
Obituaries -
Rushville Nebr -1974
Harry Lee Perry was born in Oklahoma, Sept. 8, 1887, and
passed away at Vista del Rio, Kansas City, Mo., July 27,
1974, at the age of 86 years and 10 mos. The early part
of his life was spent in the Creighton, Nebr. area. Feb.
25, 1908, he was married to Agnes Irene Nutter, at
Gettysburg, S.D. To this union two daughters were born,
Lavina and Laresta. After homesteading in Perkins Countym
So. Dak. they moved to Rushville, Nebr. In 1924 they
began ranching at Eli, Nebraska. After 20 years they
moved to Oregon, where he worked for the State Commission
intil he retired. In 1969 they noved to Kansas City. Here
they resided in a retirement home until he passed away.
He was a member o the United Methodist Church. His
parents, and 2 sisters preceded him in death. Surviving
are his wife, Agnes; 2 daughter, Mrs. Maynard Ryno,
(Lavina) of Williford, Ark. and Mrs., J. A. Wickman,
(Laresta) of Eli, Nebr.; six grandchildren, Mrs. Berniece
Klamm, Independence, Mo., Perry Ryno, California, Mrs.
Clara Ahders, of Idaho, Mrs. Larella Campbell, John
Wickman of Eli, and Mrs. Jane Cady of Valentine; 12
great-grandchildren, 2 nieces, 1 nephew and a host of
friends. Rev. Russell DeWitt of Cody had charge of the
services at the Chapel at Chamberlain Funeral Home,
Rushville. Burial was at the Fairview Cemetery,
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
Valentine Nebr. -1975
Funeral services for Mrs. Don Vainton, 68, were held at 2
o'clock Saturday afternoon, March 15, in St. Leo's
Catholic church at Gordon. Burial was in Gordon cemetery.
Mrs. Vinton died Wednesday, March 12, [1975] while
vacationing in Las Vega, Nev. Immediate survivors include
a daughter, Mrs. William Barnes of Monroe, Ia., and a
son, Pat of Gordon.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
"Valentine News," April 3, 1975
Funeral services are today at 2 p.m. at the Gordon
Methodist Church for Emil Malmberg, 72, owner and
operator of the Malmberg Cattle Co. for the past 16
years. Malmberg died Sunday night at a Gordon hospital
following a heart attack at his home there. Malmberg was
born in Pender, Neb., and moved to the Goron area in
1911. He worked for the Carson Ranch at Gordon from 1928
to 1938 and then worked for the E. John Brandeis Ranch
near Cody from 1939 to 1959. Survivors include his widow,
Vera; sons, Charles and Don of Gordon; Jack of Chadron
and Tom, in Alaska; daughters, Mrs. Vance Burton, Dallas,
Tex.; Mrs. James Collins, of Maine; June, at home, and
nine grandchildren.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
Gordon Nebr. -1975
Fritz Theodore Sandoz was born July 30, 1903, the
youngest son of Jules and Mary Sandoz, on their Niobrara
river homestead. He died at the Gordon Memorial hospital,
Monday, Dec. 29, 1975, at the age of 72 years, four
months and 29 days, after a lingering illness. He lived
on this homestead until he was nine years old, then moved
with his parents to what is now known as the Sandoz fruit
farm, where he grew to manhood. He was united in marriage
to Blanche Ridenour, Aug. 17, 1927, at Rushville, and the
couple made their home south of Seneca, until 1929, then
moved to the old Pete Sandoz place which they purchased,
and he lived here until the time of his death, having
ranched 50 years for himself. There were no children born
to this union, but they took in several boys and girls
and made a home for them through the years. He was
especially fond of children. Fritz was widely known and
highly thought of by everyone who knew him. He had
compassion for all who needed help in any way trying his
best to do his part which resulted in Fritz and Blanche
receiving the Ak-Sar-Ben Good Neighbor award in 1971.
Preceding him in death were his parents, Jules and Mary
Sandoz and a sister, Mari. He was a kind and loving
husband, brother and neighbor and leaves to mourn his
wife Blanche, two brothers, Jules and James Sandoz; two
sisters, Flora Sandoz and Caroline Sandoz Pifer, all
living south of Gordon, the children for whom they made a
home several nieces and nephews and a host of other
relatives and friends.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
"Valentine News," June 24, 1976
Elsie L. Auman was born November 18, 1891, at Orchard,
Nebraska, to John and Margaret Auman, and passed away
June 10, 1976, at Rushville, Nebraska. She was educated
and grew to womanhood in the Orchard comunity. She came
to Cherry County in 1913 where she taught two terms of
school. She was married to D. J. Cole October 17, 1915.
To this union one daughter, Ada Mae, was born. Elsie was
a member of the United Brethren Church in Orchard and
later transferred her membership to the Merriman United
Methodist Church. She was also a member of the Order of
Eastern Star. Elsie was preceded in death by her husband,
Jay; her parents, 3 brothers, and 3 sisters. She is
survived by her daugher, Ada Mae, and her son-in-law,
Stan Boltz of Merriman; by one brother, John Auman of
Orchard; several brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law; by
several nieces and nephews and a host of friends.
