![]() Otoe Co. Census
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1854-56 Nebraska Territory Census (You will need to look around)
Nebraska Territorial Census
(Otoe was not a county yet)
copyright 1998 by Ted & Carole Miller
As transcribed by the submitters from the microfilm of the Eighth Federal Census, National Archives film series M653 . Submitted to the USGenWeb Nebraska Archives, December, 1998, by Ted and Carole Miller.USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual.***************Slave Inhabitants Otoe County, N. T.[Nebraska Territory] Enumerated by me on the 1st day of June 1860 J. L. GibbsPage 1 Description Names of Number of Age Sex Color Slave Owners Slaves [Columns] 1 2 3 4 5 Charles F. Hally 1 40 F B 1 59 M B Robert M. Kirkhand 1 11 M B 1 7 F B Alexander Majors 1 40 F B 1 40 F M 1 20 F M 1 14 M M 1 12 M M 1 14 F B [Total] M 4 [Total] F 6 Total 10 source: ftp://ftp.rootsweb.ancestry.com/pub/usgenweb/ne/state/census/1860/slaveoto.txt
Otoe Co., NE; Military Pensioners, 1 January 1883
USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. *************** Transcribed for the NEGenWeb Archives by Alice Miller (AliceJeanMiller @ aol.com)[*probably bad*] Source: "List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883; giving the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882." Vol. IV, pages 746-747. Certif. No. Name of pensioner Post Office Addr. Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of orig. allowance 198, 158 Delozier, Geo. S. Dresden g.s.w. hip $2 00 Nov., 1881 198, 896 Blair, Sam'l E. Dresden g.s.w. arm 4 00 Dec., 1881 26, 256 Brink, Jno. Dunbar g.s.w. foot 8 00 161, 109 Smith, Bartlet Dunbar g.s.w. side 4 00 June, 1879 14, 315 Davis, Isaac Nebraska City 8 00 Mar., 1872 68, 346 Ready, Jesse Nebraska City g.s.w. hip 8 00 78, 227 Koppenhafer, Jerem'h Nebraska City g.s.w. ankle 6 00 110, 957 Harding, Thos. D. Nebraska City injury to abdomen 12 00 46, 110 Myers, Mary Nebraska City widow 8 00 Oct., 1867 53, 454 Bohn, Ann Nebraska City mother 8 00 Aug., 1865 177, 908 James, Eliza Nebraska City widow 8 00 June, 1880 7, 188 Hinks, Jno. C. Nebraska City chr. diarr. 12 00 25, 305 Burgess, Lorenza S. Nebraska City g.s.w. r. side 8 00 62, 182 Knowlton, Jno. M. Nebraska City w. l. foot 5 00 158, 956 Fischner, Chas. G. Nebraska City sh'l. w. r. arm 2 00 Apr., 1879 11, 438 Southard, Louisa Nebraska City widow 1812 8 00 Nov., 1878 137, 787 Helvey, Elizabeth Nebraska City 8 00 Dec., 1869 191, 072 Lawrence, Francis N. Nebraska City g.s.w. breast, var. v'ns. 12 00 June, 1881 184, 817 Lowe, Jas. Nebraska City chr. rheum. 2 00 Mar., 1881 183, 407 Schafer, Henry Nebraska City injury to abdomen 8 00 Feb., 1881 4, 240 Crosby, Thos. Nebraska City g.s.w. 7 00 167, 447 Patterson, Elizabeth E. Nebraska City widow 22 00 Feb., 1875 211, 687 Ready, Wm. H. Nebraska City chr. diarr. 4 00 June, 1882 191, 030 Bird, Jas. T. Nebraska City chr. diarr. 4 00 June, 1881 101, 132 Roads, David Nebraska City w. ster. 3 00 109, 581 Langley, Geo. L. Nebraska City dropsy 4 00 217, 196 McCormick, J. Anders'n Nebraska City partl. paralysis 8 00 Aug., 1882 145, 403 Hepley, Fred'k Nebraska City g.s.w. arm, side 14 00 159, 593 Bauman, Jno. Nebraska City partl. loss finger 2 00 May, 1879 117, 316 Schwinke, Jno. Nebraska City g.s.w. shoul., dis. eyes 14 00 106, 284 Pallister, Jno. Nebraska City g.s.w. l. leg 4 00 146, 774 Overton, Samuel C. Nebraska City g.s.w. shoul. 6 00 63, 620 Morrison, Sam'l H. Nebraska City w. leg 10 00 42, 012 Mason, Elizabeth Osage widow 17 00 Mar., 1865 216, 668 Slade, Geo. E. Palmyra ulcers r. leg 6 00 Aug., 1882 206, 848 Leserve, Wm. A. Palmyra shl. w. knee 6 00 Apr., 1882 154, 321 Dunkle, Geo. M. Palmyra g.s.w. side 4 00 July, 1878 184, 031 Milter, Philo H. Palmyra heart dis. 10 00 Mar., 1881 131, 812 Swank, Samuel Palmyra dis. eyes 8 00 51, 444 Coons, Wm. H. Palmyra g.s.w. l. side 10 00 208, 076 Peterson, Geo. W. Palmyra g.s.w. head 4 00 May, 1882 121, 507 McFarland, Wm. B. Syracuse w. l. leg 6 00 174, 853 Kinnaman, Susan T. Syracuse widow 8 00 Aug., 1876 124, 570 Hurd, Henry M. Syracuse g.s.w. thigh 6 00 152, 397 Ferguson, Jessie J. Syracuse g.s.w. neck 4 00 Apr., 1878 154, 057 Payton, Presley M. Syracuse injury to abdomen 4 00 June, 1878 120, 015 Bloomer, Daniel Syracuse g.s.w. shoul. 4 00 Nov., 1872 127, 194 Shull, David A. Syracuse diarr., dis. abd. vis. 12 00 218, 447 Johnson, Albert H. Syracuse chr. diarr. 6 00 Sept., 1882 175, 749 Rose, Henry N. Syracuse g.s.w. thigh 4 00 Oct., 1880 88, 276 Ashton, Wm. W. Syracuse conj'ness bth. eyes 8 00 109, 902 Allen, Jno. S. Syracuse w. leg 6 00 169, 744 Clark, Rebecca Syracuse widow 8 00 18, 574 Case, Franklin Syracuse diarr. 8 00 183, 699 Barney, Allen B. Syracuse injury to abdomen 8 00 Mar., 1881 193, 988 Beasley, Geo. W. Syracuse g.s.w. knee 2 00 Aug., 1881 119, 827 Diener, Jno. Syracuse g.s.w. face 10 00 189, 622 McNeil, Wm. E. Syracuse g.s.w. shoul. 4 00 June, 1881 194, 362 Halliday, Lydia V. Syracuse mother 8 00 Feb., 1882 91, 205 Ried, Julius Syracuse w. r. leg 18 00 176, 883 Gravatt, Johnson Talmage chr. diarr. 6 00 Oct., 1880 133, 645 Cooper, Jas. L. Talmage father 8 00 Aug., 1869 117, 236 Steadman, Chas. R. Unadilla chr. diarr. 8 00 177, 250 Foster, Martin Unadilla g.s.w. abd. 2 00 Oct., 1880 (End of File)
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