Saunders County NEGenWeb Project
Past and Present of Saunders County Nebraska, 1915, Volume II
282 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II Imperial Council at Dallas, Texas. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias lodge and is the present grand chancellor of the state, and a member of the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan. He likewise belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, the Woodmen of the World and the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the subordinate lodge and encampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Loyal Mystic Legion, while his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Baptist church. Professionally he is identified with the county and state medical societies and the American Medical Association. His interests are broad and varied, making his a well rounded character, and his activities have been put forth along many lines relating to the general good, but, notwithstanding all this, his activities center in his professional duties and in his practice he is most careful in the diagnosis of his cases, realizing fully the responsibility that devolves upon him in his efforts to alleviate suffering and check the ravages of disease. GEORGE W. WALTER.George W. Walter, who is conducting a real-estate, loan and insurance business, under the name of the Wahoo Land Company, has been a resident of Wahoo since 1902. He has never faltered in his purpose nor displayed weakness in the conduct of his business affairs, but is strong, self-reliant, capable and persistent. He was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1868, and is a son of George and Mary C. (Herring) Walter, who were also natives of Adams county, where they were reared and married. The father was born in 1833 and continued his residence in the Keystone state until 1873, when he removed to the west, Nebraska being his destination. In 1877 the family followed, joining him in Seward county, where the father had secured land and established a home and was engaged in farming. His remaining days were devoted to agricultural pursuits, his life's labors being ended in death in 1914. He is survived by his widow, four sons and two daughters. At the time of the Civil war he responded to the country's call for troops, aroused by patriotic devotion to the Union, and went to the front as a private in Company G, Ninety-first Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He was enrolled February 20, 1865, and was honorably discharged on the 29th of April of the same year. The educational privileges which George W. Walter enjoyed were those accorded by the schools of Pennsylvania and later of Seward county, Nebraska, to which district he made his way with his mother and the other children of the family in 1877, when a lad of nine summers. He early became familiar with the duties and labors of farm life and, later engaged in ranching in Antelope county on his own account. He continued in this line until 1902, when, thinking to find other pursuits more congenial and hoping to realize a greater profit also, he came to Wahoo, where he has since lived. Here he embarked in the real-estate, loan and insurance business under the name of the Wahoo Land Company and in 1907 was joined by Frank Scheel. This partnership was continued until April, 1912, when Mr. Scheel died. Since PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 283 then Mr. Walter has been alone, conducting business under the old firm style. He is conversant with realty values, knows every phase of the insurance business and has been successful in placing many loans. In fact, in each department of his business he has gained a good clientage and has won a pleasing measure of success. On the 23d of December, 1887, in Milford, Nebraska, Mr. Walter was united in marriage to Miss Lona A. Rouse, a daughter of Andrew Rouse, now deceased, who served as a Union soldier in the Civil war, going to the front from Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Walter have become the parents of eight children, namely: Hyacinth V., the wife of Lee H. Stratton of Wahoo; Bessie, now Mrs. Robert Stratton, of Holstein, Iowa; and James B., Joseph J., Hazel B., Marie M., Leona and George Frank, all at home. Mr. Walter belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Ancient Order of United Workmen and is a faithful adherent to these different fraternities. In politics he is a republican, believing firmly in the principles of the party, and for two terms he served as a member of the Wahoo city council, but whether in office or out of it he is always loyal to the best interests of his community and readily supports measures and movements tending to its upbuilding and advancement. Almost his entire life has been here passed and he has strong friendships among his fellow citizens, who appreciate him for his sterling worth and good qualities. BENJAMIN M. FLETCHER, D. V. S.Dr. Benjamin M. Fletcher, who was engaged in the practice of veterinary surgery at Ashland and is now owner of a livery business and garage, was born in Montgomery county, Indiana, in February, 1880, a son of Benjamin and Hattie E. (La Follette) Fletcher, both natives of Indiana, the latter of Putnam county. Mr. Fletcher was a farmer by occupation and engaged in the cultivation of a tract of land in Montgomery county, Indiana, until March, 1892, when he came to Saunders county, Nebraska, where he carried on general farming until his death on the 16th of January, 1904. His wife had passed away on the 16th of August, 1901, so that he survived her for less than three years. Benjamin M. Fletcher began his education in the public schools of Indiana and continued his studies in this state following the removal of his parents to the west. He remained upon the home farm until he reached the age of eighteen years, when he went to Rantoul, Champaign county, Illinois, where he took up the study of veterinary surgery. He afterward practiced there for three years and then returned to Nebraska, devoting the succeeding twelve years to the work of his profession. At the end of that time he established a livery business and garage which he has since conducted, and is now meeting with good success in this undertaking, a substantial patronage being accorded him. In November, 1902, Dr. Fletcher was married to Miss Jessie M. Vallier, a daughter of William and Emma (Calvert) Vallier, who became pioneer 284 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II settlers of Saunders county, arriving here when the work of development and progress had been scarcely begun, and here they have since resided. Her father was engaged in the livery business for fifteen years but is now retired, although he still makes his home in Ashland. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher have become parents of two children: Olive L., who was born March 28, 1905; and Clarence, born March 18, 1911. Dr. Fletcher gives his political allegiance to the democratic party which he has supported since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He is connected with the Royal Highlanders and his religious belief is that of the Methodist church. His life has been well spent and his honor and high purpose have gained for him the respect and goodwill of all with whom he has been associated. PROFESSOR LINUS BONANDER.Professor Linus Bonander, professor at Luther Academy at Wahoo and recognized as one of the most able educators of this part of the state, was born in Westergotland, Sweden, a son of John and Mary (Anderson) Bonander, who were also natives of the same locality in which their son was born. They were farming people and in the year 1869 the father came to the new world, making his way to Burlington, Iowa, where he worked on canals and railroads. He afterward went to Toolsboro, Iowa, where he rented land and engaged in farming for about six years, at the expiration of which period he removed to Concordia, Kansas, where he homesteaded. In the development of wild land into productive fields and in the further improvement of the farm his remaining days were spent, his death there occurring when he was seventy-five years of age. He won a very substantial measure of success and at the same time provided his children with good educational privileges. He was a member of the Swedish Lutheran church and his life was ever honorable and upright. It was in 1872 that his wife came to the United States with three of their children, one of the sons having come with the father. They joined Mr. Bonander at the new home which he had prepared for them and in the intervening years Mrs. Bonander has continued to reside on the old homestead. She is now hale and hearty at the age of eighty-two years, taking an active interest in household affairs. By her marriage she became the mother of seven children, but her firstborn died in infancy. The others are: Rev. Frank A., who came with his father to the new world and is now a Lutheran minister of Chicago; Linus, of this review; Charles T., who is living upon a farm in Kansas; Amanda W., who died at the age of eight years; and Oscar A. and Alma A., both of whom died in infancy. Professor Linus Bonander was but nine years of age when brought by his mother to America. His youthful days were spent in the usual manner of farm lads and he attended the public schools until he reached the age of twenty, when he entered Augustana College at Rock Island, Illinois, spending two years as a student there. He afterward attended Bethany College in Kansas for a year and then returned to Augustana College, from which he PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 285 was graduated with the class of 1893. During vacation periods he taught in the parochial schools and also engaged in preaching. Following his graduation he took charge of a congregation in Massachusetts and engaged in the active work of the ministry in that state and in Rhode Island for four years, after which he returned to college, devoting two years to further study and winning the Master of Arts degree. He then went to the Pacific coast and was preaching in Los Angeles, California, for three months. In January, 1901, however, he was elected assistant teacher in the Luther Academy at Wahoo and became connected with this school. .After two years he was made professor of English and also became assistant professor of Latin and Greek. He thus continued until 1913, when he was made acting president of the college and for two years directed the interests of that institution, which has been an important factor in educational progress. He is himself a man of broad scholarly attainments and is continually adding to the sum total of his knowledge by further reading and study. He knows the happiness of mental stimulus and activity and is most earnest in furthering the work of the institution, inspiring those with whom he comes in contact with much of his own interest and zeal. GEORGE W. VAN SICKLE.Saunders county lost a substantial, worthy and representative citizen when George W. Van Sickle passed away, leaving many friends to mourn his loss. He was born in Genesee county. New York, in February, 1814, a son of Richard H. and Susan (Smith) Van Sickle, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of Fremont, Ohio. Richard H. Van Sickle removed to the Buck-eye state and there carried on general agricultural pursuits until 1870, when he arrived in Saunders county, Nebraska. He took up a claim about two miles south of Ithaca and at once began to break the sod and till the fields, for up to that time not a furrow had been turned upon the place. His labors wrought a marked change in the appearance of the land, which he converted into productive fields, continuing its cultivation until his death, which occurred April 2, 1890, when he had reached the advanced age of eighty-four years. He had long survived his wife, who died in 1880. George W. Van Sickle gave his father the benefit of his labors