This page last updated Tuesday, 18-Mar-2003 05:31:28 MST

Reynolds, Nebraska Newspaper Clippings

Source: The Fairbury Gazette, Saturday, Nov. 4, 1899.

Perry Anderson now drives a neat rig.

Farmers are busy getting out their corn.

Some few are sowing wheat as late as it is.

Charley Parker has sold his dray to L. Craig.

Florence Hall clerked for Bothwell on last Saturday.

The oldest boy of Geo. May is very sick with lung fever.

Mrs. W. C. Parker is quite sick. She has trouble as the result of a cancer.

Mrs. Lantis of Thompson is here on a visit to her uncle W. S. Willougby.

Our meat market has changed hands as it was sold to Chas. Hadley on Wednesday.

Mrs. Wicks left for Rulo in answer to a telegram announcing the illness of her mother.

A.W. King, our next assessor, was at Gilead last week repairing corn cribs for G.S. Warren.

Fremont Kimberly, the engineer at G.A. Roger's mill, is making some repairs about his place.

Mr. Bingham our old friend who has been here for two or three years left for Saline county Monday.

F.M. Wicks is having the elevator here repaired by having it well rodded. Frank Hiattt does the work.

John Firebaugh from Kansas City was here a few days on a visit to his folks. John is in the stock business.

R. Bevington's house is nearly done. A few days more and he will occupy as fine a dwelling as can be found about here.

There was not much damage done here Hallowe'en. The boys were rather afraid as the officers were on the watch for them.

Clate Davis is keeping bachelor's hall this week as his wife is over at Mahaska taking care of Clate's mother who is quite sick.

The scarlet fever has made its appearance here. L. Rothrock's little girl and also H. Tappen's daughter are both down with it.

W.N. Burdick is laid up for repairs. He is unfortunate to get sick right at the busy time, as he is a good carpenter and one to be relied on.

Source: The Fairbury Journal Nov. 28, 1918

Rose Rathburn of Ellis visited a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Bankson.

Mr. Bodtke received word last week of the death of his brother, Emerald Bodtke. He passed away at his home in Iowa. The remains were brot to Gilead Sunday and laid to rest in the Komrs cemetery near that place. Emerald was one of the twin boys.

Don't forget the Royal Neighbor program and lunch at the hall, Nov. 29.

The churches have arranged to have union prayer meeting every Wednesday night. The first meeting was held Wednesday night at the Baptist church.

C.F. Range made a business trip to Fairbury Monday.

Earl Willoughby is reported on the sick list at this writing.

A.H. Bothwell, Wm. McKeever and Chas. Bonar made a business trip to Odell Monday.

Carl Dragoo and wife spent Sunday with home folks. Carl is at training at Lincoln and his wife is there with him.

The ladies Club entertained their husbands Tuesday night at the hall. The ladies were required to wear house dresses and the men wore overalls. Games were played and a light lunch served.

The Reynolds basket ball team went to Mahaska Monday evening and played with the team over there. They were defeated by a score of 25 to 20.

The Ladies Club met Tuesday afternoon with Miss Hazel Mosher.

Mrs. Kate Hiatt is spending the week with her nephew, Raymond Hiatt, near Narka.

Carl Michels and Emil Ude left last Wednesday for the west where each expects to husk 100 bushels of corn per day.

The Junior Red Cross will give a bazzar and serve lunch at the hall one evening next week. The date is not known at this writing. Watch for the notices in the windows.

Mrs. R.O. Prather is on the sick list.

Guy Hodges of Daykin was in town last week. His mother, Mrs. Dixon, returned home with him.

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