
Obituaries -
Rev. John Hampton Horner was born November 1st 1837 in
Johnson County, Missouri and died near Gordon Neb. April
4th 1911, aged 73 years, 5 months and 3 days. He was
ordained to the gospel ministry at Bethel Baptist Church
in Missouri, Jan. 10, 1863. He emigrated to Illinois in
the same year and moved to Madison, Neb. in March 1886
and came to Gordon in May 1887. The widow and 7 children
are left to mourn their loss. Four of the children were
present at the funeral, Mrs. Horner not being able to
attend on account of ill health.
Submitter's Note: He must be buried there (Gordon) as
well, along with his wife Sarah Kirby Horner and a
daughter named Maggie. Source unknown.
submitted by Tammy Clark
"Cody Cowboy," January 8, 1923
Mrs. Kate Dean Brooks, a former resident of Rushville and
a pioneer settler of Sheridan County, Nebraska, passed to
her reward at the home of her only daughter, Mrs. J. C.
Hutzel, at Crawford, Nebraska on Monday evening, October
22, 1923, at the ripe age of 85 years, 9 months, and 21
days. She was born at Kingstown, Canada, on January 1,
1838 and came to Rochester, New York, when she was 14
years old and later went to Michigan City, Indiana, where
in 1865 she was united in marriage to the late Lorain E.
Brooks, who in later years was County Judge of Sheridan
County, Nebraska. Unto this union were born four
children, namely - Arthur D., Harry L., James B., and
Mrs. Bessie M. Hutzel. Harry preceded his mother in death
several years. Late in the sixties she, with her husband,
moved to Laporte, Indiana, where they resided until the
summer of 1886 when they moved to Sheridan County,
Nebraska, where she resided until the death of her
husbancd in January, 1896. Since then she had principally
made her home with her children and on a homestead in
Cherry County. She was among the pioneer settlers of
Sheridan County. Settling at first on White Clay several
miles northwest of Rushville where subsequently they
filed on a homestead entry and lived there until Mr.
Brooks was elected County Judge, when they came to
Rushville. Mrs. Brooks was a good woman, industrious and
hard working in her younger days. A life long member of
the Church and by her exemplary walks and obliging
disposition won the esteem and good will of all who knew
her. Beside her three surviving children she leaves to
mourn her going ten grand children and three great
grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Moriah Carrol and Ms.
Anna Plant, both of Detroit, Michigan. The body was
brought here from Crawford on Thursday morning following
her decease and the funeral services took place in the
Methodist Church in the afternoon, the pastor having
charge, assisted by Rev. Gammon, a former pastor. Several
of the old time settlers were present to pay their
respects to one of their early comrades. Burial took
place in the family lot in Fairview Cemetery, beside
loved ones. The children have the sympathy of the entire
community in the time of their bereavement. - Rushville
transcribed by Kaylynn
transcribed by Helen Selee
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan County, Nebraska,
January 12, 1928
Anna Elizabeth Gardner, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. E. Gardner, was born at Gordon on the 8th day of
December 1920, and departed this life on the 5th day of
January, 1928, at the home of her parents. Death was
seemingly caused by an influenza condition which
developed into pneumonia. She leaves to mourn her early
demise, her father and mother, one sister, two brothers,
and her grandparents on both sides of the family. The
funeral services were conducted by Dr. C.L. Shelby and
were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beckman on
Pole Creek. Interment was made in the Lavaca Cemetery.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 19, 1928
Harriet L. Bowers was born in Corning, Shenango county,
New York, March 10, 1857, and departed this life at the
home of her granddaughter, Mrs. J.A. Jennings, in Cottage
Grove, Oregon, at 9:20 p.m. on January 7, 1928, having
reached the age of 70 years, nine moths and 28 days.
Deceased was united in marriage to Mr. Samuel D. Perrin
in Bloomington, Wisc. on April 17, 1877, and to this
union were born two children, Mrs. Lura Z. Perry, of this
city (Gordon), and Mr. LeRoy D. Perrin of Whitman, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Perrin came west and settled on a farm near
Gordon, Nebr. some 40 years ago, and after spending some
10 years in the business of farming moved into Gordon
where they have since resided. Mrs. Perrin had not been
in the best of health for some years and it was thought
that a change of climate might be beneficial, hence she
with her husband left for Cottage Grove, Oregon, on
October 20th, last year, where they made their home up to
the hour of Mrs. Perrin's death. Although everything was
done by skilled doctors and nurses that could be done and
loving care of relatives and friends, the body being too
frail to overcome its infirmities, sank to rest while the
spirit of our sister returned to God who gave it. Mrs.
