Saunders County NEGenWeb Project
Past and Present of Saunders County Nebraska, 1915, Volume II
PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 23 Hennings, a daughter of Henry and Wibke (Reimers) Hennings. Her parents came to the United States with Mr. Eichmeier and their remaining days were spent in Illinois, where they were laid to rest when death called them. Mr. and Mrs. Eichmeier have become the parents of five children who survive: August H., who is living at home; Annie, the wife of C. J. Frahm, of Ithaca, by whom she has seven children; Rosie, the wife of Max Hass, of Richland, by whom she has one child; and Lilly and Ernest, both attending school. In politics Mr. Eichmeier is a democrat and in 1906 was elected to the office of county commissioner. He assumed the duties of the position at the beginning of the following year and served until 1910. He has held all of the offices in his school district. Fraternally he is connected with the Knights of Pythias at Wahoo and he attends the German Lutheran church in Green precinct. When he came to Saunders county he was practically penniless but by hard work has won success, and his record proves what can be accomplished when determination and diligence point out the way. DR. BENJAMIN D. ROBINSON.Dr. Benjamin D. Robinson, of Mead, has gained a large practice as a veterinarian and is highly esteemed as a man. He was born in Cherokee county, Iowa, on the 10th of October, 1874, of the marriage of Lafayette F. and Margaret E. (Grant) Robinson, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Minnesota. They were among the early settlers of Iowa and the father homesteaded land in that state. In connection with farming he also engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery, in which he met with gratifying success. His demise occurred on the 29th of November, 1898, and he is buried at Carroll, Wayne county, Nebraska. His wife, who is still living, resides at Witten, South Dakota. To them were born five children: D. B., living at Shoals, who is married and has five children; Benjamin D.; Cora, who gave her hand in marriage to F. M. Hurlbert, of Ogallala, Nebraska, by whom she has two children; Charles F., living at Broken Bow, Nebraska, who is married and has four children; and Minnie, the wife of C. B. Hurlbert, a resident of Chamberlain, South Dakota, by whom she has two children. Dr. Benjamin D. Robinson attended the common schools of Iowa and Nebraska until seventeen years of age and then began herding cattle. He was employed at various kinds of work until he was eighteen years old, when he began assisting his father in his practice as a veterinarian. During the years that they were associated he became proficient in veterinary science, and he has also increased his knowledge by wide reading and study. Since his father's death, in 1898, he has practiced independently and has gained a creditable place in his profession. He came to Mead in 1903 and in the twelve years that have since intervened he has been accorded a large and profitable patronage throughout Saunders county. On the 5th of February, 1898, Dr. Robinson was married to Miss Helen M. Staarm, a daughter of Carl Staarm, whose birth occurred in Sweden. Four 24 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II children have been born to this union: Lloyd, Delmar, Vera and Cora, all of whom are attending school in Mead. Dr. Robinson votes the democratic ticket where national issues are at stake but otherwise supports the candidate whom he deems best fitted for the office irrespective of his political affiliation. He and his family attend the Baptist church and in all relations of life he strives to conform his conduct to high standards of ethics. He is well read and takes a keen interest in everything affecting the general welfare, and is at all times ready to cooperate in projects looking toward the advancement of his community. He began as a poor young man but through strict attention to his professional duties and through good management of his business affairs he has gained a competence. P. F. W. ANTHONY.P. F. W. Anthony, a capable farmer residing on section 2, Mariposa township, was born in Valparaiso, Indiana, May 30, 1886, a son of Peter and Dora (Boe) Anthony. The father was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, but came to the United States in his youth. For some time he lived in Chicago, whence he removed to Valparaiso, Indiana, where he lived until his removal to Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska. He remained there for about four years and then located on a farm on section 2, Mariposa township, this county, where he successfully engaged in farming until about 1904, when he returned to Cedar Bluffs. He passed away in 1907 and was buried in a cemetery in that town. His wife, who was born in Germany, is still living and makes her home with a daughter in Cedar Bluffs. They were the parents of eight children: Clara, the wife of C. L. Rabbass, of Royal, Nebraska; Lena, who married Henry Frahm, also of Royal; Mattie, the wife of Fred Hartford, of Cedar Bluffs; Dora, now Mrs. Andrew Lorensen, of Cedar Bluffs; Ella, who married George Jones, of Cedar Bluffs; Melia, the wife of Andrew Jacobson, of Emmet, this state; P. F. W., known as William; and Hattie, the wife of Max Gloyer, of Cedar Bluffs. William Anthony attended the district schools and supplemented the education so acquired by a year's study at the Fremont Normal School, where he took a commercial course and also two terms of the teacher's course. He assisted his father until he was twenty-one years of age and then assumed the management of the home place, which he has since operated. He now owns a farm which comprises one hundred and sixty acres of excellent land and has made a number of improvements, including the erection of a fine barn. He does general farming, and his industry and practical knowledge of agriculture are the main factors in his gratifying success. On May 20, 1908, Mr. Anthony was united in marriage to Miss Emma Harding, who was born and reared in the vicinity of Cedar Bluffs. Their children are three in number, namely: Edna D., Harry A. and Leonard W. Mr. Anthony is a stalwart republican and is deeply interested in all matters that concern the public welfare. He attends and supports the Lutheran church, with which his wife is also affiliated, and he is a member of the Farmers Union. PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 25 Although a young man, he has gained a measure of prosperity that many of his seniors might well envy and is recognized as one of the progressive and successful farmers of his township. PETER DAHLMAN.Peter Dahlman, who has lived in Saunders county for more than a third of a century, was long and successfully identified with agricultural pursuits here but since 1911 has rented all of his land save ten acres in Stocking township, where he resides on section 28. His birth occurred in Sweden on the 20th of April, 1847, his parents being Eskil and Elna Pearson, who passed away in that country. He attended school until sixteen years of age and during the following two years worked with his father at farm labor. Subsequently he was employed in an organ factory until twenty-five years of age and afterward was engaged in the manufacture of organs on his own account for five or six years. In 1880, desirous of testing the truth of the many favorable reports which had reached him concerning the opportunities and advantages of the new world, he emigrated to the United States and made his way direct to Saunders county, Nebraska, purchasing eighty acres of railroad land in Stocking township. This he cultivated continuously and successfully for many years, the fields annually yielding golden harvests as a reward for the care and labor which he bestowed upon them. In 1911, however, he rented all except a ten-acre tract, on which he keeps a few cows and horses. During the first years of his residence in America he worked as a piano and organ tuner when not busy on the farm. The prosperity which he now enjoys has come as the direct result of untiring industry, energy and perseverance, and his record is that of one of Saunders county's substantial and representative citizens. In 1880 Mr. Dahlman was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Eliason, her father being Elias Teveson, of Sweden. To them have been born four children, as follows: Iver, who married Emily Elmelund; Blanda, who gave her hand in marriage to Joe Erickson; Martha, the wife of Ed Eliason; and Ebba, who is the wife of John Geanoplos. At the polls Mr. Dahlman casts an independent ballot, always considering the capability of a candidate rather than his party affiliation. His religious faith is that of the Swedish Lutheran church, and his influence is always given on the side of right, progress, justice and truth. JOHN B. MANTEL.John B. Mantel, who passed away on his farm in Mariposa township on the 25th of February, 1899, in the fifty-ninth year of his age, had long been an active factor in agricultural circles here, cultivating a half section of valuable and productive land. He was born in Germany on the 26th of December, 1840, and attended the common schools of the fatherland until fifteen years of age, 26 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II when he crossed the Atlantic to the United States. He was employed as a cook in New York until 1868, in which year he was married and preempted a tract of land in Saunders county, Nebraska. Subsequently he traveled about the country in his former vocation, serving as head cook in the Palmer House and other leading hotels. In 1877 he returned to this county and during the remainder of his life was actively engaged in the cultivation of his half section in Mariposa township, the careful conduct