Memorial services were at the Chanberlain Chapel,
Rushville, Neb., June 14 with interment at Gordan, Nebr.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
William Orin Slater, son of Albert and Henrietta (Long)
Slater, was born January 3, 1897 at Purden, Mo. He died
at the Gordon Memorial hospital, January 2, 1976, one day
short of 79 years. Orin spent his childhood at Hot
Springs, S. D. until age 17 when he came to the U-Cross
ranch south of Gordon. He worked there and on other
ranches as a cowboy until 1942 when he purchased a farm
one mile east of Gordon. He moved his family to Gordon at
that time and resided her until the time of his death.
Orin was united in marriage to Georgia Raye Nern, July
19, 1923 at Rushville. To this union were born three
sons, Donald Orin and Stanley Ray of Scottsbluff, and
William Maurice of Houston, Tex. Orin has lived in this
community for 61 years and enjoyed ranching, farming and
trucking. He was a member of the Old Time Cowboys
association. He attended the Church of God regularly and
had received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior some 13
years ago. He was a member of the organization of Men of
the Church of God. Orin had also served on the board of
trustees, Faith Promise missionary bard and was an Usher
for the local congregation. He was the head bus driver
for the Sunday schoolas well as South Main street Church
of God. He was very faithful in attendance in the regular
services as well as in carrying out his responsibilities.
He was preceded in death by his parents and leaves to
mourn him, one sister, Lela Wolfe, Cherry Valley, Calif;
two half-sisters, Hilma LaFon, Minatare and Dora Pliley,
Harbor City, Calif.; his wife, Raye of the home; sons
Donald and Stanley of Scottsbluff and Maurice of Houston,
Tex., also one grandson and six granddaughters and a host
of other relatives and friends. Services were conducted
at the Church of God, Monday, January 5, 1976, at 2:00
p.m. with Pastor Ross Craig officiating. Music was
provided by Mr. and Mrs. Morey Bruce with Mrs. Walter
Frey at the organ. Pallbearers were Dwight Thorsen, Donal
Thorsen, Johnny Kearns, Nern Skanadore, Bob Skanadore and
Jim Gwynn. Interment was in the Gordon cemetery.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
Rushville-1978 (Child died Feb. 4, 1978, obituary in
paper dated Feb. 8, 1978.)
Services at Chamberlain Mortuary followed by graveside
services were held Wednesday morning for Steven Joseph
Kearns, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kearns.
He is survived by his parents, one brother Rick, and
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kearns and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Brennfoder of Fairfield, Ne.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
(Funeral Card)
In Memory of Vedah B. Leach
Date of Birth: February 8, 1904
Date of Death: August 5, 1978
Time and Place of Service: Tuesday, August 8, 1978 - 2
p.m., United Methodist Church
Minister: Rev. John Baker
Music: Organist, Mrs. Gordon Mills; Soloist, Gordon Mills
Place of Interment: Gordon Cemetery
Ballbearers: Alvon Rawles, Fred Rawles, Ivan Rawles,
Harold Whitcomb, Mack Galloway, John Galloway
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
(Sheridan county) Nebraska, September 4, 1978]
Obituaries: Ruthe Celestina Baker was born near Irwin in
Cherry county, the daughter of Celestina Alexander and
Levi Ray Baker. When of school age Ruthe moved with her
parents to Gordon where she entered school. She became a
school teacher and taught in Grand Island and Casper,
Wyo. She married Marshall T. (Slim) Rice of Casper, an
employee of C&NW Railroad. In 1940 the Riches were
transferred to Chadron. Mr. Rice died in October, 1955. A
month ago, Ruthe decided to convalesce in Gordon to be
near her sister, Mrs. Wayland Case. She died on August
28, 1978, at Gordon Memorial hospital. Her husband,
parents and brothers, Rev. Ray M. Baker and Howard C.
Baker, prec ?? lth. After the war, she ???
The Gordon Journal, Gordon,
(Sheridan county) Nebraska, September 11, 1978]
Lewis Peter Pruden was born July 6, 1918, near Merriman
at the ranch home of his parents, James and Alice Nelson
Pruden, and died Sept. 4, 1978, at Bemidji, Minn. He
attended the Gordon public schools where the family moved
after the death of his father in 1924. Lewis served in
the Air Force during World War II. Surviving are four
brothers and a sister: Harry of Springfield, Ohio; Arnold
of Gordon; Keith of Beaumont, Tex.; Leland of Gordon, and
Mrs. Arlene Gorton of Crawford as well as nieces and
nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and a
brother, Sidney. Burial was in Gordon cemetery.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon (Sheridan
county), Nebraska, October 25, 1978]
Fred Lewis Cerny was born to Frank and Georgia Cerny on
March 31, 1909 at the home northeast of Rushville in the
Milan community. He grew up with four brothers and three
sisters. He attended eight years of school in the Milan
district, then worked at numerous jobs in the community
before serving his country in World War II. Fred was
united in marriage to Alma Barth, Dec. 31, 1937. To this
union four children were born: ElloDee Finkey, Rushville;
Dell of Arnold; Roger of Chadron and Rickey of Clinton.
