Sheridan County Census Records

1900 United
States Federal Census - Sheridan County, NE
Source Information: 1900 United States Federal Census [database
on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.,
2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of
the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records
Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
This database is an index to individuals enumerated in
the 1900 United States Federal Census, the Twelfth Census
of the United States. Census takers recorded many details
including each person's name, address, relationship to
the head of household, color or race, sex, month and year
of birth, age at last birthday, marital status, number of
years married, the total number of children born of the
mother, the number of those children living, birthplace,
birthplace of father and mother, if the individual was
foreign born, the year of immigration and the number of
years in the United States, the citizenship status of
foreign-born individuals over age twenty-one, occupation,
and more. Additionally, the names of those listed on the
population schedule are linked to actual images of the
1900 Federal Census.
Name - Parent/Spouse - Home in
1900 - BirthDate - Birthplace - Race - Relation
Walter Hansen Antelope, Sheridan, NE Oct 1879 Denmark
White Boarder
Mary Watriss Antelope, Sheridan, NE Oct 1835 NY White
Norman Watriss Antelope, Sheridan, NE Apr 1886 Wisconsin
White Boarder
John W Allen Viola Antelope, Sheridan, NE May 1865 Iowa
White Head
Viola Allen John W Antelope, Sheridan, NE Sep 1875 Iowa
White Wife
Floyd R Allen John W, Viola Antelope, Sheridan, NE Sep
1891 NE White Son
Geo W Allen John W, Viola Antelope, Sheridan, NE Feb 1893
NE White Son
Ura E Allen John W, Viola Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jul 1894
NE White Dhtr
Flosa F Allen John W, Viola Antelope, Sheridan, NE Aug
1896 NE White Dhtr
Oscar V Allen John W, Viola Antelope, Sheridan, NE Sep
1897 Kansas White Son
Cecil F Allen John W, Viola Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jul
1899 NE White Son
Christen Jensen Antelope, Sheridan, NE Apr 1851 Denmark
White Head
Molton Nelson Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jul 1830 Denmark
White Head
Geo H Stannard Elsie M Antelope, Sheridan, NE May 1864 NY
White Head
Elsie M Stannard Geo H Antelope, Sheridan, NE Dec 1864
Denmark White Wife
Lerome C Stannard Geo H, Elsie M Antelope, Sheridan, NE
Jun 1889 NE White Son
Trena E Stannard Geo H, Elsie M Antelope, Sheridan, NE
Dec 1892 NE White Dhtr
Grant A Stannard Geo H, Elsie M Antelope, Sheridan, NE
Dec 1896 NE White Son
Andy P Nielsen Nels Antelope, Sheridan, NE Apr 1872
Denmark White Head
Nels Nielsen Antelope, Sheridan, NE Feb 1816 Denmark
White Father
Martin Nelsen Helen Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jun 1866
Denmark White Head
Helen Nelsen Hans, Martin Antelope, Sheridan, NE Nov 1866
Denmark White Wife
Hans Petersen Antelope, Sheridan, NE May 1841 Denmark
White Father-in-law
John Dam Antelope, Sheridan, NE Feb 1860 Denmark White
Edwin T Gentry Emma E Antelope, Sheridan, NE Oct 1868
Virginia White Head
Emma E Gentry Edwin T Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jul 1883 NE
White Wife
Pearl E Gentry Edwin T, Emma E Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jul
1897 NE White Dhtr
Peter C Petersen Antelope, Sheridan, NE May 1869 Germany
White Boarder
Christopher Traub Christina Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jan
1844 Germany White Head
Christina Traub Christopher Antelope, Sheridan, NE Feb
1840 Germany White Wife
Albert Kupp Antelope, Sheridan, NE Nov 1889 NE White
Adopted Son
Fred Engel Anna E Antelope, Sheridan, NE Aug 1848 Germany
White Head
Anna E Engel Fred Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jun 1865
Switzerland White Wife
Chris Engel Fred, Anna E Antelope, Sheridan, NE Dec 1890
NE White Son
Rosa Engel Fred, Anna E Antelope, Sheridan, NE May 1895
NE White Dhtr
Wm Engel Fred, Anna E Antelope, Sheridan, NE Sep 1896 NE
White Son
Albert Engel Fred, Anna E Antelope, Sheridan, NE May 1898
NE White Son
Anna Engel Fred, Anna E Antelope, Sheridan, NE May 1900
NE White Dhtr
Edward L Lindow Edith Antelope, Sheridan, NE Mar 1865
Wisconsin White Head
Edith Lindow Edward L Antelope, Sheridan, NE Sep 1868
Wisconsin White Wife
Walter Lindow Edward L, Edith Antelope, Sheridan, NE Feb
1889 NE White Son
Frank Lindow Edward L, Edith Antelope, Sheridan, NE Oct
1891 NE White Son
Clifford Lindow Edward L, Edith Antelope, Sheridan, NE
Jun 1893 NE White Son
Edith Lindow Edward L, Edith Antelope, Sheridan, NE Jul
1898 NE White Dhtr

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Tuesday, 10-Mar-2009 20:05:44 MDT