of his agricultural interests bringing him a gratifying financial return annually. His family remained on the farm until 1913, when Mrs. Mantel removed to Malmo, where she purchased a nice residence and has since made her home. On the 19th of March, 1868, Mr. Mantel was united in marriage to Miss Betty Folck, a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, and a daughter of John and Marie (Bender) Folck. They became the parents of seven children, four of whom survive. Louisa, living near Wahoo, is the wife of Henry Keller, by whom she has two daughters, Emma and Annie. Katie, living near Malmo, is the wife of Arvet Swanson, by whom she has three children, namely: Inez, nine years of age; Esther, who is two years old; and Lucille, in her first year. Annie is the wife of Frank Castle, of Washington county, and the mother of two children, Raymond and Viola, who are fifteen and eleven years of age respectively. Charles B., born in 1885, lives at home and is engaged in the hardware business in Malmo. The deceased children of the family are as follows: Ida, who died when fifteen years of age; Freda, who passed away at the age of eight; and Jonnie, who died when two and one-half years old. At the polls Mr. Mantel cast his ballot in support of the men and measures of the democracy, believing its principles most conducive to good government. His religious faith was that of the German Lutheran church, the teachings of which found exemplification in his daily life. In his demise the community lost a highly esteemed and substantial citizen and one who had achieved success entirely by his own efforts in utilizing the opportunities of the new world. Mrs. Mantel has now lived in Saunders county for nearly four decades and is widely and favorably known, having an extensive circle of friends here. O. M. TEMPLETON.O. M. Templeton, who is farming on section 25, Mariposa township, is one of the native sons of Saunders county who have realized the excellence of the opportunities here offered and have continued to reside here. He was born upon the farm which he is now operating on the llth of June, 1882, a son of John S. and Francina (Hodgson) Templeton, the former of whom is now residing in Wahoo. In the family were seven children: Flora, now the widow of Harvey McChroskey, of Yale, Oklahoma; May, the wife of G. H. Gilchrist, of Mead, Nebraska; Horatio, a resident of Lincoln; Dan H., who resides three miles southeast of Swedeburg; Perry J., of Ravenna, Nebraska; O. M.; and Bessie, the wife of H. T. Lilley of Wahoo. O. M. Templeton was educated in district school No. 70, Center precinct, and assisted his father with the work of the home farm until he reached the age PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 27 of twenty-two years. He then rented land from his father and has since engaged in farming on his own account. He operates one hundred and fifty-three acres of excellent land and derives a good income from his labors. He carries on general farming, finding that more profitable than specializing in either the growing of grain or the raising of stock. On the 11th of February, 1905, Mr. Templeton married Miss Anna Bodley, a native of England who was brought to this country by her parents when one year old. Two children have been born to this union: Orlo, seven years of age; and Lucille, three years old. Mr. Templeton is independent in politics, believing that the fitness of the candidate is of more importance than his party affiliation. His wife is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in the work of which she takes an active interest. He has many warm friends throughout the county and all who have been brought in contact with him respect him for his ability and esteem him for his integrity and uprightness. Jesse McClelland Galloway.Jesse McClelland Galloway is now serving for the fourth term as city attorney of Wahoo and his election for the office again and again indicates clearly the ability which he displays in the discharge of his duties. He is a lawyer of superior ability, having remained a close and discriminating student of the profession throughout the years of his active practice. He was born in Smartsburg, near Crawfordsville, Indiana, March 24, 1867. His paternal grandfather, William Galloway, was a native of Ohio. His ancestors came from the north of Ireland but had long been residents of the United States. When he settled in Indiana stumps were still standing in the main street of Crawfordsville and teams had to drive around them and the logs that had been felled. William Galloway, father of J. M. Galloway, was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, March 22, 1821, and became a blacksmith. Later, however, he engaged in farming, which occupation he followed the rest of his active life. He was married in 1846, at Hillsboro, Indiana, to Miss Rachael Ellen Bailey, a native of Culpeper, Virginia, and a representative of a family of Pennsylvania-Dutch origin. After living in Indiana until 1856, Mr. and Mrs. William Galloway removed to Mankato, Minnesota, and in 1858 returned to Crawfordsville, Indiana, living in that place and in the vicinity of the town until 1871, when they took up their abode at Mace, Indiana. There the father died in 1889, while his wife passed away in 1893. Jesse M. Galloway attended Wabash College at Crawfordsville, Indiana, and after preparing for the profession of teaching followed that calling in his native state from 1886 until 1893. In the latter year he came to Saunders county, Nebraska, and was elected principal of the Mead schools, remaining in charge there for five years. At the end of that time he was elected superintendent of schools of Saunders county, filling the position for two terms, during which he largely furthered the interests of education in this locality. He determined to make teaching, however, the initial step to other professional labor 28 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II and in 1902 entered the law department of the University of Michigan. He was honored by being chosen secretary of the university oratorical board, being elected to that office by his fellow students. He was graduated in law in June, 1905, and in October of that year located for practice in Wahoo, where he has since remained. The following year he was elected county attorney of Saunders county and made such an excellent record during his first term's service that he was reelected without opposition. In 1911 he was appointed city attorney of Wahoo and is now serving for the fourth term by appointment of the mayor. In 1910 he was appointed legal member of the county board of the insanity commission and occupied that position for two years. He possesses a mind that is analytical, logical and inductive and his clear reasoning is one of the strong points in his success at the bar. He has the faculty of separating the important and salient features of a case from those points which are merely incidental, while the clearness of his argument seldom fails to win success for his client. On the 18th of June, 1893, in Clear Creek precinct, Saunders county, Nebraska, Mr. Galloway was united in marriage to Miss Bertha E. Fletcher, daughter of Benjamin F. and Hettie Fletcher, who were natives of Indiana but settled in Saunders county, where both passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway have two children, Lucile E. and Cecil F. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway attend the Presbyterian church, while his political allegiance is given to the democratic party. He has held no offices outside the strict path of the two professions to which he has devoted his life but has concentrated his efforts upon teaching and upon the practice of law, and his close application, his indefatigable energy and his laudable ambition are carrying him steadily forward to success. GEORGE MINERS.George Miners, deceased, became identified with Saunders county during the period of its pioneer development and with the passing years he so directed his farming interests that he became one of the prosperous citizens of his community. He deserved much credit for what he accomplished and justly earned the proud American title of a self-made man, for he started out empty handed and ere his death had become the owner of more than seven hundred acres of valuable land. A native of Germany, he was a son of Wilhelm Meiner and was born at Hanover, September 19, 1815, and was there reared upon a farm, but in August, 1869, when twenty-four years of age, left his native country for the United States. He landed in New York and proceeded at once to the Mississippi valley, settling at La Prairie, Illinois, where he had a brother living. There he remained until the spring of 1870, when he came to Saunders county and purchased a relinquishment claim of eighty acres in Center precinct. He at once began to break the sod and till the soil and prosperity attended his efforts so that after two years he bought eighty acres adjoining. His first home was a sod house and it had no luxuries and few comforts, but he resolutely and bravely faced the hardships and privations of pioneer life in order to gain a PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 29 ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 31 start. From early morning until late at night he worked in the fields, breaking the sod, preparing it for cultivation and then planting and in due time harvesting his crops. Whenever his financial resources permitted and good opportunity offered he added to his original holdings until he became the owner of seven hundred and two acres of land, and upon all of his farms he made excellent improvements in keeping with the ideas of modern, progressive farming. He continued to manage his agricultural interests until 1905, when he rented his