Mann & John Hecker in gen mdse store; 1891- owner & opr J P McManus Gen Mdse Store, O'Neill; owner farm lands & real est, Holt Co; past mbr KC; St Patrick's Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, travel, hunting, hunting dogs; res O'Neill.McNAMARA, JOHN G: Clergyman; b Wisner, Neb Mar 1, 1872; s of James McNamara-Margaret Carpenter; ed Cuming Co; Guardian Angel Sch, West Point; Quincy Coll, Quincy Ill; Mount St Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati 0; 1897-98 pastor Sacred Heart Ch, Omaha; 1898-99 pastor Norfolk Sacred Heart Ch; 1899-1900 pastor St Patrick's Ch, Jackson; 1900-34 pastor St Andrew's Ch, Bloomfield; 1934- pastor St Patrick's Ch, O'Neill; dean of O'Neill deanery, 1935- monsignor; res O'Neill.
MAINS, THOMAS S: Manager Finance Corporation; b Ute, Ia Dec 17, 1890; s of John Mains-Margaret Adams; ed Stuart HS 1908; m Evelyn Tierney Sept 3, 1914 Stuart; s Robert E; d Evelyn M, Jane L; 1907-30 with Citizens Bank, Stuart; 1930-39 mgr Mellor Motor Co, O'Neill; 1939- mgr Central Finance Corp, O'Neill; Lions; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res O'Neill.
MALONE, MRS. ROBINETTA: Homemaker; b Frankton, Ind Mar 5, 1878; d of Jonathan P Hancock-Mary Frantz; ed Holt Co; WSTC; m Clarence Joseph Malone 1 Nov 25, 1895 Inman (dec May 22, 1939); s Laurence H; d Florence Mary, Mildred (Mrs. Elmer F Spann); grandchildren Virginia A, Thomas E, Robert L Malone all of Los Angeles, Roger Malone Spann of Atkinson; 1884 came to Holt Co; 1897-1901 lived at Wausa, where Mr Malone was supt of schs; past pres Womans Club; Rebekah; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, home, family, travel; res O'Neill.
1 Clarence Malone was the son of Thomas Malone-Emeline Doak. He came from Kansas to Holt Co in 1890 & taught school several years. He was Holt Co judge 28 1/2 years & belonged to the AF&AM, IOOF, & Neb St Bar Assn.MANN, JOHN P: Retired; b Elgin, Ill Sep 12, 1857; s of John Mann-Mary Freeman; ed HS; m Jean M Murray 1899 Chicago; d Mrs Gordon Murray; 1884-1901 in gen mdse bus, O'Neill; 1901-32 with Morris Mann & Reilly, whol and importing bus Chicago; 1932- ret; while in Chicago active in Assn of Commerce 25 years; St Patrick's Cath Ch; res O'Neill.
MARRON, JAMES P: Attorney; b Ponca, Neb June 5, 1902; s of Thomas F Marron-Margaret McDermott; ed Ponca HS 1921; Creighton U, PhB 1925, LLB 1927; Gamma Eta Gamma; m Alice Sabatka Apr 7, 1981 Jackson Minn; d Patricia Alice, Nancy, Mary Catherine; 1927-28 ins agt, Jackson Minn; 1928 prac law, Schuyler; 1929-31 with Bradstreet Co, Sioux City Ia; 1931-35 prac law, Verdigre; 1935- prac law O'Neill; City Atty; U S conciliation comm, Holt & Boyd Cos; 1934 capt inf res corps, Co 1732, CCC; secy-treas, dep dist gov Lions; 15th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Country Club; BPOE; Cath Ch; Dem; chmn Holt Co Central Com; hobby, reading; res O'Neill.
MATOUSEK, ED J: County Supervisor; b Valparaiso, Neb Nov 17, 1883; s of Joseph Matousek-Anna Rak; ed Omaha HS; 1907- farmer & stock raiser, Holt Co; 1907-20 with Consolidated Lbr Co & Northwestern Lbr Co; 1935- Holt Co supvr; Service Club; Cath Ch; Rep; res Atkinson.
MATOUSEK, JOSEPH RICHARD: Dairyman; b Brainard, Neb June 10, 1888; s of Joseph Matousek-Anna Rak; ed Brainard HS 1905; Mozer Lampman Bus Coll, Omaha 1911-12; LBC 1913-14; m Rosalee Catherine Kennedy Feb 11, 1931 Atkinson; d Dorothy Marie; 1907-11 farmer & stock raiser, Holt Co, 1912-13 with First Natl Bank, Lawrence; 1914-18 pub acct, Chicago; 1919- farmer & stock raiser, Holt Co; during World War, enl in US army Dec 17, 1917, O/S in ordnance corps, disch July 18, 1919; Amer Leg, treas, past comm; secy Atkinson Co-op Creamery; KC; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Atkinson.
MERRIMAN, LAWRENCE M: Beverage Manufacturer; b O'Neill, Neb Mar 12, 1897; s of Elmer M Merriman-Hannah L. Walker; ed Holt Co; Amer Bus Coll, Omaha 1924; m Emma Peshek Aug 26, 1925 Wagner S D; s James Elmer; 1924-25 traveled for Amer Tobacco Co; 1925- owner & opr soft drink mfg bus; KC; Cath Ch; Rep; hobbies, better beverages; res O'Neill.
