This page last updated Wednesday, 20-Jan-1999 23:11:10 MST

Bower, Nebraska Newspaper Clippings

Source: The Jefferson County Journal May 29, 1897

Miss Lenger is staying at Carl Sonderegger's this week.

There was a social dance at John Burkharts Saturday evening.

Ernest and Charles Wade are down from Gilead the guests of relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. P.T. Burke of Fairbury passed Sunday with friends here.

Mr. Mercer and wife of the ocunty capital were pleasure seekers in town over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Pearce and family of Diller visited relatives in town over Sunday.

Rev. Collins of Fairbury filled th epulpit of the Christian church Sunday morning and evening.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. J.M. Pearson Wednesday.

Rev. Geo Wehn of Syracuse, Nebraska is the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Hughes this week.

While in Fairbury last Friday night evening Cleon Richards' horse became frightened at an electric light, broke away from the buggy and went home. Cleon was obliged to hire a livery rig to take himself and lady home.

Among those from here who attended the commencement exercies hin Fairbury las Friday evening were Arthur Goff, Grace Renner, James Churnside, Cora Hughes, Charles Sonderregger, Cleon Richards, Jennie Bower, Charles Hughes and Lydia Sonderregger.

Source: The Fairbury Gazette, Saturday January 22, 1898

Leo Hartman is down with measles.

Mr. Reuben Cowles has the measles.

Mr. Pearson and D.B. Kazebeer spent a few days in Beatrice last week.

Charles Chapman and wife are the proud parents of a fine baby boy.

There was a big time at John Neider's on last Friday evening at a dance.

The farmers are providentially hindered by snow from gathering their corn.

The ladies' society met at the home of Mrs. Montgomery Wednesday of this week.

It is rumored that Mr. Norman is going to move on Mr. Bishop's place in the spring.

H.K. Rosenberger left for Falls City last Friday where he expects to stop a while. He is picking seed.

Mr. Gusher had a fibrous tumor removed last Thursday by Drs. Andrews and Kinnamon. Doing well at last report.

Mr. Ryder, Mr. Fred Bower and folks started to Fairbury Saturday in their bob sleds driving along enjoying the beautiful snow that fell the night before when they upset. No serious accident except Mrs. Fred Bower's arm was hurt.

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