Saline County
NEGenWeb Project
1921 Torch Yearbook
The Junior Class is the
largest class ever enrolled in the Friend High School. We pride
ourselves, also, upon the quality of the class for the reason that the
Juniors have played an important part in all school activities. In
athletics, the Juniors have made a marked showing this year,
demonstrated by the fact that six of the first team football boys were
They were Harry Milton,
James Campbell, Ray Miller, Mark Gill, Charles Rhynolds and Ernest
Horner. Ray Miller has the distinction of being on the Star's honor
roll of 1920 football men. Four first team basketball men were drawn
from the Junior Class: Ernest Horner, Harry Milton,
Ray Miller and
James Campbell. The class is also well represented in girls'
basketball. Three of the first team girls were Juniors: Erma Warren
(captain), Dorothy Horner (center), and LaVera Packard (guard).
Herbert Erdkamp has been
the business manager of the AMICI and has made the financial end of
the enterprise a success. Herbert is also the business manager of the
The Junior Class is well
represented in music and dramatics. Helen Miller and Helen Widick
belong to the Senior High School Girls' quartette, an organization of
which we can justly be proud. The quartette played an important part
in the girls' program given February 7, 1921. Considerable dramatic
ability has recently been shown by the Juniors, particularly, Dorothy
Horner and Doris Teale, who carried leading parts in the girls' farce,
"The Revolt."
The Junior boys are also
prominent in school music. Ray Miller, Claude Gibson, John Packard,
Mark Gill, Charles Rhynolds, and Harry Milton with Linus Gallup
carrying the solo part have sung successfully at the Junior dinner and
Christmas convocation.
John Packard and Claude
Gibson have brought honor to the Juniors along the line of art. Both
boys show unusual ability in drawing and together have done designing
for the annual.
The class is producing
excellent cooks and teachers in the domestic science and normal
training departments. Surely the Junior Class has proved that it
surpasses all former Junior classes not only in quantity but also in

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Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project
Kathie Harrison