NEGenWeb Project - Keyapaha County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Who's Who
Martha M. Turner
folding a map of the United States through the center, the line to the north and south will divide eastern Nebraska. In other words the line cutting Nebraska from north to south would be the center of the United States. Then if a map of Nebraska is folded across its center, the north and south line will cut Keyapaha County one third west from its eastern line.
Before there was a Keyapaha County, the Indians for unknown years had been enjoying its beautiful valleys, hills and streams. Game was abundant in this region, and where wild game thrived, the Indian was to be found. All the necessities of life could be found here with little effort, and the valleys and canyons provided shelter in the winter. Kayapaha Wakpa, is the Dakota Indian name for Turtle Hill river. Keya, turtle; Paha, hill; Wakpa, river. It is supposed the name was first given to the region for its many small rounded hills and the river was named for the hills.1
In 1796 an expedition under James Mackay zigzagged over the area now recognized as Keyapaha, County. His party, sent out from St. Louis by the "Commercial Company for the Discovery of the Nations of the Upper Missouri," made an indefinite circle of the sandhill region of Nebraska, starting from a point on the Missouri river north of Sioux City, now Dakota County, where they erected Fort Charles. The expedition covered the head waters of the Loup rivers, returning by way of the Ponca Indian villages when that tribe was in northern Nebraska. A map of this expedition was drawn by the French geographer, Perrin du Lac, which was reproduced in "Nebraska Aborigines" by Father Shine.2
Lieut. G. K. Warren, topographical engineer sent by the War Department to explore the Nebraska and Dakota region in 1855-57, has left valuable reports which may be the earliest authentic record of the kind obtainable from government sources. This expedition passed along the north banks of the Niobrara river from the west to the east. On Warren's map one may trace each day of his progress. He appears to have reached the region which is now about the western line of Keyapaha County on Oct. 24 and 25, 1857. On Oct. 28 and 29 he was at the mouth of the Keyapaha river, and on Nov. 7 the men had reached Fort Randall, in South Dakota.
His direct mission, as he says, "was to ascertain the best route by which to continue to the South Pass the military road now constructing from the Mississippi River to Sioux City on the Missouri, and to examine in this connection the valley of the Loup Fork of the Platte, and that of the Niobrara and to make such reconnaissance of the Black Hills ... with reference to the future military operations as may be carried on in this Territory ... Nearly all of which were previously unexplored by white men..."3
Quoting again from Lieutenant Warren, he says: "Turtle Hill river (Keyapaha Wakpa) is the main branch of the Niobrara and is about one hundred and twenty miles long. Prior to the publication of my report and map of reconnaissance in 1855 this branch was represented erroneously as being equal to the main river, in size, above their junction. I crossed it in 1855, sixty miles below its mouth, and it has a very fine valley, one-half to three-quarters of a mile wide, with good soil and a limited quantity of cottonwood lumber. The bed of the stream is sandy, and its waters are clear and sweet; width at the mouth fifty yards. The first twenty miles of the space between this branch and the main river is occupied by sandhills..."
One of the early travelers over northern Nebraska and southern Dakota was C. Randall, who wrote a description of a trip up "Turtle Hill river" in 1858, which was published in the Missouri Republican, St. Louis, on Oct. 29. Randall writes, "We traveled up the Turtle Hill river 101 miles, having a good road, good grass and wood in large quantities. The Turtle Hill river is a great game country. We saw thousands of buffalo and almost myriads of antelope...."4
The Collins-Russell expedition into the Black Hills in 1874, was one of the most notable of the west, and contained all the elements of romance imaginable. This is more familiarly known as the John Gordon expedition, so named for the leader of the group of gold seekers who left camp near Sioux City on Oct. 6, 1874, contrary to the orders of the government, forbidding white people to trespass on Sioux Indian grounds in the Black Hills.
