeth - Nov 2,1975 - Kubik, Josephine - Feb 23,1933 - Kubik, Ralph - born April 17,1894 - died May 1968 - married Elizabeth Stasch Kubik, Rudolph George - May 3,1968 - Kubitschek, Dr Adolph J - born March 3,1890 (1895) - died April 9,1972 - age 77 years - married Isabelle Leone Bellinger - son of Frank J Kubitschek and Margaret Feller - had five children - John Douglas, Mary Catherine Pfeiffer, Ruth Leonie Hackleman, Joan Ann Smith, Paul, Kubitschek, Frank Joseph - born Dec 6,1863 - died Aug 2,1934 - age 71 years - married Margaret Feller - had children - Dr Adolph J, Dr F J, Dr P E, Dr L J, Mrs C M Bourne, Mrs A E Skaggs Kubitschek, Isabelle Leone Bellinger - born Sept 3,1894 - died May 10,1927 - married Adolph J Kubitschek - dau of J M Bollinger - had five children - John Douglas age 8 years, Mary Catherine age 6 years, Ruth Leone age 4 years, Joan Ann age 3 years, infant son born May 5,1927 Kubitschek, Margaret Feller - born Oct 29,1865 - died Jan 11,1940 - age 74 years 2 months 13 days - married Frank Joseph Kubitschek Kuehbacher, Hubert - June 21,1892 - |
Laible, Chestrea A - born Sept 11,1915 - died March 30,1990 - shares stone with Felix J Laible, Felix Joseph - born July 8,1919 - died May 30, 1983 - Tec 3 U S Army - WWII - shares stone with Chestrea A Laible, George - March 25, 1924 - Laible, John Alois - born Dec 11,1885 - died Nov 23,1977 - age 91 years - married Mary Elizabeth Kohle - son of John Laible and Eugenia - had children - Mary Smedley, Sister Lorenzo, Sister Irene, Rita Gettert, Theresa Krysl, John Leonard, Louis, Leo, George, Joe Laible, John Hubert - born June 18,1922 - died Dec 14,1998 Laible, Joseph - Aug 7,1975 - Laible, Mary Elizabeth Kohle - born March 3,1893 - died Dec 20,1988 - married John Laible Leahy, Bridget - April 24,1915 - buried St Joseph Cem, Atkinson Leahy, George J - born Aug 17,1871 - died Feb 28,1927 - age 55 years Lee, David Everett - Jan 5,1957 - Leininger, Agnes Seger - born Aug 28,1911 - died May 24,1984 - age 72 years - dau of Paul Seger and Catherine Christ - married Raymond J Leininger - had children - Charles, DeeAnn Kohle - shares stone with Raymond Leininger, Raymond Jacob - born Oct 16,1903 - died Aug 4,1963 - shares stone with Agnes LeMunyan, Rosemary Ann Vogel - born Oct 31,1951 - died April 4,1993 - married Gail LeMunyan - had children - Steven, Aaron Lewis, Charlie Robert - born Aug 6,1899 - died March 26,1982 - age 83 years - married Mary Mlinar - son of David Lewis and Maggie - had three children - Kathleen Hoch, Raymond, Charlene Bair, Lieuier, Emma Elizabeth - March 23,1894 - Long, Mercedes O'Connell - Jan 13,1967 - Lorenz, Aloys - Sept 8,1898 - Lorenz, Crescentia - Sept 8,1888 - Lorenz, Gresenzia - voife of Xaver Lorenz - died Aug 16,1888 - age 43 years Loub, Mrs Eva - May 5,1966 - Lumsden, Thomas Leo - July 5,1891 - Luttrell, Golde Eberhard - born April 3,1894 - died Jan 1944(Feb 1,1944) - age 49 years - married Jack Luttrell Luttrel, John E - June 9,1957 - |
Mabry, Mary Eileen Lauby - born Oct 3,1943 - died April 24,2000 - age 56 years - dau of Eileen Zarnfaller and Charles August - married John M Mabry - had children - Charles E, Mack, Ella Prussa - Sept 10,1974 - Mack, Fred R - born May 29,1893 - died Aug 11,1965 - age 72 years - married Ella Prussa Mack, Joseph A "Bud" Lt - born Aug 17,1919 - died Dec 31,1944 - killed in battle in Belgium - age 25 years Mack, Kathleen A - born July 9,1926 - died Nov 16,1947 plane crash - age 21 years 4 months 7 days Mahin, James Clifford - Oct 7,1940 - Mahin, Marie Collamer - Dec 26,1970 - Malloy - Sept 1930 - Malloy, Catherine - born1875 - died 1958 - shares stones with Thomas Joseph, Margaret F, Thomas J, Charles Malloy, Charles - born 1869 - died Sept 1930 - shares stones with Thomas Joseph, Margaret F, Catherine, Thomas J Malloy, Charles L - born Feb 3,1917 - son of Thomas Malloy and Catherine O'Brien - shot self Sept 1986 Malloy, James - born Sept 12,1873 - died Nov 5 ( 8,)1940 - age 67 years 1 month 27 days - married Lizzie Crail and ? - had children - Mag Trankle, Loretta Windale, Malloy, James - born 1842 - died blizzard of Jan 1883(1882) - father - shares stones with Margaret and John Malloy, John - born 1868 - died May 13,1916 - shares stones with Margaret and James Malloy, Margaret - born 1836 - died Jan 16,1910 - mother - shares stone with John and James Malloy, Margaret Frances - born 1900 - died Aug 18,1978 - shares stones with Thomas Jospeh, Catherine, Thomas J, Charles Malloy, Thomas J - born 1871 - died Feb 2,1936 - shares stones with Thomas Jospeh, Margaret, Catherine, Charles Malloy, Thomas Joseph - born 1910 - died 2003 - shares stones with Margaret, Catherine, Thomas J, Charles Mankowski, Regina - June 22,1964 - Marinello, Angelo - born Oct 15,1918 - died March 15,1978 - U S Army WWII Marinello, Ida A - born Jan 14,1921 - Maroney, John Thomas - Oct 27,1942 - Marr, Rose - born April 28,1918 - died Aug 24,2002 - shares stone with Warren Marr, Warren - born June 10,1912 - died Jan 19,1980 - shares stone with Rose Marsh, Jacob Robert - Nov 12,1891 - Marsoun, Leopold J - Nov 16,1954 - Mathis, George A - born Sept 21,1921 - died Aug 31,2005 - age 83 yars - son of John Mathis and Nellie Farley - married Margaret Bonenberger - WWII vet - had children - Gerald, John, Lorraine Ammon, Diane Sybrant, Cindy Clyde Matousek, Anna - Feb 6,1932 - Matousek, Dorothy Marie - born July 23,1932 - died Oct 15,1955 - age 23 years Matousek, Edward J - March 2,1957 - Matousek, Emil - Sept 21,1940 - Matousek, Joseph - born Oct 8,1862 - died Sept 9,1922 - age 59 years 11 months 11 days - married Anna Rak - had five children - Edward, Joseph, Albin, Emil, James Matousek, Joseph R - Aug 20,1970 - Matousek, Joseph V - born Dec 25,1885 - died Nov 14,1964 - age 78 years - married Emma Mezanee - had children - Victor J Matousek, Rosalie - Jan 23,1976 - McAllister, John T - Aug 23,1958 - McCall, Russell L - born Aug 25,1958 - died March 31,1995 McCann, Mary Cook - born Meath Co, Ireland March 10,1844 - died July 16,1888 McCanne - July 17,1888 - McCarthy, Charles J - Feb 20,1973 - McCarthy, George Edwin - July 14,1966 - McCarthy, Mary McGinley - born Sept 30,1866 - died Aug 29,1920 - married Michael M McCarthy McCarthy, Melvin J - June 14,1942 - McCarthy, Michael - Nov 15,1940 - McConnell, Raedean C - born July 9,1933 - married April 15,1952 - shares stone with Wilmer McConnell, Wilmer "Bud" - born July 4,1931 - shares stone with Raedean C McDermott, Gertrude - Sept 13,1893 - McDermott, Mary - Jan 9,1897 - McDermott, Stephen - died July 12,1895 - married Mary Lyons McDonald, Alice O'Connell - Jan 19,1938 - McDonald, Anna Elizabeth Casner - born Dec 2,1879 - died Nov 1,955 - age 76 years - married Edward McDonald and Faye Hise - had children - Ethel Bouska, Raymond McDonald, Anna Hise - Dec 8,1955 - McDonald, Edward J - Jan 23,1973 - McDonald, Mrs Ed - born Aug 16,1866 - died Jan 19,1938 - age 71 years 5 months 3 days - dau of John and Katherine O'Connell - had children - Thomas McDonald McDonald, Ellen Bridget - Aug 21,1895 - McDonald, Joseph - died Aug 10,1947 - age 96 years - son of Edward McDonald and Margaret Sweeney McDonald, Mike - Dec 16,1972 - McDonald, Theresa Ramold - April 1,1951 - McDonald, Thomas - died Jan 24,1897 - aged 37 years - Atkinson - had five children - infant, T L, Mrs Geo Haigh, Mrs R A Priest, Edward P, Mrs Carlton Putnam McDonald, Thomas Louis - born June 30,1896 - died July 30,1948 - married Marie Murphy - had children - Thomas L, John Edward, Arlene Preston, McDonald, Thomas L - born May 15,1921 - died July 23,1974 - age 53 years McDonald, Tom - Sept 22,1972 - McGinnis, Georgianna Cole - Feb 8,1981 - McGrane, Alice - born June 26,1876 - died Juen 1925 - married T E McGrane - had children - Mrs W H Milner, Leo A, TH McGreevy, Hanora - died Sept 18,1882 - age 60 years McKay, E C "Mick" - born Oct 12,1920 - died June 20,1990 - shares stone with Mary Ellen McKay, Mary Ellen - born Aug 7,1922 - shares stone with E C McKee, Dr Neal Patrick - born Jan 16,1890 - died April 9,1966 - married Olivia Zoe Sturdevant - had children - Mary Ellen and Neal Sturdevant "Tut" McKenna, Frank - Feb 6,1897 - McNally, Thomas J - born Oct 20,1859 - died Jan 28,1913 McNichols, Mary - Nov 24,1923 - McNulty, Mary B - May 1,1895 - McNulty, Minnie B Carberry - born Feb 5,1870(1878) - died May 2,1895 - married A D McNulty McQuilkin, Agnes Loretta - born Sept 24,1878 - died March 8,1956 - age 76 years McQuilkin, John W - Feb 18,1960 - McShane, Alice - June 25,1931 - McShane, Charles - died Aug 22,1915 - McShane, Frank F - June 21,1955 - McShane, Joseph - Dec 3,1949 - McShane , Katherine - born Dec 18,1882 - died Feb 20,1977 - age 94 years - dau of Charles McShane and Mary Ward McShane, Mary Ward - born 1846 - died Feb 8,1927 - married Charles McShane - had children - Joe, Frank, Alice, Harry, Kathryn, McShane, Patrick Harry - Nov 4,1957 - Meals, Della "Jim" - born June 9,1907 - died Nov 29,1995 - married Feb 14,1955 - shares stone with Melvin Meals, George - born Jan 17,1885 - died Nov 1,1981 - age 96 years - married Mary Gonderinger - had children - Marvin, Melvin, Nora Arochina, Loretta Black Meals, Marvin M - born Aug 4,1918 - died June 24,1980 - shares stone with Viola Meals, Mary Katherine Gonderinger - died Nov 19,1964 - age 77 years - married George Meals Meals, Melvin A - born Aug 4,1918 - died April 24,1978 - age 60 years - married Della - son of George Meals and Mary Katherine - shares stone with Della Meals, Viola VanFleet "Bill" - born April 19,1911 - died April 15 (10),1974 - married Marvin Meals - shares tone with Marvin Mick, Carrie Seger - born 1883 - died March 11,1945 - mother - married Mathew Mick - share stone with Matthew Mick, Matthew - born 1874 - died May 23,1949 - married Caroline Seger - father - had four children - shares stone with Carrie Miller, Alfred W - born Dec 4,1859 - died Aug 26, 1944 - age 84 years - married Mary Ellen Alworth Miller, Amelia Freouf - June 6,1984 - - Miller, Andrew F - Feb 2,1953 - Miller, Arthur Glen - Oct 12,1975 - Miller, Charlotte M - born Aug 6,1904 - died May 8,1979 Miller, Ella - May 9,1917 - buried St Joseph Cem Miller, Gertrude Walsh - born Nov 5,1888 - died Aug 9 - married Lewis Miller - buried St Joseph Cem, Atkinson Miller, Lewis A - born June 22,1888 - died June 3,1968 - married Gertrude Walsh - had four children - Marvin L, Richard A, Mildred Saunto, Mary Ellen McKay Miller, Velma Farley - Feb 21,1985 - Mitsch, Henry - June 13,1983 - Mlinar, Barbara F - born July 19,1904 - died July 22,1980 - dau of Fred Mlinar and Mary Ziska - daughter Mlinar, Caroline - born Oct 2,1835 - died March 23(29),1912 - mother - wife of F J Mlinar Mlinar, Caroline Kodytek - married Frank J Mlinar - born Oct 12,1835 - died May 28,1912 - age 77 years Mlinar, Clarence Aloys - born 1908 - died Oct 24,1912 - age 4 years - son of Fred Mlinar, Florence McNair - born Jan 20,1908 - died Jan 9,1988 - dau of George H McNair and Florence N Klinder - married Joseph Mlinar - had children - Robert, Marion- shares stone with Joseph Mlinar, Frank J - born March 12,1835 - died May 17,1916 - age 81 years - married Caroline Kodytek - father - had children - Anna, Frank, Josephine, Fred, Tillie, Cora, Mary, Joe, Barbara, Pauline, John Mlinar, Frank J - born June 7,1862 - died Feb 12,1932 - age 69 years 8 months 5 days - son of Frank Mlinar and Caroline - married Mary Coufal - father - had eleven children - Ralph, Adolph, Joseph, Ella, Francis Smith,John S, Anton F, Mary Lewis, Cora Wise Mlinar, Fred O - born Nov 11,1863 - died Oct 10,1956 - age 92 years - son of Frank Mlinar and Caroline - married Mary Ziska - had children - Emanuel, Albert, William, Rose, Sister Mary Francis, barbara, Mrs Duane Ulrich, Clarence, Gus, Mlinar, Jennie Hawthorne Munt - born March 14,1898 - died July 1989 - age 91 years - married John Mlinar - dau of William Munt and Nellie Bridges - had children - son, Josephine Bright, Mlinar, Joan M - born May 15,1934 - shares stone with Robert L Mlinar, John Stephan - born Dec 28,1889 - died March 5,1970 - age 80 years - married Veronica A Horton - son of Frank J Mlinar and Mary Ann Coufal - had children - Genevieve Knight, Raymond John Mlinar, Joseph - born April 20,1895 - died Jan 14,1982 - age 86 years - son of Frank Mlinar and Mary Coufal - married Florence McANair - had children - Robert - shares stone with Florence Mlinar, Marion Joseph - born April 28,1941 - died Dec 23,1959 - son of Joseph Anton Mlinar and Florence McNare Mlinar, Mary Coufal - married Frank Mlinar - born March 14,1868 - died Jan 7,1945 - age 76 years - mother - had eleven children - Ralph, John S, Anthony, Adolph, Joseph Jr, Mary J Lewis, Anna Carolyn Wise "Cora", Elenora Cleary, Mlinar, Mary A Ziska - born 1872 - died March 1,1950 - mother Mlinar, Robert L - born May 10,1928 - shares stone with Joan Mlinar, Veronica Agnes Horton "Vera" - born July 26,1895 - died June 27,1987 - age 91 years - dau of Patrick Horton and Mary Ann Irwin - married John Stephen Mlinar - had children - Genevieve M Knight and Raymond John Moeller, Andrew C - born May 15,1912 - died May 1993 - married Johanna Deermer and Helen Dusatko - son of John Moeller and Bertha Relleke - had eight children - Jean Reiman, Carol Peters, Dianne Shoemaker, Betty Dobrovolny, Terry, Jane Meusch, Jerry, Roger, Moeller, Elzene Josephine Henderson - born March 19,1920 - died July 22,1993 - age 73 years - married Edward Moeller - had six children - Sharon Welsh, Lynn Logan, Lee Callahan, Connie Kaup, Jeanette Leuthold, Shirley Nekolite Moeller, Jerald Andrew - born Nov 2,1944 - died March 1,1974 Moeller, Johanna Deermer - born May 24,1914 - died Dec 20,1968 - dau of Carl Deermer and Teresa Kollman - married Andy Moeller - had eight children - Roger, Joan Meusch, Jean Reiman, Carol Peters, Diane Shoemaker, Betty Dobrovolny, Terry, Jerry Moeller, Roger Henry - Nov 15,1965 - Mohr, Frank Herbert - born Sept 24,1886 - died March 14,1967 - aged 80 years - married Rose Janasziak Mohr, Rose Barrett - Aug 28,1984 - Monaghan, Charles C - Aug 5,1981 - Monahan, Eleanor - Dec 19,1949 - Monaghan, Theresa Kaup - Feb 11,1980 - Monahan, Rose Ann Galligan - Jan 2,1964 - Monahan, William - June 25,1954 - Moran, William - Nov 12,1938 - Morgan, Andrew - died Sept 18,1906 - son of Catherine Fallon and John Morgan Morgan, Bridget Lorretta - Aug 16,1963 - Morgan, Catherine Fallon - born March 