AGEE, a rural post office in the northeastern part of Holt County, 12 miles north of O'Neill, the county seat. Population 10 Lansworth, P J, Postmaster
AMELIA, a post office in the southwestern part of Holt County, 26 miles from O'Neill, the county seat. Population 10.
ATKINSON, coming soon
Barthel Carl, Blacksmith
Bliss, A.A. I.D. Bliss, Mgr, gen'l mdse.
Parsons, R D & Co, pubs. Weekly Journal.
Waters, S S, Postmaster
Watson, Winslow Z, JusticeBADGER, a newly established postoffice in Holt county
BLISS, a village in the southern part of Holt county, 24 miles from O'Neill, the county seat. The nearest railway station is Clearwater, about 15 miles distant. Population 10.
Dierks, I N, Justice
Drew, Robert, Blacksmith
Lefler, A E, Mrs., genl mdse, hardware, milinery, and postmaster.
Scheer, Peter, JusticeCELIA, a post office in the northwestern part of Holt County, 21 miles northwest of O'Neill
CHAMBERS, is located in the south central part of Holt County and is a village of about 125 population. It is excellently located in a good farming and stock raising country.
Angel, L E & Co, Genl mdse.
Baker, Lee, agl implts, hardware
Barney, G L, genl mdse
Doherty, Anna Miss, milliner.
Duffy, J H, Harnessmaker, Justice
Lukin, I, Phys.
Norville, S V, Phys
Paxton, G C, Phys, Drugs
Trout & Jeffers, Blacksmith
Wey, R C, agl implts, Justice, PostmasterCHELSEA, a post office in the northwestern part of Holt County on the Niobrara River, 30 miles north of O'Neill, the county seat.
Culbertson, Wm, PostmasterDELOIT, a rural post office in the extreme southeastern part of Holt County 30 miles from O'Neill, the county seat,and nine miles from Ewing,
the nearest railway station. Population, 35.
Conner, R, Blacksmith
Laflin, W A, Phys.
Layden, P, Justice
Maben, L B, Genl mdse, Postmaster
Oldaker, T C, Agl implts.
Sylvester, Geo, BlacksmithDORSEY, a post office in the northeastern part of Holt County, 25 miles from O'Neill, the county seat. A good flour mill is in constant operation here. Population, 100.
Bindkard, Dan, Postmaster
Cook, Dan, Blacksmith
Davidson, J, Agl. implts.
Davidson, Wm, Genl mdse, Hardware, Drugs
Gager, D, Harnessmaker
Menzie & Parker, Flour millDOTY, a post office in the extreme northwestern part of Holt County, the county seat.
Garwood Cyrus, Justice
Miles, Isaac, Blacksmith
Smith, R B, PostmasterDUSTIN, a village in the northwestern part of Holt County, 45 miles from O'Neill, the county seat, and about 18 miles from Stuart, the nearest railway station. Population, 50.
EMMETT, on the line of the F.E. & M.V.R.R, in Holt County, eight miles west of O'Neill, is a place of 40 popluation.
Ashton, W B, Justice
Ceriss, Ira M, Sta agt.
Mally A, Genl mdse
Mally, M C, Postmaster
Mally, T, Hardware
Mally, T F, Agl implts.
Mally, Thos Mrs., Dressmaker
Nelson, I, BlacksmithGRAND RAPIDS, a postoffice in the northwestern part of Holt County, Population 75.
HAINESVILLE, a post office in the eastern part of Holt County, 24 miles from O'Neill, the county seat.
Jones, H B, Justice
Mohr, A C, Postmaster
Mohr,Mrs. Louisa, DressmakerHAROLD, a rural postoffice in the southern part of Holt County, 30 miles from O'Neill. Population 10.
Calkins, W, Agl Implts, Postmaster
Calkins, Mary, Dressmaker
Connelly, Luther, Blacksmith
Herzog, J, JusticeHOLLMAN, a ranchmens post office in the southeastern part of Holt County, on the south branch of the Elkhorn River. The surrounding country is dotted by numerous ranches and the festive cowboy is in his glory on the adjacent plains.
