Schools: Sheridan Co. NEGenWeb
Sheridan County Schools

Partial list of schools: historical
facts, class lists, photos, etc. are welcome.
If you have additional information for
this page, please send it to [email protected]
with "Sheridan County Schools" in
the subject line.
- District 14 Green Valley School
- District 21 Prairie Center School (4 m. S, 4 m. W
of Rushville)
- District 22 [possibly replaced District 21]
- District 30 School (12.5 m. S of Hay Springs, 3
m. east of SH 87) (Peters Lateral)
- District 32 School
- District 65 School (2.5 m. E of west county line)
- District 73 School (10 m. E of west county line,
27 m. N of south county line)
- District 85 School (10 m. N of Bingham)
- District 85 School (aka Bingham School)
also District 85 (10 m. N of Bingham, 1 m. W of east
county line)
- District 93 School (15.5 m. S of Hay Springs on
SH 87)
- District 100 School (1.7 m. E. of west county
line, 1 m. N of SH S-7A)
- District 105 School (6.5 m. E of west county
- District 112 School (on SH 250 1.3 m. S of
Niobrara River, 2 m. W, 3 m. S)
- District 117 School (1.8 m. E of west county
- District 124 School ( 4 m. NW of Hoffland)
- District 127 School ( m. of ?)
- District 128 School (m. of ?) Longitude:
-102.35.09 Latitude: 42.07.09
- District 129 School (2.5 m. S of White Clay)
- District 130 School (8.9 m. E of west county
- District 133 School (between Orr Ranch &
Berndt Co. Ranch)
Strasburger School 1922: Helen Van Trump
(teacher); Lillian Sandoz, Wilma Sandoz, daughters
of Pete Sandoz; Freddie Berndt, Irene Dover, Marie Dukat
and Caroline Sandoz. Mari Sandoz also taught at
this school.
Source: Sybil Malmberg Berndt, "Roots of
Gordon", Sheridan County Journal, Gordon, NE
69343, June 16. 2004, p 4.
- District 143 School (1 m. W of Mooney Ranch)
- District 154 School (aka Leisy School)
- District 158 School (2 m. E of Hamilton Ranch)
- District 165 "N" School (North 165
School, on SH 250 at a "Y" fork)
- District 165 "S" School (South 165
School, north side of lake about 3 m. W of SH 250)
- District 166 School (4.5 m. E of SH 27, near
Spring Lake Ranch)
- Albany Pine Lodge School
- Alcove School (9 m. S of Hay Springs on SH 87)
- Banner School (about 5.3 m. S of Hay Springs then
4 m. east of SH 87)
- Bingham School (aka District 85 School) (in
- Burton School (5 m. E of Ellsworth & N of SH
2) Longitude: -102.11.23 Latitude: 42.07.40
- Clinton, NE
"A log schoolhouse was built, with an
initial school term of 3 months. A larger school was
built in 1890, a brick building was constructed
in 1916, and expanded in 1934. In the 1930s, there were
100 students enrolled; 65 in elementary and 35 in high
school." Clinton: History
- Corner School (4 m. N, 1 m. E of Hay Springs)
- Craven Creek School (NW corner of county)
- D
- East Pride School (5 m. E, 0.75 m. N of Gordon)
- Fairview School (10 m. S, 4 m. W of Gordon)
- Fieldside School
- Goldenrod School (3 m. N, 2 m. W of Hay Springs)
- Gordon NE
"Kitty Hyde, teacher, opened the first school in
1885 with 27 students, the term lasting only three
A. G. Peterson, school principal in the late 1930s in
Verlee Peterson (Owens) taught 6th grade in the late
1950s in Gordon.
Submitted by Verlee Owens ([email protected])
Gordon: History
has photo of early Gordon School.
- Gordon High School:
Class of 1944 held sixtieth reunion May 29, 2004 (56
graduates that year). Twenty attended and 22 were
remembered as deceased.
- Green Valley School, District 14 (4.75 m. W of
Rushville, 0.6 m. N) established 1887 (Doris Lawrence)
- Hay Springs
School first school 1885; class of
1895 (Anita Drain)
- Hill Crest School (2 m. SW of SH 27 &
Peterson Ranch)
- Hillview School (6 m. N of Rushville, 0.2 m. E of
SH 87)
Hillview School (7 m. S of Rushville)
- Hinchley School (3.5 m. E of SH 27, south of
- Leisy School (aka District 154 School)
- Long View (West) School (5 m. S, 3 m. W of
- Long View (East) School (5 m. S, 5 m. E of
- Meadow Vale School (4 m. W, 2.25 m. S of Gordon)
- Mill School (12 m. S Rushville, 1 m. W of SH 250)
- Mount Pleasant School
- North Star School
- Pleasant Hill School (5 m. W, 1 m. N of Gordon
- Pleasant Valley School (3 m. W of Hay Springs)
- Prairie Center School (4 m. S, 4 m. W of
Rushville) District 21-22?. August Dohrman children
attended according to Gloria Oberg.