MILES, FAY ALLEN: Editor; b Ainsworth, Neb Feb 7, 1898; ed O'Neill HS 1916; U of N 1918; m Emerine Hudson July 12, 1924 Hot Springs S D; 1916 emp by C&NW RR, O'Neill; 1916-20 with father on Holt Co Independent; 1920-21 in sch of industrial journalism U of N, estab dept & plant; 1922-37 with Chadron Journal; 1937- ptr of brother, mgr Holt Co Independent; during World War, enl Oct 1918 in SATC, disch Dec 1918, Amer Leg post 93; NPA; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; res O'Neill.
MILES, GERALD EDMUND: Editor; b Ainsworth, Neb Sept 30, 1895; s of George A Miles-Clara Shipman; ed O'Neill HS 1914; m Bea Murphy Dec 19, 1919 Emmet; s Robert Edmund, George Arlen; d Mary, Lanone; 1914-15 emp by C&NW RR, O'Neill; 1915-17 with Holt Co Independent; 1917-20 govt internal revenue collector; 1920-21 emp by Fremont Tribune; 1921-37 with father, published the Holt Co Independent, O'Neil; 1937- ptr of brother, mgr & opr Holt Co Independent; mbr city coun; vol fire dept, chief; during World War, enl in signal corps AEF June 1918, disch Jan 1919; Amer Leg, past comm, service ofcr, past adjt; NPA; Country Club; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; res O'Neill.
MILLER, ALFRED W: Retired; b Mindenville N Y Dec 4, 1859; s of Abraham Miller-Armena Wheeler; ed Kankakee Ill; m Ella Alsworth, 1885; s Lewis, Robert, Arthur, Harry, Aaron, Donald; d Helen (Mrs C H Starks), Harriet (Mrs Ray Creighton), Dorothy (Mrs R E Schrider), Charlotte; 1880 came to Atkinson; 1880 carp, Holt Co; 1883 homesteaded in Holt Co, still owns same 160 A; expert shot in early days, killed prairie chickens for Chicago market; Royal Highlanders; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Atkinson.
MILLER, ARTHUR GLEN: Postmaster; b Atkinson, Neb Dec 6, 1890; s of Alfred W Miller-Ella Alworth; ed Atkinson HS 1908; Ohio St U 1918; m Velma Farley Feb 13, 1923 Omaha; s John Arthur, Leo Patrick, William Bernard; d Mary Mercedes, Constance Clare; 1908-09 employed by C&NW RR; 1909 electrician for Walter Savage; 1909-17 oprd first picture show, Atkinson; 1919-20 presented road show, US ofcl war film authentic pictures through Amer Leg; 1920-owner & opr picture shows, Atkinson; 1933- P M, Atkinson; during World War enl Dec 10, 1917, 1st balloon sch squadron, tsfrd to 5th balloon squadron, tsfrd 1st balloon squadron, tsfrd balloon sch detachment Fort Omaha, tsfrd to SMA Ohio St U, tsfrd to 2nd flying cadet co, tsfrd to US army balloon sch, Arcadia Cal, disch Sept 24, 1918 Cal 2nd lt, tsfrd to San Antonio Tex, disch Camp Funston Kas; service ofcr Amer Leg; mgr Amer Leg Jr baseball team; chmn ARC; Neb ch Natl Assn of P Ms; Service Club; Cath Ch; Dem; Neb Dem Club; hobbies, athletics, golf, fishing, hunting; res Atkinson.
MORGAN, GILBERT E: Merchant; b Boone Co, Ia May 14, 1886; s of Cornelius Lane Morgan-Victoria Hardenbrook; ed Pomona Cal HS; m Edna B Griffin June 17, 1917 Atkinson; d Mary Jane, Eleanor Mae; 1903-08 in hdw bus, Ia & Ore; 1909-13 with Brook Hdw Co, Atkinson; 1913- owner & opr G E Morgan Hdw; Service Club; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; AF&AM, Scot Rite; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Atkinson.
MOUNTS, DAYTON R: Attorney; b Comanche Co, Kas May 10, 1891; s of J D Mounts-Edith M Hepworth; ed Tonkawa Okla HS 1908; U of Kas, LLB 1912; m Minnie M Franz Jan 8, 1914 Omaha; s Dayton R Jr; 1913-16 law prac, Omaha; 1916-28 law prac, Long Pine; 1928-29 prac law Perry Okla; 1929law prac, Atkinson; during World War with war dept, troop tsptn; Service Club; 15th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; AF&AM, RAM; KT; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Atkinson.
NEWHOUSE, THOMAS EDWARD: Hardware, Furniture & Implement Dealer; b Adair, Ia July 20, 1897; s of James Henderson Newhouse-Clara Hinchliffe; ed Chambers HS; WSTC 1914; m Grace Grimes Aug 30, 1922 Chambers; s Keith Norman, James Walter; d Kathryn Ann; 1916-17 sch tchr, Bliss; 1917-20 RFD carrier, Chambers; 1920- mgr & ptr of father in Newhouse Hdw Co; mbr village bd 6 years; chmn sch bd 9 years; secy-treas Chambers Cemetery Assn 7 years; during World War enl Oct 12, 1918, U of N SATC, disch Dec 13, 1918; Comml Club; MWA; IOOF; Meth Ch, chmn finance com, steward; Rep; hobbies, baseball, athletics, hunting, aviation, has priv pilot's lic; res Chambers.
PEASE, MRS BLANCHE SPANN: Writer; b Atkinson, Neb May 7, 1909; d of William F Spann-Sarah Reed; ed Atkinson HS; m Raymond Lee
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