Mrs. Annie D. Tallent, the only woman of the expedition, later became an honored and useful citizen of the state of South Dakota. Mrs. Tallent was the first white woman in the Black Hills. She may have been the first white woman in Keyapaha County. Many writers have discussed this expedition which took its route across Keyapaha County, and followed along the trail north of the Niobrara river, used by Indiana, traders, trappers,
1 Lillian L. Fitzpatrick: Nebraska Place Names, p. 85.
2 Michael A. Shine; Nebraska Aborigines as they Appeared in the Eighteenth Century.
3 G. K. Warren: Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota, in the Years 1855-56-57.
4Lillian L. Jones: Days of Yore.
in Nebraska
soldiers from Fort Randall, and the Warren expedition.
Mrs. Tallent later wrote a book describing the expedition's travels.5 She tells how they were nearly discovered by a cavalry troop, and then goes an to say:...We now began to realize that we were treading on forbidden ground--that we were without the pale of the law and cut off from communication with the outside world--that henceforth danger would menace us from every quarter.
At any time we were liable to be met or overtaken by roving bands of Indians, who we felt sure would look with no favor upon our aggressive movements. On the other hand, we were still more afraid of the authorities we had secretly defied.
We were in constant expectation of seeing a troop of cavalry come upon us from the rear, seize our train, burn our wagons and supplies, march us back in disgrace and possibly place us in durance vile.To guard against such a contingency, a rather curious piece of strategy was resorted to. Every few miles our train would move around several times in ever-increasing circles, then off in another direction, zigzagging over the ground in what I thought a very peculiar manner. At first I was greatly surprised and somewhat alarmed at these erratic movements, and really thought that the boys had suddenly taken leave of their senses, but when it was explained to me that it was done to lead possible pursuers off our track I was greatly relieved and felt assured that the heads of our men were still level. In fact, I regarded the maneuvering as a wonderfully brilliant conception.Some of the early settlers of the Keyapaha district were P. A. Morris, one of the first commissioners, F. J. Rhodes, a postmaster at Burton, came to the county in 1879, with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rhodes, and his brother Fred. The Livingston ranch was established early. Henry Brockman settled just east of the present town of Brocksburg, and at one time he was deputy county clerk, and later was postmaster at Springview. W. N. Hudson had a ranch south of Brocksburg. Louis Hassed and Charles Jewett settled east of Meadville. Due north of Springview was the Hammond Brothers ranch. M. L. Taylor arrived about 1878. At the present site of Carns, Captain W. F. Tarbell operated a ferry in an early day. William Morris established a bridge over the Niobrara and it was operated as a toll bridge as late as October, 1884.
In 1878 and a few years later besides those mentioned, the following named man established residence here: Henry Skinner, John Kuhns, Homer Wilson, John Beal, Henry Richardson, Captain W. F. Tarbell, H. W. Palmer, Milo Goodrich, John Beeman, R. S. Wooden, Ed. H. Monroe, Jules Ancelot, Fred Berlet, S. and R. Long, John Sullivan, Frank Dixon, Charles Larue, Major Hooker and P. P. Haugen.
This section of the state in early days was not only a district selected by men who established large cattle ranches, but it was a rendezvous for lawless men who made their living stealing from the immense herds of cattle. About one mile from the town of Carns was one of "Doe" Middleton's hideouts, and it was here that he had his famous fight with detectives. Kid Wade, a no less famous outlaw, was familiar with the Keyapaha region. In this county's history may be found background for even the wildest fiction, and much has already been written about the vigilantes and their activities, the cattle men and their most difficult problem, the "pony" boys.Organization of the County Keyapaha was originally part of Brown County, and Brown included all the lands now known as Brown, Rock and Keyapaha. The Niobrara river was a strong factor in the argument for the dividing of the vast territory.
In December 1882 Frank Sellors and Merritt Griffiths asked the legislature through a petition they had circulated, to establish a county from unorganized territory west of Holt County. This was to include the grounds of present Keyapaha, Brown and Rock Counties. In October 1884 a petition signed by Ralph Lewis, John A. Plympton and 243 other voters, asked that a detachment of lands from Brown County be made and a new county of Keyapaha be established. This movement was not opposed by the southern section of the county, those living south of the Niobrara, because they recognized the district was too large. The question was submitted to the voters on Nov. 4, 1884, and the issue carried by a large majority. The new district comprised seven precincts, in which 524 votes were cast.