land and came to Wahoo, where he purchased a home in which he spent the summer seasons. During his last four years, however, he was in ill health and spent the winter months in California or in Colorado. In June, 1870, Mr. Miners was united in marriage to Miss Lena Wempen, who was born August 12, 1847, in Germany, where she was reared. They had been betrothed ere he came to the new world, and she came over alone in May, 1870. She is one of the pioneer women of Saunders county and can relate many interesting incidents of conditions and events of the early days. By her marriage she became the mother of thirteen children, of whom four died in childhood, the others being: Minnie, the wife of Fred Behrens, a farmer of Saunders county; Anna, the wife of Herman Koenig, also farming in this county; Lena, the wife of Chris Neben, a resident farmer of Cass county; Lizzie, the wife of Harry Widman, a farmer of this county; William, who married Miss Nellie Craig and operates the home place; Frederick, who married Miss Ada Larson and is also a farmer of Saunders county; Emma, who married Emil Miller of Cass county; and Margaret and Clara, both at home. The death of Mr. Miners occurred August 20, 1910, when he was sixty-five years of age, and he left behind him many warm friends who esteemed him for his sterling traits of character and admired him for the substantial success which he had won along honorable business lines. In politics he was a republican and was a member of the Evangelical church, endeavoring always throughout his life to follow the golden rule and do unto others as he would have them do unto him. Mrs. Miners belongs to the same church and like her husband, she enjoys the goodwill and friendship of many with whom she has been brought in contact during the long years of her residence in Saunders county from pioneer times to the present. GRANT NORDSTROM.Grant Nordstrom, who is successfully engaged in farming in Richland township, was born in this county on the 9th of July, 1882. His father, Swan Nordstrom, was born on the 9th of March, 1837, in Sweden and attended school in that country until he reached the age of fifteen years. From that time until 1870 he worked as a farm hand but in the year mentioned he emigrated to the United States and came to Saunders county, where he homesteaded eighty acres of land. He operated his farm and also worked upon the railroad for five years. Subsequently he devoted his entire time to agricultural pursuits, hut in 1908, feeling that he had accumulated a competence, he retired to Ceresco, where he is still living. His religious faith is that of the Swedish Mission 32 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II church and his political allegiance is given to the democratic party. He was married in Sweden to Miss Lena Pearson. Grant Nordstrom was reared in this county and attended the public schools until he was eighteen years of age. He has since devoted his time and energy to agriculture and is now successfully operating one hundred and sixty acres of excellent land in Richland township. He is at once practical and progressive, and his well directed labors result in good crops. Mr. Nordstrom was married on the 8th of March, 1906, to Miss Eva Robinson, a daughter of Charles and Jane Robinson, natives of Tennessee, who are now living near Ashland, this county. To this union have been born five children, Clifford, Irene, Orville, Vernon and Wayman. Mr. Nordstrom votes independently and takes a keen interest in everything relating to the public welfare. His religious faith is that of the Swedish Mission church. His entire life has been passed in this county and the fact that those who have known him from early boyhood are his best friends is proof of his worth as a man. OTTO B. TEGELBERG.Otto B. Tegelberg is at the head of the Tegelberg Auto Company of Wahoo, in which connection he is conducting an extensive business in the sale of motor cars, his enterprise, ready recognition of opportunities, his determination and integrity being factors in a growing success that has placed him among the leaders in his line of business in the state. Saunders county may well be proud to claim him as a native son, for his record reflects credit upon her. He was born on a farm in this county, April 22, 1876. His paternal great-grandfather lived the greater part of his life in Germany but spent his last days in Sweden. The latter's grandson, Lars Tegelberg, was born in Sweden and on attaining his majority bade adieu to friends and native country, sailing for America in 1860. He at once made his way to Nebraska and homesteaded eighty acres in this county, after which he began to farm the land, soon bringing about a marked change in the appearance and value of the place. He was married in Omaha to Miss Marie Larson, also a native of Sweden, who came to this country alone, She survives him, his death having occurred in 1912. Otto B. Tegelberg was reared in the usual manner of farm lads, early becoming familiar with the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops, but his parents wisely recognized the fact that education was an important factor in preparation for later success, so that when he had mastered the branches of learning taught in the district schools he was allowed to attend Luther College in Wahoo. Still later he became a student in the Omaha Business College, from which he was graduated in 1893. He then returned to the home farm, whereon he resided until 1898, when he responded to the country's call for troops to serve in the Spanish-American war, enlisting on the 18th of June. He was assigned to the band of the Third Nebraska Volunteer Infantry and remained with his regiment until mustered out at Augusta, Georgia, on the llth of May, 1899. He was on active duty in Cuba from the PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 33 3rd of January until the 15th of April and he therefore belongs to the younger generation who have demonstrated the loyalty of America's sons to her interests. Mr. Tegelberg continued to engage in farming until 1907, when he became agent for the Ford automobile at Mead. He succeeded from the beginning and in 1910 he became agent for the Overland car also. He now has the agency for both and since 1910 he has conducted business in Wahoo, opening a large garage here. He has enjoyed growing success from the beginning and now has one of the leading enterprises of the county, so that he is now selling more machines than any other two dealers of the county, while his business will compare favorably with that of any automobile dealer in the state. During the early part of 1915 he placed a single order for one hundred and ninety cars and in April he was credited by the leading automobile magazine of the middle west as having received more cars during that month than any other dealer in Nebraska. He thoroughly understands the business and can tell exactly how a machine is constructed, how it should be operated and the care that should be given it. He is absolutely reliable in all business transactions and this is one of the strong elements of his success. He is now a director in the Lincoln Overland Company. On the 1st of January, 1908, in Omaha, Nebraska, Mr. Tegelberg was united in marriage to Miss Janet M. Perry, of Wayne, Wayne county, Nebraska, daughter of Edward and Nellie (Gilchrist) Perry. They have one child, Helen Marie. Mr. Tegelberg's fraternal relations are with the Elks and his political indorsement is given to the republican party. He is wide awake, alert, is good-natured and genial, but while never too busy to be courteous, he is also never too courteous to be busy. JOHN LYON.John Lyon is engaged in general farming on section 10, Mariposa township, and his place is recognized as one of the best improved in his locality. A native of Sweden, he was born January 27, 1846, of the marriage of John and Letha (Anderson) Anderson, both of whom passed their entire lives in Sweden. The father was a landowner and devoted his time to agricultural pursuits. There were nine children in the family, namely: Andreas, deceased; John and Johannes, twins, both deceased; Ander Gustave, who is residing on the old home place in Sweden; Carl, who is deceased and is buried in Lincoln, Nebraska; John; Leonard and Christine, both deceased; and one who died at birth. John Lyon attended the common schools in Sweden and during his boyhood and youth also assisted with the work of the home farm. When he reached manhood, according to the law of the country, he spent two years m the army and then, in 1869, he came to the United States and made his way to Saunders county, Nebraska, settling on section 10, Mariposa township. where he still resides. After filing on his claim he worked for others in the neighborhood but spent enough time on his land to meet the requirements 34 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II of the law and at length received the title to the same from the United States government. He has made many improvements upon the farm and everything is kept in excellent condition, so that it is one of the most attractive places in the locality. He uses the latest machinery in the cultivation of his land and is always ready to adopt new methods which promise to be of value. His farm comprises one hundred and twenty acres and he derives therefrom an excellent income. In 1881 Mr. Lyon was married, in Malmo, Nebraska, to Miss Hilda Marie Oleson, also a native of Sweden. They have become the parents of eight children: George E. and Anna Teresa, both of whom died young; Julia Victoria, a resident of Omaha, Nebraska; Fritz M., who is ranching in South Dakota; Harry S., manager of the elevator at Malmo;. Hilma, at home; Anna Matilda, who is living in Omaha; and Oscar C., who graduated from the high school with the class of 