Saline County
NEGenWeb Project
1921 Torch Yearbook
Class History


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On a bright September morn twelve long years ago, some thirty children, in search of knowledge, knocked at the door of the Friend school. After being admitted, these tottering youngsters were conducted to the primary department where the teacher in charge received them with outstretched arms and apparent joy.

Only seven of these people, Opal Crone, Harry Dorwart, George Alldritt, Archie McAlpin, Marie Joyce, Vera Kahm and Henry Haberman, have remained together throughout the twelve years of school and are graduating in the class of 1921.

We must pass quickly over the earlier years of our tribulations and hasten on to our high school days, which will always be a source of the pleasantest memories. In 1917, we entered high school as Freshmen, and received the welcome which upper class men usually feel called upon to greet those of inferior knowledge and experience. However, we managed to rise above these blows, and because we had few outside interests, devoted our entire time and energy to the pursuit of knowledge.

The next year, as Sophomores, we resumed our studies and few but ourselves realized our importance. We held a class meeting as early in the term as convenient and elected Harry Dorwart, president, and Miss Weeks, sponsor. Under the supervision of these officers a number of social functions were held. For example, we might mention the Hard Times Party, with its impending difficulties, held in the gymnasium, and the Sophomore-Grafton basketball reception. In speaking of our achievements as Sophomores we must not forget that it was our class that took upon itself the all important task of publishing the first AMICI.

As Juniors we were more eager our studies to pursue. To insure sufficient time and thought for this most important phase of school life, we refrained from social activities until the latter part of the term. With Murray Dilley, as president, we assumed the grave responsibility of entertaining the dignified Seniors and the Faculty. We were duly represented in athletics and musical organizations throughout the entire year.

And now with Will Gallup, as president, we have entered upon our fourth and last year's work. We were well represented on the school's undefeated football squad by the following men: Will Gallup (captain), Henry Haberman, George Alldritt, Harold Herman, and Harry Dorwart. In basketball we boast Harry Dorwart (captain) and Will Gallup (forward). The editor and associate editor of the AMICI, Will Gallup and Marie Joyce, are from our class as is Marie Davis, who represents us on the debating team. Marie was also a member of the girls' basketball team. We have enjoyed our four years in Friend High School and it is with a feeling of sorrow that we say goodbye to the friends and comrades with whom we have spent these best years of our lives.

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Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project
Kathie Harrison