The location of the county seat for the section was not so easily disposed of. Nearly every community wanted the important town. A committee was appointed to make the selection, but the meeting held Nov. 2, 1884, accomplished nothing.
Failing to unite the different sections of the county, a mass meeting was held at Burton on Dec. 6, 1884, when a committee of five was appointed to receive propositions and to report on Dec. 13. The men selected were A. J. Burnham, Dr. W. H. Martin, J. F. Wilson, W. H. De Buse and D. M. Stuart. Ralph Lewis was chairman and A. J. Burnham secretary of this convention. On Dec. 13, when this committee of five selected to decide on the location met at Burton, they reported their choice of a county seat as the S. E. 1/4 of the N. E. 1/4 of Sec. 2 and the S. W. 1/4 of the N. W. 1/4 of Sec. 1, T. 33, R. 20.
Meanwhile, Gov. James W. Dawes directed the Brown County clerk to call an election on Jan. 20, 1885, to choose officers to serve Keyapaha County.
Various factions called for preliminary conventions to be held at separate places, for nomination of county officers. The Peoples' party met at Burton on Jan. 3, 1885; the Democrats on Jan. 10 at Darnell and the Republicans on Jan. 10 at Adrian.
5Annie D. Tallent: First White Woman in the Black Hills.
Who's Who
At this first election in the county the Republicans won every office with the exception of clerk, for which William Lear, a Democrat, received the highest vote.
There were 716 votes cast at the election, which would indicate a population of about 3,000 people as residents. Fifteen separate places were on the ballot contesting for the county seat, and this election was only a preliminary skirmish in the contest for the official location.
Officers chosen at this election were J. B. Farnsworth, judge; Ralph Lewis, treasurer; H. J. Skinner, sheriff; D. Douglas, superintendent; F. E. Smith, surveyor; W. H. Martin, coroner; William Lear, clerk; and P. A. Morris, David Heiges and William Effner, commissioners.
The newly elected officers met on Feb. 16, 1885 and ordered an election to be held on March 24, for the purpose of selecting the county seat. They estimated expenses for 1885 at about $11,000, and asked for $15,000 bond issue. There was bitter opposition to this movement, and the officers at their next meeting rescinded this suggestion.
Choice of a county seat had been reduced to two, the town of Burton and the site of the present Springview. At the election on March 24, 1885, Springview received 494 votes while Burton was given 405. The location was announced to be the N E 1/4 N E 1/4 Sec. 23; S E 1/4 S E 1/4 Sec. 14; S W 1/4 S W 1/4 Sec. 13; N W 1/4 N W 1/4 Sec. 24, all in R 21 T 33.
The site was described as being near the center of the county, and it included 160 acres of choice land with a spring. Building on the site began immediately after election and went forward rapidly. However, the commissioners had difficulties in securing deed to the property, before the lots were offered for sale. Lots finally were sold as low as $20. The residence of David Heiges was used as the temporary courthouse, until funds received from sale of lots were available to build the official structure.
Keyapaha County has never had a railroad although surveyors for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad visited the county in May, 1885. Nothing further ever materialized.
During Keyapaha's development, four or five banks have been located in different parts of the county at various times. Today, however, the only remaining one is the First National at Springview.
Springview, the county seat, is the largest town. It is located in township 33 about the center of the county, with a population listed at 307. Burton, Brocksburg, Mills, Meadville and Norden according to Soil Survey, Keyapaha County 1937, each has less than 100 inhabitants, but they furnish local markets for farm products' and supplies. A map of the Brown and Keyapaha Counties published in the Ainsworth Journal, Dec. 4, 1884, lists the following embryo towns, all postoffices: McGuire, Norden, Enterprise, Darnell, Meadville, Lutes, Adrian, Burton, Brewer, Carns, Stevenson, Lomo, McLean, Munt, Simpson.
The first figures obtainable on Keyapaha County schools are for 1886. In that year D. M. Gould was county superintendent. Of the 43 log schoolhouses, 27 of them were built that year. Four were equipped with patented desks and the total value placed on books and apparatus was only $10.
Number of Number Children Number of Schools of School Age Enrollment Teachers 1886
43 1,676 1,129 80 1938
59 1,018 747 59 1939*
54 ----- 751 --
*Complete figures for 1939 not available at this time.
