
Obituaries -
Gordon Nebr. -1951
Clyde Kime Services Tuesday
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the
Methodist church for Clyde Kime, long time resident of
the Gordon area. Mr. Kime died last Friday in an Omaha
hospital after an extended illness. Burial was in the
Gordon cemetery. An obituary appears elsewhere in today's
Clyde Kime, the eldest son of John and Annie Kime, was
born in Brown county, Nebr. Sept. 7, 1881. He died at
Omaha, Nebr. June 15, 1951 at the age of 69 years, nine
months and eight days. Mr. Kime grew to manhood on the
family ranch near Mullen, Nebr. Here he was united in
marriage to Miss Clara Maude De Villers. The couple
homesteaded near the old ranch home and experienced the
many hardships of early pioneer life. To the union seven
children were born. AFter several years on the homestead,
the Kimes assumed reponsibility of the Lund post-office,
making their residence there, and continuing
responsibilities for the ranch. On Oct. 30, 1932, Mrs.
Kime was called to her heavenly home. Mr. Kime remained
on the ranch, kept the family together, and carried on
the work. Mr. Kime was characterized by a generous
spirit, both with the members of his family, and with his
numerous friends and neighbors. Helpfulness to others
seemed to be the first principle of his life. His counsel
was sought by many people and was always generoulsly but
quietly given. Honest in all his dealings he was held in
high esteem by all who knew him. Out of sorrow an dling
affliction from a leg ailment, Mr. Kime developed the
rare quality of patience, sympathy, and understanding.
These qualities endeared him to his family, and to a wide
circle of friends, who will always hold him in grateful
remembrance. He is survived by his father, John Kime,
Ansley, Nebr., one brother, Nicholas Kiem; Three sisters,
Mrs. Cyrus Wofendin, Mullen, Nebr., Mrs. Roy Smith, St.
Cloud, Fla., Mrs. Wood Matlock, Ansley, Nebr.; two
daughters, Mrs. Charles Gwynn, Cody, Nebr., Mrs. John
Egli, Gordon, and Pvt. Harold Kime with the United States
service in Korea. In addition there remain 10
grandchildren, three great-grandchidlren, and many
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
"Valentine Republican," December 10, 1953
Fernando Thaddeus Barnes was born at Big Springs, Minn.,
February 19, 1864. For the past year and a half he has
been bedfast at his home in Hay Spirngs, under the care
of his daughter, Mildred. His illness became dangerous
Thanksgiving day and he was taken to the Rushville
hospital where he grew steadily worse and passed away
December 2, 1953 at the age of 89 years, 9 mos. and 13
days. When he was five years old he moved to Iowa with
his parents and grew to manhood there. April 2, 1884 he
was united in marriage with Ida Blafuss. To this union
eight children were born - May, Cecil, Alta, Byran,
Mildred and Claire. Two died in infancy. Mr. Barnes moved
from Iowa to O'Neill, Nebr. and then to Cherry County
south of Cody where they lived from 1888 to 1913. Later
they lived near Chadron for a few years, moving to Hay
Springs in 1918 where they have made their home ever
since. His early life was filled with trials and
hardships of the pioneers, and during his long illness
his patience and cheerfulness coupled with his dry humor
and keen memory of early events, was an inspiration to
all of his friends and neighbors. Besides his wife, Ida
and three children, Bryan of Scottsbluff, Claire of Omaha
and Mrs. Mildred Mueksch of Hay Springs, he leaves to
mourn his passing 18 grandchildren, 14 great
grandchildren, one brother, E. R. Barnes of Cody, and one
sister, Mrs. Alta Shelbourne of Ainsworth, and many other
relatives and friends. If Mr. Barnes had lived until
April 2, this pioneer couple would have celebrated their
70th wedding anniversay. Final rites were conducted from
the Methodist Church at Hay Springs on Friday at 2
o'clock with the Rev. Greer officiating. Burial was in
the Hay Springs Cemetery. Those from out of town
attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Barnes and
Mr. and Mrs. Al Aurich and son of Scottsbluff, Claire
Barnes and two daughters, Mary Jane and Eileen of Omaha,
Mrs. Eddie Shamis of Balentine, Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Sager, Mrs. Maggie Goodin, Mrs. Lee Sellers and Mrs. Wm.