21, 1852 - died May 14, 1931 - age 79 years - of stroke - married John Morgan - had ten children - Mary, Bea, William, Joseph, Peter, John, Thomas, Andrew Morgan, Jane Kaup - Sept 15,1980 - Morgan, James Eldon - born June 11,1946 - died Jan 5,2006 - age 59 years - son of William Morgan and Sylvia Smith - had children - Rick, Robert, Amy Cook, Morgan, John - April 4,1946 - Morgan, John - married Catherine Fallon - died March 1,1914 Morgan, Mary - July 24,1980 - Morgan, Mary A - Aug 26,1953 - Morgan, Thomas - June 5,1961 - Morgan, William P - April 28,1966 - Mullen, Frances - died Nov 30,1940 - age 20 years Mullen, James - born Nov 17,1892 - died Nov 23,1981 - age 89 years - married Cecelia Ullrich and Genevieve L Flood - had children - Vincent, Melcina Martin, Angela Wedige, Patricia Kaup Mullen, Mary O'Donnell - Dec 13,1937 - Mullen, Neal James - died Nov 9,1938 - Mullin, Mary McCaffrey - March 5,1967 - Murphy, Grace C - Nov 28,1961 - Murphy, Mark Vincent - died March 8,1921 - Murphy, Mary B - Feb 21,1962 - Murphy, Patrick William - April 25,1918 - Murphy, Sylvester Roger - July 9,1942 - Murphy, William - July 1,1907 - |
Naber, Meta Adeline Witte - born Dec 1,1880 - died Nov 1,1927 - married John Naber - had eleven children - Mrs Rex Coburn, Fritz, Erna, Clara, Otto, Viola, Alwina, John, Nora, Evelyn, infant, Nachtman, Adam - born Feb 2,1859 - died Feb 24, 1947 Nachtman, Agnes Mary Fleishman - born Jan 15,1889 - died Aug 27,1965 - married John Wilson Nachtman Nachtman, Bessie Irene Blake - born Jan 14,1903 - died Dec 12,1993 - married Frederick Jacob Nachtman Nachtman, Donna M - died June 27,1932 - married Jan 30,1954 to Edwin J Nachtman - parents of David, Cathy, Gary Nachtman, Dorothy B - 1928 - Nachtman, Edwin J - died Oct 9,1926 - married Donna M Nachtman, Francis Jacob - born July 5,1923 - died Nov 14,1999 - married Dorothy Bell Harrington - had children - Howard Arnold, Francis Eugene Nachtman, Francis Leo - July 5,1923 - Nov 14,1999 - married Dorothy B Herrington - WW II 1941-1945 Nachtman, Frederick Jacob - born Dec 26,1897 - died Oct 23,1972 - married Bessie Irene Blake - had children - Francis Leo, Helen Marie Stout, Rosalyn Irene White, Bernard John, Howard A Nachtman, John Wilson - born Jan 18,1885 - died April 29(1),1965 - married Mary Ann Weber and Anges Mary Fleishman - had children - George Jospeh, John Charles, Edwin John "Edward", Genevieve Margaret, Mary Vivian, Nachtman, Joseph J - born May 21,1857 - died Aug 24,1925 - age 68 years - married Olive Veronica Hunt - had nine children - Fredrick Jacob, Mary Elizabeth Price, John Wilson, Harvey Joseph, Oliver Patrick, Caroline Thersia Forbes, Charles George, Paulie, Dorothy Nachtman, Mary Ann Weber - born Feb 6,1900 - died April 20, 1928 - wife of John Wilson Nachtman Nachtman, Mary Vivian - born and died April 26(30),1928 Nachtman, Olive Veronica Hunt - born May 6,1865(1866) - died Nov 25,1929 - married Joseph J Nachtman Neibauer, John - April 20,1899 - Neibauer, Mary - July 29,1903 - Neibauer, Mathias - Dec 3, 1895 - Nester, Mary C - April 4,1898 - Neustrom, Anna Antionette Magirl - born March 2,1900 - died Feb 23,1927 - married Martin J Neustrom - had two children - Robert Vincent, Mary Pauline, Niezgocki, Joseph - Sept 22,1956 - Neizgocki, Mary Helen - June 6,1976 - Nightengale - 1895 - Nightengale, Clara Ulrich - died Sept 2,1943 - married Hy Nightengale Nightengale, Ellen Connell - born 1842 - died Jan 30,1942 - married John O'Dempsey Nightengale Nightengale, Hyacinth Francis - son of John O'D Nighengale and Ellen - married Clara Ullrich and Catherine Kellett - died Nov 8,1974 - had children - Rev Francis, Nightengale, James F - born Oct 4,1875 - died July 16,1966 - age 90 years - fire - son of John O Nightengale and Ellen Connel Nightengale, Margaret - died Aug 18(19),1964 Nightengale, Mary Anna - July 18,1890 - Nightengale, Thomas - died Dec 25, 1965 - age 93 years Nikoleick, Michael - June 23,1898 - Norris, Anna Gilmore - born 1869 - died April 24(25),1938 - married P W Norris - had eight children - Nellie Bowers, Marcella, W F, Jess, three sons, dau Norris, John - May 27,1924 - Norris, Pat - April 26,1939 - Novotny, Antonia - July 14,1912 - Novotny, Vincent - July 20.1894 - Aug 30,1894 Atkinson Graphic Nowakowski, John - Jan 25,1926 - Nozicka, Frances - born Jan 22,1870 - died March 12, 1935 Noziska, Frances Lahoda - March 12, 1935 - Noziska, Frank - Nov 15,1977 - Noziska, John - Jan 18,1892 - Noziska, Mary - March 16,1906 - Noziska, Matthew - Oct 8,1949 - |
O'Connell, Alice Smith - June 2, 1955 - O'Connell, Catherine Daughterty - married John O'Connell - died Aug 28,1891 O'Connell, Daniel James - Nov 11,1969 - O'Connell, Daniel Joseph - March 23,1925 - O'Connell, Francis - Oct 30,1977 - O'Connell, Hazel - Dec 13,1911 - O'Connell, James - April 7,1955 - O'Connell, Jeremiah - born April 1,1864 - died Oct 14,1927 - age 63 years O'Connell, Jessie McCarthy - April 25,1893 - Oct 25,1977 - wife of Daniel O'Connell O'Connell, John - born Aug 9,1829 - died Feb 22,1913 - married Catherine Daugherty - had children - N, Thos, Alice McDonald, Nellie Boyce, Daniel, Andrew, infant, O'Connell, John - Aug 9,1907 - O'Connell, Mary F - born Jan 16,1875 - died Sept 6,1897 - age 22 years 7 months 14 days - dau of Thomas O'Connell and Mrs Arthur Cruise O'Connell, Nellie - Sept 3,1950 - O'Connell, Nicholas - died July 30,1935 - age 79 years - son of John and Katherine O'Connell, Nora - March 30,1955 - O'Connell, Pearl - June 22,1916 - O'Connell, Ruby Ethyl - July 2,1972 - O'Connell, Timothy John - Jan 30,1961 - O'Connell, Mrs Tim - died Sept 28,1948 - age 61 years - had children - Wallace, Mrs Melvin Pettinger, Mrs Harold Donohoe, O'Connor, Catherine - Oct 24,1920 - O'Connor, Catherine - July 29,1946 - O'Connor, Edward - Oct 7,1943 - O'Connor, Hugh J - Oct 6,1958 - O'Donnell, Anna - June 13,1936 - O'Donnell, Anthony Francis - Aug 19,1966 - O'Donnell, Mrs Dan - died June 1910 - O'Donnell, James - March 21,1889 - O'Donnell, Michael - July 24,1890 - Odstrcil, John - May 7,1890 - Olberding, Helen - May 1,1921 - Olinger, Elizabeth Weber - Aug 31,1932 - Olinger, Michael - Sept 23,1953 - Olive - Nov 25,1929 - Olson, John - died Dec 22,1914 - married Matilda - had children - Clare, Irene, Basil, Clarence Olson, Judith Ann - Sept 18,1944 - age 5 days - daughter of Clarence Olson, Matilda Ziska - died Feb 10,1979 - age 101 years - married John Olson O'Neil, Barbara Johonn - born May 16,1880 - died Feb 25,1934 -married Timothy O'Neil O'Neill, Florence L - born 1882 - died 1957 - shares stone with John O'Neill, John G - born 1882 - died Jan 2, 1937 - shares stone with Florence Osborne, Floyd Thomas - born Sept 15,1901 - died April 19(29),1978 Osborne, Richard Frank - born July 9,1923 - died June 9,1993 - age 69 years - married Mary Ann Schmit - WWII vet - had children - Rosemary Anson, Sharon L Allison, Richard J, Ed, Otte, Michael - died Feb 1,1938 - buried St Joseph Cem, Atkinson |
