Note: Names appear without punctuation and
business titles are abbreviated.
1890-1 Business Directory & Farmer's List of the Nebraska
State Gazetteer
Howard County - Business

Boelus is a village of 250 inhabitants on the
Loup City spur of the Grand Island and Ord branch of the U. P. Ry., in the
southwestern part of Howard county, 19 miles from St. Paul, the county town.
There are here two hotels, a bank. and a roller flour mill. Grain and live
stock are the chief products of the surrounding country.
- Arriens August, prop Crystal Roller Mills grain and coal.
- Brandastrup Peter, blacksmith.
- Crystal Roller Mills, A Arriens prop.
- Dillon & Davis, carpenters.
- Ehrman Frederick, prop Western Hotel.
- Fay D W, mgr North Platte Lumber Co.
- Hoadley Reuben, livery.
- Howard Bank, J N Paul pres, S A Robinson cashier.
- Jensen Niels, genl mdse.
- Johnson A J, prop Messenger House, justice.
- Kenyon Bros, livery and live stock.
- Leech H H, grain and coal.
- Messenger House, A J Johnson, prop.
- Miller Geo W Dr, drugs.
- Monson A O, Geo Rasmussen mgr, genl mdse.
- Mullen A J, sta agt U P Ry.
- Nielson Rasmus, agl implts.
- North Platte Lumber Co, D W Fay, mgr.
- Ostrom Ole, shoemaker.
- Rasmussen Peter, meat market.
- Savage E A Mrs, millinery, hardware.
- Savage Robert G, postmaster.
- Smith & Seivers, saloon.
- Steen Theodore J., John Mark mgr, hardware and harness.
- Western Hotel, Frederick Ehrman prop.

Cotesfield, a rural postoffice in the northwestern
part of Howard county. St. Paul, the county seat is 16 miles distant.
- Blanchard T, postmaster.
- Parker P, justice.

Cushing, a station on the Palmer and Burwell
branch of the B. &: M. R. R., in Howard county. A large elevator with
a storage capacity of 15,000 bushels is kept busy handling the grain marketed
here during the shipping season. There is also one of the best hotels along
this line of road. It is eight miles to Palmer. Population about 25.
- Andrews A T, grain agl implts.
- Brisco A, blacksmith.
- Brisco Charles, carpenter.
- Glass John, hotel.
- Griflin Edward, live stock.
- Grubbs Reuben G, postmaster.
- Harmon Harry, sta agt B & M R R.
- Johnson Carl, flour mill.
- Seeley H G, live stock.
- Van Beuren Wm Rev, pastor M E church.

Dannebrog is a village of 400 inhabitants
on the Loup City spur of the Grand island and Ord railroad. It is situated
none miles southwest of St. Paul, the county seat, and 184 miles distant
from Omaha. The village is beautifully located on the romantic banks of
Oak Creek, which are lined by splendid groves of natural timber, affording
excellent park facilities. One of these the Central Park, is located adjacent
to town, and is the most famous summer resort in Central Nebraska. Excellent
boating has been secured by damming up the waters of Oak Creek, which are
also employed as motive power for a good water-power mill located at this
point. Besides a 100 barrel steam roller mill was erected last year near
the depot and equipped with the latest improved machinery. Eruptions of
natural gas on the banks of the creek, which had been burned and tested,
has led to the formation of a mining company, which is at present preparing
to sink a mining well. Dannebrog has a good system of graded schools and
the Lutheran church, which is the predominating denomination here, is at
present erecting a fine church building at a cost of $2,000. The town and
surrounding country is principally settled by Danes, a good class of citizens.
The "Stjernen" (the Star), a Danish newspaper of large circulation
in the west, is published at this point. The new building for this plant
was one of the many substantial improvements made the past year. There are
two banks, the Bank of Dannebrog and the International Bank, both doing
a large and increasing business. The surrounding country is Very thickly
settled and highly cultivated, and the railroad business at this point is
larger than at all the other places along the line put together.
- Bank of Dannebrog, C O Schlytern pres, J G Schlytern asst cashier.
- Blichfeldt Henry, blacksmith.
- Carlson A, sta agt U P Ry.
- Christensen & Rasmussen, carps.
- Crown Roller Mills, Cockle Separator Co props.
- Dannebrog Lumber Co, Hans Peterson mgr.
- Ebbeson Peter, pub Stjernen (Danish), notary and justice.
- Hald & Mojonier, genl mdse.
- Hannibal P M, nursery.
- Hansen N G, jewelry.
- Hart Frank W, saloon, meat market.
- Hermansen Peter, prop Hotel Dania.
- Hotel Dania, P Hermansen prop.
- International Bank, George E Lane pres, C C Hansen asst cashier.
- Jensen A A, blacksmith, agl implts.
- Jensen N E, coal.
- Jensen S A M, city transfer.
- Jepsen, Klindt & Co, gen mdse.
- Johnson L Rev, pastor Lutheran church.
- Kenyon A D, live Stock.
- Madsen S C, live stock.
- Moore E, shoemaker.
- Nelson Mary Miss, dressmaker.
- Nysted Creamery, H P Hermansen prop.
- Paulson Christopher, livery and dray.
- Petersen J C carpenter.
- Petersen John, tailor.
- Petersen J P, carpenter
- Petersen M C, prop Central Park public hall.
- Petersen Nels, carpenter.
- Peterson Hans, mgr Dannebrog Lumber Co.
- Rasmussen C C, flour mill.
- Rasmussen O D, genl mdse.
- Salter F G, phys.
- Salter G B & Son, grain elevator.
- Schlytern J G, live stock.
- Sjoholm M, drugs and postmaster.
- Sorensen C P, carpenter
- Sorensen Wm H, farm machinery
- Steen T J, hardware, furniture, harness.
- Stjernen (Danish), Peter Ebbeson pub
- Taylor J J, genl mdse.