upon the home farm until he reached the age of eighteen years, when he felt that his duty to his country was paramount to all else and he donned the blue uniform of the United States soldier, enlisting as a member of Company A, One Hundred and Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He served for three years and in one of the hotly contested battles in the south was wounded. He made a most creditable military record, for he never faltered in the performance of any duty, whether stationed on the lonely picket line or in the thickest of the fight on the firing line. After the war Mr. Van Sickle turned his attention to the operation of a sawmill near Fremont, Ohio, and while thus engaged had the misfortune to lose his left hand. In 1870 he came to Saunders county with his parents and he also secured a homestead claim, which he afterward sold and made an 286 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II investment in one hundred and forty acres of railroad land, which he continued to develop and improve for about fourteen years. He was then taken ill and passed away ten days later, on the 1st of April, 1885. Mr. Van Sickle was married on the 9th of February, 1874, to Mrs. John J. Hammell, whose maiden name was Miss Martha O. Watson. She was born on the 1st of May, 1840, in Walnut Hills, a suburb of Cincinnati, but when six years of age was brought by her parents, William and Elizabeth (Treadway) Watson, to Jefferson county, Missouri. The father of William Watson was the owner of a large plantation near Baltimore, Maryland, in which locality the son was born. He was a machinist and a cabinetmaker and at an early day went to Missouri, where he worked at his trade. He died in Jefferson county, near St. Louis, Missouri, in July, 1861, while his wife, a native of Ohio, passed away in 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Van Sickle never had any children of their own but reared several, to whom they gave the loving care of parents. In his political views Mr. Van Sickle was a republican and then a populist and his religious faith was that of the Congregational church. His was a well spent life characterized by many sterling traits and by honorable purpose and at all times he was as true and loyal to his country as when he followed the nation's starry banner on the battlefields of the south. His widow now owns and occupies a fine home on Silver street, in Ashland, and, like her husband, has many friends in the town and throughout the county. NATHAN D. THARP.Nathan D. Tharp, residing in Wahoo, is one of the pioneer settlers of Saunders county, having for many years been an interested witness of the growth and development of the county and an active participant in affairs which have aided in molding its history. Now at the age of seventy-three years he is living in Wahoo, having a tract of thirty acres of land, of which seventeen acres is within the corporation limits. He performs most of the work of his farm himself, being still hale and active and, moreover, he is one of the most highly respected residents of the community. A native of Iowa, he was born in Davis county, near Bloomfield, May 22, 1842, ere the admission of Iowa to statehood. His parents were Abner and Sarah (Moots) Tharp. The father was a native of North Carolina and of Scotch extraction and following the removal of the family to Ohio Abner Tharp was married in that state. He went to Missouri about 1836 and in 1837 removed to Iowa, where he secured government land. He traveled by wagon from Ohio, in which state he followed the wagon maker's trade and farming. His death occurred February 4, 1851, when he had reached the age of forty-four years. His wife was a native of Pennsylvania and a representative of one of the old families of that state, whence they removed to Ohio, becoming pioneers there. Mrs. Tharp was one of the pioneer women of Iowa and her last days were spent in Ogden, Utah, at the home of a daughter, there passing away when she had reached the notable old age of ninety-four years. Nathan D. Tharp divided his time between the work of the farm and the PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 287 ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 289 acquirement of an education in the district schools of Iowa until August 16, 1862, when, in response to the country's call for troops, he offered his services to the government, joining the boys in blue of Company G, Second Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He had attempted to enlist prior to that time but was rejected on account of his youth. He served for three years and was honorably discharged June 16, 1865, at Washington, D. C., where he participated in the Grand Review, the most celebrated military pageant ever seen on the western hemisphere. Mr. Tharp participated in the battles of the Atlanta campaign and the march to the sea and was near General McPherson when he was killed. On one occasion he was on the picket line when he was surrounded by rebels who told him to halt. He was not far from the edge of the brush, however, and made a run for it across a clear place, managing to escape. He met all of the hardships and experience of war but lived to return and now for more than a half century has enjoyed the benefits which have come to the country as the result of the long struggle. After being discharged Mr. Tharp returned to Iowa, where he engaged in cultivating a rented farm until July 23, 1869, when he came to Saunders county. On the llth of March, 1867, he married Miss Arvena Dabney, who was born in Davis county, Iowa, March 11, 1849, a daughter of Francis M. and Jerusha (Dooley) Dabney, who were natives of Kentucky but became pioneer farmers of Iowa. The maternal grandfather was a preacher. Mrs. Tharp was reared in her native state and by her marriage became the mother of five children: Thomas E., who was born March 15, 1868, and died on the 12th of June following; Orris M., who wedded Myrtie M. Putney, a daughter of George