Holt County NEGenWeb Project

The Young Men of This County who Registered

On June 5, Arranged by Precincts

The following is a list of the persons who registered in the several townships for military service on June 5, 1917, arranged alphabetically by townships:


Bergstrom, Lloyd William		Brennan, Thomas J.
Bowen, Archie E.			Beckhart, William Edmunds, Jr.
Birmingham, Hugh J.			Braur, Herman F.
Boyle, Wilfred James			Cronin, Charles A.
Boyle, Hugh James			Cooper, William E.
Biglin, William J.			Campbell, Edward Thomas
Bingold, John Geo Gotlieb		Goyne, Martin Francis
Biglin, Frank J.			Campbell, Hugh J.
Burgess, LeRoy A.			Chmeler, John L.
Clark, Harry LeRoy			Davenport, Opal Walton
Clauson, David Harrison			Davis, Clarence Newt
Clinton, George Lewis			Doyle, Bernard F.
Chapman, Lawrence			Fitzgerald, M. Francis
Cronin, Julius D.			Grady, Ben J.
Cunningham, Russell Squire		Giblin, William A.
Conklin, Cecil William			Gatz, Charles
Carney, Thomas E.			Gatz, William
Froelich, Frank C.			Hammond, William J.
Frederick, George			Herford, Hawley W.
Faulhaber, Earl William			Hammond, Herbert J.
Gallagher, John G.			Kuhns, Harvey
Golden, Clear C.			Lewis, Carl Edward
Gallagher, Edward M.			Linehart, Frank Eugene
Hagensick, Elmer Thomas			Martin, William
Hagerty, William Patrick		Mills, Jesse Gerald
Hagensick, Oscar Albert			Mullen, Wallace F.
Kersenbrock, John			Madison, Roy Leonard
Keyes, Thomas J.			Martin, Francis A.
Keyes, Cornelius J.			McManus, John P., Jr.
Lawrence, Cloyd G.			McDermott, Michael
Mascotte, Albert J.			McManus, Jas
Mayfield, Eugene D.			O'Malley, Arthur E.
Mullen, Bernard Sebastine		O'Connell, Frank J.
Minton, Richard				Ross, Ray C.
Murry, Lewis Allen			Rodenwald, Benj. William
Norton, Ottie Lee			Stein, Walter H.
Nourse, Elmer Horanc			Stannard, William B.
Reardon, Harry J.			Voorhies, George Samuel
Reed, Earnest				Vincent, Jess E.
Rhodes, Ross Robert			Warford, Bert Adam
Reka, Charles Conard			Wilson, Mitchel J.
Schwartz, Fred C.			West, Ira
Suchy, Vaclav
Smith, Fred Geo Joseph
Soukup, Leonard Ernest
Staats, Henry
Vifquain, George Victor
Wyant, Arthur G.
Winkler, Henry P.
Young, Jodie Charles

THIRD WARD Abbott, John Wilson Brown, Cecil Vern Brehm, George Brennan, Neil P. Bowden, Elain Ernest Burge, George Edgar Clark, Luther Downey, S. Davis, Andy Davidson, John Davidson, Clyde Everist, John Sherman Evans, Ralph W. Effle, Nichols Fouts, Asa J. Gunn, Edmond A. Gunn, Albertus N. Hanson, Richard Hoxsie, Clarence Harnish, Frank D. Hombach, Walter P. Harrington, George McEmery Johnson, Gred C. Kane, Martin Patrick Kestenholtz, Harry Charles Klinetobe, William Klinteobe, George Klinetobe, John Leonard, William E. Leonard, Loyd Miles, Gerald E. Manson, Charles R. Mack, Otie M. Milliard, Ralph M. O'Sullivan, William C. Oswold, Aaron O'Donnell, Ed. L. Powell, Bertram L. Pound, Kenneth A. Parkinson, Leonard B. Peterson, Hans Radaker, Harry E. Rehak, William Roberts, Arthur L. Shaw, Gover C. Schrader, Fred Surber, Elmer Toy, Anton Timlin, Michael J. Tickler, Oliver K. Warner, Walter b. Warner, Charles A. Roy Wrede, Lester White, Winfred V. Zimmerman, Leo Henry


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