Holt County NEGenWeb Project

Patent Records -- Holt County, Nebraska
Book K

Transcribed and submitted by Doris Counts.

Book K Page 128 Heirs of John B Gallagher deceased
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Heirs of John B Gallagher, deceased          Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of
said County this  1st  day of  November   1907 at 4 p.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  128 
 W P Simar  County clerk
By  Roy Smith  , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  5156 
Application  9180                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  Heirs of John B Gallagher, deceased  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  north east quarter of section seventeen in township twenty nine north of range ten west of the sixth prinicipal meridian in Nebraska containing one hundred and sixty acres .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  Heirs of John B Gallagher, deceased  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  Heirs of John B Gallagher, Deceased  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Grover Cleveland , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  nineteenth  day of  June , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  ninety five , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  ninteenth 
By the President,  Grover Cleveland 
By  M McKean , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  12  page  271 
 L R C Lamar  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K Page 209 William DeGroff
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 William DeGroff     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  18th  day of  June   1908 at 4 p.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  209 
 W P Simar  County clerk
By     , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  6611 
Application  15354                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  William DeGroff  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  north half of the north east quarter and the north half of the north west quarter of section twelve in township twenty five north of range fifteen west of the sixth prinicipal meridian in Nebraska containing one hundred and sixty acres .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  William DeGroff  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  William DeGroff  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Theodore Roosevelt , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  thirteenth  day of  March , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and  five , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  twenty ninth 
By the President,  Theodore Roosevelt 
By  F McKean , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  298  page  449 
 C H Brush  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K Page 229 John Klein
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 John Klein     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  18th  day of  August   1908 at 8 a.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  229 
 W P Simar  County clerk
By     , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  7096 
Application  16472                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  John Klein  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  West half of the north west quarter and the south east quarter of the north west quarter of section twenty one in township twenty five north of range ten west of the sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, containing one hundred and twenty acres .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  John Klein  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  John Klein  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Theodore Roosevelt , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  twenty fifth  day of  June , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and  eight , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  Thirty second 
By the President,  Theodore Roosevelt 
By  M U Young , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  795  page  1 
 H W Sanford  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K Page 257 John S Gallagher
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 John S Gallagher     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  16th  day of  November   1908 at 9 a.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  257 
 W P Simar  County clerk
By     , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  7160 
Application  17823                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto the claim of  John S Gallagher  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  North east quarter of the north west quarter, the north half of the north east quarter, and the south east quarter of the north east quarter of section seven in township twenty nine north of range twelve west of the sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  John S Gallagher  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  John S Gallagher  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Theodore Roosevelt , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  twelveth  day of  October , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and  eight , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  Thirty third 
By the President,  Theodore Roosevelt 
By  M U Young , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol    page   
 H W Sanford  Recorder of the General Land Office
Patent Number 21462

Book K page 265 Heirs of Andy Blake, deceased
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Heirs of Andy Blake, deceased     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  30th  day of  November   1908 at 3 p.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  265 
 W P Simar  County clerk
By  Roy Smith  , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  4328 
Application  8819                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  heirs of Andy Blake, deceased  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  North west quarter of section seven in township thirty one, north of range fourteen, west of the sixth principal meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and fifty acres and eighty seven hundredths of an acre .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  Heirs of Andy Blake, deceased  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  Heirs of Andy Blake, deceased  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Benjamin Harrison , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  twentieth  day of  October , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  ninety , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  fifteenth 
By the President,  Benjamin Harrison 
By  Ellen Macfarland , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  9  page  247 
 I R Conwell  Recorder of the General Land Office
             Ad Interim

Book K page 303 William H Risor
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 William H Risor     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  29th  day of  March   1909 at 3 p.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  303< 
 W P Simar  County clerk
By  R W Deveson  , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  5057 
Application  8540                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  Neligh, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  William H Risor  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  South west quarter of sectiion thirteen, in township twenty five north of range twelve, west of the sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  William H Risor  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  William H Risor  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Benjamin Harrison , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  fifteenth  day of  August , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  eighty nine , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  fourteenth 
By the President,  Benjamin Harrison 
By  Ellen Macfarland , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  10  page  14 
 D Tyler  Recorder of the General Land Office
             Ad Interim