Horton, E A, PostmasterINEZ, a postoffice in the southwestern part of Holt county 30 miles from O'Neill, the county seat, and 17 miles from Atkinson, the nearest railway station. Population, 20.
Adams Mary, postmaster.INMAN is in the eastern part of Holt County, eight miles east of O'Neill, with a population of 300. Religious societies are Christian, Presbyterian and Methodist. Civic societies are GAR and WCTU.
Asher, R. Postmaster, veterinary
Clark, A J, Justice
Clark, E H, Harnessmaker
Coon E C & Co., Hardware,agl.implts
Geary, Geo, Justice
Grundy, C W, Sta agt.
Lemont, C W, Genl mdse
Semore, L S, Blacksmith
Skelton, D, Agl. implts
Seklton, H A, Phys.
Skelton, J D, Gen MdseJOY, a post office in the central part of Holt County, 12 miles from O'Neill.
Hagensick, C W, Blacksmith, Justice, postmasterLAMBERT, a post office in the eastern part of Holt County, 20 miles from O'Neill.
Howard, R C, postmasterLEONIE a country post office in the eastern part of Holt County, 15 miles north of O'Neill. Population 20.
Hodgkins, H, Postmaster
Molin, David, JusticeLITTLE, a post office in the southeastern part of Holt County, 23 miles south of O'Neill.
MIDDLE BRANCH, a post office in the northeastern part of Holt County 18 miles from O'Neill. Population 50
Bright, J D, Blacksmith
Bright, M L, Drugs
Finney, C H, Genl mdse, PostmasterMineola, a post office in the northeastern part of Holt County. Population 100.
Bright, C L, Postmaster
Connelly, A C, Blacksmith
Freeland, Mrs. J B, Dressmaker
Gould, E. Harnessmaker
Lemont, C W, Genl mdse, HardwarePADDOCK a post office in the northern part of Holt County, on the south bank of the Niobrara River, 25 miles north of O'Neill, the county seat. Population 50.
Mullihan, G H, Agl. implts
Prouty, John G., Postmaster
Robertson, S G, Phys. Genl mdse.
Roso, Vincent, BlacksmithPAGE a post office lately established in the eastern part of Holt County. Is is also a station on the Pacific Short Line Ry.
PHOENIX a post office in Holt County.
RAY a post office in the central part of Holt County, 12 miles north of O'Neill.
RICHMOND a rural post office in the northwestern part of Holt County, 20 miles northwest of O'Neill, the county seat.
Sterns Herman, PostmasterRIVERSIDE, a farm-house post office in the northeastern part of Holt County, about 35 miles from O'Neill, the county seat. Population 25
Beeman, E C, Genl mdse
Darr, G, BlacksmithSARATOGA, a post office located in northern part of Holt County, about 20 miles northwest of O'Neill, the county seat and nearest railway station.
McCarthy, W H, PostmasterSCOTTVILLE, the post office located in the northeastern part of Holt County, about 25 miles from O'Neill, the county seat.
Beeman, E C, Genl mdse, Scott, Jesse, Postmaster
Wiley, J, JusticeSIXER, a post office in the norther part of Holt County, on the Niobrara River, 25 miles north of O'Neill.
SLOCUM, a post office in the center of Holt County, ten miles from O'Neill, the county seat.
Gallagher, T J, Justice
Kelly, W M, Postmaster
Nafziger, A K, Genl mdseSTAFFORD, a post office and flag station on the F E & M V R R between Ewing and Inman, in the eastern part of Holt County.
STAR, a post office in the northeastern part of Holt County 25 miles from O'Neill, the county seat. Population 16.
Cole, E E, Postmaster
Johnson, C M, Genl Mdse.
Phillips, Frank, Justice
Wertz, Alexander, HardwareSWAN, a post office in the southwestern part of Holt County, near Swan Lake, 40 miles from O'Neil, the county seat. Population 100.
Gordan, J K, Postmaster
Richmond, L, JusticeTURNER, a country village located in the northern part of Holt County, 20 miles north of O'Neill. Population 20.
Emerson, Ella, Dressmaker
Emerson, F, Postmaster, blacksmith, agl implt, justice
Nollkamper, Wm, Genl mdse, flour mill