
Obituaries -
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan county, Nebraska,
April 3, 1930]
Olive Buckminster (1889-1930)
Olive Alice Thompson was born in Oklahoma in 1889 and
passed away at Norfolk, Nebraska on March 28, 1930 at the
age of 40 years and 4 months. When a small child her
parents moved to Richardson County, Nebraska, where she
grew to womanhood. In the year 1910 she was united in
marriage to George Buckminster. They came west where they
homesteaded south of Merriman, remaining for a few years.
In 1922 she, with her family, moved to Gordon where she
has since made her home. She leaves to mourn her, her
husband and a daughter, Fern; her mother, three sisters,
three brothers, all of Richardson County, and a host of
relatives and friends. Olive was of a kind and sweet
disposition. She was a faithful wife and mother and was a
member of the Presbyterian church. She was always ready
and willing to lend a helping hand wherever she was
called. The funeral services were held on Monday
afternoon from the Presbyterian church, being conducted
by the Rev. Fenton C. Jones, and interment was made in
the Gordon cemetery.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, April 10, 1930]
Margaretha Meister Holzberger (1853-1930)
Mrs. Christian Holzberger, Sr., formerly Margaretha
Meister, was born at Lawrenceburg, Indiana on May 8,
1853, and departed this life at the home of her son,
Andrew J. Holzberger, north of Gordon, April 2, 1930, at
the age of 76 years, 10 months and 25 days.
Mrs. Holzberger was baptized and confirmed in the
Lutheran church in the town of her birth. To this
profession of this Church she remained faithful
throughout her life. To this profession of this Church
she remained faithful throughout her life. It was here
also that she grew to womanhood and entered the holy
state of matrimony with Christian Holzberger on May 20,
1880. After residing in the vicinity of Lawrenceburg for
34 years, they moved to Nebraska where some of their
children were located. It was in the fall of 1914 that
they came to Sheridan County, making their home with
their son on a farm near Gordon. This was her home at the
time of her death. She was a true mother, unselfish, a
true friend, and a sincere Christian in every sense of
the word. It was to the dear Lord and Master she
steadfastly clung when her strength was slowly ebbing
away, and thus departed this life in the triumph of the
Christian faith.
She leaves to mourn her loss besides the aged husband,
four sons and two daughters, who are as follows:
Christian, F., George J. Andrew J., and Miss Louise
Holzberger, all of Gordon; William Holzberger and Mrs.
Martin Kroner of Yorkville, Indiana. There are 14
The funeral services were held on Friday afternoon at
2:30 from the Lutheran church, conducted by Rev. H.M.
Roth and her remains were laid to rest in the Gordon
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, April 10, 1930]
Alta Luella Graham Beamer (1856-1930)
Alta Luella Graham was born of Scotch-Irish parents, near
the city of Independence, Iowa in Black Hawk county in
the year 1856 and passed away at Jacksonville, Florida,
April 1, 1930 at the age of 74 years and one month.
While a child she moved with her parents to Nemaha
county, Kan., in 1868 near Sabetha. At the age of 18 she
was united in marriage with Geo. W. Beamer at Hiawatha,
Kansas on July 4, 1874.
To this union were born three children, George W. Beamer,
of Gordon, Armina Estella, who died while a child and
Clara Alice Webster, now of Jacksonville, Florida. She
leaves to mourn her, besides her children, two
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, and two
sisters, one of Fremont and one of Blair, Nebraska. Her
friends were numbered b her acquaintances and she was
loved by all.
After her marriage she, with her husband, moved to Jasper
county, Mo. After living there four years, they moved
back to Nemaha county, Kansas. Living at that place for
four years they came to Cherry county, Nebr., making
their home there for the past 42 years. Her husband
passed away August 24, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Beamer lived the life of pioneers, having
come here when the country was nothing but a grassy
plain, with what few homes there were far between. They
went through the trials and tribulations of the study and
worth ones of the country and reaped the rewards of the
brave. They lived in the famous sod house in the early
days, cultivating the soil with a cow and horse, hauling
water for miles. They were here during the Indian
insurrection at Wounded Knee, never faltering to protect
their home and family.
