Saunders County NEGenWeb Project
Past and Present of Saunders County Nebraska, 1915, Volume II
98 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II education so acquired by a course in a business college at Winnipeg, Manitoba, from which he was graduated in 1897. He then clerked in Winnipeg for two years, after which he removed to Wahoo, Saunders county, Nebraska, where he clerked in different stores for about three years. At the end of that time he turned his attention to farming, which occupation he followed for six years. He next came to Ceresco and engaged in the hardware business for four years, after which he sold out and entered the Farmers & Merchants Bank as cashier in February, 1912. He still holds that position and has proved a thoroughly capable and reliable official. On the 8th of February, 1899, Mr. Mostrom married Miss Ida Martinson, a daughter of John Martinson, one of the pioneers of Saunders county. Mr. and Mrs. Mostrom have four children: Ruth, Carl and Philip, all of whom are attending school in Ceresco; and Oliver, an infant. Mr. Mostrom believes in the national policies of the democratic party but places the fitness of the candidate before his party affiliation. He is a consistent member of the Swedish Mission church and in all the relations of life his conduct has measured up to high standards. C. C.TURNEY.C. C. Turney was formerly engaged in blacksmithing and farming but is now living retired upon his farm on section 29, Richland township. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, April 27, 1840, a son of Daniel and Lovila (Wilcox) Turney, likewise natives of the Buckeye state. The paternal grandparents were natives of Maryland and for four generations the family has resided in this country, although the Turneys were originally French Huguenots. The father, who was a farmer by occupation, removed to Henry county, Iowa, in 1843 and followed agricultural pursuits there until his demise. C. C. Turney attended school in Henry county, Iowa, until he was twenty years of age, when he began to learn the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for three years at a wage of twenty cents a day. He then began blacksmithing on his own account in Trenton, Iowa, and conducted a shop for about eight years. At the end of that time he removed to Saunders county, Nebraska. This was in 1871 and he found a great deal of land not yet under cultivation. He bought two hundred and forty acres of railroad land and also purchased a relinquishment on a homestead of eighty acres. For twenty-five years he engaged in farming and during that time made many improvements. As the years passed his resources increased, as he was efficient and industrious and also practiced thrift, and at length he retired from active life, although still retaining his residence on the farm. On the 21st of June, 1863, Mr. Turney was married to Miss Annie Greene, a daughter of James C. and Jane Greene, natives of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Turney, who was born in Henry county, Iowa, October 19, 1841, died October 16, 1909. She was the mother of two children, a son and daughter. Clarke, who is living in Ceresco, married Miss Susie Walters, and has two children: Ray, who attended the Wahoo high school and married Sadie Goold, by whom PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 99 he has a son, Wade; and Rance, deceased. Jennie, the daughter of our subject, died when young. Mr. Turney is a democrat but votes independently when he thinks that the candidate of some other party is better fitted for the office in question. For two years he served as county treasurer and in that connection made an excellent record. He joined the Masonic lodge in Wayland, Iowa, the Odd Fellows lodge at Trenton, Iowa, and the encampment of the Odd Fellows at Mount Pleasant, that state. He has held all of the offices in the subordinate lodge and has the record of never having missed an initiation in his lodge. He attends services at the various churches and conforms his life to high standards of morality. He has not only gained a competence but has also won the sincere esteem and the goodwill of those with whom he has been brought, in contact. CAPTAIN JOHN STEEN.Captain John Steen, seventy-four years of age, is a prominent citizen of Nebraska and a valued resident of Wahoo. He has the activity and vigor of a man of fifty and in spirit and interest seems yet in his prime. He has lone been an influential factor in political circles of the state, leaving the impress of his individuality upon plans and events which have molded the history of the commonwealth. Much of his life has been spent in public service and the promptness and fidelity with which he has discharged the duties devolving upon him have made his record free from all shadow of wrong or suspicion of evil. A native of Norway, Captain Steen was born near Christiania on the 20th of October, 1841, a son of Thron and Ingeborg (Halverson) Steen, the former a native of Christiania, and the latter of Gudbrandsdal. Coming to the United States, they landed at Quebec on the 38th of May, 1853, and from the seaboard proceeded to Winneshick county, Iowa, where the father preempted land near Decorah. This he improved and developed, making his home thereon until death called him in 1865, when he was sixty-three years of age. The mother long survived, passing away in August, 1888, at the age of eighty-five years. They were both consistent members of the Evangelical Lutheran church and were recognized throughout the community as people of the highest respectability. They had a family of eight sons and two daughters and six of the sons served in the Union army. Captain Steen was a lad of twelve years, when in 1853 he came with his parents to the new world and upon the farm in Iowa his boyhood days were spent. His educational privileges were limited to a few months' attendance at the district schools and at the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted in defense of the Union cause, becoming a member of Company G, Twelfth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, on the 21st of October, 1861. He joined the army as a private and two of his brothers were also in the same company. After serving for three years Captain Steen reenlisted in the same command and a little later was appointed regimental quartermaster sergeant, continuing with that rank until the close of the war. During the Vicksburg campaign he acted as ser- 100 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II geant major. He participated in many of the most hotly contested engagements, including the battles of Fort Henry, Donelson, Shiloh, the two battles of Jackson, the battle of Champion's Hill and the siege of Vicksburg. On the 6th of April, 1862, he was wounded by a gunshot in the left side and was captured and held prisoner at Macon, Georgia, until the fall of the same year, when he was paroled and sent to Benton Barracks, where he was exchanged in December, 1863. All of the members of the regiment not killed at Shiloh, where the losses were very heavy, were captured. After being exchanged Mr. Steen returned to his command and took part in the engagements at Tupelo, Mississippi, Nashville, Tennessee, and Spanish Fort, Alabama. They captured the fort on the 8th, of April and on the following day General Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox. The regiment to which Captain Steen belonged was sent to Selma, Alabama, and kept on duty there throughout the summer. He was discharged in January, 1866, at Memphis, Tennessee, and was mustered out at Davenport, Iowa. Captain Steen returned home with a most creditable military record and that fall engaged in merchandising at Decorah, where he continued in business for fourteen months. He lost every dollar, amounting to one thousand dollars, that he had saved while in service. He afterward filled the position of deputy sheriff for a time and in 1869 went to Omaha, where he obtained a position as money order clerk in the postoffice. A few months later he became postal clerk on the Union Pacific Railroad, running from Omaha to Ogden, and in 1871 he was elected city treasurer of Omaha, which position he filled for three years. In 1874 he became chief clerk of the chief paymaster, U. S. A., and occupied that position for a year, when he resigned and bought a half interest in a lumberyard at