1915. Mr. Lyon is a prohibitionist as he believes that the suppression of the liquor traffic would go far toward solving the most serious problems that confront the country. He is a member and a deacon of the Swedish Mission church, to which his wife and children also belong, and they take an active part in its work and contribute to its support. Mr. Lyon stands firmly in support of his convictions, and his sincerity and integrity have gained him the entire confidence and respect of all who have been brought in contact with him. NELSON JAMES LUDI.Nelson James Ludi, postmaster of Wahoo and editor and proprietor of the Democrat, was born at Rock Island, Illinois, February 26, 1855, a son of James and Elizabeth P. (Bolles) Ludi. His education was acquired in the common schools of Rock Island, Illinois, and of Davenport, Iowa, but before he reached the point of graduation it was necessary for him to leave school and go to work. He has since depended upon his own efforts and resources and as the architect of his fortunes has builded wisely and well. He made his initial step in connection with the newspaper business at Orion, Illinois, where he published the Orion Times from 1877 until 1883. He was afterward associated with the publication of the Greenfield (Ill.) Union and the Roodhouse (Ill.) Daily Union in 1884-5. He then removed to Republican City, Nebraska, and established the Harlan County Democrat, but his plant was destroyed by fire on the 29th of April, 1902, and in May of the same year he purchased the Wahoo Democrat, taking charge on June 1st. He has since owned and conducted that publication and has made it one of the leading papers in this part of the state. His long experience has made him thoroughly familiar with every phase of newspaper publication and he has kept abreast with the progress that has characterized journalism in the last few decades. Aside from his business connections Mr. Ludi has been prominent in public office and has made a most creditable record in the various positions which he has filled. He has always given his political allegiance to the democratic party and in the year 1889 he was elected county supervisor of Harlan county, which PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 37 position he filled until 1893. In that year he was appointed postmaster of Republican City and so continued for four years. He was made state printer of Nebraska in 1913, occupying the position for two years, and on the 23d of April, 1915, he was appointed by President Wilson to the position of postmaster at Wahoo. He has also filled the offices of mayor, city clerk, justice of the peace and member of the board of education for several terms each at various times and his record as a public official is one over which there falls no shadow of wrong nor suspicion of evil. He has ever regarded a public office as a public trust and it is well known that no trust reposed in him has ever been betrayed in the slightest degree. At Orion, Illinois, on the 26th of June, 1879, Mr. Ludi was united in marriage to Miss Lillian M. Easton and their children are: Myrtle E., the wife of George H. Woolman, of Republican City, Nebraska; Bessie M., the wife of Curtis Copp, of Lincoln; Raymond H., who married Isabelle E. Rowell; Ernest J., who married Daisy O. Brittain; Belle L.; Harry J.; Nellie V., the wife of George H. Simpson; and Guy T. Mr. Ludi is a well known figure in Masonic circles in Saunders county. Having taken the fundamental degrees of the blue lodge, he passed on to the chapter and he has also reached the thirty-third degree in the consistory. He likewise has membership with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Degree of Honor, and he has been almost continuously in office in these different organizations since his early initiation therein. He stands loyally for the highest principles and purposes of the different orders and he exemplifies in his life the beneficent spirit which constitutes the foundation stone of Masonry. He is a Universvalist in religious faith and held membership in the church when he lived in a community where the denomination had an organization. He belongs to the Wahoo Commercial Club and heartily cooperates in all of its well defined plans and measures for the upbuilding and progress of the community. G. H. DUBOIS.G. H. Dubois, a well known business man of Colon, was born in Dansville, Michigan, on the 19th of August, 1869, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Columbus Dubois. The mother died when the subject of this review was but a child and the father is also deceased. There were five children in the family: James, Charles, Ida, Rosetta and G. H. The last named was reared in Michigan and received his education in that state. When only twelve years of age he left home and for four years was employed as a farm hand in Michigan but at the end of that time removed to Cedar Bluff's, Saunders county, Nebraska. He worked on farms in that locality for four years and subsequently broke prairie for Pat Malloy, at one dollar per acre. The following year he began farming on his own account and at the end of two years he returned to Michigan. However, he remained in that state but a short time and then came again to this county, where he worked by the month for a time. He next farmed independently for eight years, after which he 38 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II removed to Colon and purchased a livery barn, which he conducted for a considerable period of time. He also erected a hotel, which he still owns, and for two years he engaged in the saloon business. Subsequently he engaged in the drug business, the butcher business and the grocery business and also conducted a restaurant. He now owns four buildings in the town - the hotel, the old butcher shop, the pool hall and the store. All of his undertakings have been well managed and he has gained financial independence. In 1894 Mr. Dubois was married to Miss Emma Bosholm and they have become the parents of four children: Elvina, who is deceased; Edna Viola, at home; Clarence, deceased; and one who died in infancy. Mr. Dubois has always been a stanch republican in politics and has done all in his power to secure the success of that party at the polls. His wife is a consistent member of the Lutheran church. His life has always been characterized by strong devotion to duty and when but eighteen years of age he gave striking proof of this characteristic. At that time he was working for Mr. Malloy and when the terrible blizzard of 1888 broke, his employer told him to go to the schoolhouse and bring the children home. He did so and got seven children into the sleigh, six of these belonging to Mr. Malloy, but on the way home he got lost in the storm, which made it impossible to see more than a few yards, although he finally came to a fence, which served to guide him. After going about one hundred yards the sleigh stuck in a drift. As it was impossible to go farther that night he turned the sleigh to the north so as to protect the children from the wind as much as possible and put the one quilt, which was the only robe he had, over the children and so kept them warm. The next morning when it became light the children succeeded in reaching a house not far distant. Mr. Dubois, however, was so badly frozen that he fell down repeatedly when he attempted to walk. The man of the house came to him and carried him in and immediately afterward he relapsed into a comatose state from which he did not awaken until four o'clock in the evening. His arms and legs were frozen so badly that it was three months before he was able to walk. Had he not been warmly dressed he would without doubt have frozen to death as the night was bitterly cold. GALERD HENRY.Galerd Henry, a worthy native son and representative agriculturist of Saunders county, resides on section 15, Stocking township, where he owns and operates an excellent farm of eighty acres. He was born on his father's farm in this county, October 15, 1869, and attended the common schools until seventeen or eighteen years of age. After putting aside his textbooks he was employed on the home farm by his father until attaining his majority and then began working the place on shares. He was married when about thirty-two years of age and took up his abode on a farm west of Ithaca, which he rented from P. Robb, cultivating the property for two years. On the expiration of that period he purchased an eighty-acre tract on section 15, Stocking township, the operation of which has claimed his time and energies continuously since. There is a PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 39 commodious and attractive residence and the property is well improved in every particular, and in the careful management of his agricultural interests Mr. Henry has won well merited and gratifying success. As a companion and helpmate on the journey of life Mr. Henry chose Miss Annie Baronek, of Wahoo, her parents being Joe and Barbara Baronek, who were among the early settlers of this county. Our subject and his wife have four children, namely: Sylvia, Gladys, Raymond and Mabel, all of whom are attending school. When national questions and issues are involved Mr. Henry supports the democracy but at local elections casts an independent ballot. Fraternally he is identified with the Modern Woodmen of America at Wahoo. He has lived in Saunders county from his birth to the present time and that his career has ever been upright and honorable is indicated in the fact that the associates of his boyhood and youth are still numbered among his stanch friends. ADRIAN ENGSTROM.Adrian Engstrom, of Richland precinct, who is one of the most progressive and successful young farmers of his locality, is a native son of Saunders county. He was born on the 2d of August, 1885, of