J. Putney, and met his death in an auto accident October 16, 1918; Elsie E., who was born December 12, 1874, and became the wife of John B. Whitney, her death occurring October 12, 1902; N. D., who was born September 1, 1883, and is now in Grand Island, Nebraska; and Teddy H., who was born September 12, 1888, and died on the 6th of November 1891. On coming from Iowa Mr. Tharp drove with a horse team to Saunders county and secured a homestead on section 14, range 6, East Rock Creek precinct, securing a soldier's claim of one hundred and sixty acres. The first home of the family was a dugout and in those early days they met all of the hardships, trials and privations incident to life on the frontier but with characteristic energy Mr. Tharp began improving his property and won a fair measure of prosperity as the years went on. After three or four years he built a frame house. He broke the prairie, prepared the land for cultivation and in tilling the soil produced excellent crops. He also planted trees and built the first bridge across the creek at his place. Not only were his labors directed for his own benefit but they also contributed to the welfare of the community. He helped build the first schoolhouse in his district and was a director thereof for a considerable period, and in Wahoo has also served as a member of the school board. He has likewise been called to public office in Wahoo as a member of the city council, serving in that capacity for seven years, during which time he has exercised his official prerogatives in support of many plans and measures for the general good. In 1889 Mr. Tharp sold his home farm and purchased the thirty-acre tract upon which he now resides. His attention is devoted to this place and it 290 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II presents a most neat, thrifty and attractive appearance. His political allegiance is given to the republican party and he has always kept well informed on the questions and issues of the day. Moreover, he has always recognized the duties and obligations as well as the privileges and opportunities of citizenship. He is a prominent and valued member of John A. Andrews Post, No. 90, G. A. R., of which he has served as quartermaster and also as commander for two years. Prior to removing to Wahoo he became a charter member of Sherman Post, G. A. R., at Valparaiso and he has ever thoroughly enjoyed his association with his old army comrades. Both he and his wife are active, devoted and faithful members of the Baptist church, in which he has served for more than twenty years as treasurer. They are a most highly esteemed couple, worthy the warm regard and goodwill of all who know them. Mr. Tharp has ever been a most honorable man, upright and reliable in all of his dealings and in every relation of life, and the consensus of public opinion numbers him with the representative residents of Saunders county. JOSEPH M. MOSS, D. O.Dr. Joseph M. Moss is a representative of one of the newer schools of learning - that of osteopathy. His work in this field has been very successful owing to his thorough preparatory training and the known scientific principles upon which all osteopathic practice is based. He was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1857, a son of Joseph C. and Elizabeth (Haney) Moss, both of whom were natives of Scotland. The grandfather, who was a farmer by occupation, came to America in early life and settled in Pennsylvania. The father of our subject resided in that state until 1860, when he brought his family to the "middle west, taking up his abode in La Salle county, Illinois. There he purchased land which he continued to till throughout his remaining days, his death occurring in March, 1885. His widow survives and is now living in Grand Ridge, Illinois. Dr. Moss was reared in La Salle county, Illinois, and spent his youthful days in attendance at the district schools and in work upon his father's farm, remaining on the old homestead until he attained his majority. In 1879 he came to Saunders county, where he devoted a year to the cultivation of a rented farm. He then purchased land which he operated until 1882, when he sold out and removed to Mead, Nebraska, where he engaged in the hardware business for two years. At the end of that period he disposed of his store and in the spring of 1885 went to Kansas, purchasing a hardware stock at Miltonville. When a year had passed he sold that store and then devoted a year to newspaper publication. Still he had not found the pursuit which seemed to be his life work and in September, 1898, he entered the Still School of Osteopathy, at Kirksville, Missouri, from which he was graduated on the 28th of June, 1900. He has since been perfectly content with his profession and, coming to Ashland, entered upon active practice, devoting fifteen years to this work. He is now the only osteopathic practitioner at Ashland and for a long time was the only one in the county. Like others of the pro- PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 291 fession, he has had to demonstrate his worth by practical results, but osteopathy has grown more and more into public favor and he is now accorded a good practice and has the full confidence of those with whom he is professionally connected. He is also a stockholder in the Ashland Platte River Bridge Company. On the 2d of December, 1885, Dr. Moss was married to Miss Anna Matthews, a daughter of James W. and Sarah (Koontz) Matthews, natives of Illinois and Missouri respectively, and a granddaughter of one of the forty-niners of California. Dr. and Mrs. Moss have two children: Ollison M., who was born September 8, 1886, and is employed by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company at Omaha; and Audra J., who was born May 14, 1889, and is now teaching at Wann. The family are members of the Christian church and Dr. Moss belongs to the Highlanders and to the Knights of Pythias, in which he is Past Chancellor Commander of the Kansas