Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Otoe County NE

| Cemeteries | Otoe Co. NEGenWeb |

Pleasant Hill Cemetery is located  6 miles north on CR 20, .75 miles east on CR B from Unadilla, NE
(Long. 96.15.37, Lat. 40.46.09) land deeded by Joe Royer
North Russell Precinct, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, Section 2, Range 10

          Hill Cemetery gate pleasanthill-vista.jpg
          (46333 bytes)
| 2nd view | 3rd view |

Photo credit to Lizabeth J. Rolfson
Reference: DAR. Otoe County Cemetery Book 1854 -1907, pp 267-272. about 1940 **

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Pleasant Hill Cemetery

Difficult to read tombstones

Large version images are available for study

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        bytes) Possible: George S. D. (May 29, 1878, age 2 mos, 28 dys); Ira L. D. (Feb 18, 1878, age 1 yr 9 mos 10 dys) [Cal-Zellors]? Is the capital "D." an initial or a death date? **

DSCN1432sm.JPG (57930 bytes) waiting for a name

DSCN1439sm.JPG (53599 bytes) Can you read this one? ?Children of ? & M. Somer?

DSCN1443sm.JPG (93810 bytes) Can you read this one?

DSCN1444sm.JPG (90927 bytes) Can you read this one? Possible Hostic, infant (May 16, 1898-May 24, 1898) s/o Fred & Ellen Hostic

DSCN1450sm.JPG (80746 bytes) Can you help identify this baby?

DSCN1453sm.JPG (55042
              bytes) Arthur s/o ??, can you read it?
In 1880 census there were these men named Arthur:
Arthur BURDICK, Russell, Otoe, NE <1858> Wisconsin Something other than a direct relationship
Arthur E. DEMING, Chas. F. DEMING, Ellen E. DEMING Russell, Otoe, NE <1876> Connecticut Son
Arthur DOUGLAS, Rich'd DOUGLAS, Ruth DOUGLAS Russell, Otoe, NE <1858> ENG Son
Arthur HAUKINS, Russell, Otoe, NE <1863> Iowa Brother
Arthur STILL, Hiram STILL, Mary STILL Russell, Otoe, NE <1871> Nebraska Son
Arthur STRINE, Philip STRINE, Jane STRINE Russell, Otoe, NE <1869> Virginia Son
Arthur THOMSON, A.R. THOMSON, Margt. THOMSON Russell, Otoe, NE <1860> Nebraska Son

DSCN1465sm.JPG (85720 bytes) ?? no markings.


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Last Updated: 6/14/2005