the marriage of John and Gusta (Linberg) Engstrom. Until eighteen years of age he devoted much of his time to attending school in Richland precinct but subsequently worked as a hired hand for three or four years. He then took charge of the operation of the home place, which he is still farming, and the efficiency of his methods is evidenced in the excellent crops which he raises. He is not only practical and enterprising in his work but also manages the financial phase of farming well and his capital is constantly increasing. The farm comprises eighty acres of fertile land and is well improved. On the 17th of February, 1909, Mr. Engstrom was united in marriage to Miss Marie Samuelson, of Saunders county, by whom he has three children: Verlie, Willard and Norma. Although an adherent of the democratic party, Mr. Engstrom at times votes independently, as he believes that by so doing he can best advance the public welfare. His religious faith is indicated by the fact that he is a member of the Swedish Mission church at Ceresco. He has spent his entire life in this county and has found excellent opportunities here for advancement - opportunities which he has promptly utilized, thus gaining prosperity. JOHN B. CARLSON.John B. Carlson, a retired agriculturist residing at Malmo, is well known in Saunders county, having been a resident here during the past thirty-eight years and being long and actively identified with farming interests. His birth occurred in Sweden on the 20th of September, 1841, his parents being Casper 40 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II and Engelina Carlson. He attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education and after putting aside his textbooks secured employment as a farm hand, his time being thus occupied until he was about thirty years of age. In 1871, desiring to take advantage of the widely heralded opportunities of the new world, he crossed the Atlantic to the United States and during the first six years of his residence in this country, worked at the carpenter's trade in Pennsylvania. In 1877 he came to Saunders county, Nebraska, Here renting a tract of land which he cultivated for two years. On the expiration of that period he purchased an eighty acre farm but subsequently sold the property and bought a tract of one hundred and twenty acres near Malmo which he cultivated for fifteen or sixteen years, his well tilled fields annually yielding golden harvests in return for the care and labor which he bestowed upon them. In 1913 he disposed of his farm and took up his abode in the town of Malmo, where he has since made his home, enjoying well earned retirement. In November, 1869, in Sweden, Mr. Carlson was united in marriage to Miss Anna Bengston, by whom he has six children, as follows: Lottie, who is the wife of Carl Losengren and the mother of five daughters; Jennie, who gave her hand in marriage to Oscar Munson, by whom she has one child; Carl, a resident of South Dakota; Emil, who resides in Lincoln, Nebraska; Hilda, the wife of Frank Nolan; and Eli, who serves as postmaster at Malmo. Politically Mr. Carlson is a stalwart democrat, while his religious faith is that of the Swedish Mission church. He has now passed the seventy-fourth milestone on life's journey and enjoys the respect and veneration which should ever be accorded one who has traveled thus far on this earthly pilgrimage and whose career has been at all times upright and honorable. PETER R. NELSON.Peter R. Nelson, who has gained a gratifying measure of success as a farmer, resides on section 11, Richland precinct. He was born in Sweden on the 2d of December, 1861, his parents being Erasmus and Martha Nelson. Two of his sisters are also residents of the United States, namely: Mrs. Hannah Bengston, who is living in Lincoln, Nebraska; and Ellen, who makes her home in Chicago. Peter Nelson attended the common schools of Sweden until he was about fourteen years of age and then began providing for his own support, working as a farm hand. After devoting two years to farm work he learned the black-smith's trade, which he followed until 1881. In that year he left his native land and, crossing the Atlantic to the United States, made his way westward to Saunders county, Nebraska. For four years he worked on farms and at the end of that time had sufficient capital to enable him to buy eighty acres of railroad land, which he has since cultivated. Although when he came to this country he had no capital other than his willingness to work and his determination to succeed, he now owns a well improved farm, from which he derives a good income. On the 17th of November, 1901, occurred the marriage of Mr. Nelson and Miss Hildred Froeburg, a daughter of Nels Froeburg, of Oakland, Nebraska. PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 41 To this union have been born five children, Roland, Mildred, Wallace, Leonora and Bernice. Mr. Nelson votes independently, following the dictates of his judgment rather than the commands of a party leader. His religious faith is that of the Swedish Mission church, to the support of which he contributes, and he can be counted upon to further all movements which make for the good of his community. He has thoroughly identified his interests with those of Saunders county and is recognized as a public-spirited citizen. CLINTON D. HUGHES.Clinton D. Hughes, of Richland township, was a successful teacher and farmer and a good citizen, and his demise was the occasion of deep and wide-spread regret. His birth occurred in Belmont, Ohio, May 26. 1845, and he was a son of Scott and Phoebe (Bailey) Hughes. During his boyhood he gave much of his time to attending the common schools, thus acquiring a good education. On the 12th of June, 1863, when eighteen years of age, he enlisted in the First Ohio Heavy Artillery and was at the front until after the close of hostilities, being honorably discharged on the 25th of July, 1865. Subsequently Mr. Hughes came west and for a number of years taught school, following that profession in Manitou and Morgan counties, Missouri, and in Nemaha, Burt, Cass, Sarpy and Saunders counties, Nebraska. He was not only an efficient instructor but was also able to inculcate in his pupils high moral ideals thus further preparing them to fill their places in the world with honor. He taught in all for about twenty-five years and it would be difficult indeed to measure the extent of his influence. He also devoted some time to farming, having taken up a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres on his soldier's right, and he proved progressive and efficient as an agriculturist. Mr. Hughes was married on the 3d of March, 1869, to Miss Georgia E. Batchelder, a daughter of Joseph Batchelder, and to this union were born six children: Joseph, a resident of San Jose, California; Hattie, now Mrs. Ray Templeton and the mother of five children, Ruby, Laurine, Bernice, Dorothy and Ralph, of whom the last named is deceased; Harry, who married Abbie Gordon and has two children, Frances and Edna; Grace, the wife of Wyette Mover and the mother of two children, Wilma and Erma; Frank, who married Lola Beaman and has one daughter, Eloise; and Ray, who resides with his mother. Mr. Hughes believed in the policies of the republican party in regard to national issues but at local elections voted for the best man irrespective of his political affiliation. He attended the Methodist Episcopal church and at all times cast his influence on the side of right and justice. Through his membership with the Grand Army of the Republic he kept in touch with his comrades of the '60s and throughout his life manifested a high spirit of patriotism. He was successful in the management of his business affairs, and, although when he came to Nebraska he had but ten cents, he was independent at the 42 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II time of his death and his good judgment and enterprise were generally recognized. He passed away on the 30th of August, 1906, and was buried in Sunrise cemetery at Wahoo. WILLIAM THOMAS MAUCK.William Thomas Mauck, who has recently retired from the position of postmaster of Wahoo, has filled various public offices of honor and trust and over the record of his official career there falls no shadow of wrong nor suspicion of evil, for his course has been marked by a public-spirited devotion to duty and by ability in the discharge of all the tasks that came to him in office. The concensus of public opinion therefore classes him with the representative residents of Wahoo. Mr. Mauck is a native of Indiana, his birth having occurred upon a farm in Gibson county, that state, on the 13th of November, 1859. His paternal grandfather, John Mauck, was likewise a native of Indiana, a fact which indicates that the family was founded in that state in pioneer times. The grandfather spent his entire life there and in Gibson county reared his family, which included Jacob Mauck, the father of our subject. His birth occurred in that county in 1838, and having arrived at years of maturity, he was married in Gibson county in 1858 to Miss Ann Victoria Davis, who was born in Posey county, Indiana. He would have joined the Union army, but was rejected on account of physical disability. However, his loyalty to the Union never wavered and he did everything in his power to advance the cause. In 1873 he came to the west and homesteaded eighty acres in Saunders county, after which he began the development of his farm, which he converted into rich and productive fields. When the town of Western was laid out, he removed there and retired from active life. He was, however, appointed justice of the peace, which office he filled until his demise. His death occurred in December, 1901, but his widow survives and makes her home in Weston. Her father, William