Valley County is located not far from the center of the State, and is in extent twenty-four miles square. It is bounded on the north by Wheeler County, on the east by Greeley, on the south by Sherman and on the west by Custer.
NATURAL FEATURES AND PRODUCTIONS.This is one of the best-watered counties of Central Nebraska, being crossed and intersected by a large number of streams. The North Loup River is the principal water course, and is from 400 to 800 feet in width, having quite a rapid flow of a large volume of water. It flows across the county from near the northwest corner in a southeasterly direction. On the east side of this river there are but few tributaries, but on the west they are quite numerous, the principal ones being Turtle, Dane, Mira and Davis Creeks. The Middle Loup River flows across the southwestern part of the county.
The bottom lands or valleys along the streams are broad and very fertile, and before being broken up are covered with a tall and heavy growth of different varieties of wild grasses. These level valleys vary from three to ten miles in breaadth, and after being brought under cultivation produce a heavy yield of crops that is unsurpassed in any part of the state.
From the valleys to the uplands, the rise is generally very abrupt. In amny places, within a distance of a few rods, the surface rises to high and steep bluffs and hills. On the uplands or divides between the streams, the land is generally very rough and hilly, intersected by numerous draws and caņons. On these divides smooth and level lands are rarely found, though there is a great deal of it that can be cultivated quite easily. It is estimated that fully 70 per cent of the area of the county is well adapted to crop-raising. The remainder of its acreage, comprising the rough and hilly land, affords the very best of grazing land.
There is but little timber of a natural growth to be found in the county, and this is along the banks of the rivers and smaller streams. At the present time,, there is an abundance of willow, elm, cottonwood, oak, pine and cedar trees for fuel, and this wood can be bought at prices ranging from $3 to $5 per cord. Besides this, there is an abundant supply of peat farther up the North Loup Valley and on Cedar Creek, which insures cheap fuel for years to come. There are also several hundred acres fo fruit and forest trees that have been planted on the farms of the settlers and are growing rapidly.
There is still some Government land in the county, though the best of it has been taken up. There is also a large acreage of railroad lands, which are held at reasonable prices.
The population of the county is now nearly 4,000, and is rapidly increasing. About nine-tenths of these are American born, while those of other nationalities are generally of an educated class. In fact, Valley County may be said to be far ahead of many frontier counties in the intelligence and social refinement of its citizens.
In a financial point of view, the county is in a good condition, its indebtedness being light as compared with that of many new counties.
There is yet no railroad line doing business in the county, but a railroad is now building up the North Loup River Valley from St Paul, the grade being already completed to the village of North Loup, in the southern part of the county, and the prospects are that erelong it will be completed up the above-named valley across the entire county.
The first actual settlement in the county was in April and May, 1872, when a small party of Danes from Wisconsin settled on the west side of the North Loup River, about two miles north of the present town of Ord, on what is now known as Dane Creek. In making an examination of lands for selecting a location, they first contemplated settling in the southern part of the county, near the present town of North Loup, but they learned that this location had already been selected by a colony of Seventh-Day Baptists from Wisconsin, who wished to live in a community by themselves, therefore the Danes pushed on up the valley to the location above named. Their party consisted of Peter Mortensen, Nels Andersen, George Miller, Jeppe Smith and Fall Miller and his family. These parties made a location in April, and early in May were followed by Christ Frey, who also located in the fertile valley along Dane Creek.
The next settlement was formed at and around the present village of North Loup, in the Loup and Mira Valleys, by the Wisconsin colony of Seventh-Day Baptists above referred to. This colony had been organized about a year before, under the leadership of their pastor, Rev. Oscar Babcock, and a committee sent out to find a suitable location. Their object was to settle on the frontier and gather members of their own sect around them, that they might remain undisturbed by those who observed the first day of the week as the Sabbath.
The report of the committee sent out in the spring of 1871 was rather indefinite, therefore in teh fall another committee was sent out to examine the same location that had been reported on by the committee sent in the spring. On exploring the North Loup Valley quite thoroughly, they selected the broad and fertile bottom lands along the Loup, in the eastern part of what is now Valley and the western part of present Greeley County, and on both sides of the river.