Hinze of Gordon.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan county, Nebraska,
May 5, 1954]
Myrtle May Park (1877-1954)
Myrtle May Park was born in Mercer county, Penn., June
30, 1877 to A.W. and Alice Gealy and died April 28, 1954.
In 1885 she came with her parents to Gordon, Nebr., where
she made her home until 1912 when she moved to the ranch
where she lived until now. In November 1899 she was
united in marriage to Theodore S. Park, who preceded her
in death in February of 1931. To this union four children
were born: Gilbert W. Park and Mrs. Lewis Wiles of
Rushville, Mrs. Robert Bennett of Eugene, Ore., and T.
Shirley Park of Rushville. Besides these surviving are
three grandchildren, Ruth and Ralph Bennett and Mrs. Val
J. Doughty; two brothers Glenn and Lester Gealy of
Gordon; several cousins, nieces and nephews and a host of
friends. She has always had a deep and abiding faith in
her Masters guiding hand.
Carrie Belle Phillipy Ehlers
Carrie Belle Phillipy, daughter of George and Mary
Phillipy, was born July 29, 1889 at Woodbine, Iowa, and
died at the Gordon Memorial hospital May 24, 1954 at the
age of 64 years, 9 months and 25 days. On Aug. 9, 1912,
she was united in marriage to Adolph Ehlers at Logan,
Iowa, and to this union were born nine children; six sons
and three daughters. In 1921 she moved from Dunlap, Iowa,
to her home 18 miles southeast of Gordon, where she lived
until 1939, then moving back to Dunlap. Later she
returned to Gordon where she lived until her death. A
son, Dick J. and grandson George Wesley Ehlers, preceded
her in death in 1937. She was a kind and loving wife and
mother, always there when the family needed her -- always
willing to help others in sickness and in trouble.
Although in poor health the last two years, she never
complained. She was baptized in the Seventh-day Adventist
church of Gordon in the summer of 1953. Surviving are her
husband; sons, George of Warroad, Minn.; Frank of
Chadron; Henry and Fritz of Gordon, and Leroy, serving
with the armed forces in Germany; daughters, Mrs. Dayrold
Sipp, Mrs. Raymond Heywood and Mrs. Norman Evans, all of
Gordon; two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Vollmer of Dunlap, Iowa,
and Mrs. John Frederick of Boone, Iowa; one brother, John
Phillipy of Gordon; 15 grandchildren and a host of other
relatives and friends.
Source: The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan county,
Nebraska, June 9, 1954]
Robert Leroy Skanadore (1948-1954)
Robert Leroy Skandore was born Oct. 29, 1948 in
Rushville, Nebr. and died June 4, 1954 at Omaha, Nebr. at
the age of five years, eight months and 25 days. Bobby
Lee will always be remembered by his many friends for his
happy disposition and big smile. He was preceded in death
by one sister and one brother. He leaves to mourn his
passing, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nern Skanadore; two
sisters, Mary Kay and Beverly Jean; his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Skanadore, and Mrs. Eunice Tice; many
other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held
at the Gordon Gospel chapel and interment was in the
Gordon cemetery.
Source: The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan county,
Nebraska, June 9, 1954]
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, Aug. 18, 1954]
OBITUARY --- Hattie Tausan
Hattie Louisa Salisbury, daughter of
Alvin and Susanne Salisbury, was born in Colon, Mich., on
Nov. 15, 1885, and died on Aug. 10, 1954, aged 68 years,
8 months and 20 days.