The first record of a newspaper to be published in the county seems to have been in January, 1885. The Ainsworth Journal of Jan. 1, 1885 contained an item reading: "We understand the Keyapaha Times, the ghost of the defunct Johnson Times, will make its appearance this week, being printed in Ainsworth ... T. J. Smith will occupy the tripod."
The new paper, however, was named the Keyapaha Press, and its first issue appeared Jan. 3, 1885. The Ainsworth Journal of May 21, 1885 announced the Press was then published at Springview the county seat, and the June 18 issue says the Press was made the official paper of Keyapaha County by the commissioners.
Newspapers have played a part in Keyapaha County's progress. Among them are the Alliance Herald, the Keyapaha Call, the Keyapaha Press, the Springview Herald, the Springview Republican, the Administration, the Norden Borealis, the Burton Independent, the Springview Independent, the Burton News, the Rimrock Borealis. Some of them went out of business, others merged, and a few are still publishing. Nearly all are or were, weeklies.
AMSPOKER, ROSS: Attorney; b Villisca, Ia Nov 18, 1874; s of Samuel Amspoker-Mary J Caldwell; ed Keyapaha Co; U of N 1903; m Getha McKee Nov 14, 1906 Bonesteel S D; d Bernice, Ruth (Mrs H S Miles); 1904-08 Keyapaha Co treas; prac law Keyapaha Co; co atty 3 terms; 1923 Neb representative; 1927-31 state sen, active in state highway and bank legislation; land owner in S D & Neb; Neb State Bar Assn; Neb St Hist Soc; secy Rep orgn Keyapaha Co; mbr Rep Central Comm; Congl Ch; res Springvlew.BROOKMAN, ROY S: Editor & Publisher; b Gravity, Ia July 22, 1886; s of George L Brookman-Ella M Churchill; ed Gravity Ia; m Ruby V Atwood Aug 19, 1925 Scottsbluff; s Laverne G, Max L, Cherald H; 1900-15 with Gravity Ia Independent; 1916-18 in newspaper work Wyo; 1918-25 in newspaper work western Neb; 1925-31 managing editor Lexington Clipper; 1931- editor & publisher Springview Herald; past VP Service Club; NPA; MWA; AF&AM; Rep; Presby Ch; hobby, golf; off Springview Herald; res Springview.
CHILDS, GEORGE E: Merchant; b Tilden, Neb June 30, 1893; s of Arthur G Childs-Carrie I Thornton; ed Keyapaha Co; m Gladys Rector March 18, 1914 Norden; s Gerald E; d Eula A; 1914-25 farmed near Norden; 1925-31 emp by Hallock gen mdse store Springview; 1931- owner & opr gen mdse store; 1932-36 mayor; 1934-38 mbr bd of regents Keyapaha Co HS; Comml Club; AF&AM; bd of dirs Meth Ch; Rep; res Springview.
in Nebraska
COWGER, MILES: Owner Telephone Company; b Dallas Co, Ia Apr 19, 1873; s of John T Cowger-Mary E Hattel; ed Keyapaha Co; m Ella M Wheeler June 15, 1898 Springview; s Francis E (dec), Clifford B, John B, Robert E, William H, Rodney G; d Mary (Mrs Fred Berckhemer), Lorena (Mrs Jim Spearman); 1894- in jewelry & watch making bus; 1909- owner Springview Exchange Telephone Co; past mbr Service Club; MWA; Rep; Meth Ch; hobby, mechanics; off Telephone Co; res Springview.
HALL, LOUIS L: Rancher; b Elgin, Neb June 6, 1900; s of E A Hall-Effie Webb; ed Blanca Colo; Twin Falls & Buhl Idaho HS; U of N, BSc in agr 1926; 1925-26 mbr livestock judging team; Alpha Gamma Rho; Gamma Sigma Delta; m Louise Genung Apr 20, 1929 Carns; d Beverly Louise, Carolyn Jean; 1927-30 asst instr in agrl chemistry with grad work in agrl & analytical chemistry; 1931-37 station animal husbandman U of N substation, Valentine; 1937- rancher, near Carns; secy 4-H Club; mbr 4-H Feeder Calf Assn, composed of mbrs of Keyapaha, Brown & Rock Cos; hobby, sports of all kinds; res Carns.