Dannevirke, a postoffice in the northwestern
part of Howard county, 18 miles from St. Paul the county seat, and eight
miles from Elba, the nearest railway station on the Grand Island and Ord
branch of the U. P. Ry. Population about 20.
- Eskildsen Claus, justice.
- Eskildsen Mary, dressmaker.
- Erich H, blacksmith.
- Madsen N M, postmaster.
- Petersen Robert, blacksmith.
- Wilds G, dressmaker.

Elba is on the Grand Island and Ord branch of the
U. P. Ry., in Howard county, ten miles west of St. Paul, the county town.
It has a population of 300, who have a large trade with the surrounding
country, which is fertile and productive. A good grain elevator facilitates
the shipment of grain from this point; 500 car-loads of grain and 80 car-loads
of live stock were shipped during the past year. A butter and cheese factory
has been established at a cost of $7,200, with a capacity of 500 pounds
of cheese and 500 pounds of butter per day. The Elba State Bank has a capital
of $24,500. There is a Polish Catholic church here and also one of the United
Brethren in Christ. A good school house has been built at a cost of $5,000.
- Adams Charles, livery.
- Allnutt Henry, bookbinder, mgr Elba dept St Paul Phonograph.
- Bacon & Peters, props Loup Valley Butter and Cheese Factory.
- Bandura Joseph, blacksmith.
- Barnes C S, drugs.
- Cook Ed T, live stock.
- Covey & Vandecar, farm machinery.
- Covey W H, grain, live stock, etc.
- Daly Geo H, sta agt U P Ry.
- Deminski J J, insurance.
- Dorsch John, genl mdse.
- Elba Hotel, R M Holmes prop.
- Elba State Bank, capital and surplus $24,500, George Ellis pres,
A E Cady vice-pres, James Bacon cashier.
- Fisk G W, blacksmith.
- Fugate M A & Co, meat market.
- Hall D 0, genl mdse.
- Holm John, carpenter.
- Holmes R M, prop Elba Hotel, justice, livery.
- Houzavicski Anton, shoemaker.
- Hullhurst Paul, Phys.
- Jakamovicz T Rev, pastor Catholic church.
- Jezewski Leon, saloon.
- Johnson Peter, postmaster.
- Jones J H, mgr North Platte Lumber Co.
- Kotick Charles, wheelwright.
- Lawson & Fugate, live stock.
- Loup Valley Butter and Cheese Factory, Bacon & Peters props.
- Miller E J, hardware, agl implts.
- Moravicz & Kottick, agl implts.
- Morawitz Louis, blacksmith.
- Naprstek A M, harnessmaker.
- North Platte Lumber Co, H Jones mgr.
- Peters John N, genl mdse.
- Platchkowski Jacob, genl mdse.
- Seidel F J, city transfer.
- Stevens Samuel, carpenter.
- Vandecar H R, real estate, etc.
- Weekes Bros, flour and feed.