Fremont, Nebraska, where he continued until 1877. He then sold out and removed to Wahoo, entering into partnership with his brother, Otto Steen, in the hardware and implement business. That relation was maintained until 1886, during which period they met with a substantial measure of success. In that year, however, Captain Steen sold out. In the meantime he had served from 1878 until 1883 as postmaster of Wahoo and in the latter year was appointed postoffice inspector, having charge of a subdivision covering Nebraska and Wyoming. He served in that connection until 1886, when he purchased a half interest in the hardware business of N. H. Barnes, of Wahoo, with whom he was thus associated until the fall of 1888, when he was elected commissioner of public lands and buildings for Nebraska. He then sold his store and devoted his time to his official duties. By virtue of his office he was ex-officio railway commissioner and chairman of the board of control for the years 1889 and 1890. In 1891 he was made postoffice inspector in the St. Louis division with headquarters at Omaha, where he remained for five years, when, owing to a change in the presidential administration he was removed and has since lived retired. At one time he was identified with agricultural pursuits, having in the spring of 1907 taken a homestead in Scotts Bluff county, Nebraska, on which he resided for three and a half years. He then sold that property for five thousand dollars, after which, accompanied by his wife, he took a trip back to his old home in Norway and spent about a year there. On the 10th of September, 1870, Captain Steen was married to Miss Marie PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 101 Louise Hough, a native of Norway, who came to the United States in 1855 with her parents, Hans G. and Christine (Olson) Hough, of Osterdal, Norway. They located in Fayette county, Iowa, where she was reared and educated. To Mr. and Mrs. Steen were born six children: two daughters who died in infancy; Nora, the wife of Albert Killian, of Wahoo; Theron Hough, assistant secretary of the United States legation at Vienna, Austria, who married Miss Grace Greenough, of Philadelphia; Clarence Guido, who is a practicing dentist in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and married Miss Mable Mellinger, of Burlington, Iowa; and Mona Lillian, who is an accomplished pianist and resides with her parents. Captain Steen has been a prominent factor in both local and state politics. For a long period he supported the republican party and was a delegate to state conventions from 1872 until 1900. In 1908, however, he left the republican ranks and has since been an independent democrat. He belongs to John A. Andrews Post, No. 90, G. A. R., of Wahoo, of which he became a charter member, and through connection with that organization maintains most pleasant relations with his old army comrades. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and they occupy a beautiful home, while Captain Steen also owns business property in Wahoo and in Scottsbluff, and in Lancaster county, Nebraska, he has a farm of four hundred acres worth fifty thousand dollars. He is a self-made man, his success being attributable entirely to his own efforts and judicious investments. He has many sterling qualities and his friends throughout the state are legion. His life in many respects has been an eventful one, fraught with honorable purpose and characterized by intense activity and loyalty to every trust reposed in him. EMIL ANDERSON.The wealth which Saunders county derives from its farms is due in part to the natural fertility of the soil and to climatic conditions and it is also due in large measure to the progressiveness, the industry and the efficiency of the farmers of the county, among whom is numbered Emil Anderson, a resident of Richland township. He has passed his entire life in this county as he was born in Stocking township on the 3d of February, 1883, of the marriage of Olof and Lena (Peterson) Anderson. Until about eighteen years of age he devoted considerable time to attending school in district No. 48 although he also assisted his father with the work of the homestead. After putting aside his textbooks Mr. Anderson concentrated his energies upon general agricultural pursuits and has never had occasion to regret his choice of an occupation as he has found farming both profitable and congenial. He is still operating the homestead, which is well improved, and his well directed labors are rewarded by excellent crops. He also raises stock to some extent and derives a substantial addition to his income from that branch of his business. At one time he was a mail carrier on a rural route out of Swedeburg for six months. On the 17th of December, 1912, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to 102 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II Miss Minnie Freeman, of Swedeburg, a daughter of J. P. and Ida (Hockinson) Freeman, who are now living upon a farm in Stocking precinct. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have one child, Ida Louise, born May 22, 1914. Mr. Anderson votes independently, following his own judgment rather than the dictates of party leaders. His religious faith is that of the Swedish Mission church and his daily life conforms to high moral standards. He is recognized as an energetic and capable young farmer and his personal qualities are such that he has gained the warm friendship of many. R. H. KNAPP.R. H. Knapp was identified with both agricultural and financial interests in Saunders county as in addition to owning and operating a large amount of land he organized and was the first president of the Bank of Cedar Bluffs. He likewise held public office, serving as county treasurer for six years, and his record in that connection was a credit to his ability. He was born in Parmey, near Buffalo, New York, on the 1st of November, 1831, of the marriage of Randall H. and Tryphena (Havens) Knapp, both of whom were life-long residents of the Empire state. There were five children in their family, all of whom are deceased. R. H. Knapp received the greater part of his education in New York but attended school for a time in Hudson, Michigan. Later he clerked in a store in the latter state but when twenty-five years of age came west on account of his health and, being favorably impressed with conditions in Desoto, Washington county, Nebraska, he purchased a farm in that locality. He resided upon that place for a considerable period, after which he went to Wood River, Nebraska, which was then on the frontier, and there located on a ranch, where he lived for six years. He then returned to Desoto, whence he came to Saunders county, locating on a homestead three and a half miles west of Cedar Bluffs. Charles Perky, the supervising editor of this work, took the adjoining claim and they lived together for some time. Mr. Knapp purchased railroad land adjoining his homestead and devoted his time and energies to the improvement and cultivation of his land until he was elected county treasurer, when he removed to Wahoo. He served in that office for six years and discharged the important duties devolving upon him with promptness and accuracy. Following the expiration of his term he continued to live in Wahoo for one year, during which time he engaged in the stock business. He then returned to his farm and for about ten years largely concentrated his energies upon agricultural pursuits. During that time he established the Bank of Cedar Bluffs and was elected the first president of that institution. He held that position continuously until his demise in February, 1913, and under his management the bank became known as one of the prosperous and reliable financial institutions of the county. Mr. Knapp possessed natural business ability, kept in close touch with agricultural conditions and with the general trend in the financial world, following a policy which safeguarded the interests of depositors and stockholders and promoted the legitimate business expansion of the community through judiciously extended PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 103 ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 107 credit. At the time of his death he was not only a leader in financial circles in the county but he was also one of the largest landowners, holding title to twelve hundred acres, four hundred of which