Davis, was born in Indiana and at the time of the Civil war joined the Union army, becoming first lieutenant of Company A, Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, on the 9th of October, 1861. He was promoted to a captaincy June 21, 1862, and in the battle of Chickamauga was severely wounded, after which he was honorably discharged May 23, 1864. He became a resident of Nebraska in 1872 and died upon his farm near Weston, Saunders county, in the early '80s. William T. Mauck spent the first thirteen years of his life in the place of his nativity and then accompanied his parents, Jacob and Ann Victoria (Davis) Mauck, on their removal to this county, where, continuing his education, he attended the district schools and also spent one winter as a pupil in the Wahoo high school, while later he matriculated in the State University at Lincoln, which he attended until 1883. He afterward engaged in teaching and also entered upon newspaper work, spending the years 1887 and 1888 in Idalia, Colorado, and in Logan, Colorado, after which he returned to Wahoo and was connected for a time with the Wahoo New Era. Subsequently he was employed on the Wahoo Wasp, a weekly republican paper, but severed his connection PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 43 ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 45 therewith when, by vote of his fellow citizens, who recognized his worth and ability, he was called to public office. It was in 1901 that he was elected register of deeds of Saunders county, which position he filled for a term of four years. In 1907 he was appointed postmaster of Wahoo and occupied that position for eight years and two months, retiring on the 1st of June, 1915, with a most creditable record for systematic management, efficiency and fidelity. For one term he was city clerk of Wahoo and for ten years was a member of the school board, serving during that time as president of the board for seven years. It was during this time that the new fifty thousand dollar high school was built. His work in behalf of public education was effective and beneficial, for he believes in holding to high standards in the public schools, and he put forth every possible effort to make the school system a means of thorough preparation for life's practical duties to the young. He has always voted with the republican party, is a firm believer in its principles, and his opinions have long carried weight in its local councils. He has served as secretary and chairman of the county central committee. On the 20th of August, 1896, in Denver, Colorado, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Mauck and Miss Frances Juliet Walla, who was born in Austria and in her infancy was brought to the United States by her parents, Matthew and Frances (Krokal) Walla. Mrs. Mauck served as assistant postmaster for the eight years of her husband's incumbency. Mr. and Mrs. Mauck have a daughter and a son: Lucile Evangeline, who was graduated at the age of sixteen in June, 1915, from the Wahoo high school; and William Theodore, who was born August 18, 1900, and who will complete high school with the class of 1916. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church and fraternally Mr. Mauck is well known as a Master Mason and a member of the Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Mauck is also a member, having occupied the chair of worthy matron. Mr. Mauck is also a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is loyal to the teachings of these organizations, recognizing their beneficent purpose, and in the membership of the different orders has many friends. In fact, he is a well known resident of Saunders county and one who enjoys the high regard of his fellow townsmen - a well spent life fully entitling him to their warm esteem. NILS HALLBERG.Nils Hallberg, who has lived in Saunders county for nearly three decades, was actively and successfully identified with agricultural pursuits here for a number of years but is now living retired in Swedeburg. His birth occurred in Malmo, Sweden, on the 17th of August, 1862, his parents being Hans and Elna Nelson. In the acquirement of an education he attended the common schools of his native country until fourteen years of age and subsequently he provided for his own support by working as a farm hand. When a young man of twenty-five years, attracted by the many favorable reports which had reached him concerning the opportunities and advantages of the new world, 46 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II sailed from Malmo via Glasgow, crossing the Atlantic on a Cunard liner which touched American shores on the 14th of December, 1887. He made his way direct to Swedeburg, Nebraska, and for two years was employed as a farm hand, while subsequently he cultivated a tract of rented land. When capital was sufficient to enable him to purchase property of his own, he came into possession of a farm three miles south, of Swedeburg, which he operated successfully for a period of seven years. At the end of that time he put aside the active work of the fields and took up his abode in the town of Swedeburg, where he has since lived retired, enjoying the fruits of his finer toil in well earned ease. On the 9th of March, 1891, in Wahoo, Mr. Hallberg was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Nelson, who came to the United States when a young lady of twenty-four years. They attend the Swedish Mission church and are well known and highly esteemed as people of genuine personal worth, after selling his farm Mr. Hallberg bought a pleasant and commodious residence in Swedeburg. He has never had occasion to regret his determination to come to America, for here he found the opportunities which he sought and their wise utilization won a most gratifying measure of prosperity. A. G. ANDERSON.A. G. Anderson, of Mariposa township, who owns four hundred acres of good land, was born in Finneroja socken, Skaraborgs Ian, Sweden, August 28, 844, a son of A. P. Anderson who emigrated to the United States in 1871 and during the remainder of his life made his home with our subject, passing away in 1907. A. G. Anderson, who was the only child born to his parents, was educated in the schools of Sweden and subsequently worked as a farm hand until 1869, when he came to the United States. For one year he was employed in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, but in 1870 he continued his way westward and took up a homestead on section 4, Mariposa township, Saunders county, Nebraska. His first home was a dugout and he worked on the B. & M. Railroad in order to secure the necessary money for his living expenses. He spent enough time on the homestead to prove up on the place and subsequently devoted his entire attention to its development. For five years he lived in a dugout and then erected a substantial frame dwelling. He also built barns and outbuildings and planted a number of trees, thus increasing both the value and the attractiveness of his farm. He had the usual experiences of the pioneer and also suffered from the grasshopper plague which devoured every green leaf about the place in two hours. During the days when there were many difficulties to be overcome he persevered, having faith in the ultimate prosperity of the region, and the years have proved the soundness of his judgment. He now owns four hundred acres of well improved land which yields him a handsome income. He carries on general farming, although formerly he devoted a great deal of attention to feeding stock for the market. On the 13th of January, 1876, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 47 Christina Jacobson, who was born in Sweden but came to the United States in 1872. She passed away January 22, 1907. Their first child, who was born January 13, 1877, died in May, 1877. Their other Herman David, was born March 27, 1878, and married Miss Amanda Peterson June 8, 1904. To this union have been born three children, Luella, Harold and Dorothy. Mr. Anderson has been a lifelong republican and is stanch in his advocacy of the principles of that party. His religious faith is indicated by the fact that he holds membership in the Lutheran church. He has served as trustee of his church and takes a keen interest in the moral and religious advancement of the community. He and his son are farming in partnership and are recognized among the progressive and efficient agriculturists of the county. WILLIAM R. SUTTON.William R. Sutton resides on section 32, Center precinct, where he has one of the best farms of Saunders county, thoroughly modern in every respect and improved with all the accessories and conveniences of the model farm of the twentieth century. Barns, outbuildings, fences and machinery all bear evidence of his careful supervision and the well developed fields are an indication of his industry and thrift. His position among the leading agriculturists of the county is one of prominence and his record constitutes an example that others might well follow. Mr. Sutton is a native of Haverstraw, New York, born November 1, 1860, his parents being James and Ellen (Ely) Sutton, who were natives of Ireland, in which country they were reared. On coming to the United States the father settled at Haverstraw, New York, where he resided for several years, and in 1865 he established his home near Moline, Illinois, there continuing until the fall of 1870, when he came to Nebraska and homesteaded a part of the farm that is now the property of his son William. There he carefully and ably carried on general agricultural pursuits for several years. He also bought four hundred acres in another farm in the same township and upon that property continued to reside until called to his final rest. Success in considerable measure attended his efforts. He worked diligently and