HOLLINGSWORTH, IRA: County Treasurer; b Florence, Neb July 26, 1869; s of William F Hollingsworth-Emmaline Hall; ed Ashland HS; Fremont Normal; Cotner U; m Anna Barmeister Aug 1993 Yutan; s Carl dec), Harold, Farrel, Wayne, Rex; d Isabelle (Mrs Lee: Hutchinson), Luella (Mrs Arthur Trumm), Helen (Mrs S E Blank), Alvina (Mrs Earl Greiner), Othelia, (Mrs Lloyd Haag), Getha (Mrs. June Lambley); 1889-96 tchr in Saunders Co; 1904-05 tchr in Cherry Co; 1906-08 tchr in Keyspaha Co; 1909-23 with Rawleigh Company, Keyapaha. Co, also in farming & elevator work; 1923- Keyapaha Co treas; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, ranching; off Courthouse; res Springview.
HOOPS, MARCUS: Physician & Surgeon; b Staplehurst, Neb May 3, 1879; s of William W Hoops-Lydia J McFadden; ed Staplehurst HS 1897; Lincoln Med Coll MD, 1908; Tulane U, New Orleans La; Laboratory of Surgical Technique, Chicago; Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minn; Tau Alpha Epsilon; m Nelly B Smelser Mar 1909 Central City; s Eugene H; d Sybil G (Mrs Thomas Rinehart); 1908-11 phys, Union; 1911-23, 1926- phys, Springview; 1923-26 phys, Ainsworth; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing & purebred cattle; res Springview.
JACKSON, OSCAR A: County Clerk; b Mount Ayr, Ia June 11, 1891; s of M A Jackson-Alice S Stanbrough; ed Drake U 1918-16; m Inez Bingham Dec 16, 1917 Beatrice; s Joseph A; d Joan, Alice; 1919-25 draftsman in sawmill div Allis Chalmers Mfg Co, Milwaukee Wis; 1925-82 farmed in Todd Co S D; 1983-84 farmed in Keyapaha Co; 1934- co clk Keyapaha Co; during World War enl Sept 5, 1917; O/S June 4, 1918-May 22, 1919, in battles St Mihiel, Eisiezen sector Meuse Argonne; disch as sgt Casual detachment Co D; Amer Leg; Disciples of Christ Ch; Dem; hobby, work; off Courthouse; res Springview.
JONES, RALPH E: Merchant; b LaFayette, Ill Aug 28, 1867; s of Rufus Sheridan Jones-Mercy Jane Taylor; ed LaFayette, Ill; m Clara E Swett July. 26, 1892 Ainsworth; d Leah Marie, Beatrice Jane (Mrs H W Campbell); 1896-1902 opr R E Jones Store, Norden; 1902-20 opr Jones Dept Store Springview; 1924-26 receiver Noel & Son; 1926-39 ret; 1939- owner Jones Store; past mbr MWA: Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting & gardening; res Springview.
LANGLEY, WALTER A: Merchant; b Colo, Ia Jan 4, 1873; s of George W Langley-Jane Gearhart; ed Crawford Co Ia; m Olive E Johnson June 27, 1900 Denison, Ia; s Lloyd G: d Lucille O (Mrs Donald R McCoy); 1900-02 farmed in Ia; 1902-20 owner & opr ranch in southern Brown Co; 1920- owner & opr gen mdse store Springview; AF&AM, Ainsworth; Non-partisan; hobbies, hunting & fishing; res Springview.
LOGAN, ERNEST C: Banker; b Springview, Neb June 4, 1898; s of Henry W Logan-Mary L Wolfe; ed Polytechnic H S Los Angeles, Calif 1918; m Lucy Henneman 1923 Crookston; s Dennis; d Patricia; 1916-18, 1921-23 with Bank of Norden in Norden; 1918-21, 1923-26 with Burkhardt Motor Co; 1926-27 asst cash Stockman's Bank, Springview; 1927- cash; 1929- treas village bd of trustees; 1937- treas bd of edn; Neb St Bankers Assn; Amer Bankers Assn; AF&AM: Indep; hobby, hunting; off First National Bank Bldg; res Springview.