was located near Wahoo and eight hundred in the vicinity of Cedar Bluffs. On November 1, 1852, in Wheatland, Michigan, Mr. Knapp was united in marriage to Miss Barbara Van Vleet, who was born in Chautauqua, New York, but was taken to Michigan when quite small, and she proved an excellent helpmate to her husband. They became the parents of one son, Ned W., who died when forty-one years of age, and they also reared two adopted children: Frank, who is now president of the Bank of Cedar Bluffs; and Mary, the wife of John Winslow, who lives a mile east of Cedar Bluffs. Mr. Knapp was a republican and was elected on that ticket treasurer for a second term, although he was elected the first time on an independent ticket. He was not a member of either of the churches in Cedar Bluffs but supported both, believing them to be valuable factors in the moral development of the community. Independence and perseverance, which were strong factors in his success, were strikingly manifested while he resided at Wood River. The white settlers in that locality were few and Indians were numerous and frequently troublesome. On one occasion there was a serious uprising and Mr. Knapp's hired man and a neighbor and two of the children were killed. Terror stricken, the greater part of the settlers fled to Fort Kearney, but Mr. Knapp and his wife remained upon their ranch, although the trouble with the Indians had not subsided and the other settlers did not return until the following spring. All who knew him agreed that with his passing Cedar Bluffs and Saunders county lost one of their foremost citizens. Frank Knapp, the adopted son of R. H. Knapp, is a resident of Fremont and is cashier of the First National Bank of that place and president of the Fidelity Loan & Trust Company of Fremont. He is also president of the Bank of Cedar Bluffs, having succeeded his father in that office. He is efficient and enterprising and is recognized as one of the leading financiers of the county. FRANK J. HILLS.Frank J. Hills, who with his father is operating the Hill Crest farm in Mariposa township, was born in McHenry county, Illinois, on the 4th of March, 1868, a son of M. Stillman and Hattie (De Groat) Hills, both natives of that county, where they were reared and married. A sketch of their lives appears elsewhere in this work. Frank J. Hills was only two and a half years old when his parents removed to Saunders county, Nebraska, and therefore practically his entire life has been spent here. He is indebted for his educational opportunities to the public-school system, attending school in district No. 75. He early began to assist his father with the farm work and has continued to follow agricultural pursuits since reaching manhood. He and his father own two hundred and sixty-one acres of fine land in Mariposa township, which is known as the Hill Crest farm, and engage in general farming, raising the usual crops and high grade 108 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II stock. They are enterprising and progressive and their well directed labors are rewarded with a good financial return. Mr. Hills was married on the 30th of November, 1893, to Miss Adele L. Tawney, a native of Pennsylvania, who was brought by her parents to this county when a child of seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Hills have five children: Alta E., George S., Ray H., Frances A. and Anna A., all at home. Mr. Hills supports the republican party when national issues are at stake but at other times votes for the best man regardless of his political affiliation. He has served as a member of the school board and has made an excellent record in that capacity. He was one of the organizers of the Presbyterian church at Malmo, of which he served as elder, but he is now a member of the Presbyterian church at Colon. Fraternally he belongs to Camp No. 5602, M. W. A., at Malmo, of which he is a charter member. He is widely known throughout the county and is recognized as a successful farmer, public-spirited citizen and a man of undoubted probity. AUGUST SCHMIDT.August Schmidt is the owner of three hundred acres of excellent land in township 14, not far from Ithaca, and his life record indicates what may be accomplished when ambition points out the way and when energy and determination overcome the difficulties and obstacles that beset the path of all. A native of Germany, Mr. Schmidt was born October 14, 1849, of the marriage of Frederick and Louisa Schmidt, and spending his youthful days in his native country, he there attended the common schools until he reached the age of fourteen years. He afterward was employed as a farm hand until he reached the age of seventeen years, when he bade adieu to friends and native land and. sailed for the new world, spending six weeks as a passenger on a sailing vessel, during which time rough seas and stormy weather were encountered. After landing on American soil he made his way to Wisconsin, where he was employed at farm labor or in a mill for four years. In 1872 he arrived in Nebraska, making his way to Saunders county, which was then a frontier district, the work of progress and improvement having scarcely been begun within its borders. He homesteaded eighty acres and at once began to break the sod and till the soil, which in course of time he converted into productive fields. As his financial resources increased he made other purchases and kept adding to his land until at present he has three hundred acres. His holdings were formerly of greater extent, for in 1914 he sold one hundred and twenty acres to his children. Everything about his place indicates his careful supervision and practical methods. His business is systematically done, his work being carried on in a methodical manner, and his energy is bringing to him substantial success. On the 24th of October, 1875, Mr. Schmidt was united in marriage to Miss Johanna Scheuneman, daughter of Frederick Scheuneman. To them were born five children, as follows: Annie, who is the wife of Gus Fimm, by whom she has five children; Frank, who wedded Miss Aggie Schneider and has one PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 109 Son; Minnie, at home; Emma, who gave her hand in marriage to Charles Hageman, by whom she has a daughter; and Clara, also at home. The wife and mother passed away in May, 1911, and was laid to rest in the cemetery of the Evangelical Association. Mr. Schmidt attends the services of the Evangelical Association and guides his life by high and honorable principles. In politics he pursues an independent course, voting for the man whom he regards as best qualified for the office. He is ever willing to cooperate in matters relative to the general good and at all times stands for progress and improvement along lines that will, benefit the entire community. JOHN O'KANE.John O'Kane was successfully engaged in farming in this county and also conducted a livery business in Ashland for a time but he was living at Wahoo when he passed away. A native of Illinois, he was born in Lee county, near Sterling, and was a son of John and Nancy O'Kane, farming people of that state. When about six years of age he went to live with an uncle and attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education. As soon as he was old enough he began his independent career and about 1870, in company with P. J. Hall, drove to Nebraska, having heard much concerning the opportunities offered to a young man of energy and ambition in this state. When he arrived in Saunders county he had only seventy-five cents but he succeeded in taking up a homestead claim and in due time received a deed to the land from the United States government. He thus acquired title to eighty acres and later bought an adjoining eighty acres, on which his widow still lives. He purchased another eighty-acre tract and a tract of forty acres, both of which are still in possession of the family. About 1873 or 1874 he purchased a livery barn in Ashland, which he conducted for a time. Following his marriage, which occurred in 1878, he returned to the farm and devoted a number of years to agricultural pursuits. In the spring of 1885 he removed to Wahoo and there his death occurred in 1889. Mr. O'Kane was married November 13, 1878, to Miss Icelona Danley, a daughter of James and Anna Danley. Mr. and Mrs. O'Kane became the parents of the following children: Burdette, John Oakley and Jessie Lee, all