jurisdiction at Topeka, Kansas. His political indorsement is given to the democratic party and at the present time he is serving as a member of the town council, in which connection he gives active and earnest support to all measures which he deems beneficial to the community, or as strongly opposes anything which he believes detrimental to the public welfare. He is a man ever true to his honest convictions and his worth and work have made him a valued citizen of his community. JOHN GEORGE HOHL.John George Hohl, cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank at Prague, is a very progressive and enterprising business man, watchful of all opportunities pointing to success and possessing the laudable ambition that prompts him to advance steadily. He was born in Moravia, December 8, 1875, a son of Johann and Amalia (Briol) Hohl. The mother died in 1895, but the father is now living retired in Brunn. In the family were three children, of whom John George Hohl was the second in order of birth. He was a lad of thirteen years when, in 1888, he became a resident of Omaha, having crossed the Atlantic with an aunt. He held various positions in that city, clerking in stores, working in hotels and obtaining other employment which would yield him an honest living and enable him to progress. He continued in Omaha until 1896 and from 1893 until he left the city he was connected with the main office of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad there. While in Omaha he also pursued a course in the Omaha Commercial College, of which he is a graduate. In 1896 he was appointed station agent at Prague and filled that position until 1908, after which he went to Wahoo, where he remained as agent for four and a half years. During this period he carefully saved his earnings and bought an interest in the Farmers & Merchants Bank at Prague, serving as assistant cashier for a year, after which he was promoted to the position of cashier and has since continued to act in that capacity. When he assumed his present position the deposits were one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and the growth of the business 292 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II is indicated in the fact that today the bank has on deposit two hundred and ninety-five thousand dollars. The success of the institution is attributable in no small measure to his efforts and ability. Aside from his interest, in this bank he is a stockholder in the Prague Farmers Stock & Grain Company, is secretary and treasurer of the Kliment Mercantile Company of Prague and is a stockholder in several banks in Sarpy county, Nebraska. On the 25th of June, 1895, Mr. Hohl was married to Miss Anna M. Krotz, and they have four children: Martha, Clarence, John and Raymond. The family occupy a large and beautiful modern residence, attractively situated, and one of its charming features is its warm-hearted hospitality. Mr. Hohl belongs to St. John's Catholic church at Prague. He is also well known in Masonic circles, holding membership in Wahoo Lodge, No. 59, A. F. & A. M., at Wahoo, and in Wahoo Chapter, No. 43, R. A. M. In politics he is a republican but he does not seek public office. He served as school director for one term and is interested in education and in all the timely topics that have to do with the welfare and upbuilding of the community. He is a genial gentleman always appoachable, possesses good judgment and sterling worth and, in a word, his salient characteristics are those which commend him to the confidence and high regard of his fellow townsmen and place him in a prominent position, in business and public connections. VACLAV PELAN.Vaclav Pelan is actively engaged in farming in Elk precinct, where he has one hundred and sixty acres of rich land that he has converted into productive fields. He was born in Moravia, September 28, 1867. His father, John Pelan, is still living in that country, but the mother, who bore the maiden name of Catherine Valla, passed away in 1872. He was the eldest in a family of five children and three sisters are still living in Moravia, while his brother, Frank, is now a resident of the state of Washington. Vaclav Pelan remained a resident of his native country until 1881, when, at the age of fourteen years, he came to Nebraska with an aunt, who lived in Newman precinct, Saunders county. From that time forward he has been dependent upon his own resources. He began working as a farm hand in the neighborhood and was thus employed during the major part of the time for about fifteen years, although he spent one year in railroad work in Wyoming. In 1891 he began farming on his own account at his present location and he is now the owner of forty acres of land on section 23, forty acres on section 27 and eighty acres on section 26; Elk precinct, so that he cultivates altogether one hundred and sixty acres. This land was given to his wife by her father, Thomas Dubish. Mr. Pelan has brought the farm to a high state of cultivation and the fields respond readily to the care and labor which he bestows upon them in good crops, showing that the soil is productive and that his methods are practical and progressive. On the 16th of January, 1894, Mr. Pelan was united in marriage to Miss PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 293 ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 295 Anna Dubish, a daughter of Thomas Dubish, who died in the year 1913. He came from Moravia to the new world in early life and, making his way to Saunders county, secured a homestead claim of eighty acres in Elk precinct and later he purchased eighty acres of railroad land. These two tracts were inherited by his daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Pelan has been born a daughter, Rose, who is now the wife of Frank Kovan, of Mariposa precinct. In his political views Mr. Pelan is a democrat. He has never sought nor desired office, yet has served for seven years as a member of the school board and is now acting as