She was united in marriage with Nels
S. Tausan at Gordon, Nebr. on March 15, 1905. This union
was blessed with four children. Her husband preceded her
in death on June 3, 1934.
When Hattie was nine months old, she
came with her parents from Michigan to Nebraska. The
family settled northwest of Gordon where they lived in a
sod house, where she remained until her marriage. When
she was just a child, her father died. Later her mother
was united in marriage with Frank Sandell. He became a
good and kind father to the children. In later years, he
made his home with Hattie and her family. After
Hatties marriage, she and her husband settled on a
farm one and one-half miles east of Clinton. They resided
here until 1922, when they moved to the town of Clinton.
She came to Gordon to live in 1946.
Mrs. Tausan has been a very faithful
and loyal member of the Methodist church for a long time.
She belonged to the Methodist church in Clinton for many
years. White there, she was an ardent worker in the
Ladies Aid Society. She later united with the Methodist
church in Gordon. She She attended Sunday School and
services of worship a great deal during this past year,
although her health was very poor. She was determined to
attend the services of her church as long as possible.
Mrs. Tausan was a member of the
Friendly Twelve club in Gordon and she was a charter
member of the Clinton project club. She greatly enjoyed
the participation in the activities of these clubs.
Her life was dedicated to helping
others. Besides raising her family, she was
mom to her grandchildren and many of her
friends and neighbors in the Clinton community.
Mrs. Tausan is survived by three
daughters: Mrs. George (Vera) Glover of Gordon, Nebr.;
Mrs. Bruce (Clair) Jenkins, New Plymouth, Idaho; Mrs.
John (Fern) Nath, Leland, Iowa; one son, Gerald L.
Tausan, Clinton, Nebr.; nine grandchildren; other
relatives and a host of friends.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Gordon
Methodist church. Pallbearers were: Lloyd Chappell,
Alfred Dennon, Mills Crane, C.J. Cunningham, Willard Hess
and Jonathon Perreten.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, Aug. 18, 1954]
Johanne Marie Nielsen Christiansen, daughter of Maren and
Niels Hansen, was born in Schleswig, Denmark, on June 23,
1863, and died at her home [in Gordon] on Aug. 11, 1954
at the age of 91 years, one month, and 19 days.
Mrs. Christiansen was the last of
her family of nine children. She was baptized and
confirmed in the Danish Lutheran faith in her homeland
and to this faith she adhered throughout her life.
At the age of 18 years she came to
America with her brother and sister and they settled in
Omaha, Nebr. It was here that she met and married Eric
Andersen on June 23, 1885. After their marriage they
moved to Racine, Wisc. To this union three children were
born: Walter, Kathrene and Eric. In 1890 they came to
Gordon to make their home. The following year, Mr.
Andersen died. Mrs. Andersen and her three small children
stayed and kept house for her father. In 1896 she was
married to Peter Christiansen. They made their home on a
farm nine miles east of Gordon. In 1898, Mr. Christiansen
and the youngest son, Eric, died. After Mr.
Christiansens death she remained on her farm and
endured the hardships of pioneer life, while raising her
two children. In 1936 she moved to her home in Gordon
where she lived until the time of her death.
She was a loving and devoted mother
and was loved and respected by all who knew her. Her son
Walter preceded her in death on April24, 1951.
Surviving are her daughter, Kathrene Andersen and her
sons family; Mrs. Anna Andersen of Denver, Colo.;
one grandson and five granddaughters; five
great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and many friends.
Funeral services were conducted by
the Rev. S.A. Hanke in the Presbyterian Church, Gordon,
Saturday afternoon, August 14.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, September 15, 1954]
Tuchenhagen Rites Sunday Afternoon
Fred Tuchenhagen, 63, prominent rancher of this vicinity,
died unexpectedly last Thursday afternoon, Sept. 9. He
had worked in his yard and had been downtown during the
forenoon when he spoke to friends of having felt under
par the night before. After lunch, he complained to his
wife of recurring pain and asked that the doctor be
summoned. He was rushed to Gordon Memorial hospital where
he died about 2 p.m.
