Kimball County

Kimball County Probate Index - Part 1
Here are the early probates in Kimball County. They
with the old
numbering system. The later probates start with 1, 2, 3, etc.
For further information
A-16 Anderson, Halver Lawrenceburg TN
A-54 Andrews, Alpheus Bushnell NE
A-30 Atkins, Peter L. Kimball County NE
A-39 Aylesworth, William A. Cook County IL
A-49 Barkell, Mary Kimball NE
A-17 Barkell, Richard Kimball NE
A-37 Beach, Adeline E. Onondago NY
A-45 Becker, Fred Kimball County NE
A-27 Benson, Gunder Kimball NE
A-48 Bergquist, Frank W. Kimball County NE
A-33 Berry, Nancy Augusta ME
A-53 Bostwick, Daniel Laramie County WY
A-62 Bower, Gabriel Bushnell NE
A- 8 Bowers, Charles I. Kimball NE
A-25 Bowman, Edmund B. Council Bluffs IA
A-10 Broyles, Isaac W. Kimball NE
A-20 Burt, Mary A. Kimball County NE
A- 3 Bushee, Ezra Kenyon Dix NE
A-56 Carroll, John M. Bushnell NE
A-57 Cunningham, Alexander B. Kimball County NE
A-52 Cushman, Francis Kimball County NE
A-19 Dana, Stockwell E. Whiteside IL
A-66 Dinnfle, Joe or Dinnfle Ignacio Kimball County NE
A-47 Edwards, F. A. Hamilton County IA
A-63 Fearing, Paul Abingdon IL
A-67 Fisk, Jesse Bushnell NE
A- 1 Furrow, Benjamin Kimball NE
A-15 Garrard, Hatzell J. Kimball NE
A-12 Gotte, John Dix NE
A-36 Green, John W. McHenry County IL
A-24 Hall, William D. Kimball County NE
A-59 Hans Julius V. Neilsen Racine County WI
A-69 Harrington, Joseph C. Kimball NE
A- 6 Haylett, Everett G. Milwauke WI
A-23 Hepburn, McCleland P. Lycoming PA
A-22 Johnson, Albin Cheyenne County NE
A- 7 Johnson, August Dix NE
A- 7 Johnson, Britta Dix NE
A-46 Johnson, Carolina Josephina Kimball County NE
A-38 Johnson, Erik M. Cook County IL
A-55 Jorgensen, George C. Kimball County NE
A-31 Kaufman, Watson G. Limestone PA
A-68 Kinney, James J. Kimball NE
A-64 Latimer, J. S. Abingdon IL
A-50 Laumbach, Jerry Bushnell NE
A-18 Leaming, Martha E. Kimball NE
A-29 Martinson, Louis Kimball NE
A-43 Morby, Charles T. Kimball County NE
A-26 Morby, Samuel Kimball County NE
A-40 Morris, Davenport A. LaFort TX
A- 2 Morrish, James Kimball NE
A- 5 Nounce, John F. Biddeford MD
A-14 Paulsen, Anders Kimball NE
A- 4 Pierce, Stillman A. Bushnell NE
A-44 Pihl, Lydia Britain CT
A-41 Pihl, Phoebe M. Britain CT
A-35 Prescott, Stephen A. Kimball NE
A-51 Riesberg, Mary Kimball County NE
A-21 Samuelson, Samuel O. Kimball County NE
A-65 Schaefer, Catherine A. St. Louis MO
A- 9 Schmidt, Joseph (lost) Dix NE
A-58 Simonson, Andrew Racine County WI
A-61 Smith, John M. LeClaire IA
A-11 Steensen, Andrew M. Kimball NE
A-13 Steensen, Tory (Guardianship) Kimball NE
A-32 Tourtelotte, George Bristol WI
A-13 Tracey, Asa Kimball NE
A-42 Van Valin, Wallace Thurston NE
A-60 Westling, Christina Webster County IA
A-34 Wiklund, Erik A. Kimball NE
A-28 Yannayan, Wm not given MO
Copyright 1997-2008
Marcia Beuscher 2019 David Gochenour