Fred was a very active man in the community, well liked
by young and old, always ready to help anyone anywhere.
He enjoyed fishing, hunting and especially outdoor fun
and games with his children. He loved working in the soil
and took special pride in his garden, which he raised for
his family and friends. Fred was a person who never was
in a hurry but always accomplished things he set out to
do. He was a member of the Lutheran church, American
Legion, Golden Age Swingers, Northwest Vintage Car club
and other community organizations. He was dearly loved by
his family and many friends, young and old. He was
preceded in death by his parents, one infant sister Em???
The Gordon Journal - Gordon
(Sheridan county), Nebraska, October 25, 1978]
Mr. Frank Bresee passed away at his home in Gordon last
Saturday after a long illness. Mr. Bresee had long been
one of Gordon s best known citizens and his illness
brought to his bedside hosts of old-time friends who
called to cheer him up. Death was caused by anemia. Frank
Bresee was born at Council Bluffs, Iowa, November 14,
1855, and died at his home in Gordon October 20, 1928. He
was the son of David and Mary A. Bresee and came with his
parents to David City, Nebr., while still a small boy. He
grew to manhood there and on October 24, 1880, he was
married to Margaret Gardner. They were the parents of
four children: Mary Smith, Florence Coleman, Richard D.
and Bessie. The youngest daughter died in infancy and
Richard preceded the father in death several years ago.
In the spring of 1885, Mr. Bresee came with his family to
Gordon and located on a homestead northeast of town; and,
after living there a few years, engaged in the ranch
business at Irwin. Later he came to Gordon and resided
here until the time of his death. He is survived by his
wife, the two daughters, four grandchildren and one great
grandchild, and also by a sister, Mrs. A.B. McDowell of
La Crescenta, Calif. Funeral services were held on last
Monday afternoon from the home with Rev. C.L. Shelby of
the Presbyterian church in charge, and interment was in
Gordon cemetery
The Gordon Journal, Gordon (Sheridan
county), Nebraska, October 25, 1978]
A tragic accident happened at the Keith Hagler home, near
the Jay Cole ranch at Merriman, Saturday afternoon when
the Hagler's four year old daughter Jeanette was severely
burned when Mrs. Hagler was burning trash near the place.
Mrs. Hagler had just stepped into the ??? hily; and two
brothers, Franklin and Joe. Surviving besides his wife
and children are 12 grandchildren; two brothers, George
of Marion, Ohio, and Archie of Gordon; three sisters,
Hester Winter of Rushville, Frances VanBriggle of Gordon,
and Rose Jacobson of Portland, Ore., many nieces and
nephews and a host of friends. ??? soon as Mrs. Hagler's
brother, who is in the service, can reach home. The
sympathy of the whole community goes out to Mr. and Mrs.
??? aid. The little girl died early Sunday morn ???
"Sheridan County Star," March 1, 1979
Anna Christina Heesacker was born March 14, 1893, and
passed away Frebruary 21, 1979, at the age of 85 years,
11 months and 7 days. She was born on her parents
homestead, southeast of Hay Springs, where she grew to
young womanhood. After graduating from the eighth grade,
she attended teacher's college in Valentine for one year.
She then taught in several rural schools in the
community. On April 21, 1915, she was united in marriage
to Martin Heesacker. The couple resided for two years in
the country; then nine years in Hay Springs, before
moving to their present home seven miles soiuth of Hay
Springs. To this union two children were born, Maxine
(Mrs. Harold Dorshorst) and Margaret (Mrs. William E.
Walgren). Anna loved life and people. Through her
friendliness and zest for living she brought much joy and
happiness to those who knew her. She collected poems.
Anna is survived by her husband, Martin, two daughters,
four granddaughters and one great-granddaughter. She was
preceded in death by her sister, Alvena Schimdt and a
grandson, Donald Dorshorst. Anna's first concern was
always her family to whom she gave so much loving, caring
and encouragement. She will be greatly missed. Memorial
services were held February 26th at the Hay Springs
United Methodist Church with the Rev. William P. Moore
officiating. Committal was in the Hay Springs Cemetery.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
"Sheridan County Star," February 15, 1979
Myrtle A. Points, 84, died Tuesday, Febraury 6th, in a
hospital in San Diego, California. Mrs. Points, who was a
longtime resident of the Rushville community had worked
for 25 years at the Rushville Community Hospital and was
a very well known and loved member of the community. She
retired from nursing on October 1, 1971, after serving at
the hospital for 25 years, and moved to California to be
near her children. Mrs. Points was born in Ardmore, South
Dakota, on September 23, 1894. She received her education
in Catholic schools in South Dakota. She was married to
Claude Points and the couple homesteaded on Craven Creek
north of Rushville in Nebraska. To this union was born
five children, three of whom survive. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Claude; infant son Jack and son
Claude William. Survivors are sons, Miles of Ridgecrest,
California, and Tom of Alaska; one daughter, Doris (Mrs.