On receiving the report of the committee, the colony determined to settle on the lands selected, and began to remove thereto in the spring of 1872. The first party, numbering aout fifteen families, under the leadership of Rev. Oscar Babcock, arrived in May, 1872, only a few days after the Danish settlement mentioned.
During the year 1872, both the settlements referred to received some additions. In the fall, nearly twenty families located in the Seventh-Day settlement. During the year, the settlers of the spring built houses and broke up quite a large acreage of land. The settlers of the fall were kept busy building houses and preparing for the winter. The winter of 1872-73 was passed quiet pleasantly in these lonely settlements. There was some fear of the Indians, but they did not prove dangerous.
In the spring of 1873, there was quite an extensive immigration to the county. The principal settlements were in or near the North Loup Valley. Quite a settlement, however, was started in the southwestern part of the county, on the Middle Loup River. The first settlers here were J. P. Brown, John McKellar and M. Coombs. The two first named had arrived just before the terrible snow storm in April and camped with a trapper in order to keep from freezing. During the year, several settlers followed the above-named parties into the Middle Loup Valley. There was for the first few months a great deal of fear of attacks by the Indians, but other than severe scares no damage was done by them.
The spring and summer of 1874 was noted for quite an extensive immigration to the county, and by this time there were a large numbers of settlers in the North Loup Valley and in many of its tributary valleys as well.
Ever since the settlement of the county there had been frequent Indian scares, but there had been frequent Indian scares, but there were no hostilities shown until the year 1874, when the settlers had several fights with them, but even then in the fights they engaged in, only one was killed. He was Sergt. Donahue, of the United States Army. Owing to the Indian troubles, Gen. E. O. C. Ord, then in command of the Department of the Platte, determined to station a company of soldiers in the northern part of the county. This was done, and a military post called Fort Hartsuff was established, and work on the buildings and fortifications was commenced at once.
Early in the year 1874, the town of Ord was surveyed and building soon commenced.
In the summer of 1874, while the crops looked prosperous for a large yield and a bright future for Valley County seemed apparent, the grasshoppers came, and here, as throughout the State, they completely destroyed all growing crops. Now, indeed, the future looked dark for the settlers of the county, and a great number of them unable to stand this loss of crops, left the county, never to return; but the larger number remained, though starvation and suffering stared many in the face. Those who remained had to practice the strictest economy and endure great privations, and even then many of them would have been drivento intense suffering, if not strvation, were it not for food and clothing contributed by their friends and by aid societies that had been formed in the East.
During the winter of 1872-73, steps were taken by the settlers to secure the organization of the county. Early in the year 1873, an act passed the Legislature permitting its organization. On the 17th day of February, 1873,Gov. Robert W. Furnas issued a proclamation ordering an election to be held at the residence of George Larkin, on the 18th day of March, 1873. H. A. Babcock, George Larkin and A. G. Post, were appointed Judges, and A. L. Clark and H. Collins, Clerks of Election.
On the day appointed the organic election was held, and resulted in the election of the following county officers: John Case, L. C. Jacobs and D. C. Bailey, Commissioners; E. D. McKenney, Clerk; Frank Curtis, Treasurer; W. D. Long, Judge; H. A. Babcock, Sheriff; Thomas McDowell, Surveyor; and Charles Badger, Superintendent of Schools. The county seat was located on the site of the present village of Ord, though the name was not selected until some time after.
The first regular election after the organization of the county, took place in October, 1873, and resulted in the election of L. C. Jacobs, John Case, and R. W. Bancroft, Commissioners; W. D. Long, Clerk; E. D. McKenney, Treasurer; Oscar Babcock, Judge; H. A. Babcock, Sheriff; Thomas McDowell, Surveyor; and Charles Badger, Superintendent of Schools.
