Situated about three miles above the confluence of the North and South Loup rivers in Howard county, Nebraska, on a plateau of land risen up from the river bottom is the beautiful city of St. Paul. It is the county seat, located near the center of the county, and has grown in ten years from a bare prairie to a flourishing city of over two thousand inhabitants. It is a remarkable fact that the growth of this "magic city" of the west has been of no mushroom origin, but has grown up steadily and permanently to meet the demands of the country surrounding it. St. Paul is the principal city in the Loup valley, twenty-three miles north of Grand Island on the Omaha and Republican Valley railroad, and is surrounded by the finest agricultural and grazing country in the state. The soil in the valleys of the Loup rivers is a light sandy loam, growing richer as it slopes back to the table land, where it attains the perfection of richness, no better soil being found in the world. The valleys of the creeks contain no sand, but a rich, black loam of the greatest fertility, retaining moisture to a wonderful degree and producing the finest of crops. Being thus favorable surrounded, St. Paul has always been noted as one of the finest business points in the state. During the year just closed there have been purchased and shipped from this point over a million bushels of grain. Five hundred car loads of lumber have been sold by our home dealers. Many hundred head of cattle have been fed in the valley the past winter, and several hundred car loads of swine and cattle have been shipped to Chicago and other eastern points. The Colorado and other mountain cities afford an excellent western market for produce and grain, thus assisting St. Paul in becoming the leading shipping point in the state. Every line of business is well represented, but still not overcrowded, and no city in the west, offers a better inducement for the investments of capital, especially in the way of manufactures. Our board of trade is offering excellent inducements to parties who will start a creamery, paper mill or canning factory, either or all of which would find a profitable business from the start. Among the prominent and permanent industries of the city may be mentioned two steam roller mills with a capacity of one hundred and twenty-five barrels per day and running on full time the year round. The First National and St. Paul National banks are two solid institutions, both doing an excellent business. We have three newspapers, four churches, and a high school which takes rank with the finest in the state. The new opera house being completed will be the finest west of Omaha. With the opening of spring our city is witnessing a genuine boom in every line of business. The plans are ready for an entire brick block which will be built at once. The contracts are let for the putting in of a system of water works to cost not less than $20,000, which will give employment to several hundred mechanics during the summer. The Lincoln & Black Hills Railroad company has purchased the right of way through the city, has located depot grounds and has several hundred men now grading between this point and Central City, so that by the 4th of July we expect to be on the main line to the Black Hills, which means cheap fuel, cheap freights, and direct connection with the eastern and western markets. St. Paul certainly has a bright future, and double in population in the next two years. Real estate is rapidly changing hands and increasing in value and men of enterprise and business sagacity are availing themselves of present prices and securing business locations and beautiful homes in the prettiest city in western Nebraska. To all such our city extends a cordial welcome. ![]() ![]() |