Pete Koonz) San Diego; eight grandchildren and 14 great
grandchildren. Rosary for Mrs. Points was recited Sunday
evening, February 11th and gaveside services were held
Monday, February 12th. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery
with Father Phillips officiating. Chamberlain Mortuary
was in charge of local arrangements.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
"Sheridan County Star," February 22, 1979
Herbert Ruleau, the eldest son of ten children, was born
September 23, 1897, to Nick and Leta Livermore Ruleau at
Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Mr. Ruleau passed away Feb. 16,
1979 at the Gordon Memorial Hospital at the age of 81
years, four months and 24 days. On November 8, 1924, he
wa united in marriage to Heln Kendall at Martin, South
Dakota. To this union were born six daughters and two
sons. The Ruleaus made their home in Martin where he was
a cook and worked on surrounding ranches. they lived for
two years in Pine Ridge. In 1941, they moved to Gordon
and made their home until his death. While in gordon, he
worked as a cook, a butcher and caretaker of the Gordon
Villa. Mr. Ruleau was a member of the St. Marks Episcopal
Church, a life member of the Americh Legion and Old Time
Cowosy Association. In June 1976, he was awarded the Good
Neighbor Award. He leaves to mourn his passing his loving
wife, Helen, of 54 years; six daughters, Betty Trombley,
Whittier, California; Laurine Ruleau, Window Rock, Ariz.;
Geraldine Scherbarth, Hay Springs; Phyllis Junghans,
Moxee, Washington; Ives Molander, Camache, Iowa, and
Nancy Stults of Blairstown, Iowa; two sons, Donald of
Lead, South Dakota and Herbie of Clarkstown, Mississippi;
30 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren; three
brothers, Frank and Paul of Lander, Wyoming and Edward of
Deadwood, South Dakota; two sister, Louise Cottier of
Flandreau, South Dakota and Hazel St. Antoine of
Portland, Oregon. Mr. Ruleau was preceded in death by his
parents, three sisters and one brother. Funeral services
were held in St. Leo's Catholic Church in Gordon, with
Father John Nelson, Sr., of the Episcopal Church in
cahrge of services. Interment was in the Hay Springs
Cemetery with full military services.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
Valentine Newspaper-August 30, 1979
Leo Joseph (Louder) Cotant was born Aug. 13, 1900, to
Joseph H. Louder and Ida F. McHenry at Indianola, Iowa.
He passed away Aug. 21, 1979, at the Rushville Nursing
Home at the age of 79 years, 8 days. Leo's father passed
away when he was but a few days old so he was reared by a
step-father, John H. Cotant. The family moved to
Interior, So. Dak., then to Mullen, Nebr., in 1913 where
Leo attended school at Dry Valley, Nebr. Leo worked at he
Carver and Big Creek Ranch for 18 years where he met and
married Opal Irene Phillips. They were married December
23, 1933, at Martin, So. Dak. To this union 5 children
were born. In 1942 the family moved to Cody, Nebr. where
they carried mail from Cody to Rolf for 4 years. In 1944
he went into the trucking business for himself, retiring
in 1969 due to ill health. In 1970 they moved to
Ogallala, Nebr., for a year, moving from there to the ABC
Ranch near Kilgore. In Aug. 1974 they moved to Gordon to
be near the doctor. His last few months had been spent in
the Rushville Nursing Home. Leo belonged to the Old-Time
Cowboys Association, the Truckers Association, and R. S.
U. P. Senior Volunteers. Survivors include his wife,
Opal; two daughters, Mrs. Bill (Arlene) Dahlgrin and Mrs.
Ralph (Helen) Ballard, both of Ogallala; 3 sons, Larry J.
of Green Acres, Wash., Leslie D. of Gordon and Lance J.
of Casper; 2 sons-in-law, Billand Ralph, 3
daughters-in-law, Kay, Debbie, and Gayle; 12
grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren; one sister,
Ethel Johnston of Edmonds, Wash.; 3 brothers, Lloyd of
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jim of Scottsbluff and Merle of
St. Clair, Mo.; also a host of neices and nephews.