- Prairie Flats School (10.5 m S, 3.5 m. E of
- Prairie View School (4 m. S of Rushville)
- River View School (12.5 m. S of Hay Springs, 6 m.
east of SH 87, a little north)
- Rushville School
"Ernest M. Samuelson was the superintendent of
schools for 13 years in Rushville," wrote David
Leach Emmons.
Janet Peterson Mitchell teaches in Rushville at the
present (2001) and Glen Mitchell is school principal.
- Sand Ridge School (5.3 m. S of Hay Springs on SH
- Sandy Knoll School (3.8 m. E, 3 m. S of
- Spade School (0.3 m. SW of P. Strasburger Ranch
- Valley Union School (4 m. S of Gordon)
- Zogg School [located at the west end of Mirage
Flats near the cemetery; Waechter land was between
Niobrara and Box Butte Creek in sections 30 and 31 of Twn
29 N Range 45 W]
Mark Clapp and Rolland Dewing. The
Mirage Flats Irrigation Project - A Pioneer's Dream Come
True. quote from the Hay
Springs Leader "Notice to
Contractors: Bids will be received at the Zogg
Schoolhouse Saturday, April 25, 1896, for the furnishing
of about 100,000 feet of lumber for the construction of a
flume across Sand Creek on line of Mirage Irrigation
- Subj: Zogg School in Sheridan Co
Date: 8/7/2001 11:21:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: [email protected] (Norma Thompson)
Reply-to: [email protected]
To: Sheridan Co. NEGenWeb
Waechter Land was between Niobrara and Box Butte Creek in
sections 30 and 31 of Twn 29 N Range 45 W On the 1914
Atlas, Waechter name still appears which may be because
widow was still living in SE NE or maybe land didn't get
changed on atlas. I haven't made it to Sheridan County
anytime when I've been able to look at land records to
follow history of the land past homesteading. Did visit
grave of gggrandfather on one trip and was on a Marie
Sandoz tour with a group on the other trip. On that trip
Caroline Sandoz Pifer told me her husband was born in
Richardson County. One other great grandfather also tried
to homestead there - Karl (Charles in Farmer's Gazatteer)
Friedrich. Last summer I created a slide show
presentation for my genealogy society that I called
"Did Grandpa Know Old Jules?" There is a small
book by Mark Clapp and Rolland Dewing, The
Mirage Flats Irrigation Project - A Pioneer's Dream Come
True. In it is quoted from the Hay
Springs Leader, "Notice to
Contractors: Bids will be received at the Zogg
Schoolhouse Saturday, April 25, 1896, for the furnishing
of about 100,000 feet of lumber for the construction of a
flume across Sand Creek on line of Mirage Irrigation
Canal...." Oh, as I read further it says that the
Zogg Schoolhouse was located at the west end of Mirage
Flats near the cemetery. Is that a clue to what district
it was? Is that the cemetery in section 16 Township 29
Range 45 or is there another cemetery nearby that I don't
see on the 1914 atlas? The first one was attempted in
1894-1905. Final one was completed 1948. The book tells
about the struggles of the farmers and the adverse
conditions that occurred in the mid years of 1890s.