Pacha, Frank - born April 9,1852 - died June 20, 1931 - age 79 years - married Josephine Mlinar - had three children - Pauline Jones, Adolph, Effie Kubart - shares stone with Josephine, Pacha, Josephine Mlinar - born March 12,1860 - died Oct 1,1925 - age 65 years 6 months 19 days - married Frank Pacha - had three children - Pauline Jones, Adolph, Effie Kubart - shares stone with Frank Palmer, Adaline Johnson - Feb 24,1958 - Palmer, Jonie - Sept 24,1977 - Parsons, Charles Irven - born June 24,1892 - died Aug 7,1980 - Pvt U S Army - WWI - shares stone with Dolores Parsons, Delores Suing - born April 8,1894 - died Dec 31,1980 - shares stone with Charles Parsons, Guy Juston - born Oct 28,1897 - died Aug 18,1981 - shares stone with Mary Parsons, Irven - Aug 7,1980 - Parsons, Mary Pavelka - born Nov 11,1905 - died Dec 31,1989 - age 84 years - married Guy J Parsons - had children - LaQue Kapsemalis, Jean - shares stone with Guy, Penry, Genevieve Richard - Oct 10,1952 - Penry, George - Feb 28,1968 - Perkin, Sara Corrigan - Nov 27,1921 - Peterson, Edgar - March 12,1964 - Pettinger, Clara Schaaf - born Aug 28,1886 - died July 29,1955 - age 68 years - dau of Joseph Schaaf - married Frank Pettinger - had six children - 2 infancts, Donald, Raphael, Melvin, Ralph, Mrs Kenneth Bean Pettinger, Donald - died July 11,1930 - age 11 years - son of Clara Schaaf and Frank Pettinger Pettinger, Frank A - Aug 17,1957 - Pettinger, Joan Catherine - Feb 10,1958 - Pettinger, Joseph Frank - June 1,1935 - Piekenbrock, Marcella L - born Nov 17,1918 - died April 8,2005 Pospisil, Alice V - born June7,1931 - Shares stone with Melvin Pospichal, August - July 20,1970 - Pospisil, Melvin J - born Arpil 19,1929 - shares stone with Alice V Powell, Bea O'Connor - Aug 13,1957 - Price, Ernest G - married Mary Elizabeth Nachtman - born Aug 6,1875 - died July 26,1959 - had children Price, Mary Elizabeth Nachtman - born April 16,1891 - died June 6,1968 - married Ernest G Price Prussa, Anastasia Coufal - born April 14,1870 - died April 28,1949 - dau of John Coufal and Anna Zeman - married Anton Prussa - had nine children - Mary Tasler, Ella Mack, Emma Slaymaker, Anna, Charles, Lewis, Edward, Eva Stevens, Frances Prussa, Angela Galligan - died June 16,1952 - Prussa, Anna - Nov 15,1910 - age 13 years - dau of Anton Prussa, Anna - Aug 25, 1908 - Prussa, Anton - Feb 29,1924 - Prussa, Charles Sr - born June 20,1873 - died Nov 16,1956 - married Mary Scheinost Prussa, Charles A - born June 3,1915 - died March 6,2003 - age 87 years - married Angela Galligan - had children - Charles Eugene, Carol Ann McCloney, Marijoan Manes, Thomas Joseph, Mrs John Higgins, Prussa, Charles Eugene - born Sept 12,1945 - died July 27,1993 Prussa, Francis Sr - born April 1833 - died July 22,1920 - married Elizabeth Simanek - had six children - Anton, Charles, Mrs John Kazda, Mrs J Znamancek, Prussa, Francis L - born Aug 4,1870 - died 1914, May - married Anna Coufal and Anna Tushla - had children - two who died in infancy Prussa, Frank J - May 15,1924 - Prussa, Frank Joseph - born Aug 1,1908 - died Nov 21,1995 - married Catherine Flannery Prussa, Louise Charlotte Schultze - married Charles Pruss - born Oct 23,1860 - died Oct 16,1926 Prussa, Mary Sheinost - Sept 29, 1878 - July 7,1960 - married Charles Prussa Putnam, Carlton - Feb 5,1958 - |
Quigle, John C - born Nov 15,1953 - shares stone with Mary Ann Quigle, Mary Ann - born Nov 10,1954 - married June 20, 1981 - shares stone with John C |
Ramold, Anna L Kohle - born Aug 15,1894 - died July 16,1974 - married Joseph Ramold Ramold, Anna Coufal - born Sept 15,1890 - died Feb 6,1975 - wife of Peter G Ramold Ramold, Elizabeth - mother - wife of Joseph - born Sept 19,1884 - died Feb 29,1920 Ramold, Elizabeth Schorn - born 1884 - died Jan 13,1949 - mother - shares stone with Peter Ramold, Joseph - born Jan 4,1883 - died Sept 7,1944 - age 61 years 8 months 7 days - married Elizabeth Wenner (Anna Ziska) - father Ramold, Larry - son - born Aug 3,1940 - died Aug 7,1940 Ramold, Peter - father - born 1890 - died 1986 - shares stone with Elizabeth Ramold, Quinton John - born Feb 13,1917 - died Jan 31,2001 Raska, Martin - Jan 15,1899 - Raymer, Catherine - born April 28,1873 - died Nov 18,1900 - wife of H H Raymer Raymer, Claude - born April 27,1906 - died March 30,1990 - shares stone with Marguerite Raymer, Edward Jacob - Aug 23,1899 - Raymer, Leslie - son of H H Raymer - died 1899 - age 3 months 5 days Raymer, Marguerite Catherine Nansel - born March 18,1908 - died March 19,2004 age 96 years - married Claude Raymer - shares stone with Claude Raymer, William John - born May 4,1935 - died March 12,2005 - age 69 years - married Betty Osborne - son of Claude Leslie Raymer and Marguerite Catherine Nensel - had children - Deb Shipman, Gary, Patty Shields, Mary Reece, Tom Shiels Reed, Irene Welsh - Aug 31,1985 - Regal, Arthur Paul - June 24,1972 - Regal, John - July 17,1976 - Regal, Martin - born Nov 11,1835 Moravia, under Austrian Crown - died Jan 13,1921 - age 85 years 2 months 2 days - married Victoria Kopecek in 1863 - had ten children - Mary Ziska , Mrs Anton Ziska, Josie Johnson, Agnes Wallent, James, John Regal, Victoria Kopecek - born 1840 - died Jan 6,1929(1928) - married Martin Regal Rehberg, Francis - Dec 23,1936 - had children - Adeline, Francis Rehberg, Mrs Francis - born Aug 15,1906 - died Sept 1938 - age 59 years Rehberg, John Stejskal - Sept 23,1938 - Reiser, Jacob - Aug 26,1931 - Rentschler, Jennifer Lynn - May 28,1974 - Richards, Eugene Neal - Sept 16,1941 - Ries, Adam - Feb 24,1947 - Ries, Eileen Taner - June 29,1982 - Ries, Emma Christensen - May 20,1939 - Ries, George - died June 9,1923 - age 69 years - married Emma Christensen Ries, George J - Sept 14,1985 - Ries, Lawrence Eugene - Dec 26,1943 - Ripp, Theodore - April 19,1889 - Ruther, Helen Hintz - March 17,1960 - Ruther, Joseph - June 7,1939 - Ryan, Timothy - Dec 18,1944 - Rzeszotarski, Antonia - born 1876 - died July 7,1951 - shares tone with TT and Stanley Rzeszotarski, Ethel L - born 1906 - died 1993 - married June 4,1930 - shares stone with Gaines Rzeszotarski, Gaines V - born Oct 27,1905 - died May 30,1982 - married Ethel Schrunk - shares stone with Ethel - had children Donald, Phyllis Boldue Rzeszotarski, Helen - born 1925 - shares stone with Natchel Rzeszotarski, Michael - born Sept 29,1889 - died March 1,1923 Rzeszotarski, Natchel - born 1911 - died 2002 - shares stone with Helen Rzeszotarski, Stanislaus - "Stanley" - born 1871 - died Oct 17,1931 - shares stone with TT and Antonia Rzeszotarski, Stanley Thomas "Tom" - born April 5,1950 - died Oct 11,2005 - age 55 years - son of Natchel Rzeszotarski and Helen Gonderinger - married Judy Newton - had children - T J, Kristina Perry, Rzeszotarski, Theodore T - born March 4,1903 - died May 24,1920 - age 16 years - son of Stanley - shares stone with Stanley and Antonia |