Services were held Friday, August 24, at the Methodist
Church in Gordon at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. R. DeWitt of Cody
in charge.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
Johnnie Virgil Egli, son of John and Gertrude Egli, was
born at Gordon, Dec. 14, 1906 and died at the Gordon
Memorial hospital April 23, 1979. He was preceded in
death by his parents and two sisters, Ruth Egli and Agnes
(Mrs. Carroll) Smith. Johnnie spent his life working the
land he loved and caring for family and friends. He was
active in many community and civic organizations,
including the United Methodist church, Masonic lodge,
Eastern Star, Scottish Rite, Shrine, Tri-State Cowboys
association, Toastmasters, chamber of commerce and served
for many years as chairman of the local Town and Country
days. In addition to farming, he spent 13 years as
fieldman for the Triple A farm program, a brand inspector
in South Dakota and Nebraska and also worked for the
Mobil Oil company. He is survived by his wife Ann and his
four children, Dorla (Mrs. James) Swick of Texas, Boyd
Egli and wife JoEllen of Gordon, JoAnn (Mrs. Bernard)
Benson, also of Gordon, and Clyda (Mrs. Larry) Elginer of
California. Also a sister Edith (Mrs. Clayton) Downs of
Kansas, 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. He
will be fonldy remembered by all who were privileged to
know him. As was consistent with his nature, Johnnie was
concerned with the future. In this regard, he left
instructions for his funeral arrangements, selections of
songs and also had requested a poem, written by his wife
Ann, to be read.
(Note: No funeral or burial information included in this
[transcribed by Kaylynn]
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 2, 1979
Florence Blank 1880-1978
Florence May Roberts was born in Boone county, Ia., Feb.
15, 1880, a daughter of James and Arebell Roberts..
Florence died at the Good Samaritan Center in Gordon,
November 29, 1978 at the age of 98 years, 9 months and 14
days. She moved to Nebraska and South Dakota with her
family when a small child. In 1897 she was united in
marriage with Gustav Nelson at Black Hawk, S.D. They
lived in the Black Hills, later moving to Nebraska. To
this union were born five daughters: Ethel Fix, who
preceded her in death; Betty Scharman, Martin, S.D.;
Frankie Hudnall, Denver, Colo.; Gladys Gregg of Stiles,
Ida.; and Dolly Johnson of Greeley, Colo. Nelson preceded
his wife in death in 1909.
In 1911 she was united in marriage with Fred Blank of
Valentine. They made their home in Cherry county. To this
union were born three daughters: Bessie Doty, Vancouver,
Wash.; Leona Hooper and Lena Johns, both of Gordon. She
was a member of the Baptist church.
Fred Blank preceded his wife in death in 1937. Mrs. Blank
lived in Gordon ever since that time. She is survived by
seven daughters, 17 grandchildren, 42
great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, and
nieces and nephews. Services were held Saturday, Dec. 2,
at the Chamberlain chapel at Chadron with the Rev. Truman
Sproles officiating. Burial was in the Greenwood cemetery
at Chadron.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 2, 1979
Mrs. Elmer Thayer 1921-1978
Funeral services for Mrs. Elmer Thayer were held at 1:30
p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1978, at Chamberlain-Gates
mortuary with the Rev. John Baker officiating. Mrs.
Thayer, the former Alyse Freeman, was born Sept. 4, 1921
in Gordon and died Dec. 14, 1978 in Columbus, Ind. Burial
was in the Gordon cemetery. Pallbearers were Tom Thayer,
Roger Thayer, Billy Thayer, Woody Thayer, Michael Thayer
and Jess Freeman.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 2, 1979
Joseph J. Davis 1959-1978
Joseph John Davis, 19, of Merriman, died Monday, Dec. 11
at Gordon Memorial hospital. Joe was born Nov. 24, 1959
at Gordon, a son of Mike and Erma Davis. He lived his
first three years in Merriman then moved with his family
to a rural area south of Gordon for two years and a
summer in Manville, Wyo. He returned to the Merriman and
Gordon area s where he lived until his death. Joe was a
senior at Gordon high school and a member of the Catholic
church. He is survived by his parents, Mike and Erma
Davis of Merriman, and four brothers, Mike Jr., of
Chappell, David of Alliance, Kenneth and Perry and a
sister Anna of Merriman. Rosary was at 7:00 p.m. Dec. 13
and funeral services were held Dec. 14 at 9:00 a.m. at
St. Elizabeth Catholic church at Merriman with Father
John Dennett officiating. Burial was St. Joseph Catholic
cemetery at Broken Bow.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, Jan. 2, 1979
Florence M. Nelson Blank née Roberts 1880-1978
Florence May Roberts was born in Boone county, Ia., Feb.
15, 1880, a daughter of James and Arebell Roberts.
Florence died at the Good Samaritan Center in Gordon,
November 29, 1978 at the age of 98 years, 9 months and 14
days. She moved to Nebraska and South Dakota with her
family when a small child. In 1897 she was united in
marriage with Gustav Nelson at Black Hawk, S.D. They
lived in the Black Hills, later moving to Nebraska. To
this union were born five daughters: Ethel Fix, who
preceded her in death; Betty Scharman, Martin, S.D.;
Frankie Hudnall, Denver, Colo.; Gladys Gregg of Stiles,
Ida.; and Dolly Johnson of Greeley, Colo. Nelson preceded
his wife in death in 1909. In 1911 she was united in
marriage with Fred Blank of Valentine. They made their
home in Cherry county. To this union were born three
daughters: Bessie Doty, Vancouver, Wash.; Leona Hooper
and Lena Johns, both of Gordon. She was a member of the
Baptist church. Blank preceded his wife in death in 1937.