Engaged for years in the livestock business, Mr.
Tuchenhagen retired in the fall of 1952 when he and Mrs.
Tuchenhagen moved to Gordon where they had built a
modern, ranch-type home.
Surviving are his wife Ethel; one
sister, Mrs. Joy Fairhead, Merriman; two half-brothers,
John Seveland, Gordon, and Sam Seveland, Merriman.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the
Presbyterian church, the Rev. Silas A. Hanke in charge.
Burial was in the Gordon cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers were L.A. Brooks, Lyle Hull and
Fay Hill of Gordon; Ray Cozad, O.A. Hodson and R.D. Cook
of Martin, S.D.
An obituary appears on another page of todays
Fred Tuchenhagen:
Fred Tuchenhagen was born at Gordon, Nebr., on Sept. 8,
1891 and died Sept. 9, 1954 at the age of 63 years and 1
day. On Nov. 25, 1929, he was married to Ethel Gardner of
Des Moines, Iowa.
Most of Mr. Tuchenhagens life
was spent in the Gordon vicinity except for a few years
that were spent in operating a store in Allen, S.D. His
occupation was ranching and he became most successful in
his chosen work. Just recently Mr. and Mrs. Tuchenhagen
leased their ranch.
Mr. Tuchen-hagen was in the first World War and spent
much time in overseas duty. He was a part of the 39th
Infantry Regiment, Company B. He was in many of the major
battles, including the battle of Chateau-Thierry; the
battle of Saint Mihiel and the battle of the Argonne
Mr. Tuchenhagen was active in many organizations. He was
a member of the Fred Sturdevant post of the American
Legion, Gordon; Masonic Pioneer Lodge No. 219 of Martin,
S.D.; the Alliance Consistory; Tangier Shrine of Omaha;
the IOOF Lodge and the Easter Star, Chapter 171 of
Martin. He served as master of the lodge and also was a
past patron of the Eastern Star. He was a member of the
First Presbyterian Church of Gordon.
Freds pleasing personality
made for him many friends and his sudden passing was a
great shock to the whole community.
He leaves to mourn his death, his wife Ethel; one sister,
Mrs. Joy Fairhead of Merriman; two half-brothers, John
Seveland of Gordon and Sam Seveland of Merriman; nieces
and nephews and many, many friends. Funeral services were
held Sunday afternoon, Sept. 12th, at the Presbyterian
Church. Burial was in the Gordon cemetery.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan county, Nebraska,
March 23, 1955]
C.A. Stratton. (1877-1955)
Charles Aubrey Stratton was born at Des Moines, Iowa, on
March 20, 1877. He suffered a severe stroke of paralysis
on Monday evening and died at the Gordon Memorial
hospital, at Gordon, Nebr. on Tuesday afternoon, March
10, 1955, aged 77 years, 11 months and 25 days.
Mr. Stratton was united in marriage to Goldie McNamee on
April 13, 1902, at Merriman, Nebr. For most of his life
he was engaged in paper-hanging and painting, a trade he
learned from his father. He brought much happiness and
satisfaction to many people through this occupation. Mr.
Stratton resided in the Gordon Community for 65 years. He
believed Gordon to be a friendly town, a good place to
live. He possessed a friendly personality. He is survived
by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Walter Perry and Mrs.
Frank Davidson of Portland, Ore; two sisters, Mrs. Andy
Schow, Portland, Ore. and Mrs. George Williams, Colorado
Springs, Colo.; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; other
relatives and friends.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, Wednesday, Jan. 19, 1955]
William Cleveland Arnold (1885-1955)
William Cleveland Arnold was born April 10, 1885, at
Tilden, Nebr. and died at his home in Alliance, Nebr. on
Jan 5, 1955, at age 69. His parents died when he was a
very young boy and he was taken to live with his
grandparents in Iowa, where he grew to manhood. He came
to western Nebraska while still a young man and filed on
a homestead some 35 miles southeast of Gordon. On Oct.