of whom died of diphtheria in 1885; Leta Maude, who was born in Wahoo and is also deceased; and Lena Alberta, who is residing with her mother. She attended the common schools of Ithaca and the high school at Valentine, Nebraska, and subsequently Bellevue College at Bellevue, Nebraska, from which she was graduated in 1909. She began teaching but was compelled to give up that work on account of ill Health. Mr. O'Kane was a democrat and stanchly supported the measures and candidates of that party at the polls. His religious faith was that of the Methodist Episcopal church, which his wife and daughter now attend. Mrs. Kane was confirmed, however, in the Episcopal church, to which the daughter also belongs, but as there is no church of that denomination in their locality 110 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II they now attend the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. O'Kane gained not only a gratifying measure of prosperity but also contributed to the agricultural development of the county, and he was held in high esteem by all who were brought in contact with him. Following his demise in 1889, Mrs. O'Kane removed to Ashland and made her home with her father and mother until 1895, when she removed to a farm near Ithaca, where she has since remained. Her parents accompanied her to the farm and there her father passed away in 1901, but her mother is still living. J. F. BASTAR.J. F. Bastar, cashier of the State Bank of Colon, has proved very efficient in the discharge of his responsible duties and is recognized as a leader in local financial circles. He was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, on the 19th of March, 1876, a son of Anton and Antonia (Vanek) Bastar, both natives of Bohemia. In February, 1873, they came to the United States and settled in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. In March, 1877, the father came west and located in Ottawa county, Kansas, where he took up a homestead, the family following him about six months later. There they farmed until October, 1892, when they removed to Prague, Nebraska, remaining there until November, 1898, when they came to Wahoo, where the father passed away on the 31st of July, 1899. In the family were five children, as follows: Johanna, the deceased wife of W. C. Kirchman; Adolph, who is in the jewelry business in Chicago; John A., a jeweler of Harvey, Illinois; Mary, the wife of C. J. Vlach, of Omaha, Nebraska; and J. F. The last named received his education in the schools of Kansas and of Wahoo, Nebraska. When sixteen years of age he began working in a general store at Prague, owned by his brother, and was so occupied until June 1, 1895, when he was given a position as a bookkeeper in the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Prague, with which he was connected until November, 1896. He then accepted a position as a clerk and bookkeeper in the Saunders County National Bank at Wahoo, with which he remained until May 1, 1904. He next became cashier of the State Bank of Colon, succeeding J. W. Dailey, and has since held that office. When he became connected with the bank its capital was seventy-five hundred dollars but it has since been increased to twenty thousand dollars. The present officers are: F. J. Kirchman, of Wahoo, president; August Franson, of Colon, vice president; J. F. Bastar, cashier; E. H. Henderson, bookkeeper. The bank has the entire confidence of the community and the growth of its business has been steady and rapid. In addition to his connection with the State Bank of Colon, Mr. Bastar is a director and stockholder in the Saunders County National Bank of Wahoo, of the Oak Creek Valley Bank of Valparaiso and the State Savings Bank of Wahoo and is numbered among the substantial men of his town. In June, 1905, occurred the marriage of Mr. Bastar and Miss Marie Styskal, of David City, Nebraska. Both are devoted communicants of the PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 111 Roman Catholic church of Wahoo. The political belief of Mr. Bastar is that of the republican party. During the greater part of his business career he has been connected with banking and his experience in that line, combined with his natural aptitude for the work, has given him a wide knowledge and thorough understanding of the banking procedure and of the fundamental principles of finance. ARTHUR F. ANDERSON.The wealth of Saunders county is realized chiefly from its fertile farming land and among those who are successfully carrying on agricultural pursuits and so contributing to the general prosperity is Arthur F. Anderson who make his home on section 9, Richland precinct. He is a son of William Anderson, who was born in Sweden on the 25th of August, 1848, and there attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education. After putting aside his textbooks the father worked as a farm hand until 1875, when he came to this country. Making his way to Saunders county, Nebraska, he purchased eighty acres of land where our subject now lives and devoted the remainder of his active life to farming. Although he came to this country with practically nothing he accumulated a competence and in the spring of 1907 retired to Swedeburg, where he and his wife are still living. He was married in 1882, in Omaha, to Miss Christine Oster, by whom he has three children: Hilma, the wife of Oscar Nelson and the mother of two children, Edna and Leonard; Arthur F.; and Alma, the wife of R. R. Spicher, station agent at Swedeburg. Arthur F. Anderson was born upon the homestead in this county on the 17th of February, 1886, and until he was fourteen years of age attended the country schools, thus gaining his education. Subsequently he devoted his entire time and attention to assisting his father with the farm work and since beginning his independent career has continued to follow the occupation to which he was reared. He now operates the homestead of eighty acres and also eighty acres of rented land, and his well directed labors yield him a good income. He plants his crops in good season, cares for them carefully and seldom fails to obtain an abundant harvest. Mr. Anderson was married on the 16th of November, 1910, to Miss May Esther Swanson, a daughter of the Rev. David Swanson, who was at that time a minister in the Swedish Mission church here but is now living on a ranch in the state of Washington and is still preaching. Her mother was in her maidenhood Miss Anna Carlson and is a daughter of Samuel Carlson. Mrs. Anderson has two brothers: Paul; and Verner, who is residing with his parents in Selah, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have two children, Leslie David William and Genevieve Anna May Christine. Mr. Anderson is independent in politics, voting for the best man irrespective of party affiliation. He takes a keen interest in everything relating to the general welfare and is well informed on the questions and issues of the day. The principles which guide his life are found in the teachings of 112 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II the Swedish Mission church, of which he is an active member. A native of the county, he is widely known, and his genuine worth is attested by the fact that those who have known him intimately since boyhood are his stanchest friends. WILLIAM BOCKEMUEHL.William Bockemuehl, a member of the firm of A. F. Bockemuehl & Company, which conducts a furniture, undertaking and harness store in Cedar Bluffs, has resided in this county for nearly three decades and is widely and favorably known. He was born in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, on the llth of July, 1862, of the marriage of Edward and Charlotte (Goldhammer) Bockemuehl, natives respectively of Prussia and Saxony, Germany. They came to the United States in childhood with their respective parents and grew to maturity in Wisconsin. They were married in that state and there resided until their demise, both passing away in 1878. They are buried at Hartford, Wisconsin. The father was an Evangelical preacher and his labor in the ministry was very effective in advancing the moral progress of the communities in which he lived. There were eleven children in the family, namely: George and Amelia, both of whom are deceased; William; Edward, who is living in Albion, Nebraska; August F., who is associated with the subject of this review in business; William, who