Farwell, a postoffice and station on tile B.
& M. R. R. in the western part of Howard county nine miles west of St.
Paul. Population, 50.
- Burk Alexander, meat market.
- Chicago Lumber Co, P Lang mgr.
- Dobry Charles, genl mdse.
- Hansen J, blacksmith.
- Higgins E M, F J Wright mgr, grain.
- Jensen Soren. livery.
- Lang James, hardware, harness and farm machinery.
- Larkowski A, genl mdse, saloon, postmaster.
- Rector L, sta agt B & M R R.
- Stuart J F, live stock.

Midway, a newly established postoffice in the
northern part of Cheyenne county. Population, 25.
- Griswold B M, genl mdse.
- Griswold C E, postmaster.
- Lamb J L, phys.
- McCombs H, justice.
- Neely E Mrs, dressmaker.

Neysted (sic), a post office in the southwestern part of Howard County, 12 miles from St. Paul, the county seat. A creamery is in operation here. Population 100.
- Jacobson P H, blacksmith.
- Olsen Fred, postmaster, genl mdse.
- Peterson H F, harnessmaker.
- Sondergaard Peter, agl implts.
St. Libory, a station on the Ord and Loup City
branch of the U. P. Ry., in the southeastern part of Howard county, 21 miles
from St. Paul, the judicial seat. Population 75.
- Bradley G I A, postmaster, sta agt.
- Cornfield J C, justice.
- Delsman F W, genl mdse, agl lmplts.
- Fischer John, blacksmith.
- Hastings M, hardware, saloon.