Perrin was converted in her youth and united with the
Free-Will Baptist Church in which communion she retained
her membership to the close of her earthly pilgrimage. In
the earlier years she taught school and worked in a
printing establishment in Wisconsin. She was a member of
the local chapter of the Woman s Christian Temperance
Union society and was ever found on the side of those
movements which tend to better the moral and spiritual
condition of the race, though never in a conspicuous
manner. She was of a retiring disposition, one who loved
the quiet of her home but ever ready to respond to the
call of the sick and needy. Her place in the home will
not be filled by any other, hence the deepest sympathy is
widely expressed on behalf of those who today mourn her
departure, namely: The husband, son and daughter, already
referred to in this obituary, six grandchildren and eight
great-grandchildren, besides other sorrowing relatives
and friends. Funeral services were conducted in the
Perrin home in Gordon Sunday afternoon, January 15th,
1928, at two o clock by Rev. Jesse A. Monkman, in the
presence of a large gathering of sorrowing relatives,
friends and neighbors. These, along with the many
contributions of beautiful flowers testified unmistakably
to the high esteem with which the departed was held by
her many relatives and friends. After the services were
ended, the funeral cortege proceeded to the beautiful
Gordon cemetery, where the body of this good mother was
with gentle and kindly hands laid to rest to await the
resurrection morning.
Sleep thy last sleep, free from pain and sorrow,
Rest where none weep, till the eternal morrow;
Tho dark waves roll over the silent river,
Thy fainting soul, Jesus can deliver.
Life s dream is past, all its sin and sadness,
Brightly at last dawns the day of gladness;
Under thy sod, earth receive our treasure,
To rest in God, waiting all His pleasure.
Tho we may mourn those in life the dearest,
They shall return, Christ, when Thou appearest!
Soon shall thy voice comfort those now weeping,
Bidding rejoice, all in Jesus sleeping.
Mother, dear Mother, in my Father s keeping
We will rejoice in the midst of weeping.
Tho for a while we are called to sever,
Oh! happy thought, then with thee forever.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, February 2, 1928
Mrs. W. M. Harnan passed away at her home in Gordon on
last Tuesday evening, after having been confined to her
bed for about five days with bronchial pneumonia. Mr.
Harnan had been and is yet quite ill with a complication
of flue and pneumonia and Mrs. Harnan had been taking
care of him, when she was stricken. Everything was done
for her but it was of no avail. The funeral services are
being held from the Presbyterian Church Thursday
afternoon. Due to his illness, Mr. Harnan will be unable
to attend. The Journal will have an obituary of Mrs.
Harnan in next week's issue.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, February 9, 1928
MRS. W. M. HARNAN 1874-1928
Mary M. Russell Harnan was born at Whiting, Iowa, on
November 24th, 1874 and passed away at her home in Gordon
on January 31st, 1928, at the age of fifty-three years,
two months and seven days. At the age of sixteen she came
to Cherry County, Nebraska, with her parents where she
grew to womanhood. On December 27th, 1900, she was united
in marriage to William M. Harnan. They made their home on
their ranch south of Cody where they lived and built up
extensive ranch interests until coming to Gordon to make
their home in July 1924. She leaves to mourn her loss her
husband; mother, Mrs. E.J. Russell of Cody; two brothers,
Albert Russell of Cody and George Russell of Maywood,
Nebraska. Mrs. Harnan was a woman of strong character, a
fine neighbor and a true friend. She was of a very quiet
disposition, always friendly and most loyal to those near
and dear to her. Her last care and thought for her
husband, whose illness preceded hers, was most touching.
She had made a host of friends since coming to Gordon,
who mourn with him at her sudden passing. The funeral
services were conducted from the Presbyterian church on
Thursday afternoon, February 2, 1928, by Rev. C.L.