26, 1910 he was united in marriage to Miss Ella Johnson
of Gordon, Nebr., and to this union eight children were
born. After proving up on his homestead he moved to a
farm west of Martin, S.D., later moving to Gordon where
he and his family made their home until 1926 when he
moved to Alliance where he established a home where he
has since resided. Mr. Arnold was a kind and loving
husband and father, his first thoughts always being of
his wife and children. He was proud of his family and his
home. Besides his wife he leaves to mourn him, Miss
Jennie Arnold, Scottsbluff, Nebr., Mrs. Bertha
Hunderdmark, Pomona, Calif., Mrs. Frances Wallace,
Antioch, Calif., Miss Doris Arnold, Gering, Nebr., Gordon
Arnold, Laramie, Wyo., and Chester Arnold, Scottsbluff,
Nebr. One daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Bowder, and one infant
son preceded him in death. Funeral services were held at
the Walker Funeral Home in Alliance under the direction
of the Nazarene Church on Jan. 8. Burial was in the
Alliance cemetery. Attending the funeral from Gordon were
Martin B. Johnson, Mrs. Mamie Hansen, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Hansen, and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Hansen.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, Wednesday, Jan. 19, 1955]
William Wesley Ladely (1878-1955)
William Wesley Ladely, eldest son of Charlie and Aceanith
Ladely, was born at Keswick, Ia., on Febr. 15, 1878, and
died at Cody, Nebr. Jan. 14, 1955, at the age of 76
years, 10 months and 29 days. In the year of 1898 he came
to Holt county, Nebr. Two years later he came with his
parents to Cherry county and filed on a homestead
southeast of Newton. Later, he worked on different
ranches in Cherry county. Bill, as he was known by his
friends, was a true friend and neighbor. His sudden death
Friday morning was caused by a heart attack. Surviving
him are his two brothers, Henry and Albert of Gordon, and
one sister Anna Carson of Red Bird, Nebr., also six
nephews and three nieces; a host of relatives and many
friends. Preceding him in death were his father, mother
and one sister. The funeral services were conducted at
the First Methodist Church in Gordon, Monday, Jan. 17,
1955, the Rev. Ben Wallace officiating. Burial was in the
Gordon cemetery.
[The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
Sheridan county, Nebraska, March 23, 1955]
THOMAS R. HARDIN (1886-1955)
Thomas Rohrer Hardin, son of William D. and Hattie Hardin
was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Aug. 20, 1886 and died
March 18, 1955 in the Gordon hospital at the age of 68
years, six months, 28 days. His early life was spent at
the place of his birth and he was educated in the Council
Bluffs schools. In early childhood Mr. Hardin worked for
the John Deere Plow company. Later he was associated with
his father in the assessors office in Council
Bluffs. He came to Sheridan county in 1907 and took up a
homestead south of the Niobrara river. Following his
experience on his homestead farm, Mr. Hardin moved to an
adjacent farm and engaged in farming and raising
livestock. In 1923 he moved to a ranch east of Gordon and
remained there till 1947. His last years were spent on a
cattle ranch 22 miles south of Gordon. On March 16, 1944
he was united in marriage to Miss Esther Kearney at
Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. Hardin, know to his many
friends as Tom, was widely known throughout the territory
as a highly respected citizen and a friend to man. He
genuinely loved nature with all its animal and bird life,
and the wide open territory. He was a great sportsman and
loved to hunt wild game, but always mindful of good
sportsmanship. He is survived by his widow and a son by a
previous marriage, W.D. Hardin, San Francisco, Calif., a
brother Dudley M. Hardin and a nephew Kenneth of Gordon,
other relatives and many friends. Funeral services were
held in the Presbyterian church, Tuesday at 2 p.m. and
interment made in the Gordon cemetery. Pall-bearers were:
Leonard Sandage, Bernard Sandage, Melvin Armstrong, W.J.