Mrs. Blank lived in Gordon ever since that time. She is
survived by seven daughters, 17 grandchildren, 42
great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, and
nieces and nephews. Services were held Saturday, Dec. 2,
at the Chamberlain chapel at Chadron with the Rev. Truman
Sproles officiating. Burial was in the Greenwood cemetery
at Chadron.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, Jan. 10, 1979
Florence Blank 1880-1978
Florence May Roberts was born in Boone county, Ia., Feb.
15, 1880, a daughter of James and Arebell Roberts.
Florence died at the Good Samaritan Center in Gordon,
November 29, 1978 at the September of 1972; her parents,
six brothers and one sister. Survivors include a son,
Harry and his wife Agnes of Gordon; daughter Sina Ray and
her husband Dewey of Rapid City, S.D.; two grandsons,
Greg Downing and Terry Downing of Gordon; and four
granddaughters, Janet Downing of Gordon, Mrs. Debbie
Pinckney, Paula Ray and Cheryl Ray of Rapid City; one
sister, Mrs. Nellie Emmons of Mishawaka, Ind., and many
other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held
at 2:00 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8, 1979, at the Gordon Gospel
Chapel with the Rev. John Baker officiating. Burial was
in the Gordon cemetery. Pallbearers were Frank Bornemann,
Bill Annett Jr., Arthur Schaer, Albert Timm, Tom Aspinall
and Oscar Nielsen.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 10, 1979
Sylvia L. Downing 1897-1979
Sylvia Lillian Downing was born January 28, 1897 to Harry
and Lillian Sipp at Oakland and died Jan. 4, 1979 at the
Gordon Memorial hospital at the age of 81. She lived in
eastern Nebraska until the age of 13 when she moved with
her family to the Gordon area. On Dec. 10, 1919, Lillian
was united in marriage to Leslie Downing at Rushville. To
this union were born a son, Harry, and a daughter, Sina.
The Downing family farmed and ranched in the Gordon area.
Preceding her in death were her husband Leslie in
September of 1972; her parents, six brothers and one
sister. Survivors include a son, Harry and his wife Agnes
of Gordon; daughter Sina Ray and her husband Dewey of
Rapid City, S.D.; two grandsons, Greg Downing and Terry
Downing of Gordon; and four granddaughters, Janet Downing
of Gordon, Mrs. Debbie Pinckney, Paula Ray and Cheryl Ray
of Rapid City; one sister, Mrs. Nellie Emmons of
Mishawaka, Ind., and many other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8,
1979, at the Gordon Gospel Chapel with the Rev. John
Baker officiating. Burial was in the Gordon cemetery.
Pallbearers were Frank Bornemann, Bill Annett Jr., Arthur
Schaer, Albert Timm, Tom Aspinall and Oscar Nielsen.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 17, 1979
Mary Devine 1901-1979
Mary Malinda, daughter of George and Ora Borders, was
born in Gordon, Feb. 10, 1901, and died at the Gordon
Memorial hospital Jan. 9, 1979. On Oct. 11, 1916, she
became the wife of Ralph Martin Devine in Wyoming. She
joined her husband as he worked on ranches and with
highway equipment until he was forced into early
retirement by lung disease. Mary demonstrated her mission
in life as a devoted wife and mother. This dedication was
particularly manifested in the tireless care of the
husband in his final illness. She also was uncomplaining
in the illness which took her life. Two children were
born to the marriage: Frances Ada, now Mrs. Russell
Whitley, Hill City, S.D. and George Robert Devine, Bella
Vista, Calif. In addition to the children, survivors
include a sister, Bonnie Ruth Reed of Rushville; brothers
John E. Borders, Owen McClelland, Ted Borders of Gorder
and Friend Robert Borders of Waterville, Wash.; nephews,
Roger Borders, Lincoln, Rodney Borders, Gordon and Rober
Borders Jr. of Waterville, Wash.; nieces Virginia (Mrs.
Gary Moore), Rushville, Marylyn (Mrs. Don Macumber),
Denver, and Betty (Mrs. Robert Jones, Waterville, Wash.;
three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Her
husband, the oldest brother and her parents preceded her
in death. Mrs. Devine was a member of the First
Presbyterian church in Gordon. The Rev. William Rambo
conducted funeral services at that church Jan. 13, 1979,
at 2:00 p.m. Burial was in the Gordon cemetery with
Chamberlain-Gates mortuary in charge. Pallbearers were
Arthur Britton, Elmer Davis, Robert Hartwig, Paul
Metzger, Gail Brown and Raleigh Barker.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 24, 1979
Harley C. Wilhite 1910-1979
Harley C. Wilhite, the son of Bertnie M. and Cora E.