persistently and based his advancement upon earnest labor. As his financial resources increased he added to his holdings until he became the owner of about six hundred acres. He also raised cattle and hogs in addition to general farming and both branches of his business proved sources of substantial profit. His life was an honorable and upright one, guided by his faith as a member of the Episcopal church. His wife had come to the United States in her girlhood days and they were married in New York. She survived her husband for about twelve years and passed away in the faith of the Episcopal church, of which she had long been a devoted communicant. In their family were seven children: Alexander, who is owner of a ranch at Atkinson, Nebraska; George, a farmer living at Locker, Texas; Mary Ann, who became the wife of Thomas Lee but is now deceased; Susan, the wife of William Henderson, residing at Glendale, Cali- 48 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II fornia; William R.; James, residing upon a farm at Fremont, Nebraska; and Austin, a farmer of this county. William R. Sutton was about ten years of age when the family removed to Saunders county, during which period he remained at home upon the farm, herding cattle and performing all such tasks as are necessary in the development, cultivation and improvement of a frontier farm. When quite young he began operating a threshing machine and at the age of twenty-two years he rented a part of his father's land, while some time later he purchased and also inherited a part of the old homestead, for which he helped to pay. He has added to his original holdings until he now has two hundred and seventy acres, constituting one of the best improved farms of the county. He has one hundred and twenty acres planted to alfalfa and he also raises other excellent crops. To some extent he engages in raising Holstein cattle but makes a specialty of feeding sheep in the winter months. No farm in the county is better improved or represents modern methods of scientific farming to a higher degree. He has a commodious, attractive and convenient residence, while a large cistern furnishes water for the home. His barns have cement floors, there are cement walks upon the place and acetylene light is supplied in both the house and barns. He has made all of the improvements upon his property, which is a visible indication of his progressive spirit and the readiness with which he adapts modern ideas to his own needs. On the 9th of January, 1890, Mr. Sutton was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Ellison, a daughter of William Ellison, a pioneer of Saunders county, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work. Mrs. Sutton was born in this county and has here spent her entire life. By her marriage she has become the mother of seven children: Roland, Austin, Ellen and Anna, twins, Merle, Francis and Ruby. Mr. Sutton has served as school director but has never sought political office and his politics is independent. He believes that the best man should be selected for office regardless of party affiliation. That he possesses a progressive spirit is at once manifest in the appearance of his place, and his cooperation has furthered various public improvements. As a farmer, however, he stands among the foremost in the county, at once recognizing the value of the progressive methods and scientific ideas that have been advanced with the passing years. He stands as a leader in his line of labor in the community and when one sees his farm he is reminded of the words of Washington, that "Agriculture is the most useful as well as the most honorable occupation of man." EMIL OBERG.Emil Oberg, one of the efficient agriculturists of Mariposa township, was born in Smaland, Sweden, October 21, 1868, a son of John P. and Sophia (Peterson) Oberg, both of whom are still living in Sweden at the age of seventy-seven years. The father engaged in farming during his active life. They are the parents of nine children: Leonard, a contractor of Omaha, PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 49 Nebraska, where he has resided for the last thirty-two years; Carl Rudolph, who is farming in Sweden; Emil, of this review; and Hulda Christine, Joseph, Oscar, Mary, William and Wilhelmina, all living in Sweden. Emil Oberg received his education in the common schools and remained under the parental roof until he was twenty-four years of age, when he emigrated to the United States. He made his way at once to Saunders county, Nebraska, and located in Stocking precinct, where he worked as a farm hand for six years. Subsequently he was for three years in the employ of others in Center precinct and at the end of that time began farming on his own account. After carrying on agricultural pursuits there for seven years he purchased land in Boyd county, Nebraska, but has never lived on his farm there. In 1909 he removed to his present place on section 10, Mariposa precinct, Saunders county, and has made many improvements upon his farm, which comprises one hundred and twenty acres of excellent land. He is now erecting a fine residence which is modern throughout. In addition to growing the usual crops he raises high grade stock and his labors yield him a good income. The success which he has gained is doubly commendable in that he is a self-made man, having depended upon his own efforts since beginning his independent career. On April 2, 1902, Mr. Oberg married Miss Ida Christenson, who was born in Center precinct, this county, October 1, 1875, and they have three children: Carl, Edith Marie and Raymond Leonard. Mr. Oberg's political belief is that of the republican party, and he takes the interest of a good citizen in public affairs. He is an active member of the Lutheran church and has served as district delegate. His wife is also a member of that church. Mr. Oberg has never regretted removing to this country and has thoroughly identified his interests with those of his community. ANDREW CARLSON.Among the residents of Richland precinct who are entitled to the honor due those who have worked their way upward from straitened circumstances to prosperity is Andrew Carlson, one of the most successful farmers of that precinct. A native of Sweden, his birth occurred on the 1st of May, 1848, and his parents were Olof and Elna Carlson, the former of whom came to the United States in 1882 and is now living with our subject at the age of ninety-two years. Andrew Carlson devoted much of his time in boyhood to attending the public schools but when about fifteen years of age began working on farms, being so employed for seven years. In the spring of 1870, when about twenty-two years old, he came to the United States by way of Liverpool and after landing at New York continued his journey westward to Saunders county, Nebraska. He homesteaded eighty acres, upon which he still lives, and later bought an eighty-acre tract and another of one hundred acres, bringing his holdings up to two hundred and sixty acres. He has continued to operate his place, which is one of the well improved and highly cultivated farms of his 50 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II locality, and his enterprise, progressiveness and wise management of affairs have resulted in the attainment of financial independence. When he first came to this county he lived in a dugout but after two years was able to erect a frame house. His buildings are now commodious and substantial and are well adapted to their respective purposes. For two years he conducted an elevator at Swedeburg and later worked in one at Ceresco for about five years but he now devotes his entire attention to farming. Mr. Carlson was married in 1872 to Miss Elna Johnson, a daughter of Sven and Nellie Johnson, who were lifelong residents of Sweden. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson have seven children, namely: Emma, the wife of E. A. Quick, of Stocking precinct, by whom she has four children; Nellie, at home; Minnie, who married O. W. Anderson, a merchant of Oklahoma City, by whom she has four children; Edgar, who does much of the active work on the home farm; Hulda, who married Arthur Anderson, a railway mail clerk living in Omaha; Lydia, the wife of Oscar Martinson, of Richland precinct, by whom she has two children; and Oscar, who is associated with his brother Edgar in the operation of the homestead. Mr. Carlson votes independently, believing that the qualifications of a candidate are of greater importance than his political affiliation. For about fifteen years he has been secretary of the Scandia Mutual Insurance Company and for ten years before becoming secretary held the office of treasurer. He is a consistent member of the Swedish Mission church and in all relations of life his conduct has measured up to high standards. He is recognized not only as an efficient farmer but also as a public-spirited citizen and a man of unquestioned integrity, and all who know him hold him in high esteem and regard. JOSEPH BREDENBERG.Joseph Bredenberg, engaged in the automobile business at Wahoo, was born upon a farm in this county, April 1, 1876, and mention of the family is made in connection with the sketch of E. J. Bredenberg on another page of this work. Joseph Bredenberg is indebted to the country school system of the county for the early educational privileges which he enjoyed. He remained upon the home farm until he was seventeen years old, when he took a teacher's course at Fremont College, after which he taught school for one year. He then returned to Fremont College, where he pursued a commercial course. Subsequently he became associated with his brother, a member of the firm of Frostrom & Bredenberg, general merchants at Malmo. After remaining in that connection for two years he, in 1897, turned his attention to the