moderator. He belongs to the Catholic church at Plasi and to the lodge of Catholic Workmen at Plasi. His time and energies have been wisely directed along the line of his chosen occupation and he has made a specialty of raising Red Polled cattle and Duroc-Jersey hogs. His farm is well improved, having upon it substantial buildings which were erected by Mr. Pelan. His ability and industry have been the salient features in the attainment of his success and he is now practically living retired, renting out much of his farm, from which he derives a substantial annual income. He has never had occasion to regret his determination to come to the new world, for here he has found good opportunities along business lines and has worked his way steadily upward. JOHN B. TITUS.John B. Titus now makes his home in Valparaiso, where he is living retired, although for many years he was actively engaged in farming in Saunders county. He is an honored veteran of the Civil war and this, together with his contribution to business activity in the county, well entitles him to mention in this volume. He was born in Montour county, Pennsylvania, upon a farm eight miles from Danville, June 2, 1883, a son of Morris and Charlotte (Pollock) Titus, who were farming people of that state and there passed away. John B. Titus had fair educational privileges which he improved and in the school of experience he has also learned many valuable lessons. His early training was that of the farm and he soon became familiar with the work of the fields and the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops. In 1856, when he had reached the age of twenty-three years, he started out in life independently, going first to Adrian, Michigan, where he rented land and engaged in farming on his own account. About eight years were there passed and in 1864 he went to Dixon, Illinois, where he purchased property. About that time he responded to the country's call for further aid in defense of the Union and joined Company G of the Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. With his regiment he did campaigning in Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina and Missouri and participated in a number of skirmishes, being mustered out at Leavenworth, Kansas, at the close of the war. Later Mr. Titus went to Hamilton county, Nebraska, and for five years was engaged in farming there. On the expiration of that period he arrived in Saunders county, establishing his home in Newman township, where he carried on general farming until 1899, bringing his fields to a high state of cultivation 296 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II and adding many modern improvements to his place. Year after year he carefully tilled the soil until on account of ill health he was forced to retire from active farm operations and removed to Valparaiso, where he now resides. On the 6th of September, 1856, Mr. Titus was united in marriage to Miss Barbara Ann McKay, who was born in 1836 and was his sweetheart from childhood. To them were born six children, five of whom survive, as follows: Elmer E. and George M., both of whom are engaged in farming in Lancaster county; Fred E., a resident of Lincoln; Oliver P., living in Omaha; and Jessie, who is the wife of V. Brown and makes her home in Canada. The wife and mother was called to her final rest on the 4th of November, 1909, and her demise was the occasion of deep and widespread regret. Mr. Titus votes with the republican party and is interested in its success but does not seek nor desire public office as a reward for party fealty. He belongs to Major IL Baird Post, No. 64, G. A. R., and his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Methodist church. His has been a well spent life, honorable in its purpose and in its activity, and the sterling traits of his character have gained him high commendation wherever he is known. WALTER L. BRODAHL.Walter L. Brodahl is proprietor of a garage at Wahoo, where he established business in 1914. He was born March 9, 1888, in the county where he still makes his home but is of Swedish lineage. His father, Nels Brodahl, was born in Sweden and in early manhood came to the United States, after which he was married to Anna Neilson in Council Bluffs, Iowa. There he resided for a time but subsequently removed to Saunders county, Nebraska, where his remaining days were spent. He passed away in 1914 after a long residence in this county, and his widow survives. In their family were five sons and seven daughters, who yet survive, while they also lost three sons, who died in early life, and a daughter, Alice, who was the wife of Edward Helsing. Those still living are: Tillie, now Mrs. L. Graham, of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Ned; Jessie, who married Floyd Negley, of Ashland; Walter; Rose, now Mrs. Del Roser, of Omaha; Clarence, who is farming in Saunders county; Lily, a resident of Fremont, Nebraska; and Arthur, Edina, Dorothy, Jennie and Roy, all at home. Walter Brodahl pursued his education in the schools of Wahoo and when his textbooks were put aside he went to Omaha, where he began learning the machinist's trade. In 1914 he opened a garage in Wahoo, his previous experience as a machinist well qualifying him for the work which he now undertakes in repairing and equipping automobiles. He also has room to store cars and is doing a good business along this line. On the 6th of January, 1910, in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Mr. Brodahl was united in marriage to Miss Anabelle Samek, daughter of Vend and Anna Samek, of Dodge, Nebraska. To this union has been born one child, Walter Richard Brodahl. In his political views Mr. Brodahl is a democrat, stanchly supporting the men and measures of the party. Fraternally he is connected PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 297 with the Knights of Pythias and with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He and his wife are highly esteemed by many friends, the number of