Wilhite, was born April 11, 1910, at Gordon. He attended
the Gordon schools and the University of Nebraska. While
at the university he met Leona Bolz. They were married
Nov. 12, 1931. Harley and Leona returned to Gordon to
make their home. He joined his father in farming. After
his father s death, Harley began farming for himself. He
put down a deep well and installed a sprinkler system,
then started an irrigation business, drilling wells,
installing pumps and sprinkler systems in areas of
Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado. When his health began to
fail, he sold his farm and the irrigation business and
retired. He died Jan. 10, 1979. His brother Clarence C.
and his father and mother preceded him in death. Harley
was a member of the United Methodist church, the Masonic
lodge 195 AF and AM; the Valley of Alliance Scottish Rite
and the Tangler Shrine temple of Omaha. He was presented
the Good Neighbor citation by Ak-Sar-Ben of Nebraska, May
9, 1974. Surviving are his wife Leona, his sons, Kenneth
C. of Torrington, Wyo., and Carlyle H. of Cheyenne, Wyo,
and his daughter Correne E. of Gordon; his sister, Mrs.
H.G. Hicks and her husband; a nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Hicks of Kennewick, Wash.; a niece and family, Mr. and
Mrs. W.O. Wiggens of Pullman, Wash.; cousins, Mr. E.L.
Youngs of Kennewick, Wash.; Mrs. Lee Williamson of
Anchorage, Alaska, Dean Wilhite of Rapid City, S.D., Carl
Bare of Denver, Colo., John Wilhite of Pittsboro, N.C.
and Mrs. Marian Bray, Hayden Lake, Ida., and many
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, January 24, 1979
Dorothy M. Cox 1900-1979
Dorothy M. Cox was born June 4, 1900, in Creston, Iowa,
and died at her home in Missoula, Montana, Jan. 13, 1979.
She was raised in Nebraska and attended school there. She
married Clifford W. Cox in September of 1917 at Long
Pine. He preceded her in death. Dorothy had lived in
Montana since 1954. She was a member of the Rebekah lodge
in Scottsbluff and Order of the Eastern Star in Gordon.
Survivors include sons, Fulden L. Cox, Mystic, Conn.;
Stanley D. Cox of Newcastle, Calif., Mitchell D. Cox,
Silver Springs, Fla.; daughters, Mrs. Dwight (Hope)
Stockstad, Missoula, Mont.; Mrs. Christopher (Lois)
McAleer, Carson City, Nev.; and Mrs. Delmar (Valarie)
Kelley, Englewood, Calif.; brothers Raymond Staal, Ocala,
Fla., and Leonard Staal, Ainsworth; sisters, Irene
Bordreaux, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Mildred Hummel and
Marjorie Baker, both of Scottsbluff; five grandchildren
and five great-grandchildren. Graveside services were
held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18, 1979, at the Gordon
cemetery with Chamberlain-Gates Mortuary in charge.
Anna M. Suhr: (1902-1979)
Anna Marie Suhr was born May 30, 1902 in Avoca to William
and Henrietta Stubbendick Bartels and died April 27,
1979, at Gordon Memorial hospital. As a child Anna moved
with her parents to Lexington. She was united in marriage
to Louis Suhr in Alliance on Sept. 30, 1923. The couple
lived in Bertrand for five years before moving to
Holyoke, Colo., where they lived for 17 years, then to
Gordon in in 1946. Mrs. Suhr was a member of Grace
Lutheran church, the church womens guild and taught
Sunday School. Survivors include her husband Louis; sons
Darrell Suhr, Upton, Wyo., and Lyle Suhr of Arnold;
daughters, Mrs. Dean (Neva) Bruce of Gordon and Mrs.
Marvin (Marlys) Roth , also of Gordon; sister, Lena
Holthus of Alliance; brothers, Herman Bartels, William
Bartels, Clifford Bartels, all of Alliance, and Melvin
Bartels of El Monte, Calif.; 22 grandchildren and nine
great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 10:00
oclock a.m., May 1, 1979, at the Grace Lutheran
church in Gordon with Rev. Joseph Hu officiating. Burial
was in the Gordon cemetery with Chamberlain-Gates
mortuary in charge of arrangements.
Source: The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan County,
Nebraska, May 16, 1979
Loyal A. Minor (1890-1979):
Loyal Aaron Minor, the son of Aaron and Ellen Rush Minor,
was born Aug. 30, 1890, at Holstein. While living at
Aleda, Ill., he met Tom and Delia Bermingham and came
west with them on March 1, 1919. He then spent most of
his life in the Gordon and Rushville area. Loyal Minor
and Petronella (Nellie) Scheenen were united in marriage
May 14, 1940. They had no children. He died May 4, 1979
at Gordon Memorial hospital. He was preceded in death by
his parents, his wife Nellie, one brother, one sister and
two half-brothers. He is survived by one brother, Lee of
Windsor, Calif., several nephews and nieces and many
friends. Loyal Minor was buried May 9, 1079 next to his
wife Nellie in St. Marys cemetery in Rushville,
with Father Walter Phillips officiating at the burial
services. Chamberlain Mortuary of Rushville was in charge
of the arrangements.