hardware and implement trade at Malmo and was so engaged until the fall of 1909, when he sold out and came to Wahoo. Here he opened a real-estate office, which he conducted until 1911 and then entered the automobile business, in which he has since been engaged, acting as sales agent for the Studebaker car. He has a well equipped establishment and is doing a good business, putting out many cars every season. PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 51 On November 7, 1900, at Malmo, Mr. Bredenberg was united in marriage Miss Rosa Evans, a native of Saunders county and a daughter of Thomas and Sophia (Jones) Evans, who were born in Wales but became pioneer settlers of Saunders county. Mr. and Mrs. Bredenberg have become parents of two children: Leonard Evans, who was born September 20, 1901; and Harry Thomas, born on the 28th of March, 1906. The religious faith of the family is that of the Presbyterian church, of which they are loyal adherents. In his political views Mr. Bredenberg is a democrat but has never been a politician in the commonly accepted sense of office seeking. He has held few public offices nor has he desired to figure in that connection. He was, however, justice of the peace at Malmo and served part of 1896 and 1897 as deputy sheriff and is now serving on the Wahoo board of education. He believes that there should be constant improvement in the school system, recognizing its value as one of the bulwarks of the nation, and along other lines he stands for progress and advancement, being actuated by a deep interest in all that pertains to the welfare of the community. RUSSELL L. ROBERTS.Russell L. Roberts, who passed away in 1911, was an honored veteran of the Civil war and an active factor in the agricultural development of Saunders county through a period of forty-four years. His widow still resides on the home farm on section 80, Wahoo township. His birth occurred in Conneaut, Ashtabula county, Ohio, on the 21st of August, 1842, his parents being Chauncey and Elvira Roberts. He received his education in the common schools of his native town and on the 28th of August, 1861, when a young man of nineteen years, enlisted for three years' service in the Union army as a member of the Second Ohio Battery, Light Artillery. He was mustered out at New Orleans, September 10, 1864, and then reenlisted for another year, serving with the rank of corporal. Mr. Roberts made an excellent record as a brave and fearless soldier, never faltering in the performance of any task assigned him. Returning to Ohio, he remained in that state until the spring of 1867, when he came to Nebraska and took up a homestead claim southeast of Ithaca. Two years later he disposed of the property and preempted the tract of land on which his widow now resides in Wahoo township, there successfully carrying on agricultural pursuits during the remainder of his life. The soil is rich and productive and he annually gathered bounteous harvests which found a ready sale on the market. On the 21st of May, 1872, Mr. Roberts was united in marriage to Miss Martha Dech, her parents being Elijah and Hannah Dech who were pioneer settlers of this county and took up a homestead claim here. To Mr. and Mrs. Roberts were born eight children, as follows: Loretta, who is deceased; Blanche, the wife of Dr. Roberts, of Owatonna, Minnesota, by whom she has three sons, Howard, Oliver and Robert; Mabel, the wife of W. H. Dunlap, who lives on a ranch in Oregon and by whom she has two daughters, Harriet and Wilma; Chauncey, who has passed away; Gertie, also deceased; Grace, 52 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II who is a resident of Lincoln; and Archie and Russell, who live with their widowed mother and operate the home farm. Politically Mr. Roberts was a stanch republican, ever supporting the party which was the defense of the Union during the dark days of the Civil war. He was a devoted and consistent member of the Christian church while his widow and children attend the Methodist church. When he passed away in 1911, at the age of sixty-nine years, the community lost a worthy and valued citizen, his friends a prized companion and his family a devoted and loving husband and father. Mrs. Roberts is also widely known and is held in high esteem for her many excellent and lovable traits of character. FRANK EMERSON WAY, M. D.Dr. Frank Emerson Way is a leading physician of Wahoo. He was accorded liberal educational training in preparation for the profession and has remained throughout the intervening years a close student of the science of medicine, keeping in touch at all times with the onward march of the profession. Dr. Way was born in Springfield, Vermont, November 7, 1868, a son of James Polk and Eliza Ann (Slack) Way. The father's birth occurred in Lempster, New Hampshire, in 1844, and the mother was born in Springfield, Vermont, in 1845. Their marriage was celebrated September 8, 1861, after Mr. Way returned from the south, where he had been engaged in active military service in defense of the Union. He enlisted on the 1st of September, 1862, as a private of Company E, Sixteenth Vermont Infantry, and was honorably discharged at Brattleboro, Vermont, August 10, 1863. He took part in the engagement at Gettysburg, was seriously injured and remained in a hospital until mustered out. The ancestry of the Way family can be traced back to Henry Way, a son of George Way, of Powerstock, Dorsetshire, England. He came to America in 1630, with his wife, on the ship "Mary and John," and settled at Dorchester, Massachusetts. Dr. Way pursued his public-school education in Springfield, Vermont, and then deciding upon medical practice as a life work, he entered the medical department of Boston University, from which he was graduated in 1890. He has since done much post-graduate work and in that way as well as by private study has kept in touch with scientific research and investigation. Coming to Wahoo Nebraska, he opened an office and has here continued in general practice, at the same time specializing in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, in which branch of the profession he is particularly well qualified. Almost from the beginning of his residence here he has been accorded a good practice and he ranks today among the ablest physicians of Saunders county. He carefully diagnoses his cases and is seldom at error in matters of judgment regarding the outcome of disease. On the 5th of June, 1890, in Charlestown, New Hampshire, Dr. Way was joined in wedlock to Miss Nellie E. Willard, who was born January 23, 1870, her parents being Charles and Sarah L. (Bowen) Willard, the former born PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 53 ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 55 in New Hampshire, November 1, 1844, and the latter in Charlestown, that state, February 23, 1843. Our subject and his wife have two children, namely: Charles Willard, whose natal day was June 13, 1892; and James Laurence, born April 1, 1896. Dr. Way belongs to the First Methodist Episcopal church of Wahoo and is serving on its official board. He holds membership with the Knights of Pythias and the Ancient Order of United Workmen and for four years was state examiner for the latter. In politics he is independent and the only offices that he has ever filled have been in the strict path of his profession. He was county coroner of Saunders county for two terms, from 1891 until 1893, and for the past fifteen years he has been examiner for the commission of insanity of the county. His acquaintance is wide and the consensus of public opinion establishes him not only as an able physician but also as a progressive and public-spirited citizen and as a popular man. EMIL LUST.Emil Lust, who is successfully farming on section 11, Mariposa township, was born upon the place which he now owns, February 14, 1876 a son of Andrew and Margaret (Donaldson) Lust. The father was born in Sweden but emigrated to the United States more than a half century ago. For some time he and his family lived in the vicinity of Kewanee and Altona, Illinois, but about 1875 removed to Saunders county, Nebraska, and homesteaded land in Mariposa precinct. However, he did not prove up on his claim but purchased the land on section 11 where our subject now lives. The father made many improvements upon the farm, replacing the dugout in which the family first lived by a commodious residence and erecting barns and outbuildings. He also planted trees and in many other ways increased the value and attractiveness of the place. About 1894 he removed to Malmo, where he passed away on the 26th of July, 1914. He was buried in the Bethesda cemetery in Malmo. The mother is also deceased and lies by the side of her husband. They were the parents of eight children: one who died in Sweden; Frank and Ida, also deceased; John, a resident of Powell, Wyoming; Peter, who is living in Malmo; Mrs. L. W. Anderson, who resides near Colon; Albert, who makes his home with our subject; and Emil. The last named was educated in the old Cottonwood school and in the public schools of Malmo, and after completing his education gave his entire time to assisting his father with the work of the farm until his parents removed to Malmo. He then rented the place, which he purchased in 1914. He owns eighty acres and as he is energetic and practical derives a good income from his land. He carries on general farming, raising both the usual crops and stock, and is always ready to adopt any new method which promises to be of value. Mr. Lust is a democrat, as was his father, and keeps well informed as to the issues before the public. He belongs to the Farmers Union and is always willing to cooperate in any movement seeking the advancement of the interests |
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