
Logan County History 1885-1985

Copywrite 2000 - 2016 by Peggy Struwe ©


  The Logan County Home Extension Clubs were first started in l936, with 
a total of four clubs having 86 members. Mrs. A.E. Moore was the first 
County Chairman and Mr. W.F. Cozier, the County Agent.
These County Agents also helped the clubs during the years: Everest Bindy, 
Bob Bruce, Fred Blummer, and Cliff Quick,
The County Chairman over the years have been:
1936-38 Mrs. A.E. Moore..........1955 Mrs. Edgar Hubbel
1938-43 Mrs. Roy Ready............1956 Mrs. William Dudley
1944    Mrs. Harvey Raynard......1957 Mrs. Kelly Ambler Sr.
1945    Mrs. R. Joy (6 Mo.)..........1958 Mrs., Dick Ambler
1945-48 Mrs. Harley Birth............1959 Mrs. Lewis Wescoat
1949-50 Mrs. Charles Johnson....1960 Mrs, Robert McPherrin
1951-52 Mrs. Myron Bakewell......1961 Mrs. Mearl Moore
1953    Mrs. Orval Indra................1962 Mrs. Walter Rockwell
1954    Mrs.Lewis Kramer.............1963  Miss. Sharon Kramer

One of the earlier Extension Training Meeting at Stapleton in 1939.


  Picture of the first extension club in Logan County organized by Anna Moore, 
mother of Mrs. Augus Delfs, about the year 1918.  Mrs. Moore was county 
chairman at that time.  This club was organized at the Moore home where 
the Wayne Salisbury's now live and was named The Loup Valley Extension Club.  
Those in the picture are from left to right: Vera Ambler, Ruth Reynolds, 
Mabel Merritt, Inez Lambert, Verna Anderson, Mabel Ambler, Ella Vickeroy, 
Ethel Bay, Anna Jenkins and Anna Moore.  The Group was asked to come to 
the meeting topsy-turvy.

The first 4-H Club was started about 1910 in the Nesbit community and was 
a girls sewing club.  The meetings were held in the second sod school house.  
Dust caps were the first project and Eunice (Brothers) Raynard and Pearl 
(Brothers) Johnson still have the dust caps.  Tea towels were also made.  
The leader was Mrs. C.D. Kelly.  Some of the 4-H members were the Brothers, 
Raynard and Cline girls.

About 1938 County Agent Crozier started a boys' calf club with Harvey 
Raynard as a leader.  Some of the boys were Raynard, Barner, and Wescoat 

In 1946 Mrs. Harvey Raynard and Mrs. Myron Bakewell led a club.  Learning 
to be a Homemaker was the project.  Local girls were members.

The Sunny Sewers had a club in 1950 and their project was Work and Play 
Clothes.  Mrs. Bakewell and Mrs. Raynard were the leaders.

Some of the other people who have helped with the 4-H Clubs in the Nesbit 
Community are Mesdames Orville Indra, Clifford Quick, Mervin Rogers, 
Robert McPherrin, Frank Lanka, Curtis Parker, Glen Dee Barner and 
Jim Beckius, and Messrs, Milton Starr, Elton Lanka, and Joe Leech.  
There may have been other leaders, and much help from the parents.  
Many boys and girls have been helped to better knowledge by these clubs.

There were Junior leaders too, who lived in Logan County in the Nesbit 
community.  Some of them were Viola Kemplin, Arlene Bakewell, 
Barbara Raynard and Barbara McPherrin.

Today there are eleven clubs in Logan County with around 100 members. 
This includes boys and girls from the ages of 5 to 10. The clubs 
study sewing, conking, grasses, livestock judging, rope, livestock 
care, neatness, and other projects depending on the age and the 
choice of the members.


If you have any comments or suggestions please contact me.