Shelby, and interment was made in the Gordon cemetery.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, February 16, 1928
Mr. Pete Larsen Dies at Long Beach, Calif.
Mr. Pete Larsen, old Gordon resident and pioneer of this
locality, passed away on Sunday, February 5, 1928, at
Long Beach, California. He and his wife had been there
five weeks, where he had gone in search of relief from a
complication of diseases. Mr. Larsen is the husband of
the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell. The
body will arrive here Friday morning and the funeral
services will be conducted here, altho the time of the
service cannot be announced at this time. Mr. and Mrs.
Larsen have resided in Calgary, Canada, for several years
also. Mr. Larsen was a brother of Mr. Charles Larsen, of
Eli, Nebraska.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, February 23, 1928
PETER LARSEN 1862-1928
Peter Larsen was born in Waupaca, Wisc., on October 3,
1862, and passed away February 12, 1928, in Long Beach,
Calif., at the age of 65 years, 4 months, and 9 days. He
came to Gordon in the Spring of 1885 and resided in the
vicinity of Gordon until he was united in marriage to Ora
E. Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Russell. They
then went to Merriman where they lived on their ranch
north of Merriman. In the spring of 1912, they moved to
Calgary, Canada, where he engaged in extensive raising of
grain and live stock. They resided there until about six
weeks before his death when they went to Long Beach,
Calif. in hope that the change of climate might help him.
He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife Ora E. Larsen, his
daughter, Hazelfern, two sisters and two brothers. Mr.
Larsen was a man of strong character, a devoted husband
and father, a fine neighbor and a true friend. He was a
member of the M.W.A. and the Masonic Lodge. Funeral
services were conducted from the Presbyterian Church on
Sunday afternoon, Febr. 19, 1928, by Rev. C.L. Shelby and
interment made in the Gordon cemetery.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, February 23, 1928
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Moody lost a baby son last Monday,
the infant living only ten minutes. Brief funeral
services were held at the cemetery Wednesday morning, the
Rev. J.A. Monkman officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Moody are
living on the John Perreten farm.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to the friends who
extended sympathy and help at the time of the loss of our
little son.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Moody
Sidney Smith Davis was born near Columbus, Bartholomew
county, Indiana, May 22, 1855. He was the eldest child of
Moses and Elizabeth Davis. When the boy was about
thirteen, his father, who served our country thru the
Civil War, died, leaving the mother with seven children.
The burden of helping his mother care for the younger
brothers and sisters in the home was accepted and
cheerfully carried by the eldest son. He remained in the
home until the youngest child was nearly grown. At the
age of 29 years he was married to Dalila Jane Moss. To
this union four children were born, all of whom survive.
They are W.A. Davis, of near Clinton, Nebr., with whom he
has made his home; Mrs. C.L. Hopper, of Rushville, Nebr.,
Jesse R. Davis, Superintendent of Schools of Clay City,
Ind., and Joseph Melvin Davis, Principal of the Clinton
school. He leaves also seven grandchildren. Mr. Davis
became a Christian and united with the church early in
life under the influence of Godly parents. He grew in
grace and knowledge by studying his Bible constantly.
Bible study became a life-long habit, and he was happiest
when revealing to others the wonderful truths which he
found in God s Word. He spent the best years of his life
in the Gospel ministry, being at the time of his death an
ordained minister of the Regular Baptist Church, taking
an active part in their last Association. In addition to
the children mentioned, three brothers and a sister in
Indiana are mourning today the loss of a true elder
brother. A host of friends in this county helped to
gladden his last hours by loving words and kinds
ministrations. His mind remained clear to the last moment
and with a smile and a farewell wave of the hand, he
crossed the bar at 6:05 p.m., Febr. 20, 1928. His age was
72 years, 8 months and 29 days. The funeral services were
conducted from the First Methodist Episcopal church in
Gordon, Wednesday afternoon, Febr. 22nd, being conducted
by Reverend Jesse A. Monkman, and interment made in the
Gordon cemetery.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, March 1, 1928
Andrew Dombalo, of Manderson, S.D., died on Friday, Febr.
24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Jones at Gordon.
Interment was made in the Gordon cemetery with Rev. J.A.