Magowan, Sid Waterman and Ben Schaer.
Anna May Allen, daughter of Hermon P. and Helen M. Allen
was born July 4, 1878 at Fond Du Lac, Wisc. and died at
Redondo Beach, Calif. May 5 1957 at the age of 78 years,
10 months and one day. She moved from Wisconsin to
Gordon, Nebr. with her parents at the age of seven. On
March 26, 1895 she was united in marriage to Charles Case
and to this union was born one child, Merle C. Case. Her
husband Charles Case died Nov. 17, 1898. She was married
to Harry Stauffer on April 1, 1901 and to this union were
born six children: Velma Stauffer, deceased; Helen
Troxel, Omaha, Nebr.; Dale Stauffer, deceased; Gordon
Stauffer and (still living June 1999)*, both of Redondo
Beach, Calif. Surviving are her four sons, one daughter,
five grandchildren and five great grandchildren; a
sister, Mrs. W. D. Benedict, Bellwood, Nebr.; a brother
Forrest Allen, Bremerton, Wash.; other relatives and many
friends. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock, May 9
in the Gates funeral home, the Rev. John Mikkelsen,
pastor of the Methodist church in charge. *Name of living
daughter was omitted. Remaining text of obituary is
transcribed as it was written. Source Unknown. Found
among family possessions.
Submitted by Nancy Troxel Schatz
Gordon Nebr. -1959
Funeral services were conducted at Gordon, Saturday
afternoon for Samuel W. Ellis, 70, of Cody, who passed
away Wednesday evening, December 9, 1959, following
several weeks of illness, at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Ray Colvin in Rapid City, South Dakota. Services
were conducted at the Gates Funeral home by Rev. Holland
Vaughan of Cody and committal was in the Gordon Cemetery.
Arrangements were under the direction of Behrens Mortuary
of Rapid City, and with American Legion grave-side rites.
Mr. Ellis, a native of Kansas, was
born June 15, 1889, at Seldon, Kansas. Later he moved to
Nenzel, Nebraska with his parents. He spent most of his
life in western Nebraska. On November 29, 1922, he
married Ruby Hellen Reeves. For thepast fourteen years
this couple lived in Cody. Mr. Ellis was employed as
school janitor until he retired. He was a veteran of
World War I, and a member of Cody Legion Post and World
War I Post in Valentine. Mr. Ellis is survived by his
wife. He was the father of seven sons and three daughters
and was preceded in death by one sonm Melvern, who
drowned in an irrigation canal at Ceres, California. He
was the grandfather fo fufteen grandchildren. Mr. Ellis'
nine surviving children are six sons, Robert, Cody;
Arhtur and Ben, Pueblo, Caolorado; Jack, Crawford;
Clifford, Bushnell, Nebraska and Ronnie of Lincoln. Three
daughters, Mrs. Ray Colvin, (Mary Ardath); Mrs. John
Gray, (Dorothy), and Mrs. Mel Kitchen, (Sharon), all of
Rapid City, South Dakota. He also leaves to mourn his
passing two brother, Eugene of Valentine and Rockford of
Cody; one sister, Nettie Barr of Phoenix, Arizona;
several nieces and nephews, a host of friends and other
relatives. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him
as he never had an unkind work for anyone. Pallbearers
were Rodney Dimmick, Ted and Mac Connery all of Cody,
Bill May of Nenzel, Joe Sanders and Robert McGauhey of
Gordon. Legionaires who helped with grave side rites were
John Nelson, Mike Schmit, Raymond Andrews, John Nollette,
Leo Stasch, Gene Deweese, Gen Kehre, Gary Eberly, Clinton
Wobig, Donald Adams, Donald Wobig, Jim Kroeger, Bud
Schmit, Charlie Starr, and Danny Stasch.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]

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