LOWE, MIKE V: Rancher; b Keyapaha. Co Neb May 1, 1895; s of Albert Lowe-Matilda Schultz; ed Keyapaha Co; m Ruby Haman Mar 30, 1929 Winner S D; farmed with father in Keyapaha Co until 1934; 1934-36 ranched in Calif; 1936- owner & opr ranch Keyapaha Co; during World War enl Oct 6, 1917 trained in infantry disch May 15, 1919, priv 1st class, transport Co 382; Amer Leg; Rep; hobby, machinery; res Burton.
MOCK, JAMES HARVEY: Miller; b Hanover, Kas, Aug 1, 1889; s of William Lain Mock-Adeline White; ed Ottawa Co Kas; m Inza F Stuart June 4, 1913 Springview; s Howard L, Clarence H; 1905-07 with father in milling bus, Bennet; 1907-09 emp Able Milling Co, Able; 1902-12 emp Springview Milling Co; 1912 owner & opr Springview Flour & Grain Co which consists of grain exchange, flour mill, electric plant & village water pumping plant; flour known as Square Deal, won blue ribbon & first prize at Neb State Fair; Service Club; mbr Neb Millers Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Springview.
NIEHUS, FRANK: Rancher; b Germany, July 20, 1860; s of Claus Niehus-Gretchen Doelling; ed Germany; m Catherine Jane Graham July 9, 1884 Grand Island, a William Francis, John; d Pearl E (Mrs Herman Merton, dec), Marie Augusta (Mrs Henry Slaughter), Frances Gertrude, (Mrs A F Miceilli); 1877 came from Germany to Grand Island, made trip to Black Hills S D, worked on RR in Wyo & Idaho; 1883 moved to Keyapaha Co; now lives on original homestead; has made six trips to Germany; BPOE, Norfolk; Rep; Luth, Ch, hobbies, raising cattle, sheep & horses; res Springview.
REES, MARTIN C: Lumber Dealer; b Syracuse, Neb Dec 9, 1887; s of Oliver Rees-Fannie Predmore; ed Fairbury Neb HS 1906; Fairbury Bus Coll 1906-07; m Grace Newsham Nov 27, 1908 Carleton; d Velma (dec), Helen (Mrs Warren Radden), Mary Ellen, Ruth; 1907-14 carp & contractor, Carleton; 1914-17 carpenter & contractor Springview; 1917- with C A Ripley Lbr Co; MWA; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Springview.
RADDEN, WARREN F: Garage Owner; b Sioux Falls, S D July 31, 1913; s of G F Radden-Caroline Ashinger; ed Centerville SD; m Helen Rees April 8, 1936 Springview; s Jimmie; 1933-85 with George Henneman, Springview; 1935- ptr Radden Bros Garage; Service Club; MWA; Meth Ch; hobbies, swimming &hunting; res Springview.
RHODES, FRANK J: Postmaster; b Winterset Ia, Jan 1, 1872; s of Samuel A Rhodes-Mary Holsington; ed Keyapaha Co; Fremont Normal; m Mary Loretta Lewis Oct 1897 Burton; d Loraine F (Mrs E C Sanderson); Jessie Mae (Mrs Harold L Hensley) 1888-93 in chg of Simpson Sch, Keyapaha Co; 1887- 94 ranch ptr with Fred Louis Rhodes, owners & oprs 800 A near Burton; 1893-97 Keyapaha Co supt elected before age of 21; 1894-1910 opr real estate bus in Burton; 1913-18 org & VP Burton State Bank; 1922- opr Rhodes village bd of trustees; AF&AM; Neb League of P Ms; Natl Assn of P Ms; Dem; hobby, baseball; res Burton.