Monkman of the Methodist church officiating.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, March 29, 1928
Mrs. Mima Taylor died at her home in Gordon Thursday noon
after a long illness. As the Journal goes to press,
funeral arrangements have not been completed.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, April 5, 1928
SARAH J. TAYLOR 1866-1928
Sarah J. Markhart was born in Mansfield, Ohio, June 3rd,
1866 and departed this life from her home in Gordon,
Nebr. Thursday, March 29th, 1928, at 12:20 p.m., having
attained the age of 61 years, 9 months and 26 days. At
the age of 13 years, she moved with her parents to
Emporia, Kansas where (some years later in the same city)
she was united in marriage to Mr. Herbert A. Taylor of
Kearney, Nebr., with whom she moved to said state and in
which state she lived the balance of her earthly life,
the last ten years being spent in Gordon. Mrs. Taylor was
the mother of four children, two sons and two daughters,
all of whom were at their mother s bedside at the hour of
her departure. These are: Clarence E. of Batesland, S.D.,
J.Frank and Alta E. of Gordon, and Ruth E. of Sioux City,
Iowa. These with six grand-children and an only sister
who resides in Bellingham, Washington, are the only
immediate relatives of the deceased who survive, the
husband and father having departed this life some years
ago. Mrs. Taylor united with the First Methodist
Episcopal church of Gordon during the year 1921 under the
pastorate of Rev. J.M. Wingett. Mrs. Taylor was a kind
neighbor, a loving and devoted wife and mother, who will
be greatly missed by all who knew her, but especially by
those of her own household to whom she was so lovingly
and sincerely devoted. During her last months which for
the most part were full of much pain and suffering, she
was ever kind and extremely patient and quite frequently
assured the writer of this sketch, and others, of her
readiness and willingness to go to that better country
where sickness and death are forever unknown. The
sympathy of the community is with the sorrowing relatives
in this hour of their loneliness and grief.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, April 26, 1928
Frank Schrader was found dead in his bed Wednesday
morning. He had been around the evening before but after
going to sleep died of heart trouble. Mr. Schrader was
the mail carrier on the Hinchley Route. He was raised in
this community and had a large number of friends.
Formerly, he had farmed south of Gordon but he quit about
ten years ago and since then had made his home in Gordon.
He had accumulated some property and was always honorable
in all his business dealings. The funeral is to be held
from the home in Gordon on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o
clock. Rev. C.L. Shelby will be in charge of the
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, May 3, 1928
Frank Schrader was born April 16, 1876 in Indiana and
passed away peacefully at his home in Gordon, Nebr. April
25, 1928, at the age of 52 years and 9 days. Heart
failure was the cause of death. He was united in marriage
to Lizzie Gehrig April 7, 1902, and to this union were
born four children, Mrs. Edna Fuchser, Grace, Bert and
Bennie, all of Gordon. Besides these, his widow and four
sisters and one brother survive. Mr. Schrader has carried
mail on the Hinchley route for the past eight years and
has been a conscientious public official. He has a large
acquaintance and numbered his friends in all walks of
life. The funeral services were held from the residence,
Rev. C.L. Shelby delivering the address. The local
I.O.O.F. Lodge, of which the deceased was a member, had
charge of the service. Interment was made in the Gordon
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, May 17, 1928
Andrew Nielsen was born in Sleswig, Denmark, on January
21, 1859 and departed this life on Tuesday morning, May
8, 1928, at the home of his brother, Andy P. Nielsen at
the age of 69 years, 2 months and 16 days. In infancy he
was baptized and later confirmed in the Lutheran Church
which was his faith unto death. In 1862 he immigrated to
this country, settling in Cherry county of this state. It
was here that in the year of 1885 that he took up a
homestead near Soudan, where he made his home until 3
years ago when he rented it out on account of ill health.
He leaves to mourn his departure one brother, Andy P.
Nielsen, two sisters, Mrs. Ole Peterson and Mrs. H.
Christiansen, all of Gordon, Nebr., and a number of
nieces and nephews. The funeral services were conducted
from the Nielsen home, six miles southeast of Gordon on
Thursday afternoon of May 10th, at 3 p.m. by the Rev.