Sack, Marian Bigelow - born June 16,1913 - died Nov 16,1974 - age 6 1years - dau of F W Bigelow - married L Sack - had children - John - Photo Salem, Thomas - born July 29,1882 - died Dec 1951 - age 69 years Samples, Frank - June 29,1928 - Samples, Julia Corrigan - July 1,1885 - July 18,1960 - age 75 years - married Frank Samples Sanders, Joseph - died Sept 1900 - age 77 years, 6 months 4 days - shares stone with Mary Sanders, Mary - married Jas Sanders - born March 12,1835 Holland - died June 1, 1894 - had three children - Mrs Vanderberg, Frank, Johnny Sanders, Mary - his wife - died June 1,1894 - age 59 years, 2 months 19 days - shares stone with Joseph Sands, - dau of Matt Sands - died Aug 1912 Sands, Virginia Frances - died Aug 11,1912 Savidge, Anna - Aug 3,1898 - Savidge, Anna - June 16,1898 - Savidge, Catherine - June 20,1899 - Schaaf, Agnes Barnes - born 1921 - died May 19,1984 Schaaf, Bernard James - born May 25,1949 - died April 27,1981 Schaaf, Charles Adrian - Oct 10,1898 - Schaaf, Elmer Francis - born 1914 - died Aug 28,1969 Schaaf , George - born Dec 16,1889 - died Nov 12,1968 - married Mary Bouska - had five children - Marcellus, Harold, George, Leone Marsh, inf son Schaaf, Henry J - Sept 25,1954 - Schaaf, John A - died Jan 12(9),1888 - son of Joseph - age 7 years 1 month 7 days Schaaf, Joseph - Jan 12,1888 - froze during the blizzard (died accident before the storm) Schaaf, Joseph - born Jan 1,1850 - died Nov 7,1919 - father Schaaf, Julie M - born 1893 - died Sept 15,1959 Schaaf, Julia Marie - age 9 years - dau of Steve Schaaf and Jo Beckwith - died Nov 18,1989 cancer - born July 12,1980 Schaaf, Laurie Agnes - died Feb 18,1966 - dau of Tom and Marilyn Schaaf, Lesta C Pettinger - born Feb 10,1886 - died Sept 1,1958 Schaaf, Lonnie Charles - Feb 23,1954 - Schaaf, Mary Scherers - born Dec 21,1870 - died June 23,1916 - married Michael Schaaf - had two children - Rose Timmerman, George Schaaf, Mary Rose Fix - Oct 8,1903 - Schaaf, Michael - born Dec 13, 1857 - died Feb 10,1944 - age 86 years 1 month 27 days - married Mary Scherers and Mary Timmerman - had children - Rose Timmerman, George, Mary Brau, Barbara Lutter, Simon, Henry, Louise Olberding, Jack, Frank, Joe, Sister M Richard, Agnes Griep, Emma Eaton, Schaaf, Michael Leo - born May 15,1883 - died Jan 16,1958 Schaaf, Norbert - born 1910 - died Oct 22,1959 Schaaf, Raymond - born Aug 2,1922 - died June 28,1979 Schaaf, Rita J - born 1915 - Schaaf, Rosa - born May 24,1854 - died Oct 8,1903 - mother Schaaf, Rose Brau - May 17,1976 - Schaaf Simon W - born 1892 - died Feb 11,1951 Schaaf, Theresa - born Sept 18,1924 - Schaaf, Viola Hayes - born 1916 - died 1954 Scheinost, Albena - Nov 8,1890 - Schmidt(Schmit), Elizabeth Olinger - born April 5,1896 - died Feb 1,1956 - age 59 years - married Nicholas Schimdt - had thirteen Children Schmit, Agnes Vinzenz - born Jan 16,1873 - married Peter Schmit - died Feb 20,1960 - had children - Mary Straka, Elizabeth Cole, Schmit, Cornelius - Dec 9,1929 - Schmit, Elizabeth C Olinger - mother - married Nichalous C Schmit - born April 5,1896 - died Feb 1,1956 - shares stone with Nichalous Schmit, Michael M - born Nov 13,1919 - died Nov 4,1993 Schmit, Nichalous C - married Elizabeth C - born Nov 13,1893 - died Feb 14,1984 - father - had thirteen children - Michael, John, Richard, Raymond, Ben, George, Clarence, Mary Ann Osborne, Betty Myers, Leona, Catherine, Eleanor, Rose Mary - shares stone with Elizabeth Schmit, Rose Mary - born Sept 30,1939 - died Aug 26,1941 - age 23 months - daughter of Nick Schmit Schmit, Stephanie Jo - born Jan 21,1985 - drowned June 16,1991 - daughter of Roger and Ann Schmuecker, Henry J - April 21,1967 - Schmuecker, Joseph - May 26,1975 - Schneider, Adeline "Mack" - born Sept 21,1916 - died April 15,2002 - married Sept 15,1937 - shares stone with Gilbert Paul Schneider, Gilbert Paul - born March 28,1915 - died Dec 2,1984 - age 69 years - shares stone with Adeline Schneider, John G - born July 12,1874 - died Oct 11,1956 - age 82 years - son of Matthew Schneider and Catherine Langbeitel - married Emma Kunz - had children - Clara, Gilbert, Sister M Gaudiasa, Catherine Bruening, Helen Bruening, Margaret Kluthe Schneider, Lawrence - Dec 7,1983 - Schorn, Irene - July 11,1932 - Schorn, John - April 20,1971 - Schorn, Mary C Judge - born Nov 18,1888 - died July 9,1969 - married John Schorn - dau of Peter Judge - had children - Rev Henry R, Mary M, William J, Schorn, William - March 7,1930 - Scott, Daniel C - May 12,1965 - age 38 years Scott, Margaret - June 18,1945 - Scott, Mary Haak - Feb 25,1985 - Scott, Ruth - April 21,1985 - Scripter, Fay Walter - Oct 31,1949 - Scripter, Henry J - July 20,1976 - Scripter, Joseph Michael - April 7,1957 - Scripter, Minnie Bruder - Aug 6,1964 - Seger - Oct 28,1894 - Seger, Blanche Ann "Pat"Bigelow - born Nov 4,1910 - died April 30,1964 - age 54 years - dau of Frank Bigelow and Margearet Carberry - married Leo F Seger - had children - Paul, Patricia Callahan, Margaret, Mary - married June 20,1932 - shares stone with Leo Frances Seger, Catherine Christ - born Dec 15,1870 - died June 23,1962 - age 91 years - dau of John Christ and Margaret Becker - married Paul Seger - had children - Edward, Joseph, leo F, Frederick, Margaret Langer, Mary White, Gertrude Bond, Catherine Bose, Agnes Leininger - shares stones with Edward P, Paul, Frederick G Seger, Donat - Feb 11,1944 - Seger, Donat - born Sept 26,1828 - died Oct 1909 - age 81 years 1 month ? days - had six children Seger, Donatus - born Sept 26,1828 - died Oct 27,1909 - age 81 years 1 month and ? days - married Margaret Sontag - had children - Leopold, Donat, Paul, John, Max, Jennie - shares stones with John H, Margaret, Jospehine, N Donatus Seger, Edward - died Nov 19,1948 - son of Paul Seger and Catherine Christ Seger, Edward P - born June 8,1914 - died Nov 19,1945 - Nebraska S Sgt 63, AAF Trans Carr GP WWII - shares stone with Paul, Catherine, Frederick G Seger, Elizabeth - Dec 1,1903 - Seger, Eunice B Mormann - born Dec 5,1906 - died June 13,1977 - wife of Joseph J Seger - married Aug 19,1930 - shares stone with Joseph Seger, Eva E Kelley - born 1892 - died April 4,1964 - shares stone with Willian, Ivan Seger, Frederick G - PFC U S Army WWII - born Feb 27,1919 - died Jan 12,1992 - shares stones with Edward P, Paul, Catherine Seger, George Albert - May 17,1898 - Seger, Ivan W - born Sept 7,1911 - died April 29,1945 - Germany - Oregon Tec 4 3549 Ord M Autmv Maint Co WWII - shares stone with William, Eva Seger, John Henry - born 1919 - died Sept 1,1966 - shares stones with Donatus, Margaret, Jospehine, N Donatus Seger, John Henry - born Aug 1871 - died Nov 16,1935 - son of Donatus Seger and Margaet Seger, Joseph J - born Aug 20,1905 - died March 8,1981 - shares stone with Eunice Seger, Josephine Kramer - born Feb 25,1876 - died Aug 19,1938 - age 62 years 5 months 24 days - married N D Seger - dau of Jacob Kramer and Elizabeth - had children - John - adopted Anna and Edward With - shares stones with Donatus, John H, Margaret, N Donatus Seger, Leo Frances "Red" - born April 30,1907 - died July 2,1962 - age 55 years - son of Paul Seger and Catherine Christ - married Patricia Bigelow - beloved parents of Patricia, Paul, Margaret, Mary - shares stone with Blanche Seger, Leopold - born Oct 31, 1856 - died Dec 20,1920 Seger, Margaret Sontag - married Donatus Seger - born 1830 - died Oct 28,1894 - shares stones with Donatus, John H, Josephine, N Donatus Seger, Nicholas Donatus - born Jan 24,1867 - died Feb 11,1944 - age 77 years - son of Margaret Sontag and Donatus Seger - married Josephine Kramer - had children - Edward, John H - shares stones with Donatus, John H, Margaret, Josephine Seger, Paul - born May 21,1869 - died July 14,1956 - age 87 years - married Catherine Christ - son of Donatus Seger and Margaret - had children - Margaret Langer, Mary White, Gertrude Bond, Catherine Bose, Agnes Leninger, Edward, Joe, Leo, Frederick, - shares stones with Edward P, Catherine, Frederick Seger, William Paul - born June 21,1891 - died June 2,1958 - age 66 years - son of J Leopold Seger and Elizabeth Allen - married Ea K Kelly - had children - Ivan, - shares stone with Eva and Ivan Serbousek - infant daughter - Dec 28,1960 - Serbousek, Dr Richard A - born Dec 10,1931 - died March 4,1979 - age 47 years - married Joan konrath - had children - Mark, Leanne Shaffer, Ray M Sr - Jan 24,1980 - Shaffer, William Joseph - born May 29,1963 - died June 2,1963 - Safe in the arms of Jesus Shannon, Margaret - July 18,1939 - Sicheneder, Frank - born Oct 9,1901 - died Sept 27,1967 - married Frances Hurley - had children - John, James, Lorraine Zahradnicek, Margaret Nichols, Sicheneder, John - April 26,1982 - Skrdla, Anna Kozicek - died May 14,1934 - married John Skrdla Skrdla, John - born Mvy 3,1874 - died June 26,1948 - age 74 years - son of Joseph Skrdla and Kate - married Anna Kozisek - had children - Marie Karo, Bessie Weichman, Elsie Humpal, Lawrence, Donald, Edward Albert, Edward William Skrdla, Judy Marie - died March 17,1955 - age 3 years - dau of Lawrence Skrdla and Evelyn Jansen Slachatka, Albert - born April 4,1857 - died Aug 27,1932 - father Slachatka, Rosie - born Jan 26,1862 - died July 27,1930 - mother Slachetka, Stella - born Feb 25,1897 - died Aug 26,1983 - age 86 years - dau of Albert Slachetka - had children - Francis Moore Sladek, Mabel Raymer - born Oct 25,1912 - died April 2,1977 - wife of Viadek Sladek - shares stone with Ladd Sladek, "Ladd" Vladek Frank - born March 3,1902 - died July 19,1965 - married Mabel Raymer - shares stone with Mabel Slattery, Claire Connors - born July 18,1904 - died April 19,1948 - fuel oil explosion - age 43 years 9 months 1 day - dau of Thomas Connors and Mary - married Tom Slattery - had four children - Thomas, Mary, James, William, Slattery, Thomas - June 8,1971 - Slaymaker, Emma Elizabeth Prussa - born June 29,1895 - died March 1,1974 - married Harry Slaymaker - had children - Edna Gray, Lyle, Shirley Shephard, Donna Yocum, Glendeen Jareske, Slaymaker, Laurence - born April 28,1924 - shares stone with Mary Slaymaker, Mary - born Oct 8,1925 - died March 14,2002 - shares stone with Laurence Slaymaker, Ray - born March 14,1922 - married Eleanor Kollman - died Jan 24,2004 - age 82 years Slaymaker, Rose Dvorak - March 3,1970 - Smith, Florence O'Neill - Dec 28,1957 - Smith, John - Aug 9,1897 - aged 44 years - cholrea morbeus Smith, John Leslie - born June 15,1901 - died Nov 18,1957 - son of Henry Smith and Sarah Clark - married Francis Mlinar - had three children - Mary Ellen Helegeson, John Arthur, Carolyn Elna Smith, John R "Bob" - born March 14,1925 - died April 15,1986 - married Joan Kubitschek - had three children - Leone, Bob, AJ, Smith, Mary - Nov 12,1917 - Smith, Mary Galligan - July 14,1912 - Smith, Patricia - Aug 6,1908 - Smith, Peter Francis - Oct 4,1897 - Smith, Thomas - April 28,1890 - Soucha, Mary - July 13,1897 - Spann, Donald - April 23,1946 - Spittler, Rose - Jan 14,1893 - Sprenkle, Grace - dau of KE and MA - died July 15,1883 - age 9 months 18 days Stanton, George - April 13,1887 - Stark, Charles H - born 1891 - died Nov 4,1967 - shares stone with Helen Stark, Donald Eugene - Iowa DK 2 U S Navy, Korea - born Feb 1927 - died June 1,1970 Stark, Helen Miller - born 1897 - died May 10,1981 - married Sept 20,1919 - shares stone with Charles Sterns, Elmer - Nov 5, 1898 1977 - husband of Mae McDermott Steskal, Johann "John" - died April 28,1912 - married Josepha - had eight children - Josephine Steskal, Josepha "Josephine" - died May 27,1925 - married Johann Steskal Stracke, child of Henry - born Jan 22,1909 - died Jan 23,1909 - age 1 day Straka, Albert J - born Jan 29,1904 - died April 24,1986 - age 82 years Straka, Anton - Oct 27,1918 - influenza - age 21 years - World War Straka, Caroline - born Dec 17,1925 - died Aug 27,1992 - age 66 years Straka, Cecelia Kollman - Feb 21,1983 - Straka, Conrad - born Nov 6,1892 - died June 1988 - married Johanna Frances Killman - had children - Leonard, Veronica Engler, Clara, Helen, Caroline Straka, Edwin Anthony - Oct 15,1953 - Straka, Frank - born Dec 6, 1891 - died Jan 7,1955 - age 63 years - son of John Straka and Johanna Vinzenz - married Mary Schmit Straka, Henry - Nov 13,1953 - Straka, Henry - Oct 7,1969 - Straka, Johanna Frances Kollman - born Aug 23,1887 - died Jan 15,1979 - age 91 years - married Conrad Straka Straka, John - Jan 26,1947 - Straka, John - July 21,1915 - Straka, Leo - born April 21,1917 - died July 3,2005 - age 88 years - son of Henry Straka and Mary Kramer Straka, Mary - Feb 23,1973 - Straka, Mary - March 4,1907 - Straka, Mary Cramer - born May 11,1874 - died Sept 14(13),1922 - age 48 years 4months 3 days - married Henry Straka - had thirteen children - 2 infant dau, Anton, Conrad, Henry, Joseph, Richard, Albert, Bernard, William, Leo, Catherine Homan, Mary Straka, Mary Ann - April 5,1964 - Straka, Matthew - Aug 31,1943 - Straka, Richard J - Dec 20,1974 - Stuart, John J - born 1886 - died 1929 Stuart, Peter - June 9,1889 - Stuart, Peter - died June 9,1890 - aged 66 years - shares stone with Lizzie Carbury - Photo - Photo Stuart, Peter C - born 1865 - died 1931 Stuart, Teressa Carberry - born June 22, 1878 - died Dec 25,1961 - married Frank S Stuart - dau of John Carberry - Photo Szlachetka, Albert - Aug 27,1932 - Szlahetka, Rosalie - July 27,1930 - |
Tanner, "Dick" Richard - Dec 29,1910 - Sept 16, 1930 Tasler, Antone - born Jan 16,1832 - died Aug 22,1894 (Aug 20) - caught in the wheels of a wagon with a run away team - Married Josephine Rouse - had twelve children - Antona, Frances - shares stone with Josephine Tasler, Anton - born June 16,1891 - died April 19,1978 - son of Anton A Tasler and Caroline Mlinar - married Mary Prussa - had children - Irene, Ethel Spittler, Florence Andrus, Marianne Jansen Tasler, Anton A - born Nov 24,1863 - died Sept 28,1943 - married Cora J Mlinar - son of Anton Tasler and Josie Rosh - had seven children - Mary, Tillie Cearns, Fred, Clarence, Anton J, William, Charlie Tasler, Cora J Mlinar - born Feb 12,1868 - died Nov 12,1955 - age 87 years 9 months 2 days - married Anton A Tasler - dau of Frank Mlinar and Caroline Kodeytek Tasler, Josephine Rouse - born July 8, 1841 - died April 17,1921 - married Antone Tasler - had 12 children - Anna Lana, Antone, Josephine Humpal, Maatilda Neely, Mary Humpal, Joseph, Frances Dobias, Frank, - shares stone with Anton Tasler, Mary Prussa - born Feb 12,1892 - died Oct 13,1979 - age 87 years - dau of Anton Prussa and Anastacia Coufal - married Anton Tasler - had four children - Irene, Ethel Spittler, Florence Andrus, Marianne Jansen Theewen, Matthew - April 22,1891 - Thomassen, Thomas Andrew - born and died June 29,1988 - infant son of John and Marsha (Mlinar) Thomassen Tomlinson, Terri Lynn - March 1,1967 - Tomsek, Edward - Nov 4,1957 - Tomsik, Anna - Aug 17,1918 - Tomsik, Anna and dau Marie - born 1869 - died 1890 Tomsik, Mrs