St. Paul, the county seat of Howard county, is
situated between the North and South Loup rivers, six miles from their confluence.
The railway system of the Loup valleys converge at this point, the city
being on the line of the U. P. Ry, running from Grand Island to Ord, a branch
of which extends westerly from here to Loup City and Pleasanton. A line,
also, of the B. & M. R. R., from Central city to Arcadia, passes through
the city. These railroads open up to St. Paul a large trade from the valley
of the Loup and its tributaries. The city is particularly noted for its
large brick buildings on the main thoroughfare, its beautiful residences
and its handsome churches and schools. In no place in the state of its size
has there been so great an outlay to add to the stability and please the
eye in the construction of buildings. Two flouring mills, with a capacity
of 200 barrels per day, extensive water works, three national batiks, an
elegant opera house, seating 700, and large elevators are prominent features.
The Commercial Hotel, J. C. Phillips proprietor. is a noted hotel of the
state, well conducted and popular. Frank Iams, the celebrated importer and
breeder of horses, is located here. There is not an establishment in the
west excelling this in the number of horses bred and imported, nor in the
grade of the animals he handles. Mr. Iams is now in Europe to select additions
to his extensive stud. The receiving and forwarding of grain and live stock
constitute the chief industry. Population, 2,000.
- Agor Husted, live stock.
- Allen Walton, prop Walker House.
- Anderson M & Co, groceries.
- Anderson Paul, atty at law.
- Andrews E I, hardware plumber.
- Ansler John, blacksmith.
- Ansler Joseph, wagonmaker.
- Bartle Frank, genl mdse.
- Bartlett E O, books, stationery.
- Baxter Noah, seeds.
- Beebe L M, prop St Paul Hotel.
- Bell T T, atty.
- Bollinger M G Mrs, hardware.
- Bowers John C, livery.
- Branch W H, county surveyor.
- Brown H O, painter.
- Bryan J L, loans.
- Carr E E, mgr St Paul Roller Mill.
- Chadwick E S, genl mdse.
- Chicago Lumber Co, J A Monk mgr.
- Chinn Ches, drugs.
- Chinn Ed F, postmaster.
- Christensen L P, feed stable.
- Citizens National Bank, capital $50,000 Ed McCormick pres, A A Kendall
vice-pres, T F McCarty cashier, W A Wilson asst cashier.
- City Roller Mills, Z T Leftwich prop.
- Claflin J L, editor and prop St Paul Phonograph.
- Commercial Hotel, J C Phillips prop.
- Cook H L, atty.
- Covey A L, auctioneer.
- Covey L L, grain, live stock.
- Crew F W, real estate.
- Cushman A J furniture, carpets.
- Cutler John A, lumber.
- Davis Wm, wagonmaker.
- Devry Cyrus, brick mfr.
- Dobry John, farm machinery.
- Dull Jacob, shoemaker.
- Enevoldsen Bros, carriages, livery.
- Enevoldsen E, mgr North Platte Lumber Co.
- First National Bank, capital $50,000 A E Cady pres, N M Wells vice-pres,
George E Lane cashier.
- Fleming A Mrs, millinery.
- Fleming & Mertz, meat market.
- Fletcher D R, phys.
- Freeman Minnie Miss, stenographer.
- Gordon James, coal.
- Greene W H, music teacher.
- Gregg Isaac D city scales.
- Gregston W H, painter.
- Grier Bros, livery.
- Gruber A, brick mfr.
- Haggard J A, abstracter.
- Hans & Gruber, bakery, confectionery.
- Hansen Henry, laundry.
- Harvey Robert, real estate, atty.
- Henderson Charles G, photographer.
- Henderson Robert, pumps, windmills.
- Heron Lee, second-hand goods, plumber.
- Hildebrand J G P, pub The Press.
- Hill Henry, carpenter.
- Hoover Bros, groceries.
- Hovel F R, phys.
- Howell S R & Co, props North Platte Lumber Co.
- Iams Frank, importer and breeder Clydes, Shires, Percherons, Normans,
Frencll horses and Shetland ponies.
- Jackson P T, drugs
- Jacques C M, J L Johnson mgr, grain.
- Johnson J L, mgr C M Jacques, coal.
- Jolls F S, jewelry.
- Jolls L E, jewelry.
- Kahl Albert, carpenter.
- Keeney Samuel, ins.
- Kendall A A, atty.
- Lanning R F, justice
- Leftwich Z T, prop City Roller Mills.
- Leroy N G, insurance.
- Lininger & Metcalf Co, D C McPherron mgr, agl implts.
- McCracken W J, livery.
- McNabb T, atty.
- Malmgren Hy, real estate, loans.
- May E J, hotel.
- Merrill E P, piano tuner.
- Merrill M R, pub St Paul Enterprise.
- Metcalf II C, prop St Paul Roller Mill.
- Monk J A, mgr Chicago Lumber Co.
- Morrill D E, dentist.
- Mosher J E, painter.
- North Platte Lumber Co, S R Howell & Co props, E Enevoldsen
- Novak Joseph, saloon.
- Nowlin A S, harnessmaker.
- Nunn Henry, atty.
- Olson W H, billiards.
- Papousek Martin, carpenter.
- Paul & Templin, attys.
- Phillips J C, prop Commercial Hotel.
- Piasecki Xavery, saloon.
- Pine Walter, carpenter.
- Press (The), J G P Hildebrand pub.
- Pyne C W., saloon.
- Rinker F W, groceries.
- Robbins E W, dr(y) goods.
- Robinson Henry, blacksmith
- Robinson & Hermansen, meat market.
- Ross J S, bakery, confectionery.
- Russell H B, barber.
- St Paul Building & Loan Assn, J A Haggart sec.
- St Paul Enterprise, M R Merrill pub.
- St Paul Hotel, I M Beebe prop.
- St Paul National Bank, capital and surplus $60,000, N J Paul pres,
A U Dann vice-pres, A C Rowell cashier.
- St Paul Opera House, F R Hovel sec.
- St Paul Phonograph, J L Claflin prop.
- St Paul Roller Mill, H C Metcalf prop, E E Carr mgr.
- Schickedantz Harry, coal, agl implts.
- Scott A W, veterinary surgeon.
- Shalda James, harnessmaker.
- Shanstrom P G, clothing.
- Smith Ed, live stock.
- Smith & Jordan, genl mdse.
- Smith M D, atty.
- Spencer S A, sta agt B & M R R.
- Stitt W R, ins.
- Tenophir Charles, tailor.
- Thompson E E, atty, real estate.
- Toman Joseph, saloon.
- Van Denbark H W, harnessmaker.
- Vavra & Amman, blacksmiths.
- Vavra Frank, farm machinery.
- Vavra J K Mrs, groceries.
- Vieregg H, soda water mfr.
- Walker House, W Allen prop.
- Wallace T R, atty.
- West George W, groceries.
- Whitbeck John mason White Granville, sta agt U P Ry.
- Wilson A G, notary.
- Wilson Bros drugs.
- Wolbach S N, genl mdse.
- Worth R F, phys.
- Wysocki W F, genl mdse.
- Yetter & Phillips, genl mdse.

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Cook - - - - last updated