On August 25, 1874, a special election was held for the purpose of voting on a proposition to vote $6,000 bonds for the building of a bridge across the North Loup, at Ord. The p roposition was carried by a vote of forth-five for, and thirty-six against. The bonds were issued and the bridge commenced soon after, and in due time was completed. Before the completion of this bridge almost all communication between the settlers on the east and west sides of the river was cut off, as the fording of the North Loup was very difficult and dangerous.
At the regular election on October 13, 1874, R. W. Bancroft was elected Commissioner; Peter Mortensen, Treasurer, and M. Coombs, Surveyor.
At the annual election on October 12, 1875, M. Coombs, A. S. Adams and C. H. Wood, were elected Commissioners; Thomas Tracy, Judge; N. B. Goodenow, Sheriff; H. A. Babcock, Clerk; Peter Mortensen, Treasurer; Oscar Babcock, Superintendent of Schools; Charles Webster, Surveyor; and Charles Badger, Coroner.
In 1876, the court house, a very small one-story building, was erected at Ord, the county seat. It is the same building now occupied by the county officers. The same year Fort Hartsuff was completed. The fort was built at a great cost to the Government, there having been some very fine buildings erected. During the time work was going on at the fort, and as long as the soldiers were stationed there, quite a settlement formed around it. There was a temporary town called Calamus one-half a mile from the fort, which at one time did a great deal of business, but in 1880 the post was abandoned, and these temporary settlers left the country, but the farmers and stock-raisers remained. The first term of District Court for the county was held at Ord, in August, 1876, Judge Thomas L. Griffey presided. On November 7, 1876, Oscar Babcock was elected Commissioner.
At the regular election of November 12, 1877, H. A. Babcock was elected Clerk; Byron K. Johnson, Commissioner; P. Mortensen, Treasurer; Hermon Weston, Judge; H. W. Nelson, Surveyor; M. Coombs, Superintendent of Schools, and E. D. McKenney, Coroner.
The election of November, 1878, resulted in the election of Oscar Babcock to the Legislature,, for the large Forty-fifth Representative District, of which Valley County forms a part. A. V. Bradt and W. B. Kewn were elected Commissioner; John Moore, Surveyor.
At the general election on November 4, 1879, B. H. Johnson was elected Commissioner; H. A. Babcock, Clerk; Peter Mortensen, Treasurer; Herbert Thurston, Sheriff; S. S. R. Maine, Judge; H. W. Nelson, Surveyor, and M. Coombs, Superintendent.
At the regular election in November, 1880, H. C. Perry was elected Commissioner.
In the spring of 1881, the rapid settlement and improvement of the county again commenced, and by this time its future prosperity began to be assured.
The regular election on November 8, 1881, resulted in the election of H. A. Babcock, Clerk; Peter Mortensen, Treasurer; John Mosher, Judge; Herbert Thurston, Sheriff; John F. Kates, Superintendent of Schools; Charles J. Nelson, Surveyor; E. D. McKenney, Coroner, and Arthur C. Lapham, Commissioner.
The searson of 1875 was a dull one, owing to the crop failure of the year before. The reamining settlers planted another crop, but the yield was light. The prospects for those who depended on crop- raising alone, were thus far very unfavorable.In 1876, a town called Vinton was projected on the prairie, about seven miles southwest from Ord. In 1877, there was but little done, but early in 1878, H. W. Nelson established a newspaper there, and called it the Valley County Courier. For about six months, he published the paper and did all he could to induce settlement in the proposed town on Vinton, when he became discouraged and moved his paper to Ord. On November 18, 1878, the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company donated the tonw site of Vinton, but the place never made a town of any great size.
From the time of the grasshopper visitation in the summer of 1874 until the spring of 1878, the settlement of the county advanced but little. For the years of 1875 and 1876, the yield of crops was light, but in 1877, large crops were raised, and once again was the attention of those seeking homes in the West called to Valley County. In 1878, there was a very great immigration to the county, and a large acreage was added to the cultivated lands of the county. Large crops were raised in 1878.
In 1879, the county continued to improve rapidly, and the settlement extended throughout all the valleys. The yield of all kinds of crops was again a large one. Further than the steady progress of settlement and improvements, no remarkable events took place.