Anton - July 27,1888 - Tomsik, Francis - Rozena ledils 1838 Zemrela gerv 1,1901 Torpy, Abbie L Murphy - born April 26,1881 - died Nov 8,1944 - married William Torphy Torphy, Agnes - July 6,1914 - Torpy, John - born 18?2 - died April 19,1909 - married Margaret Jennings - had eight children - Agnes, Julia, Margaret, Anna, Florence, William Torpy, Loretta Marie Flannery - born May 16,1915 - died May 15,2004 - married Francis Torpy Torpy, Margaret - Oct 13,1920 - Torpy, Mary - April 9, 1918 - Torpy, Timothy - July 10,1955 - Torpy, William - died Feb 8,1925 - married Abbie Murphy - had children - Francis Torpy, William J - Jan 24,1972 - Traner, Roy - May 30,1951 - Traynor, - infant daughter - Sept 20,1891 - Traynor, Owen - March 25,1897 - Tresnak, Aloys - Feb 9,1917 - Troshynski, August - May 17,1984 - Troshynski, Eugene - April 30,1931 - Troshynski, Joseph - March 30,1888 - Troshynski, Marie Murphy - married Thomas L McDonald and William Troshynski - born April 13,1899 - died Dec 21,1988 Troshynski, Mark - Dec 11,1967 - Troshynski, Richard - March 10,1932 - Troshynski, Robert Francis - born Aug 26,1922 - died Oct 24,1965 - age 43 years Troshynski, Robert Francis - Aug 24,1965 - Troshynski, Thomas Leo - born March 15,1930 - died Dec 19,1951 Biggs Air Force Base, El Paso, Texas, air plane crash - age 20 years Troshynski, Tom - Dec 1982 - Troshynski, William B - Feb 22, 1967 - Tushla, Jacob - Nov 23,1928 - Tushla, James - died Nov 23,1928 - Tushla, John - born Dec 22,1884 - died Oct 19,1955 - age 70 years - shares stone with Wenclaus, Mary, Joseph Tushla, Joseph - born Dec 9,1848 - died April 29,1927 - age 78 years 4 months 20 days - married Mary Odstacil - had six children - John, Rose Keating, Mary Gilg, Anna Keating, Prussa Peter, Sylvester - shares stone with Wencelus, Mary, John Tushla, Louis - died Dec 7,1941 - killed at Pearl Harbor Tushla, Mary Rose Kazda - born 1903 - died June 8,1946 - shares stone with Sylvester Tushla, Mary Ostricil - born Nov 10,1852 - died Dec 17,1938 - mother - married Joseph Tushla - shares stone with Wenceslaus, John, Joseph Tushla, Peter Charles - July 18,1958 - Tushla, Susanna Steskal - Aug 12,1982 - Tushla, Sylvester - born 1891 - died 1966 - shares stone with Mary Rose Tushla, Wenceslaus - born 1860 - died Dec 24,1943 - Shares stone with John, Mary, Joseph |
Ullrich, Catherine - July 1,1922 - Ullrich, Catherine Schaffer - April 24,1953 - Ullrich, Gustav W - born Oct 1,1869 - died Jan 6,1911 - married Katy Schafer - had eight children Ullrich, Nona Hayes - born May 19,1894 - died July 9,1986 - age 92 years - married Leonard W Ullrich Ullrich, Pearl E McLain - born Sept 21,1888 - died May 21,1968 - married Frank Ullrich Ulrich, Dewain - born Sept 20,1908 - died Jan 29,1997 - son of William Ulrich and Louise Bauman - married Valeria Mlinar - had children - Lorraine Shald, Arlene Martine, Maureen Murphy, Carolyn Gill, Richard, Norman, Glen - shares stone with Valeria Ulrich, Frank - born July 14,1889 - died Dec 13,1955 - age 66 years - married Pearl McLain Ulrich, Louise L Bauman - born March 18, 1884 - died Dec, 1985 - age 101 years - dau of Charles Bauman and Mary Ann Morgan - married William L Ulrich - had children - Dewain - shares stone with William Ulrich, Pearl McLean - May 29,1968 - Ulrich, Valeria Mlinar - born Dec 12,1912 - died Oct 2,1975 - married Dewain Ulrich - dau of Fred Mlinar and Mary Ziska - had seven children - Lorraine Shald, Norman, Arlene Martine, Maureen Murphy, Carolyn Gill - shares stone with Dewain Ulrich, William Leopold - born Jan 24,1883 - died Aug 23,1965 - age 82 years - married Louise Bauman - - shares stone with Louise Unknown, Agnes - 1883 - 1895 - Photo Unknown, Raymond J - Oct 16,1903 - Aug 4,1963 - Photo |
Van Fleet, Harry C - born Oct 3,1908 - died Jan 27,1991 - shares stone with Marcella Van Fleet, Marcella L - born Oct 23,1915 - shares stone with Harry Verzal, Anna - Oct 12,1888 - Verzal, B Sue - no dates - shares stone with Jerry Verzal, Eileen Hitchcock - Dec 7,1964 - Verzal, Francis - June 11,1889 - Verzal, Jerry - no dates - shares stone with B Sue Verzal, Joseph - born 1863 - died Jan 15,1933 - married Katherine Weichman - had eight children - Josephine, Karel, Mary, Bertha, George, Edward, Aloysius Verzal, Josephine Pospisil - born Aug 24,1834 - died March 8,1925 - age 91 years 7 months 8 days - married John Verzal Verzal, Josephine - May 10,1925 - Verzal, Karl - Jan 15,1948 - Verzal, Katherine Weichman - died April 29,1955 - married Joseph Verzal Verzal, Lew J - Feb 28,1984 - Verzal, Margaret M - born Aug 21,1916 - died Dec 13,1996 - mother of Jerry - shares stone with Ray - father and mother of Jerry Verzal, Raymond L - born July 18, 1904 - died Feb 20(13),1976 - father of Jerry - shares stone with Margaret Vidra, Anna - July 18,1930 - Vinzenz, Agnes - May 3,1930 - Vinzenz, Conrad - Nov 1,1918 - Vinzenz, Eleanor Schmuecker - Aug 20,1950 - Vinzenz, Frank "Pat" - Jan 31,1985 - Vinzenz, John - born Nov 24,1884 - died June 3,1974 - son of John Vinzenz and Agnes Schneider - married Eleanor Schmuecker - had one child - Ida Marinello Vinzenz, John - born Jan 10,1849 - died July 25,1922 - age 73 years 6 months 15 days - married Agnes Schneider - had twelve children - five infants, Conrad, Agnes Schmit, Mrs Hugh McAlur, John, Mrs Conrad Kramer, Mrs Joseph Laible, Frank, Vinzenz, Richard - Aug 6,1894 - Virda, Francis - Minvinia P Florlpk - geb Vidra June 11,1875 May 4,1914 - gone but not forgotten, Vorstezil, John - Jan 22,1895 - Vrooman, Effie A Jones - born Oct 15,1900 - died Dec 25, 1956 - age 58 years - dau of John F Jones and Pauline Pacha - married William C Vrooman - had children - Harold, Vrooman, Shirley Ann - Sept 22,1960 - Vrooman, William C - born Feb 27,1900 - died Sept 20,1954 - age 54 years - married Effie Jones - son of Adelbert Vrooman and Martha Rodgers - had children - Robert Harold |
Wabs, Carl - born Nov 11,1899 - died Aug 3,1915 Wabs, Henry A - born 1873 - died Jan 25,1925 - father Wabs, Sarah Caroline Libe - born Aug 4,1881 - died Dec 13,1969 - age 85 years - married Henry Wabs - mother - had children - Carrie, Mary Mulvihill, More? Shipman, Ellen Herrmann, Josephine Pearce, Leo, Francis Wagman, Anna Marie - born June 19,1936 - died June 24,1937 - age 1 year 6 days, dau of Joe, Wagman, Caspar - born Dec 28,1865 - died Feb 1,1938 - age 72 years - had eight children - Joe, Tom W, Fred, Wendell, Maude Schoenberg, Matilda Fillippina, Effie, Wagman, Michael - July 13,1946 - Wallinger, John - Nov 5,1950 - Walnofer, Joseph John - died April 24,1999 - age 72 years - married Joyce Hieter - had children - Jerri Reinhart, Carla Stanley, Laure Braun, Walnofer, Joyce Ann Hieter - born Nov 22,1941 - died Oct 13,2004 - age 62 years - married Joseph John Walnofer - had six children - Jerri Reinhart, Carla Stanley, Laure Braun, Steve, Joe E, Mark, Walnofer, Peter - Aug 7,1962 - Weber, Frank J - born June 11,1893 - died Aug 5,1970 - shares stone with Wilimena Weber, Margaret - June 27,1911 - Weber, Mary Ann - born May 9,1868 - died April 8,1959 - mother Weber, Peter - March 18,1933 - Weber, Susanna Mick - Oct 10,1938 - Weber, Wilma Mumm (Wilimena M) - born April 23,1913 - died Oct 16,1985 - age 