died when young; Frank; John; Charlotte, Clara, who is living in Council Bluffs, Iowa; and Ella, deceased. William Bockemuehl received his education in the rural schools of Wisconsin and in a high school in Milwaukee. Following his parents' demise he spent a year with a sister who lived in Milwaukee and there learned the harness maker's trade, which he followed in that city for three years. At the end of that time he removed to Fremont, Nebraska, where he was similarly employed for two years, after which he went to Kearney, this state. Four years later, in 1887, he came to Cedar Bluffs, where he has since remained. He bought the harness shop owned by D. A. Hopkins, which he conducted alone for some time but later took into partnership his brother, August F. Bockemuehl. They then established a furniture and undertaking business in connection with the harness shop and as all of their interests have been well managed their patronage has increased as the years have passed. They carry a good stock of goods and aim to give the best service possible, their fair dealing winning them the confidence of the public. In 1885 Mr. Bockemuehl was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Steele, who was born in Kewanee, Illinois, and they have six children: Alien, a druggist of Seattle; Fred; Forrest; Mark; Rex; and Evelyn. Mr. Bockemuehl is a republican and has served efficiently as a member of the town board and of the school board, giving the same care and thought to the discharge of his official duties that he gives to the management of his business affairs. Both he and his wife belong to the Presbyterian church, the work of which they further in every way possible. He is also identified with the Masonic lodge at Cedar Bluffs, in which he has passed through all of the PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 113 chairs, and he is likewise connected with the Modern Woodmen of America, of which he has been clerk for ten years; the Woodmen of the World, of which his brother August F. is clerk; and the Order of the Eastern Star, of which he has been patron and outside guard and to which his wife also belongs. Along strictly business lines he holds membership in the Undertakers State Association. His ability, his strict integrity and his agreeable personal qualities have gained him the respect and the warm esteem of his fellow citizens. J. S. P. MOYER.Among the farmers of Saunders county who are not only gaining a gratifying measure of success but who are also contributing to the agricultural development of the county is J. S. P. Moyer, the owner of Elmside Farm, which is located on section 16, Richland township. He was born in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, February 18, 1858, a son of Peter and Mary Magdalene (Manevald) Moyer. The father was also born in Pennsylvania but the mother's birth occurred in Germany, although she was of French descent. When our subject was a year old the family removed to Illinois and later to Marshall county, Iowa, where the father engaged in farming northwest of Toledo. Both he and his wife are now deceased and are buried in Toledo. J. S. P. Moyer received his education in the common schools of Iowa, attending at intervals until he was twenty-one years of age, but from the time he was nine years old until he was fifteen there was no school in his district. Starting out in life for himself, he worked as a farm hand for a year and then followed carpentering for the same length of time. During the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia he went east and for a year was employed in a canning factory in Delaware but at the end of that time returned to Iowa. In 1878 he purchased a team and drove from Tama county, that state, to Saunders county, Nebraska, where he leased eighty acres of school land, which he farmed for about a year. Later he also rented an adjoining eighty-acre tract and cultivated the quarter section, which he at length purchased. He now owns an additional one hundred and twenty acres adjoining his original farm and there is no better improved two hundred and eighty acre tract in the county. He has brought his land to a high state of cultivation, has carefully conserved its fertility and has equipped his place with all modern conveniences and appliances. His progressive spirit is indicated in the fact that he was the first man in the county to erect a silo and also the first to buy a cream separator, and this readiness to profit by discoveries along the line of scientific agriculture has been a determining factor in his success as a farmer. He has named his place Elmside and takes justifiable pride in it. He has resided there since coming to Nebraska with the exception of two years, which he spent in South Dakota, where he took up a quarter section as a homestead. He now holds title to a half section there and has found that land an excellent investment. On the 23d of March, 1879, Mr. Moyer was married to Miss Mary E. 114 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II Nash, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nash, both of whom are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer are the parents of seven children. Curtis, a resident of Saunders county, married Miss Minnie Lowell, a daughter of S. M. Lowell, and five children have been born to this union. Viola is the wife of Thomas H. Green, formerly of Superior, Nebraska, but now superintendent of schools at White River, South Dakota, and also county superintendent of schools. They have two children. Wyette W., living near Ceresco, Nebraska, married Grace Hughes, a daughter of Clinton Hughes, and has two daughters. Lester wedded Ethel Evans, of Bloomfield, Iowa, and they reside at Colome, South Dakota. Veryl, who is farming a part of his father's land, married Miss Florence Noble, of Rock Creek township. Clair W. has taught school in South Dakota but is now at home. Leila is attending school in Ceresco. Mr. Moyer is independent in politics, voting for the man rather than the party. He has been active in public affairs, has served as school director and for nine years was school treasurer. At one time he was a candidate on the prohibition ticket for county commissioner and ran for state representative on the populist ticket. He realizes fully the value of cooperation among farmers and has served as secretary of the conference committee of the Farmers Union and of the Farmers Cooperative Association of Ceresco, of whose board of directors he is also secretary. He is an influential member of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Episcopal church and guides his life by its teachings. He is a man of great energy and determination and when confronted with obstacles, instead of giving way to discouragement seeks to find some way to surmount them. When he first came to this county he not only had no capital but found many difficulties to be overcome in this new country. His present farm was then wild prairie and it was not only arduous work to bring it under cultivation but it was also necessary to plant trees to furnish needed shade and to act as a windbrake and there were the usual inconveniences of life in an unsettled district. He had faith, however, in the country and in himself, and as the years have passed he has become one of the substantial citizens of the community and has seen this region transformed into a prosperous and highly civilized district. NELS L. ISAACSON.Nels L. Isaacson, who is successfully engaged in farming on section 11, Mariposa township, was born in the province of Skane, Sweden, on the llth of June, 1868. He is an adopted son of Lave and Anna (Sorenson) Isaacson, also natives of that province. When Nels L. Isaacson was an infant of six months the family came to the United States and took up their residence in Omaha, where they lived for a year, after which they came to Saunders county, Nebraska. Here Lave Isaacson homesteaded land on section 9, Mariposa township, on which he proved up, and subsequently purchased one hundred and twenty acres three miles east of his homestead, removing to that place, where he carried on general farming. Some time in the '90s he returned to Sweden and remained there about six months. On coming again to this country he made his home PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 115 ![]() ![]() PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 117 in