H.M. Roth, and interment was made in the Gordon cemetery.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, May 17, 1928
Caleb E. Williams, an old settler of this county, died
Sunday morning from injuries received when run down by an
automobile driven by Lewis Wade. The accident occurred
near White Clay Saturday afternoon. Both of Mr. Williams
legs were broken and he suffered internal injuries.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, September 11, 1928
Catharine Elizabeth King Beckwith
Catharine Elizabeth King was born in McKane county, Pa.,
July 27, 1841, and passed away at Neligh, Nebraska,
Thursday, Sept. 6th, 1928. On February 13, 1859, she was
married to Daniel E. Beckwith and lived at Smithport
until after the Civil War, in which her husband had
enlisted early on. During that trying period, she cared
for two children while her husband was absent. At one
time her husband was dangerously ill in a Washington army
hospital, but she went to him and nursed him back to
health. After the war, she and her husband came west and
located near Fremont, but in 1872, they went to Antelope
County where they lived the remainder of their lives. As
pioneers in Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith saw many
hardships, but they were always willing to lend a helping
hand to others and they were loved and respected by all
who knew them. Mrs. Beckwith was a regular student of the
Bible and was an active church worker. As her busy life
came near its end, she was prepared for it and accepted
suffering with a smile. She leaves to mourn her passing,
seven children: Mrs. Ed Hall, Neligh; Harry Beckwith,
Neligh; Ed Beckwith, Neligh; Fred Beckwith, Emmet; L.A.
Beckwith, Gordon; Clyde Beckwith, Crawford; and Roy
Beckwith, Alliance. Her funeral was widely attended and
gifts of flowers was profuse.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, September 18, 1928
DIED Isaac Liptrap
On Sunday, September 6, 1928, at his home 11 miles east
of Gordon, Isaac Liptrap passed from this life at the
mature age of 88 years, after an illness of about a week.
He has been in northwest Nebraska for many years. Early
in life he became a member of the Baptist church. He was
born in Augusta county, Virginia, and was married for
over 60 years, being the father of 13 children, four of
whom survive him with their mother, who is yet living but
in poor health. The remains were interred in the Lavaca
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, September 20, 1928
The eighteen month old baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Coon fell into a shallow basin of water around a
well at their farm home north of Gordon on Friday about
noon and was drowned. The recent rains had filled the
basin with water. The mother thought the bay was with the
father and was not alarmed over its absence. It is,
indeed, a sad occurrence, and the parents have the
sympathy of their neighbors and friends in the loss of
their little one. Doris Marie Coon was born February 13,
1927, and died September 14, 1928, aged one year 7 months
and one day. She leaves to mourn her loss, her parents,
one brother and sister, grandparents and a host of
relatives. Funeral services were conducted from the
Presbyterian Church of Gordon Sunday afternoon by Rev.
C.L. Shelby and interment was made in the Gordon
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, Sept. 20, 1928
Catharine Elizabeth King was born in McKane county, Pa.,
July 27, 1841, and passed away at Neligh, Nebraska,
Thursday, Sept. 6th, 1928. On February 13, 1859, she was
married to Daniel E. Beckwith and lived at Smithport
until after the Civil War, in which her husbeded her in
death. Surviving her are her sister, Mrs. Case, a
brother, Ralph A. Baker of Valentine, and many cherished
nieces and nephews. Burial was in the Gordon cemetery.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, October 1, 1928
Pearl Irene Jelinek. Pearl Irene, the 18 month old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Jelinek, was drowned in a
water tank at the family home near Albany on last
Saturday afternoon. The little one, with other children,
was playing around the tank, and although the older
children ran to the house to get help, the baby was dead
when rescued. This is the second fatality in this
neighborhood by drowning, both children being about the
same age. Pearl Irene was born March 19, 1927, and died
September 27, 1928, aged one year, seven months and 8
days. She leaves to mourn her untimely passing, her
parents, one brother and one sister. The bereaved family
have the sympathy of their neighbors and friends over the
loss of their little one. Funeral services were conducted
Sunday afternoon from the Presbyterian church by Rev.
