Index of people named in the book Colleen
Settlement Of Loup And Blaine Counties"
This index is for the portion of the book that is
Loup County, Nebraska.
This index was created by Karolee Ingraham Plock at the request
of the Loup County Historical Society, Taylor, Nebraska. Both the LCHS
and the Loup NEGenWeb would like to express their sincere appreciation for the
hours of labor that Karolee gave to this project.
The author, Colleen Iris Goehring Switzer, was born in Loup
County, NE. Her expressed interest in writing this volume was so ".
. . that her children might have knowledge of the early history of the area in
which they were born and in which their ancestors had a part in
settling. For the most part this history covers only those years prior
to 1890."
Switzer, Colleen, The Settlement of Loup and Blaine Counties,
Purcell, Inc., Broken Bow, NE, 1977. Library of Congress Catalog Number
This Index, and any part thereof, is under the copyright of the Loup County
Historical Society, Box 102, Taylor, Nebraska.
This book is out-of-print but can be found in many libraries as well as
purchased through used book sellers.
Below is a listing of public and academic libraries that have a copy in their
Denver Public Library, Colorado
Allen County Public Library, Indiana
Beatrice Public Library, Nebraska
Grand Island Public Library, Nebraska
Kearney Public Library, Nebraska
Lincoln Public Library, Nebraska
Omaha Public Library, Nebraska
Scottsbluff Public Library, Nebraska
University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska
New York Public Library Res Library, New York,

Alphabetical Index
A-B | C-D |
E-G | H-J |
K-M | N-R |
S | T-Z

Many families moved between Blaine & Loup
Counties so you may wish to search the
Blaine County section also.

Click on the stacked books to go there.
2002 Loup County Historical Society, Taylor,
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