Wahoo for one year and spent the following three years on his farm in Mariposa township, after which he removed to Malmo, where his last days were passed, his demise occurring in 1905. While living in Wahoo he engaged in the implement business and was in the grain and stock business at Malmo for about five years. He was a democrat in political belief and held a number of local offices, including the mayoralty of Malmo. He was quite active in church work, being one of the organizers and a trustee of the Swedish Mission church. He is buried in Castle cemetery, Malmo, as is his wife, who died in. 1915. Nels L. Isaacson received his education in the common schools and in the Luther Academy at Wahoo. He was early reared to farm work and since reaching mature years has continued to follow agricultural pursuits. He owns one hundred and twenty acres of land on section 11, Mariposa, township, which he purchased in 1901, and now owns forty acres additional, likewise on section 11. He also has an undivided interest in one hundred and twenty acres adjoining his farm and is one of the substantial citizens of his township. He carries on general farming and finds the production of grain and the raising of stock both profitable. In 1895 Mr. Isaacson was married to Miss Ida Nystrom, who was born in the province of Dolerne, Sweden. She passed away in 1900 and is buried in the Lutheran cemetery. She was the mother of two children, Levi and Edna M. Mr. Isaacson's sister Hannah makes her home with him and has charge of the household duties. Mr. Isaacson is a member of the Lutheran church and takes an active interest in its work. His political allegiance is given to the democratic party but, while he is not indifferent to public affairs, he has never been an office seeker. REV. M. BOR.Rev. M. Bor, living at Weston, has contributed in large measure to the promotion of Catholic interests in Saunders county. He was born in Bohemia, near Taus, December 21, 1863, a son of Faustin and Mary (Bufka) Bor, who spent their entire lives in Bohemia, where the father followed the tailor's trade. In their family were seven children: Mary, the wife of Albert Mach, who resides in Bohemia; Rev. M. Bor, of this review; Annie, deceased; Katie, the wife of Andrew Vachal, residing in Bohemia; Faustin, of Wahoo, Nebraska; Margaret, the wife of John Kasa, residing in Bohemia; and Jacob, who is a tailor and makes his home in Bohemia. Rev. M. Bor spent his youthful days in his parents' home and attended the schools of his native city. He also continued his education in a gymnasium and college, his work there covering eight years. He afterward went to Budweis, Bohemia, where he entered upon preparation for the priesthood, remaining a student at that point for four years. On the expiration of that period he came to the United States and entered St. Francis Seminary, near Milwaukee, where he continued from the fall of 1887 until he was ordained on the 18th of March, 1888. In the latter year he came to Nebraska, being assigned to duty at Wilber, where he continued until March, 1889, when he went to 118 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II Wahoo, remaining there until October of the same year. During that period he built the first parochial residence and became the first resident priest of Wahoo. At the same time he attended the missions at Weston and Brainard. Later he was transferred to Wilber, where he continued until 1892, when he again took charge of the Catholic church at Wahoo, remaining there for twenty-three years, or until 1915, when he came to Weston, where he is now located. During the second period of his connection with the priesthood at Wahoo he was largely instrumental in erecting the Catholic school at a cost of twenty-six thousand dollars. While serving the church at Wahoo he also attended the mission at Weston and in 1905 he succeeded in erecting a fine church building at Weston at a cost of thirteen thousand dollars, while in 1914 the parochial residence was erected at a cost of sixty-five hundred dollars. It is a beautiful home, one of the finest in the town. Father Bor is a member of the Weston Catholic Union, of the Catholic Workmen's Society at Weston and the Catholic Turners. His entire life has been devoted to the church and to educational work. The town of Weston also has two Catholic cemeteries and Father Bor has taken great pride in beautifying the "silent cities." He is greatly loved by the people of his church and when he left the parish at Wahoo a reception was given in his honor by the representative men of the community and he was presented with a handsome smoker's table and humidor. Not only is he the spiritual instructor of his people but he sympathizes with them in all things and seeks ever for their uplift and benefit. R. J. FLEMING.R. J. Fleming, assistant cashier of the Bank of Cedar Bluffs, is not only an influential factor in financial circles but is also an extensive landowner and is one of the substantial men of Saunders county. He was born near London, Canada, on the 10th of March, 1861, a son of Robert and Christina (Beattie) Fleming, both natives of Scotland. The mother was born in Dumfries, near the home of Robert Burns, and she had in her possession a piece of heather that grew upon his grave. The father's birth occurred in Roxburghshire. The grandfather of our subject was a shepherd in Scotland. In 1828 Robert Fleming emigrated to the United States, settling on the shores of Lake Champlain, where he remained for four years, after which he returned to Scotland. Subsequently he again crossed the Atlantic and instead of locating in the United States, settled in Canada, where he lived until 1869. In that year he came to Saunders county, Nebraska, and homesteaded land in Douglas precinct, on which he erected the first house in the precinct. He devoted his entire active life to farming and gained financial independence, being at one time the owner of several hundred acres of good land. He was very active in public affairs and for thirteen years served as postmaster at Sand Creek, receiving a salary of thirteen dollars per year, while his sons carried the mail for nothing. He and his family were Scotch Presbyterians and the first services of that denomination in Saunders county were held in PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 119 the Fleming home. The schoolhouse was used as a church and still later Mr. Fleming was instrumental in erecting a house of worship at Spring Creek which is now known as Spring Creek Methodist church. He passed away in 1896, at the age of eighty-four years, and was buried in the Fleming cemetery, which ground was donated by him for burial purposes. His wife died in 1908 at the age of eighty-seven years. They were the parents of nine children, namely: Walter, who is president of a bank at Morse Bluff; Christine, the widow of W. D. Ferris, who was at one time sheriff of Saunders county and who owned a farm near the Fleming homestead; John, deceased; Thomas, who died in 1884; Ellen, the wife of Thomas Denham of Cedar Bluffs; Mary, the widow of Jacob Lehmar of Petersburg, Boone county, Nebraska; Andrew, who is operating a cattle ranch in Cherry county, this state; Adam, deceased; and R. J. The last named received his education in the nearest district school which however, was five miles from his home, and during his boyhood and youth he also devoted considerable time to assisting his father with the farm work. When twenty-one years of age he began clerking for Joseph & Groff, merchants of Wahoo. Subsequently he was connected with elevators at Cedar Bluffs and at Colon and for some time held the office of postmaster at Cedar Bluffs. He was also connected for a short period with a drug store at Cedar Bluffs but in 1892 went to Salem, Oregon. He entered Willamette University, from which he was graduated on the 4th of June, 1894, and he was admitted to the bar of Oregon, where he practiced his profession for about ten years, specializing in commercial and probate law, although he also had a good clientage in general practice. In 1903 Mr. Fleming returned to Saunders county and began operating the homestead, which had come into his possession and which he farmed for six years. At the end of that time he turned from agricultural pursuits to banking, entering the Bank of Cedar Bluffs as assistant cashier, which office he still holds. He is courteous and efficient and is recognized as an excellent official. He has large landed interests, owning two hundred and forty acres in Douglas and Morse-Bluff townships and a ranch of seven hundred acres near Fulton, Faulk county South Dakota. He derives a substantial addition to his income from his land and is one of the well-to-do citizens of Cedar Bluffs. In 1880 Mr. Fleming was married to Miss Sophie S. Staats, by whom he has five children: Lucile, a graduate of Bellevue College with the class of 1914, who is teaching school in Ponca, Nebraska; Marion, who is attending the high school at Cedar Bluffs; Lillian, also a high school student; Claribel, in school; and Robert, at home. The first three children were born in Oregon and the two younger in Saunders county. Mr. Fleming is a stanch republican and does all in his power to promote the success of that party at the polls. He is treasurer of the county central committee and is recognized as a leader in the party organization in this part of the state. He belongs to the Masonic blue lodge at Cedar Bluffs, of which he is secretary, and is a charter member and keeper of the records and seal of the Knights of Pythias lodge, and he and his wife and oldest daughter are all members of the Eastern Star. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian 120 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II church at Cedar Bluffs, of which she was one of the organizers; and she was also instrumental in bringing about the erection of the house of worship. She is especially active in Sunday school work and is now serving efficiently as president of the Saunders County Sunday School Association, doing much in that capacity to promote the cause of religious education. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fleming are widely known throughout the county and their genuine worth is indicated by the fact that those who have been most closely associated with them are their stanchest friends. CARL E. LARSON.Carl E. Larson, who resides on an excellent farm in Richland township, has gained gratifying success as a Tanner and is well known throughout the county. He was born on the 19th of April, 1869, in Sweden, of the marriage of Charles J. and Eva (Anderson) Larson. In 1870 the parents came to the United States and homesteaded the south one-half of the northwest quarter of section 8, Richland precinct. The father is still living, but the mother died in 1885 and is buried in Swedeburg. Carl E. Larson was but an infant when brought to this country by his parents and practically his entire life has been passed in this county. He attended the public schools until he was about eighteen years of age and subsequently was for a year a student in Luther College of Wahoo. When twenty years old he began working as a farm hand but after a year he returned home and continued under the parental roof until he was married in 1893. He subsequently rented land of his father for two years, after which he was given an eighty-acre tract by his father and he purchased eighty acres from him. He is still farming this quarter section, and his well-directed labors yield him a good return annually. On the 12th of August, 1893, Mr. Larson was united in marriage to Miss Hilda Heurlin, a daughter of A. P. and Nellie, (Grahn) Heurlin, natives of Sweden. To this union have been born five children: Agnes, deceased; Arvid F. and Luther, both of whom are assisting their father; Victoria, who is attending Luther College; and Florence, who is attending the public schools. Mr. Larson is independent in politics, voting for the man rather than the party, and his religious faith is indicated by the fact that he holds membership in the Swedish Lutheran church, whose teachings guide his life. JAMES M. HALL.James M. Hall is well known as the cashier of the Farmers State Bank of Ithaca, in which capacity he has served since 1902. His birth occurred in Jasper county, Indiana, on the 24th of September, 1864, his parents being Edward and Eliza Hall, who were natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania respectively. In the fall of 1869 they came to Nebraska with their family, PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 121 which numbered eleven members, driving overland from Indiana in three wagons. Edward Hall purchased school land in Douglas county and there carried on agricultural pursuits continuously and successfully until called to his final rest on the 28th of December, 1883. His wife passed away on the 21st of October, 1894. James M. Hall, who was a little lad of about five years when brought to this state by his parents, obtained his early education in the Iron Bluff school and subsequently attended a commercial college at Omaha, being graduated therefrom in 1890. He spent eighteen months as an employe in the elevator of H. A. Nolte at Elkhorn and then returned to the home farm, remaining thereon until his mother's demise. He was married on the first day of the following year and continued farming until 1902, when he purchased an interest in the Farmers State Bank of Ithaca, of which he has since acted as cashier. Mr. Hall is widely recognized as a popular, obliging and capable official of the institution and his efforts have been an important factor in its continued growth and success. On the 1st of January, 1895, Mr. Hall was united in marriage to Miss Anna Willhoft, of South Omaha, her parents being Fred and Julia Willhoft. They have a son, Glenn, who works on a farm. Mr. Hall has spent nearly all of his life in this part of the state and his acquaintance is so extensive that his record cannot fail to prove of interest to the majority of our readers. H. E. WHITTEN.H. E. Whitten, a well-to-do farmer residing in South Cedar township, was born in Augusta, Maine, on the 7th of February, 1851, of the marriage of Thomas and Sarah T. (Bowler) Whitten. Both came of English stock but were natives of Maine, where their marriage occurred. They continued to reside in that state until 1863, when, with their family, they removed westward, locating in Van Buren county, Michigan, in the fall of that year. On the 1st of September, 1865, they left that state and began their overland journey to Harrison county, Missouri. They resided there until the 3d of May, 1869, when they started by team for Saunders county, Nebraska, arriving here on the 16th of that month. The father homesteaded land on section 14, Center township, and engaged in farming there until his demise in 1880. He was buried in West Wahoo cemetery and his wife, who died in 1871, was buried at Wahoo. They were the parents of four children, namely: H. E.; Ellen F., who married Daniel Weaver, of Cheney, Washington; Flora E., the widow of Edward Burch, of Chattaroy, Washington; and Charles W., who resides with our subject. H. E. Whitten attended school in Augusta, Maine, and as his parents lived in the same block as the noted statesman, James G. Blaine, he went to school with the Blaine children. He was twelve years of age when the family home was established in Michigan, and he accompanied his parents on their various removals, remaining with them until their deaths. He homesteaded land in Center township adjoining his father's farm and has since devoted his entire 122 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II time and attention to agricultural pursuits. He still owns two hundred and forty acres of land in Center township, one hundred and sixty acres on section 14 Cedar township, where he now resides, and a half section in Dickey county, North Dakota. He carries on general farming and in his work follows up-to-date methods and utilizes the most improved machinery, thus increasing his efficiency. He recognizes the value of cooperation and is an active member of the Farmers Union. Mr. Whitten was reared a republican and for a number of years voted that ticket but is now somewhat independent in politics. He is well known in Masonic circles, belonging to the blue lodge at Cedar Bluffs, the chapter at Wahoo and the commandery at Fremont, and in his daily life seeks to exemplify the teachings of the order. He is public-spirited and can be depended upon to further the community advancement in every way possible. Charles W. Whitten, a brother of H. E. Whitten, was born in Harrison county, Missouri, and there attended school. He, too, has devoted his life to farming and has proved an able agriculturist. He