which is increasing as the circle of their acquaintance widens. FRANK MACH.Frank Mach, a retail liquor dealer conducting business at Prague, was born in Elk precinct, October 30, 1885, and has spent his entire life in Saunders county. His parents were Joseph F. and Josephine (Veculek) Mach. The father came to this country in 1871 and established his home upon a farm in Elk precinct, Saunders county, where he carried on general agricultural pursuits for about two decades. In 1891 he removed to Prague, where he established a saloon, which he successfully conducted until he turned over the business to his son. To him and his wife were born six children: Joe, who died in 1900; Frank; Anton, who is operating the home farm; Mary, the wife of Milo Pabian, of Prague; Anna, who married Karl Divis; and Emma, at home. Frank Mach acquired a common-school education, pursuing his studies in the schools of Prague from 1891 until 1895. In the latter year he began working on the home farm and devoted the succeeding five years to agricultural pursuits. In 1900 he took up his abode in Prague, where he began assisting his father in the saloon, of which he now has charge and which is accorded a liberal patronage. He is also the owner of a large dance hall, in which he conducts a moving picture show every Saturday and Sunday night. On the 2d of April, 1907, Mr. Mach was married to Miss Hedrika Pabian, a daughter of John Pabian. They have one child, a daughter, Clara, who is attending school. In addition to his other business interests Mr. Mach is a stockholder in the Prague Farmers Stock & Grain Company and is also a member of several different building and loan associations of Wahoo. His political allegiance is given to the democratic party but he does not seek office. In religious faith he is a Catholic, holding membership in St. John's church at Prague, and he is also identified with the Catholic Workmen of Prague. FRANKLIN L. SPRADLING, M. D.Dr. Franklin L. Spradling, actively engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery at Valparaiso, has already attained a creditable position that many an older representative of the profession might well envy. Nebraska claims him as a native son, for his birth occurred at Lexington, this state, on the 5th of August, 1889, his parents being Dr. Richard H. and Sarah (Elam) Spradling, of Lincoln, Nebraska. They were married in 1885 and have two sons, of whom our subject is the older. The younger is Clarence, who is studying medicine at Cincinnati. 298 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II Dr. Franklin L. Spradling, pursued a public-school education at Lincoln, Nebraska, passing through consecutive grades until graduated from the high school with the class of 1908. In the meantime he had read medicine with his father and determined to take up its practice as a life work. With that end in view he entered Cotner University at Lincoln, matriculating in the medical department, from which he was graduated with the class of 1912, his professional degree being at that time conferred upon him. He put his theoretical knowledge to the practical test by serving as an interne in St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Lincoln and in the fall of 1912 he came to Valparaiso, where he has since practiced. He is thoroughly in touch with modern methods and with the latest scientific research and investigation and the value of his service has been recognized in a growing and gratifying practice. On the 18th of October, 1913, Dr. Spradling was united in marriage to Miss Mabelle F. Gowing, of Lincoln, by whom he has a son, Richard L. Fraternally he is connected with Lancaster Lodge, No. 54, A. F. & A. M., and also holds membership with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His religious faith is that of the Unitarian church and his political belief that of the republican party. He makes all other things subservient to his professional duties, however, which he discharges with a sense of conscientious obligation, and his growing practice is proof of the recognition of his increasing skill. MICHAEL COADY.Michael Coady is an honored pioneer citizen of Saunders county who has lived within its borders for a period of forty-five years and was long and successfully identified with general agricultural pursuits here. Since 1911, however, he has lived retired in Wahoo, enjoying a well earned rest in his declining years. His birth occurred in County Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1841, his parents being James and Mary (Hogan) Coady. He attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education and when about sixteen years of age began working for his father at farm labor. When a young man of about twenty-four years he determined to seek his fortune in the new world and sailed via Waterford and Liverpool to New York, reaching the eastern metropolis on the 4th of July, 1865, after an ocean voyage of seven weeks and three days. During the first three years of his residence in this country he was employed in wool and cotton factories in Rhode Island and then made his way across the country to California, where he was engaged in railroad construction work for two years. In the spring of 1870 he came to Saunders county, Nebraska, and took up a homestead claim six miles northwest of Wahoo, which he developed and improved, cultivating the place continuously and successfully throughout the remainder of his active business career or until 1911, when he put aside the active work of the fields. He has since lived in honorable retirement at Wahoo, enjoying the competence which came to him through the careful conduct and able management of his agricultural interests in former years. PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 299 In 1873, in Fremont, where they first met, Mr. Coady was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Holden, also a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland. They have two adopted sons, Mat and John, who