In 1880, the immigration to the county was kept up. By June 1, the population was 2,324, and by the 1st of the next January, it was nearly 3,000. The best land of the county was now fast being taken up and rapidly being opened up to farmers.
In 1882, the progress of the county continued, and it now has a population of nearly 4,000. The valley lands are well settled, and a great many large and productive farms have been opened up. Everything now looks prosperous for the future of Valley County, and there is no reason why immigration should cease until all the vacant lands of the county are occupied.
The soil of Valley County has been found well adapted to the raising of all kinds of grain. Stock-raising is particularly profitable, owing to the great extent of grazing land, which is covered with the richest of grasses. The farmers are fast realizing that a combination of crop and stock-raising pays the best, and are getting around them small herds of cattle and sheep.
Since the organization of the county, there have been but few crimes of any consequence. The only homicide occurred in June, 1881, when, as the result of a quarrel between two Danes, one of them, Nels Godfredtsen, shot and killed A. Thensen.
The history of Ord may be said to begin at the time of the organic election of the county, in March, 1873, when the county seat was located there. It was some time, however, before anything was done toward starting a town, and the county records were kept at the residences of the county officers.The town was laid out early in 1874, by Haskell Brothers and Robbins, who had purchased the land for the town site from the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company. About this time, Gen. E. O. C. Ord, who was in command of the Military Department of the Platte, made a trip up the valley for the purpose of selecting the location for Fort Hartsuff, and it was decided to name the new town Ord, in honor of him. For a long time, however, the town site was known among the settlers as "chin City." At the time Ord was laid out as a town, the only house anywhere near the town site was that of A. T. Stacy, who lived on an adjoining section. Within the first year of the history of the town, a post office called Ord was established on the farm of A. T. Stacy, who was appointed Postmaster. About the same time, a schoolhouse was built there.
In May, 1875, the town was carefully laid out by a surveyor, and the plat filed in the office of the County Clerk.
The first building erected was the present court house, which was completed in February, 1876.
In the spring of 1876, Herbert Thurston, now County Sheriff, built the first residence. In the fall of 1876, S. S. Haskell, father of the Haskell brothers, who laid out the town, moved to Ord from his Farm on the east side of the river, and opened up the sale of general merchandise in the schoolhouse. He also at once began the erection of the building now known as the Ord City Hotel. Later in the season, this was completed, and he moved his stock of goods into it, and used it not only as a store, but also as the post office and hotel.
No further improvement was made in the town until the fall of 1877, when W. H. Mitchell moved his paper, the Valley County Herald, from Calamus, and began its publication in a small log building he had removed from the above-named place, which had until this time, on account of its location near Fort Hartsuff, been the principal town of the county. During the year 1878, there was quite a large immigration to the county, and Ord began to grow quite rapidly. In the spring, E. S. Harter moved his small stock of goods over from Sringdale Post Office, and built a store twenty-two by forty feet in size, two stories high, and put in a large stock of general merchandise, hardware and drugs. Herman Westover, an attorney, moved here from Calamus and erected a dwelling. W. A. Hobson and L. E. Post each erected blacksmith shops and dwellings. W. H. Mitchell sold the Valley County Herald to J. C. Lee, then built a dwelling and began the practice of law. In September, H. W. Nelson moved his paper, the Valley County Courier, from Vinton. There were now two newspapers until the Herald failed, in November.
The same year, Z. K. Ferguson moved from Calamus and built a dwelling and store, and opened a stock of general merchandise.
On February 3, 1879, J. H. Capron purchased the Courier, and established the Valley County Journal. In March, the Journal office was burned, but the rest of the town was saved. Early in the year, Case & Mortensen built and opened the first hardware store in the county. J. H. Collins built a small shop, which was occupied by himself and John A. Bales as a harness shop. S. L. R. Maine moved from his farm near Calamus and put up a residence. H. M. Deegan moved his building from Calamus and erected it in Ord. Copp & Westover erected a law office poopsite the court house. H. W. Nelson built a livery and feed stable, the first in the town. A new Journal printing office was erected. H. A. Babcock and S. S. Haskell each built large residences. M. E. Getter and J. H. Collins also erected residences that year.