72 years - married Frank Weber - had children - James, Marilyn Miksch, - married May 14,1936 - shares stone with Frank J Wedige, Ernest - Sept 7,1979 - Wedige, Florence Moeller - May 3,1983 - Wedige, Francis - Dec 28,1891 - Wedige, John M - March 11,1958 - Wedige, June Douglas - Jan 9,1985 - Wedige, Lawrence - June 12,1916 - Wedige, Leonard - born May 17,1903 - died Dec 22,1968 - married Rose Marie Krobot - had children - Geraldine, Joe, daughter Wedige, Mary Agnes - May 5,1961 - Wedige, Muriel Murphy - Dec 15,1963 - Wedige, Nicholas - Dec 27,1891 - Wedige, Nicolaus - June 23,1913 - Weichman, infant - Nov 26,1924 - Weichman, Anna - Sept 21,1907 - Weichman, Anna Steinhauser - born July 17,1878 - died May 7,1960 - age 81 years - married Frank Weichman - dau of Frank Steinhauser and Anna Jannor Weichman, Anton J - born May 21,1897 - died April 5,1978 - age 80 years - son of Frank Weichman and Anna Steinhauser - married Cora Davis - father - had children - Charles, John, Bernard, Cathleen Burbank, Mary - shares stone with Cora Weichman, Cora Olive Davis - born March 7,1899 - died April 29,1992 - dau of Pauline Mlinar and Charles H Davis - married Anton Weichman - mother - had children - Charles, John "Bud", Cathleen Burback, Bernard, inf dau Weichman, Donald H - July 22,1964 - Weichman, Frank - born Aug 1,1870 - died Oct 14,1954 - age 84 years - married Anna Steinhauser - son of Matthew Weichman and Anna Bonne - had eleven children - Karl, Max, Anton, John, Leo, Frank, Mary Hamik, Matilda Wewel, Julia Wewel, Dora Wallinger,Thresa Scholz Weichman, Florence P - Aug 27,1973 - Weichman, Mary - died Nov 25,1924 - Weichman, Max - born March 29,1874 - died Oct 5,1900 - age 73 years - married Bessie Skrdla - had seven children - Anna Marie Cadwallader, Maxine Hood, Evelyn Johnson, Katherine Draper, Donald, two infants Weichman, Stanley - Sept 25,1960 - Weller, Anna Barrett - born Sept 9,1882 - died Oct 13,1979 - age 97 years - dau of Anna Finnigan and Patrick Barrett - married Francis T Weller - had children - Francis; Weller, Francis P - Aug 13,1983 - Weller, Francis Thomas - Sept 8,1947 - Weller, Frank - Oct 25,1944 - Weller, Frank Gates - May 1,1857 - Oct 25,1944 Weller, Gerald James - born June 7,1917 - died June 30,1948 - age 31 years - son of William James Weller and Lillian Rose Weller, Mark Allen - March 17,1963 - Weller, Mary Hubbard - April 19,1935 - Weller, William James - born March 3,1884 - died Jan 19(14),1928 - age 44 years - married Lily Pierce - had six small sons, Donald, Leo, Gerald, Joseph, Eugene, Charles, Welsh, Joseph Anthony - born Nov 11,1992 - died March 13,1993 - age 4 months - son of Michael and Deborah Wenner, John C - born Sept 8,1887 - died Feb 15,1972 - shares stone with Mary - married Aug 27,1928 Wenner, Katherine Schmit - born June 19,1858 - died March 11,1934 - married Michael Wenner Wenner, Marilyn L Raymer - wife and mother - born Jan 7,1938 - died May 26,1978 Wenner, Mary V - born Dec 6,1906 - died Dec 19,1995 - shares stone with John Wenner, Michael - married Katherine Schmit - born Jan 25,1847 - died March 25,1925 - age 78 years - had six children - Elizabeth Ramold, Anna Bogue, Lena Klein, John, Wernke, Harold D - born March 8,1927 - died April 3 (8),1927 Westrom, Chris M - born 1885 - died 1961 - shares stone with Mary Westrom, Mary Helen Krziza - born Aug 25,1883 - died Sept 25,1978 - age 95 years - dau of Vincent Krziza and Johanna Skrdka - married Chris M Westrom - shares stone with Chris - had children Wewel, Alouis Pius - born April 21,1901 - died May 16,1968 - father - married Julie Weichman - shares stone with Julia - had children - Fred, Louis, Regena Troshynski, Dorothy Cody, Patricia Barnes, Josephine Groff Wewel, Julia Weichman - born 1903 - died Nov 24,1965 - shares stone with Alouis White, Frank W - 1869 - 1965 - Father - Photo White, George - died July 25,1899 - White, Margaret - 1873 - 1937 - Mother - Photo White, Mary Seger - born May 19,1901 - died Jan 18,1990 - shares stone with Ray - Photo White, Ray W - born March 7,1903 - died Sept 17,1991 - shares stone with Mary - Photo Wickman, Wenceslaus - May 3,1890 - Wilbern, Diane - infant - March 19,1948 - Wilkenson, Mary - Oct 20,1906 - Wilkinson, Agnes - Oct 6,1978 - Wilkinson, Charles O - born Oct 20,1861 - died July 15(17), 1947 Wilkinson, Judith Ann - born Sept 18,1918 - died 1944 Wilkinson, Mary - born Feb 2,1859 - died Oct 20,1906 - married C Wilkinson Wilkinson, Mayme McCarthy - born Dec 17,1894 - died Nov 1992 - age 97 years - married William Wilkinson - had children - Helen Johnson, Ailene, Dorothy Winkler, Agnes Stejskal - born 1861 - died June 5,1935 - mother - shares stone with Henry Winkler, Henry - born Oct 22, 1848 - died Dec 20,1928 - of pneumonia - age 80 years - married Agnes Steskal - father - had children - Henry Jr, Mrs Fred Meyers, Mrs Frank Henderson, Mrs A D Brown, Mrs L A Daniels, Joe, Josephine, Anna Gift - shares stones with Agnes Winkler, Kathryn Kunz - April 16,1979 - Winkler, Lena Weber - Feb 9,1969 - Winkler, Robert - June 23,1978 - Winther, Lee H - June 6,1969 - Wolf, Richard Dale - Sept 1,1975 - Wynn, Jacob - April 21,1912 - Wynn, James - born June 5,1861 - died April 1,1927 - age 66 years |
Yates, Sarah - Sept 24,1888 - |
Zahradnicek, Marie - July 29,1903 - Zarnfaller, Anna - Oct 30,1967 - Zarnfaller, Charles - April 20,1949 - Zeimer, Eva S - died Oct 23,1934 - age 74 years - had nine children - 3 deceased, Phil, Mrs M F Kirwan, Mrs John E Salmans, Mrs Oscar Marcottee, Mrs W H Stein, Joe, Zeimer, John A - died Sept 1909 - Oct 1,1909 Atkinson Graphic Zeman, John - died Dec 6,1918 - age 33 years - had two children Zeman, Joseph - March 1,1916 - Zeman, Mary - Sept 14,1918 - Ziska, - 1894 - baby of Jos Ziska Ziska, Agnes M Kramer - born Dec 24,1880 - died Aug 8,1957 - married Fred Ziska - had children - Joseph, George, Lawrence, Theresa Krysl, Clara Hamik, Gertrude Kaup, Margaret Knievel, Leona Meyers, Irene Ziska, Ann - Nov 19,1915 - Ziska, Anna - Jan 31, 1947 - Ziska, Antonia Regal - Jan 14,1954 - Ziska, Arthur L - March 1,1980 - Ziska, Cecelia - Oct 13,1905 - Ziska, Doris Mary - born May 13,1930 - died March 15,2006 - age 75 years - dau of James E Ziska and Theresa D Ahle Ziska, Elsie Obermire - May 26,1970 - Ziska, Fred - Jan 29,1959 - Ziska, Fred J - died Aug 23,1981 - Ziska, George B - born Feb 22,1912 - died Aug 8,2004 - age 92 years - married Marie Bayer - had children - George Jr, Ziska, Irene - died April 21,1930 Ziska, James Edward - March 15,1981 - Ziska, John - died Feb 1906 - age 80 years - had eleven children Ziska, John - born Jan 27,1860 - died March 31,1944 - age 84 years - married Mary Regal - son of Jan(John) Ziska and Frances Tasler - had children - Albena Mae Dobrovolny Ziska, Joseph Sr - Feb 27,1947 - Ziska, Marie Bayer - Feb 7,1980 - married George B Ziska Ziska, Mary - Oct 12,1905 - Ziska, Mary Regal - born 1870 - died May 30,1933 - married John Ziska - dau of Martin Regal and Victoria Kopecek Ziska, Theresa Ahle - June 24,1978 - Ziska, Wayne Edward - born Dec 2,1960 - died April 13,1964 - age 3 years - son of Lawrence Ziska Zunaszak, Victoria - March 4,1913 - |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z