In the fall of 1881 they united with the Christian faith,
with the Baptist church, and lived in that faith until
the end of their lives. She was a firm believer in
righteousness and Godliness.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon [April 6th] from
the Methodist church, Rev. Embree officiating. Interment
was made in the Gordon cemetery.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, April 17, 1930]
Mary Martha Jones (1841-1930)
Mary Martha Lynch was born on September 20th, 1841 in
Nelson county, Kentucky, and passed from this life at the
Crowell Memorial Home at Blair, Nebraska, on April 14th,
1930 at the age of 88 years, 7 months and six days.
At the age of 14 she, with her parents, moved to
Clarinda, Iowa where she later met and married Mr. Marlow
H. Jones on December 12th, 1861. To this union were born
three children: Edward, Martha and Lauren, the first two
passing from life in infancy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones were among the earliest pioneers in
this country, braving all the hardships and sharing all
the joys and sorrows of their friends who, like
themselves, had come to inhabit a new country.
Mrs. Jones was born of Catholic parents and was baptized
into that church in infancy. When past middle life, her
husband was converted, she with him, uniting with the
Methodist Episcopal church of this place. She was a
consistent member of that church and died strong in the
faith which her beloved church teaches.
After the death of her husband in 1914, she lived for a
her with her grandson in Wyoming; then she returned to
Gordon where she lived until June 1920 when she went to
the Crowell Memorial Home, where she was satisfied and
She was a quiet and unassuming woman, caring much more
for home and family than for any interests outside the
home circle. One son, Dr. Lauren Jones of Daytona Beach,
Fla., and three grandsons, Howell Jones of New York City,
Warren Jones of Jacksonville, Fla., and Roger Jones of
Casper, Wyo., survive her.
She went down into the shadow of death unafraid,
comforted by the words of Isaiah 41:13: For I, the
Lord thy God, will hold thy right hand, saying, fear not,
I will help thee. Go forth, oh Christian soul, from
this world in the name of God the Father Almighty who
created thee. Amen.
The funeral service will be held in the Methodist church
on Friday afternoon at 2:30 with Rev. Embree officiating.
Interment will be in the Hay Springs cemetery.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, April 10, 1930]
Elliot Osin Crawford (1843-1930)
Elliot Osin Crawford was born at Milton, Vermont on
August 27, 1843, and died at his home in Gordon on
Thursday, April 10, 1930, being 86 years, 7 months and 13
days of age. Mr. Crawford spent his boyhood in Vermont
and eastern Canada. In his early manhood he spent two
years at sea when he visited many foreign countries.
In 1862 he answered the call of his country and enlisted
in the Union Army in Company D, 13th Vermont Volunteer
Inf., and after 9 months service he was discharged at
Bruttleboro, Vermont, having served from June 2nd to July
21, 1863, beyond his enlistment. He went through the
famous Battle of Gettysburg, which practically decided
the ending of the war and the destiny of the nation.
After he came out of the Army, he started across the
plains with a wagon train that was bound for California
but was driven back by the Indians in South Dakota. From
there he went to Omaha and finally settled on a homestead
in Colfax County.
He was united in marriage to Mrs. Adeline Waltman in
1885. To this union were born three children: Osin
Crawford, a son who died in infancy; one daughter, Mrs.
Edith R. Demmer of Gordon and Mr. Chauncey M. Crawford of
Denby, S.D.; and one granddaughter, Miss Eunice Demmer of
In the passing of Mr. Crawford is lost one of our
earliest and most highly respected pioneer citizens of
Western Nebraska. He came to Nebraska in 1865 and has
been a resident of the state for 65 years, 43 of which
were spent in Sheridan county.
Until a few years ago, Mr. Crawford made his home at Hay
Springs, but more recently he invested near Gordon and
both children made their homes here, so he came also. Mr.
Crawford was a thrifty citizen of the type that develop a
new country.
The funeral was held from the home last Sunday afternoon,
April 13, 1930. with Rev. J.W. Embree speaking briefly.
The pall-bearers and a Guard of Honor were furnished by
Sturdevant Post of the American Legion, and at the
cemetery, they paid their last tribute to one of the
nations heroes by firing three volleys over the
grave and blowing Taps.