married Miss Dora Bailey, by whom he has four children, Mabelle, Wallace, Ellen and Edna. J. J. STASKA.There is a large Bohemian settlement in Saunders county and their labors have contributed in large measure to the development and improvement of the district in which they live. J. J. Staska is regarded as a most enterprising business man, active, progressive and influential. He now owns and conducts a large hardware and implement business and his careful management contributes to the growing success of the undertaking. He was born in Moravia, Bohemia, May 31, 1874, a son of Joseph and Terezie (Rezac) Staska, who were also natives of that country and came to the United States thirty-nine years ago. Landing on the east coast, they made their way by rail to Fremont, Nebraska, and thence by wagon to Wahoo. They settled near Linwood upon a farm, which they occupied for two years, at the end of which time they removed to a farm about five miles southwest of the present site of Weston, although there was no town at that time, their nearest trading point being Wahoo. It was a tract of raw prairie which Joseph Staska secured and his energies brought about its development and improvement, his labors resulting in converting it into a valuable and productive farm, upon which he lived until 1892, when he purchased a place a half mile south of Weston and there resided until twenty-one years ago. At that time he purchased a hardware and implement business in Weston and ably and successfully carried on the business until 1900, when he sold out to his sons. J. J. Staska has spent almost his entire life in Saunders county. In his youthful days he was upon the home farm and also spent a portion of his youth in the town of Weston, acquiring his education in the public schools. In 1900, when his father sold out, J. J. Staska was one of the purchasers of the business and on the 10th of October, 1905, he purchased the interest of his brother in the store, which he has since been conducting independently. PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 123 He carries a large line of hardware and agricultural implements, his stock containing everything to be found in a first-class establishment of this character. He has purchased a building across the street from his store, which he uses as a warehouse, and he has over one thousand feet of floor space a fact which gives some idea of the development of the business since he has taken complete charge of it. From time to time he has developed additional features of his trade and today he has one of the foremost hardware and implement establishments in Saunders county, owning all of the buildings which he uses in connection with the conduct of his business. He also owns his own residence, which he erected, and in addition he has two hundred and forty acres of good land near Weston. Mr. Staska married Miss Anna Skokan, a native of this county and of Bohemian parentage. They have become the parents of eight children: Anna, Ed and Emil, all at home; Otillie, deceased; Mary; Henrietta; John; and Terezie. In politics Mr. Staska is a stanch republican, having always given stalwart support to the party since gaining the right of franchise. He belongs to Weston Camp, No. 2676, M. W. A., of which he is now serving as banker, and he holds membership with the Catholic Union of Weston. He and all of his family are communicants of the Catholic church and he takes a most active and helpful interest in its upbuilding, contributing generously to its support. In fact, his interest extends to all those lines which tend to promote progress and improvement in the district in which he lives and as a business man he has won a creditable reputation for progressiveness and reliability. A.E. STUART, M. D.Dr. A. E. Stuart, of Cedar Bluffs, one of the progressive and capable physicians of Saunders county, was born in Sandwich, Ontario, on the 7th of July, 1862, a son of James A. and Margaret (Farris) Stuart, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Scotland. The father passed away in Canada and on the 7th of September, 1894, the Tyrone Constitution, in speaking of his death, gave the history of the family as follows: "This very ancient and honorable family date their settlement in Ireland from the days of the persecution of Charles II and the bloody Claverhouse, being obliged to leave their native land because of their strong adherence to the Presbyterian faith and love for civil and religious liberty. Two brothers closely related to the then reigning house of Stuart came across from Scotland. One settled in Antrim, the other came more inland, domiciling himself in Sweet Tyrone near the present village of Donaghmore, where he obtained a small estate. Coming down to the present century, James Stuart, who died in May, 1854, was married to a Miss Burns, an only daughter, and the sister of the late Dr. Burns of London. This James Stuart was blessed with nine children. He was ruling elder of Carland Presbyterian church for almost fifty years. He was a gentleman of great influence in his day and generation and was master of the Masonic lodge of Donaghmore for many years." The Miss Burns 124 PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II referred to in the above was a direct descendant of Robert Burns, the famous poet, and became the mother of James A. Stuart, the father of our subject. To them were born four children: James F., a resident of Ontario, Canada; Charles, a resident of Canada; Mrs. Minnie Asian, who is living in Ontario; and A. E. The last named received excellent educational advantages, as after attending the Windsor Collegiate Institute he entered the Trinity Medical College of Toronto, where he remained for two years, and then became a student in the Detroit College of Medicine, from which he was graduated in 1886. For some time he practiced his profession at Algonac, Michigan, but in 1886 removed westward and located at Cedar Bluffs, this county, a short time after the founding of the town. He has since remained here and has built up a large and representative patronage, as he has demonstrated his ability as a physician and his devotion to his patients. He owns his office building, which is well adapted to its purpose, and his residence, which is comfortable and commodious. He has always remained a student of his profession and is an active member of the Saunders County Medical Society, of which he was president last year, of the Elkhorn Valley Medical Association and of the Nebraska State Medical Association. In 1888 Dr. Stuart was married to Miss Effie Thomas, of Sac City, Iowa, although she was born in Ames. She is a woman of liberal education, having graduated from the State College at Ames with the class of 1886. To this union have been born two children: Augustus L., at home; and Margaret, who is a high school graduate and is now the wife of E. S. Grable, of Greeley, Colorado. Dr. Stuart supports the democratic party at the polls but has confined his political activity to the exercise of the franchise. He is well known fraternally, belonging to the Masonic blue lodge, the Eastern Star, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Woodmen of the World. His wife and children also belong to the Eastern Star. His religious faith is indicated by the fact that he holds membership in the Presbyterian church, and in all relations of life his conduct has measured up to high standards. He comes of a long and honorable line of ancestry and in his own life has manifested those qualities which invariably gain for their possessor respect and high regard. NELSON SHEFFER.Nelson Sheffer, who for a number of years was an important factor in the commercial life and expansion of Saunders county, has now retired from active connection with mercantile interests and is enjoying a period of leisure made possible by his enterprise and the wise management of his affairs in past years. He was born in Tioga county, Pennsylvania, April 17, 1846, and is a son of William and Elizabeth (Kahler) Sheffer, the former born in Pennsylvania in 1801 and the latter in that state in 1801. The father devoted his life to agricultural pursuits and in 1856, drove with a horse team to Cass county, Nebraska, and settled upon a tract of land four and a half miles southwest of Ashland PAST AND PRESENT OF SAUNDERS COUNTY, VOL II 125 ![]() |
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