Walpole or North Cemetery
Elsie, Perkins Co. Nebraska
This listing was contributed by Wm. C. McGahan [wmcgahan@esu16.org].
Total records = 6.
This cemetery is located on the road between Elsie, Nebraska, and Paxton, Nebraska. (NW
Quarter of Sec 20, Township 11, Range 35, Perkins County.) To reach the site go south on
the paved highway at the Paxton, Nebraska, exit of Interstate 80. The road does have a
gravel section with paving on both the Elsie and the Paxton ends of the road. The North
Cemetery is on the east side of the road approximately ten miles south of Paxton or an
equal distance north of Elsie [2.5 m. E, 5 m. N].
The Deed Record reads as follows:
Show all men by these Presents: That Robert V. Walpole and Sarah J. Walpole, husband
and wife, of Perkins County, State of Nebraska, in consideration of the sum of Four &
no/100 in hand, paid by The Trustees of the First Baptist Church of Perkins Co Neb, do
hereby sell and convey unto the said Trustees of the First Baptist Church of Perkins Co
Nebr and their successors in office the following described premises, situated in the
County of Perkins, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: Four acres and ten square rods of Land,
in the North-West Quarter of Section Twenty, Township eleven Range Thirty-Five viz:
Commencing at the West corner of said Quarter thence east Twenty-Five rods along the North
Line of said quarter thence South Twenty rods thence west Twenty-Five rods to the west
line of said quarter thence to the place of beginning. The above tract of Land is to be
used for church and cemetery purposes only, other wise this ?? is void. Deed signed by
Sara J. Walpole and Robert Walpole , May 28, 1895. Filed for Record June 8, 1895
COMMENT of Wm. C. McGahan: The only graves listed in this database are those with a
marker. It appears to this researcher there are in fact a number of indentations
indicating unmarked burials. The cemetery is mowed periodically. It has not had a burial
(at least of records) since 1896 when the dreams of a major church center apparently
disintegrated with the drought/hard times of the 1890s which caused many area homesteaders
to return to the eastern cities or moved to major cities such as Denver and Omaha to find
Submitted by:
Wm. C. "Bill" McGahan
P.O. Box 970
North Platte, NE 69103
Fuhr, Archie, b.19 Mar 1895, d.6 Jul 1896, Son of George & Minnie, Grandson
of Nicholas
Law, Mary Alice, b.27 Mar 1865, d.15 Jul 1894, Wife of Ervin Law)
Miller, Robert, d.20 Jan 1889, Son of William & Marion, Age 14 days
Nichols, Alga, b.3 Nov 1890, d.26 Jan 1892, Daughter W.H. & H.L. Nichols
Nichols, Millie, b.9 Aug 1882, d.10 Oct 1885, Daughter W.H & H.L. Nichols
Tatum, Thomas, b.1849, d.1889