cultivate our subject's farm and are both married. Mat wedded Lizzie McGinn, by whom he has a son, Michael Leo, while John married Miss Lida Ellison. The religious faith of the family is that of the Catholic church. Mr. Coady has now passed the seventy-fourth milestone on life's journey and is widely known as one of the valued pioneers and highly esteemed citizens of Saunders county. C. LINDQUIST.C. Lindquist, who is successfully engaged in farming, was born in Sweden, November 13, 1872, a son of O. S. and Elna Lindquist, also natives of that country. In 1875 the family emigrated to the United States, traveling by way of Hull and Liverpool, whence they sailed for New York. From New York they made their way across the country to Afton county, Minnesota, and from there to Mount Pleasant, Iowa. At length they came to Saunders county, Nebraska, and the father rented a farm west of Swedeburg from John Trued and operated that place for two years. Later he purchased forty acres west of Swedeburg, but subsequently he rented land from Will Walters, after which he bought eighty acres where our subject now lives. During his youth C. Lindquist assisted his father in the operation of the home farm. On beginning his independent career he went to the western part of the state, where he filed on a homestead but never proved up on it. For a number of years he has operated his present farm and has gained a gratifying measure of success, proving a progressive and efficient agriculturist. On the 25th of October, 1899, in western Nebraska, Mr. Lindquist was married to Miss Alice Anderson, whose parents were residents of Deuel county. To this union have been born eight children: Dorthis, whose birth occurred February 6, 1901; Anton, born July 16, 1902; Harland, June 7, 1904; Clara, April 5, 1906; Oscar, June 10, 1908; Clarence, August S, 1910; Theodor, March 4, 1913; and Florence, born August 11, 1915. The older children are attending school in Swedeburg. Mr. Lindquist is a member of the Swedish Lutheran church and has gained the respect and goodwill of those with whom he has come in contact because of his strict integrity and his regard for the rights of others. JOSEPH F. LAUVETZ, M. D.The medical profession has several worthy representatives in Wahoo — men who are well qualified to undertake the most difficult task of healing by reason of their preliminary training and their long experience. To this number belongs Dr. Joseph F. Lauvetz, who for nine years has practiced in Wahoo. He was born in Austria, January 24, 1885, a son of Joseph Lauvetz, whose birth 300 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II occurred in the same country in 1847. He was married there to Miss Aloisie Picha and died in Austria in 1889, after which his widow, with her son Joseph and three daughters, came to the United States. They established their home at Milligan, Nebraska, where they remained until 1904, when Mrs. Lauvetz, her son and one daughter came to Wahoo, where they now reside. In the Milligan public schools Dr. Lauvetz pursued his early education and in 1905 was graduated at Omaha from the Creighton Medical College, having thus qualified for the practice of his chosen profession. Later he spent a year in St. Joseph's Hospital at Omaha as house surgeon and thus gained broad and valuable practical experience. In 1906 he began practice in Wahoo, where he has since remained, covering a period of nine years. In 1912 he spent three months in New York doing post-graduate work and he reads broadly. He has made steady advance in his profession, thinking deeply and utilizing his knowledge to excellent advantage in the care of the sick. On the 10th of August, 1910, in Schuyler, Nebraska, Dr. Lauvetz was united in marriage to Miss Edythe A. Prokes, a native of Colfax county and a daughter of Frank W. Prokes. The Doctor is a devout communicant of the Catholic church and also belongs to the Knights of Columbus. In his political views he is a democrat but has never sought nor wished for office, preferring to give his undivided attention to his professional duties, which are now onerous and are growing constantly in volume and importance. He is a member of the Saunders County Medical Society, of which he has served as president, and also belongs to the Nebraska State Medical Association. He has made an excellent record in his practice and is now widely known in that connection. WILLIAM G. JOHNSON.William G. Johnson has gained recognition as one of the most progressive and most efficient farmers of Oak Creek precinct, and his place on section 21 is improved with fine buildings and is provided with modern equipment. He was born on the 23d of May, 1873, about a mile east of Wahoo, Saunders county, of the marriage of Andrew and Maria (Bergerson) Johnson, an account of whose lives appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. Johnson divided his time during his boyhood and youth between attending the public schools of Wahoo and working on the home farm, but when eighteen years of age put aside his text-books and concentrated his energies upon agricultural pursuits. For one year he cultivated land located in the northern part of Saunders county, but subsequently he returned to the vicinity of Wahoo, where he farmed for a year, after which he again located in the northern part of the county. Four years later he bought eighty acres in Marietta precinct, which he cultivated for four years, and in 1901 he purchased his present farm on section 21, Oak Creek precinct. He keeps in touch with the discoveries of those who are experimenting along agricultural lines and is always ready to utilize new methods that promise to increase the efficiency of the farmer. His buildings are substantial and well adapted to their purpose, and he has all the latest farm machinery. He has recently PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 301 ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 303 ![]() |
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