Book K page 314 Benjamin McKathnie
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Benjamin McKathnie     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  19th  day of  April   1909 at 10:30 a.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  314 
 W P Simar  County clerk
By  R W Deveson  , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  4184 
Application  10472                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  Benjamin McKathnie  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  North east quarter of the north east quarter of section twenty four and the south east quarter of the south west quarter and the south half of the south east quarter of section thirteen in township thirty two north of range fourteen west of the sixth princiipal meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres 
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  Benjamin McKathnie  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  Benjamin McKathnie  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Benjamin Harrison , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  twenty first  day of  November , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  ninety , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  fifteenth 
By the President,  Benjamin Harrison 
By  Ellen Macfarland, asst , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  9  page  354 
 J M Townsend  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K page 315 Benjamin McKathnie
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Benjamin McKathnie     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  19th  day of  April   1909 at 10:30 a.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  315 
 U P Simar  County clerk
By  R W Deveson  , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Timber culture  Certificate No  354 
Application  1681                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved  March 3,1873, March 13, 1874, and June 14,1878 "To encourage the growth of timber on the western prairies"  the claim of  Benjamin McKathnie  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  West Half of the North west quarter and the west half of the south west quarter of section nineteen in township thirty two north of range thirteen west of the sixth principal meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and fifty nine acres and twenty hundredths of an acre .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  Benjamin McKathnie  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  Benjamin McKathnie  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Benjamin Harrison , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  Twenty third  day  April , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  Ninety one , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  fifteenth 
By the President,  Benjamin Harrison 
By  Ellen Macfarland, asst , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  13  page  130 
 I R Conwell  Recorder of the General Land Office
             Ad Interim

Book K pager 362 Patrick Coggins
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Patrick Coggins     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  5th  day of  August A D  1909  at  2 p.m o'clock., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  362 
 O T Timas  County clerk
By     , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  3-42 
Application  8181 
Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  Niobrara, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  Patrick Coggins  has been established and duly consummated; in conformity to law, for the  South half of the south west quarter of Section eighteen and The North half of the North West quarter of Section nineteen in Township twenty eight North of Range twelve West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and fifty nine acres and eighty six hundredth of an acre .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto the said  Patrick Coggins  the tract of Land above described: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said tract of Land, with the appurtenances thereof unto the said  Patrick Coggins  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Benjamin Harrison , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  twenty eighth  day of  June , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  ninety , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  fourteenth 
By the President,  Benjamin Harrison 
By  M McKean , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  8  page  189 
 S N Townsend  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K page 560 Joseph J Nachtman
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Joseph J Nachtman     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  20th  day of  December   1910 at 10 a.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  560 
 S F McNichols  County clerk
By     , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

H D O'Neill  01285
 Homestead  Certificate No      
Application                         Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  O'Neill, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  Joseph J Nachtman  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  South half of the south west quarter and the west half of the south east quarter of section twenty third and the north east quarter and the north east quarter of the north west quarter of section twenty six in township twenty six, north of range fourteen, west of the sixth princiipal meridian in Nebraska, containing three hundred and sixty acres 
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  claimant  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  claimant  and to  his, the said claimant  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  William H Taft , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  first  day of  September , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and  ten , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  thirty fifth 
By the President,  William H Taft 
By  W P LeRoy , Secretary.
Recorded,  Patent Number 150180 
 H W Sanford  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K page 565 Justus Spindler
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Justus Spindler     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  9th  day of  January   1911 at 2 p.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page <> 565 
 S F McNichols  County clerk
By     , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  2229 
Application  3799                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  Niobrara, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  Justus Spindler  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  North west quarter of section five in township thirty one north of range eleven west of the sixth principal meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres and seventeen hundredths of an acre .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  Justus Spindler  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  Justus Spindler  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Grover Cleveland , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  twentieth  day of  April , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  eighty five , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  ninth 
By the President,  Grover Cleveland 
By  M McKean , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  5  page  61 
 S W Clark  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K page 607 Daniel Gallagher
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Daniel Gallagher     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  4th  day of  April   1911 at 9 a.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  607 
 S F McNichols  County clerk
By     , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  3008 
Application  4426                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  Niobrara, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  Daniel Gallagher  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  South east quarter of section twenty nine in township twenty eight, north of range ten, west of the sixth principal meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  Daniel Gallagher  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  Daniel Gallagher  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Benjamin Harrison , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  second  day of  August , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  eighty nine , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  fourteenth 
By the President,  Benjamin Harrison 
By  M McKean , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  6  page  443 
 J M Townsend  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book K page 619 Robert Gallagher
United States                         The State of Nebraska
To                                        Holt County,                Entered in Numerical
 Robert Gallagher     Index and filed for record in the Clerk's office of said County
this  21st  day of  April   1911 at 2 p.m o'clock ., and recorded in Book  K  of Patents on page  619 
 S F McNichols  County clerk
By  R C Kelley  , Deputy .


To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

 Homestead  Certificate No  2180 
Application  7948                 Whereas There has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at  Niobrara, Nebraska  whereby it appears that, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862  To Secure Homesteads and actual Settlers on the public Domain and the acts Supplemental thereto  the claim of  Robert Gallagher  has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the  North east quarter of section twenty two, in township twenty eight, north of range nine, west of the sixth principal meridian, in Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres .
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land, Returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the Surveyor General.

        Now know ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto said  Robert Gallagher  the tract of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said  Robert Gallagher  and to  his  heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I,  Grover Cleveland , President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the  twentieth  day of  April , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  Eighty five , and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and  ninth 
By the President,  Grover Cleveland 
By  M McKean , Secretary.
Recorded, Vol  5  page  19 
 S W Clark  Recorder of the General Land Office

Book A
Book H
Book B
Book J
Book C
Book K
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Book L
Book E
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Book F
Book N
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