Source: The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan County,
Nebraska, May 16, 1979.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan County, Nebraska,
September 5, 1979
Ruby Rose Stewart:
Ruby Rose Stewart was born Feb. 22, 1890, and died Aug.
24, 1979, at Gordon Memorial hospital. Born in
Louisville, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Daniel
Carter, Ruby was united in marriage to E. Elmer Stewart
in 1908. Two children, Beulah and Leo, came to bless this
union. The Stewarts arrived in Gordon in 1930 and
remained there until her death. Ruby was a longtime and
active member of the United Methodist church in Gordon,
and a good neighbor to all. Preceding her in death were
her parents, daughter Beulah, and her husband Elmer.
Survivors include her son Leo of Kansas City, Mo.
The Gordon Journal, Gordon, Sheridan
County, Nebraska, September 5, 1979
Mrs. Gonne Grooms: Gonne A. Hanson Grooms was born May
17, 1896 to Hans and Marie Hanson at Davis, S.D. and died
Aug. 22, 1979, at Gordon, Nebr. She was the youngest of
five children. When Gonne was 10 or 12 years old, her
parents turned the home place over to the oldest son and
purchased a place close to Brunswick and Plainview where
they lived for two years. Upon learning of the opening of
Tripp county, S.D. to homesteading in 1909, the family
moved there to live.
In 1912 she met a carpenter, Frank
Grooms, to whom she was married on Dec. 25, 1912. In the
spring of 1913 they moved to a homestead 20 miles south
of Van Tassel, Why., a community to become known as
Prairie Center where she and her husband helped to build
a community church. In 1918 the couple moved South
Dakota, east of Denby and later purchased a home in
Wounded Knee where they lived until her husbands
death two years ago.
In November, 1978, Gonne suffered a
severe stroke and became a resident of the Good Samaritan
home in Gordon for the last months. She was baptized in
the early 1940s and was an active participant in
the life of the Church of God in Wounded Knee, S.D.
Preceding her in death were four
sons, Joseph, Aaron, Samuel and Davis. Survivors include
Frank, Mary (Mrs. Paul Gabriel), Victor, Gertrude (Mrs.
Clyde Coomes), Henry, Pat and Martha (Mrs. Leo
Funeral services were held at 10:00
a.m. Saturday, Aug. 25, 1979 at the Gordon Gospel Chapel
with the Rev. Ross Craig of the Church of God
officiating. He was assisted by the Rev. Harold Holmes.
Music was provided by singers, Mrs.
Kay Lindsey and Mrs. Judy Zuver and organists Mrs. Gail
Glassgow and Mrs. Ila Randolph.
Pallbearers were Tom Woodhouse, Bob Hinn, Bill Grooms,
Victor Grooms Jr., Ron Kliensasser and Stanley Hanson.
Burial was in Fairview cemetery, Rushville.
Charles Edward Gwynn, son of Ethel Pulse Gwynn and Frank
Gwynn was born in Liberal, Mo on June 19, 1906. He died
after a long illness in Gordon on August 11, 1980 at the
age of 74 years. Until the age of 10 years he lived with
an aunt in Missouri due to the early death of his mother.
Upon his aunt's death, he moved to the Gordon area to
rejoin his father. He grew to manhood here. Charles was
united in marriage to Faye Mary Kime on Oct. 9, 1926 in
Rushville. To this union three children were born, Mr.
Dean (Dorothy) Schied of Cody; Mrs. Roy (Marj) Milliken
of Huron, S. D. and Mrs. Walter (Clara) Empkey of Denton.
Charles and Faye spent the first 13 years of their
married life on a ranch south of Gordon. In 1939 the
family moved to the present home north of Cody. Charles'
entire adult life was spent in the ranching business
where his love for the land and cattle was second only to
that which he held for his family. He was limited in the
active particiapation of the ranch by illness during the
past eight years of his life, however all of his
remaining energy was concentrated on the people and the
land he loved. He will be well remembered in the
sandhills ranching area for the well maintained ranch
that he and FAye established, his friendship towards and
his willingness to help his neighbors, and for the high
quality of cattle that the rance produced. He was a
member of the Angus association and Tri-State Old Time
Cowboys association. Charles is survived by his wife,
Faye and by daughters and sons-in-law Dorothy and Dean
Schied, Marjy and Roy Miliken, Clara and Walter Empkey;
10 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; two sisters,
Mrs. John (Mary) Kearns of Rushville and Mrs. Paul (Nina)
Ayres of Hickory, N. C.; two brothers, Fay of Berthoud,
Colo. and James of Gordon and many other relatives and
friends. Services were held at the Methodist church in
Gordon at 2:00 p.m. on Aug. 14, 1980. Interment was in
the Gordon cemetery at Gordon. The Rev. Russell DeWitt of
Cody officiated at the services.
[transcribed by Kaylynn]

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