C.L. Shelby and interment was made in the Gordon
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, October 1, 1928
Mrs. Anna Gehrig. Anna (Biger) Gehrig was born in
Switzerland September 24, 1840 and departed this life in
Gordon September 28, 1928, aged 88 years and 4 days. At
the age of 23 years, she was united in marriage to Fred
Gehrig and to this union were born five children:
Godfred, Adolph, Mrs. Eliza Schrader, Lazetta, and one
little girl who departed this life in infancy. Her
husband preceded her in death in the year 1920. Mr. and
Mrs. Gehrig came from Switzerland to the United States in
1885, settling in the vicinity of Yutan, Nebr., where
they remained for four years, after which they moved near
Gordon where they lived until about 23 years ago. Then
they moved to Gordon where they lived until death. Sister
Gehrig was converted to Christ-ianity about 21 years ago
and ever afterward lived a very devoted Christian life.
Besides her four children, she leaves seven
grandchildren, sixteen great-grandchildren and many
friends to mourn her departure. The funeral was held from
the Lutheran church last Sunday afternoon, Rev. H.M. Roth
being in charge, and interment made in the Gordon
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, October 11, 1928
An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goranson was born to
them two weeks ago and lived but a few moments. The
funeral services were held from the home of Mrs. Fanny
Monroe on Friday with Rev. H.M. Roth in charge and burial
was made in the Gordon cemetery. The sympathy of their
many friends goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Goranson in their
sad hour.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, ?Oct 21, 1928?
A tragedy at White Clay lake Sunday noon snuffed out the
life of Wayne Buster Divan, 21. Divan, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Divan Sr., of north of Gordon, was riding on a
surf board drawn by a motor boat piloted by Pat
Strasburger. It is believed that the youth struck his
head when he fell from the board. Strasburger immediately
circled back to the spot and dived into the lake in the
futile attempt to rescue his friend. Other members of the
party, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Piper, John Andersen and Vesta
DeWolfe were watching from the bank. The Rushville,
Gordon and Hay Springs fire departments were summoned
about 12:15 p.m. to aid in recovering the body. A fleet
of motor boats equipped with grappling hooks dragged the
lake repeatedly but were unsuccessful. The body was
recovered about 6:30 p.m. when the state seine was
brought from Valentine and put into service. Wayne was
discharged from the Navy in May after serving two years,
five months and 23 days. He arrived home in June. Funeral
services will be conducted from Our Savior s Lutheran
church at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, December 6, 1928
James Vollintine: James Henry Vollintine, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vollintine, was born on December 28,
1920, and departed this life December 4, 1928, death
coming after a two weeks illness with pneumonia. Jimmy,
as he was known, had been in bad health much of the time
since birth but he bore his suffering bravely and had a
smile for all. He leaves to mourn his loss a loving
father, mother and grandmother, six brothers: Edward of
Salem, Nebr.; Frank of Ft. Worth, Tex.; and Lewis, LeRoy,
Joel and Woodrow of Gordon; and two sisters, Elizabeth
and Amy. One brother, Charles, preceded him in death. He
also leaves a host of friends and playmates who greatly
miss him. The funeral services will be conducted at ten o
clock Friday morning, Dec. 7, at Newman Chapel, with Rev.
A.L, Hutton in charge.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, December 6, 1928
Martin Hansen: Martin Hansen was born October 27, 1877 in
Denmark and departed this life December 3, 1928, at his
home in Gordon, Nebraska, aged 51 years, 1 month and 16
days. Mr. Hansen came to this country with his parents
when about 12 years of age and has lived in Gordon and
vicinity ever since. He was united in marriage with Mamie
Johnson on January 14, 1908, and to this union were born
seven children; two boys and five girls. Mr. Hansen was
converted to Christianity early in life. He was a loving
husband and a very devoted father, his great ambition
being to educate and properly raise his children.
Mr. Hansen was very well read and was quite a student of
public affairs. He was especially interested in matters
of interest to farmers and stockmen and it was his belief
that through the co-operation of the farmers themselves
would come the solution of their problems. He was very
public spirited and had a wide acquaintance, and he now
will be greatly missed.
He leaves to mourn his departure, his wife and children,
and many friends. His mother and father preceded him in
death. Funeral services were conducted from the Church of
God on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 5, 1928 with Rev. A.L.
Hutton in charge. Interment was made in Gordon cemetery.

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