Interment was in the Hay Springs
Gordon Nebr -1932
Clara Maude Devilliers, born in Vernon County, Mo.,
August 28, 1881, passed away November 1, 1932 at the ate
of 51 years, 2 months and 4 days. When she was about six
years of age her mother brought the family to Red Willow
County where she grew to womanhood. Having some of the
pioneer spirit, she took a homestead in Cherry county as
soon as she became of age. On January 12, 1904 she was
united in marriage to Clyde Albert Kime; seven children
were born to this union, five boys, Archie, Glenn,
Walter, Harold and John, all of Gordon; and two girls,
Mrs. Fay Gwynn and Mrs. Annie H. Egli of Gordon. She
leaves to mourn her passing her husband, children and
three grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Mary Smith, of
McCook; two half sisters, Mrs. Hope Kaden and Mrs. Hattie
Modrell, of McCook; three half brothers, George, John and
Henry Devilliers and Harlan Kinzer.
Mrs. Kime was one of those sturdy
pioneers who helped to lay the foundations of our great
state, almost her entire life was spent in Nebraska. She
was very popular in the community and in times of trouble
and sickness she gaver her services unsparingly to those
in need of them in her neighborhood. She was a devoted
wife, a good mother and a loyal friend. She will be
missed by her family and a great host of relatives and
There is no death! An angel form
Walks oe'r the earth with silent tread,
He bears our best lived things away,
And then we call them dead.
He leaves our hearts all desolate,
He plucks our fairest sweetest flowers,
Transplanted into bliss they now
Adorn immortal bowers.
And ever near us tho unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread;
For all the boundless universe
Is life - There is no death.
Funeral services were held from the Methodist church in
Gordon at 2:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon, burial being
made in Gordon Cemetery.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
Helen M. Hemstreet was born at Oak Grove, Wisconsin,
October 16, 1850, and passed away at the home of her
daughter in Gordon, Nebraska, February 21, 1937, at the
age of 86 years, 4 month, and 5 days. On October 16,
1877, Miss Hemstreet was united in marriage to Herman P.
Allen at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; and to this union five
children were born: Anna M. Stauffer of Gordon, Nebraska,
Silas H. Allen, deceased, Forrest R. Allen of Alliance,
Nebraska, Claire L. Benedict of Bellwood, Nebraska, and
Vernon Allen, deceased. In the year 1885 Mr. and Mrs.
Allen, with their family, moved to Nebraska by ox team,
and settled on a homestead nine and one-half miles
southwest of Gordon; where they lived for the most part
until the death of Mr. Allen, in May of 1906, when Mrs.
Allen came to live with her daughter, with whom she spent
the remaining years of her life. Mrs. Allen is survived
by her three children: Mrs. Anna M. Stauffer, Mr. Forrest
R. Allen and Mrs. Claire L. Benedict; seventeen
grandchildren, two great grandchildren and the friends
she had made. Funeral services were conducted at the
Gates Funeral Home, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the
Rev. W. B. Pardun, pastor of the Methodist Church
officiating, and interment was made in the Gordon
Source Unknown. Found among family
Submitted by Nancy Troxel Schatz
Funeral services for Everett James Swesey aged 81 years,
were held from the F.O.Jolley Funeral Home on Sunday
afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. Carroll D. Erskine,
officiating. Interment was in Bear Butte Cemetery. Mr.
Swesey was born in Cassville, Wisconsin, July 5th, 1857.
He lived in Gordon, Nebraska for 25 years and came to
Sturgis in 1918 where he has since made his home. He is
survived by nine children. Jesse and Charles at Yakima,
Washington; William at Sturgis. Mrs. Effice Avery, big
Horn, Wyoming; Mrs. Dora Jay, at Powder River, Wyoming;
Mrs. Elizabeth Lavier, Quartz Mountain, Oregon; Mrs.
Dorothy Thompson, Salem, Oregon; Mrs. Lucy Burdette and
Mrs. Agnes Garnder, Porcupine. There are also 16
grandchildren. He passed away at the family residence on
South Pine Street on Thursday evening at 5:30 o'clock of
old age infirmities.
Submitter's note: This obituary is for a man named
Everett Swesey. He died in Sturgis, South Dakota, so I
don't know if you can use it, but he was a resident of
Gordon for 25 years and raised his children there. He
left Gordon in 1918, so that would mean he was there from
1893-1918. He is mentioned briefly in the Gordon history
book as being a homesteader there... And if I'm not
mistaken, his old homestead/property is now owned by the
Reeve family, who I believe have been there since then
and are still there. Anyway, here is the text from his
obituary if it might help you. I can also offer you
information on his children etc.
Submitted by Melody

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