Particularly interesting to me because of my family's
involvement in homestead attempting there. Thank you for
the response. Norma Thompson
<[email protected]>

Source: USGS
Albany Pine Lodge School
Sheridan County - Clinton
elevation: 3887 feet
lat/long: 42.918ºN 102.280ºW
Alcove School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3811 feet
lat/long: 42.549ºN 102.695ºW
Antioch Public School
Sheridan County - Antioch 3884 feet
lat/long: 42.068ºN 102.584ºW
Banner School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3742 feet
lat/long: 42.600ºN 102.615ºW
Beaver Valley School
Sheridan County - Beaver Wall
elevation: 3401 feet
lat/long: 42.885ºN 102.733ºW
Bingham Public School
Sheridan County - Bingham
elevation: 3890 feet
lat/long: 42.022ºN 102.087ºW
Boiling Springs Public School
Sheridan County - Smith Lake
elevation: 3851 feet
lat/long: 42.426ºN 102.442ºW
Burton School (historical) School
Sheridan County - Gaunt Lake
elevation: 3916 feet
lat/long: 42.053ºN 102.190ºW
Clinton Public School
Sheridan County - Clinton
elevation: 3736 feet
lat/long: 42.761ºN 102.345ºW
Corner School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3969 feet
lat/long: 42.741ºN 102.671ºW
Craven Creek School
Sheridan County - Beaver Wall
elevation: 3582 feet
lat/long: 42.944ºN 102.675ºW
District 85 Bingham School
Sheridan County - Bingham
elevation: 3893 feet
lat/long: 42.023ºN 102.087ºW
East Pride School
Sheridan County - Gordon
elevation: 3539 feet
lat/long: 42.811ºN 102.105ºW
Fairview School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3664 feet
lat/long: 42.674ºN 102.283ºW
Fieldside School
Sheridan County - Gordon
elevation: 3683 feet
lat/long: 42.931ºN 102.202ºW
Golden Rule Public School
Sheridan County - Twin Lakes
elevation: 3900 feet
lat/long: 42.379ºN 102.356ºW
Goldenrod School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3943 feet
lat/long: 42.726ºN 102.734ºW
Gordon Elementary School
Sheridan County - Gordon
elevation: 3582 feet
lat/long: 42.805ºN 102.210ºW
Gordon High School
Sheridan County - Gordon
elevation: 3572 feet
lat/long: 42.813ºN 102.205ºW
Gordon Junior High School
Sheridan County - Gordon
elevation: 3572 feet
lat/long: 42.813ºN 102.205ºW
Green Valley School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3821 feet
lat/long: 42.724ºN 102.558ºW
Hay Springs Elementary School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3903 feet
lat/long: 42.688ºN 102.688ºW
Hay Springs High School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3903 feet
lat/long: 42.688ºN 102.688ºW
Hill Crest School (historical) School
Sheridan County - Dolly Warden Lake
elevation: 3893 feet
lat/long: 42.412ºN 102.241ºW
Hillview School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3772 feet
lat/long: 42.616ºN 102.461ºW
Hillview School
Sheridan County - Clinton
elevation: 3861 feet
lat/long: 42.800ºN 102.475ºW
Hinchley School
Sheridan County - Bovee Valley West
elevation: 3808 feet
lat/long: 42.507ºN 102.135ºW
Lakeside Public School
Sheridan County - Lakeside
elevation: 3877 feet
lat/long: 42.057ºN 102.427ºW
Leisy School Number 154 School
Sheridan County - Arnold Lake
elevation: 3920 feet
lat/long: 42.212ºN 102.240ºW
Long View School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3651 feet
lat/long: 42.726ºN 102.264ºW
Longview School
Sheridan County - Coburn Canyon
elevation: 3595 feet
lat/long: 42.732ºN 102.106ºW
Meadow Vale School
Sheridan County - Clinton
elevation: 3690 feet
lat/long: 42.772ºN 102.283ºW
Milan School
Sheridan County - Clinton
elevation: 3769 feet
lat/long: 42.829ºN 102.382ºW
Mill School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3628 feet
lat/long: 42.542ºN 102.480ºW
Mirage Flats Public School
Sheridan County - Skunk Lake
elevation: 3785 feet
lat/long: 42.499ºN 102.664ºW
Missouri Valley Public School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3811 feet
lat/long: 42.529ºN 102.459ºW
Mount Hope School
Sheridan County - South of Gordon
elevation: 3641 feet
lat/long: 42.684ºN 102.205ºW
Mount Pleasant School
Sheridan County - Gordon
elevation: 3670 feet
lat/long: 42.858ºN 102.232ºW
North School Number 165 (historical) School
Sheridan County - Twin Lakes
elevation: 3851 feet
lat/long: 42.370ºN 102.424ºW
North Star School
Sheridan County - Gordon
elevation: 3660 feet
lat/long: 42.959ºN 102.240ºW
Pleasant Hill School
Sheridan County - Clinton
elevation: 3654 feet
lat/long: 42.815ºN 102.301ºW
Pleasant Valley School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs Creek
elevation: 3857 feet
lat/long: 42.686ºN 102.753ºW
Prairie Center School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3726 feet
lat/long: 42.659ºN 102.538ºW
Prairie Flats School
Sheridan County - South of Gordon
elevation: 3418 feet
lat/long: 42.668ºN 102.145ºW
Prairie View School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3683 feet
lat/long: 42.659ºN 102.459ºW
River View School
Sheridan County - Hay Springs
elevation: 3723 feet
lat/long: 42.503ºN 102.576ºW
Riverview School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3523 feet
lat/long: 42.617ºN 102.323ºW
Rushville Elementary School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3739 feet
lat/long: 42.715ºN 102.461ºW
Rushville High School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3742 feet
lat/long: 42.716ºN 102.460ºW
Rushville Junior High School
Sheridan County - Rushville
elevation: 3742 feet
lat/long: 42.716ºN 102.460ºW

This page was last
updated on
Tuesday, 10-Mar-2009 20:10:55 MDT
© 2008 Sheridan Co.