RIPLEY, WILLIAM E: Garage Owner; b Keyapaha Co, Neb June 26, 1888; s of C A Ripley-Hester L Cutshall; ed Springview HS 1906; Fremont Normal 1907-08; m Linna M Whitehead Mar 27, 1912; s Ceile W; Raleigh R, William E Jr: d Jean (Mrs George Krause); 1912-20-1923- opr garage, Springview; 1920-23 rancher & stock breeder in Kas; Service Club; AF&AM; worthy patron OES; Rep; hobby, whiteface cattle; off Ripley's Garage; res Springview.
SANDERSON, E C: County Judge; b Keyapaha Co, Neb Dec 27, 1894; s of George E Sanderson-Pauline Strelow; ed Springview; m Loraine Rhodes May 9, 1921 Burke S D; s Dean R, Dale E, Paul S; d Evelyn L; 1913-14 worked on ranch in Wyo; 1914-17 farmed in Keyapaha Co; 1919-20 emp in oil fields Wyo; 192D-23 farmed in Keyapaha Co; 1928-24 mgr hdw store Cottonwood S D; 1924-30 ranched in S D; 1930-37 opr postoffice & store in Burton; 1937- Keyapaha Co judge; mbr sch bd; during World War enl in USN Dec 27, 1917, disch Apr 19, 1919; Amer Leg, org Keyapaha post 98 in Springview; Service Club; Dem; hobby, golf; off Courthouse; res Springview.
SCHOETTGER, FRED A: Rehabilitation Supervisor; b Burton, Neb Feb 26, 1894; s of Fred J Schoettger-Emma Miller; ed Keyapaha Co; Sweeney Motor Sch, Kansas City Mo; m Louise Gierau Nov 19, 1919 Winner S D; s Ted L, John F, Rich-
Who's Who
ard L; d Josephine E, Helen M, Anne L; ranched in Keyapaha Co until 1931; 1931-36 ORACC inspector of Sioux City Ia; 1935- with FSA as supvr; past pres Comm Club; past mbr sch bd; during World War enl Aug 13, 1918, in motor field arty, 14th regiment; disch June 21, 1919; Dem; hobbies, fishing & hunting; res Springview.
SNYDER, WILLARD E: County Superintendent of Schools; b Keyapaha Co, Neb Dec 9, 1899; s of Edward L Snyder-Nora Cherrington; ed Keyapaha Co HS 1919; U of N 1919-20; Chadron Normal BA, 1980; 1921-25 tchr Keyapaha Co schs; 1925-27 supt of schs Clinton; 1927-29 supt of schs, Merriman; 1930- Keyapaha co supt of schs; AF&AM; MWA; Service Club; Rep: Meth Ch; hobby, Hereford cattle; off Courthouse; res Springview.
THORLEY, HARRY G: Banker & Rancher; b Atlantic, Ia May 12, 1897; s of G H Thorley-Elmina Marshall; ed Des Moines Ia HS; Capitol City Comml Coll, Des Moines; m Phyllis Carr Nov 11, 1918 Ainsworth; s Roger, Gordon (dec); d Mary; 1915-17 with First Natl Bank Springview; 1917-37 cash First Natl Bank; 1937- pres; Neb Bankers Assn; owner & opr 6000 A ranch in Brown Co; AF&AM; York Rite; Rep; Congl Ch; hobbies, outdoor sports & Hereford cattle; off First Natl Bank Bldg; res Springview.
WESTFALL, DANA P: Dentist; b Lindsay, Neb Feb 25, 1905; s of Davis H Westfall-Martha Primer; ed Polk HS 1923; U of N, DDS 1930 Xi Psi Phi; m Ollie Etting June 30, 1930 David City; 1930-34 prac in David City; 1934- prac in Springview; hobbies, golf, hunting & fishing; res Springview.
WESTON, EARL: Oil Dealer & Rancher; b Edmund, Wis Dec 6, 1884; s of William L Weston-Emma Williams; ed Springview HS 1904; m Ruth Fox June 18, 1913 Dodgeville, Wis; s John E, William L; d Maxine (Mrs Gerald Childs), Eileen Fox; 1905- rancher in Keyapaha Co; 1930- owner of Weston Oil Co, Gordon & Valentine; Valentine Production Credit Assn, dir for Keyapaha Co; past mbr sch bd; Rep; Meth Ch; hobby, cattle; res Springview.
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