Helen Mae Drullinger CEDARVILLE, Ohio — Helen Mae Fischer Drullinger, sister-in-law of Darrell Drullinger and Joyce Piskorki and daughter-in-law of Roberta Drullinger, all of North Platte, died Sept. 22, 1999, in Cedarville, Ohio. She was married to Dave Drullinger, a native of Chadron. She worked part time at Cedarville College where her husband is a member of the faculty. She was a member of the Washington Height Baptist Church of Dayton. Mrs. Drullinger is survived by her husband; a daughter, Carla Drullinger; a son, Randall; her mother, Clara Fischer; three sisters, all of Oregon; a brother of Oregon; and a grandson, Daniel Drullinger. A memorial has been established to the Cedarville College, PO Box 601, Cedarville, OH 45314. A gathering for family and friends to honor her memory will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at the First Baptist Church of North Platte.