Sheridan County Churches

Sheridan County
Source: USGS
Bingham Congregational Church,
Church of God, Gordon
Extension Chapel, Whiteclay
Friends Church, Beaver Wall
Gordon Bible Church, Gordon
Grace Lutheran Church, Gordon
Immaculate Conception Church, Rushville
Immanuel Church, Hay Springs
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, Gordon
New Hope Church, Hay Springs
New Life Fellowship Church, Clinton
Pleasant Point Community Church, Ellsworth
Presbyterian Church, Gordon
Sacred Heart Church, Hay Springs
Saint Columbkille Catholic Church, Hay Springs
Saint Leo Catholic Church, Gordon
Saint Marks Episcopal Church, Gordon
Saint Marys Church, Whiteclay
Saint Pauls Lutheran Church, Rushville
Saint Peters Church, Hay Springs
Seventh Day Adventist Church, Gordon
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gordon
United Methodist Church, Gordon
United Methodist Church, Rushville
United Methodist Church, Hay Springs
Wesleyan Gospel Chapel, Gordon
Zion Lutheran Church, Hay Springs
of Sheridan County Churches

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updated on
Tuesday, 10-Mar-2009 20:09:17 MDT