In 1880, the little village began to make rapid progress indeed. So great was the improvement that it is impossible to mention it in detail. About thirty-five buildings were put up. Over one-half of these were business houses. The total value of buildings erected that year is estimated at $21,225. The population had by the end of the year increased to upward of 250.During the years 1881 and 1882, Ord continued to progress steadily, and its population will number about 500. All branches of business are well represented, and the trade of the town is in a prosperous contition. On November 8, 1881, bonds amounted to $5,000, were voted to the Union Pacific Railroad for the purpose of securing the early building of the railroad up the North Loup Valley.
In 1881, the entire town was threatened with destruction by fire. Though the village was saved, the livery stable of H. W. Nelson was burned to the ground.
In the spring of 1882, a fire broke out on the south side of the public square. It was caused by a defective flue. Before it could be stopped, several buildings, including the office of Judge Herman Westover, were completely destroyed.
Ord was incorporated as a village on June 23, 1881. The following is the first Board of Trustees appointed on the above date by the County Commissioners: H. G. Rodgers, S. S. Haskell, B. C. White, R. F.Milford and H. W. Nelson.
Manufactures.--The Ord Flouring and Grist Mill was commenced in the year 1880 and completed early in 1881, by R. F. Milford. It was built at a cost of $5,000, and for the quality of flour manufactured, it is second to none in the State.In 1880, John Drake & Co., started a brick yard, and the first year about 100,000 bricks were manufactured, since which time the yard has been kept up and a very superior quality of brick is made.
Banks.--The Valley County Bank was established in October, 1880. A general banking and collection business is done. The affairs of the bank are in a prosperocs (sic) condition. J. D. Bacon is President, and Frederick L. Harris, Cashier.
The Ord City Bank was established and commenced business on March, 15, 1882. A general loan and collection business is done, and the bank starts in with very favorable prospects. H. C. Metcalf is President, and George A. Perceval, Cashier.
Hotels.--Besides the restaurants and boarding-houses the hotels are two in mumber. The Ord City House is the old hotel built by S. S. Haskell, and is now owned and operated by James Dies, who keeps a good hotel.
The Satterlee House, E. D. Satterlee, Proprietor, is centrally located, is well kept, and is doing a good business.
Churches.--The different church societies are represented by the Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, Presbyterian and Seventh-day Baptist denominations. The two first named have capacious and comfortable houses of worship, which were completed in the spring of 1882. All these societies are liberally supported by the moral and intelligent citizens of Ord.
Schools.--The Ord school is provided with able instructors, and is well sustained by the intelligent and education-loving citizens. One of the first things looked to in the foundation of the town was a good school, and no money or labor has been spared to make it such a one.
Societies.--Ord Lodge, No. 90, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, have an organization of over fifty members. The society owns a hall and are in a prosperous conditon. The order was organized in December, 1880, with thirty-six members. W. J. Wilson was the first Noble Grand.
Foote Post, No. 40, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized late in the year 1880, with W. H. Williams Post Commander.
Pilot Lodge, No. 57, Independent Order of Good Templars, organized at a quite early date. They have a large and working membership.
Newspapers.--The Valley County Journal is published here by Capron & Wolf. It is a bright and well edited weekly, Republican in politics, and a five-column quarto in size. The Journal was founded in February, 1879, by J. H. Capron, who had purchased the Courier and changed the name, and published it but a few weeks until his office was burned, when the paper discontinued for a short time, until a new office could be fitted up. Since that time the Journal has continued to be published. In August, 1881, Charles E. Wolf purchased a half-interest in the paper.
J. H. Capron came to Nebraska in September, 1874, and located at Fort Hartsuff, where he was Quartermaster clerk until December, 1875, when he went to Manitowoc, Wis., and took charge of a newspaper published there until February, 1878, when he again entered in Government employ in Wyoming Territory until December, when he located at Ord, and soon afterward started the Journal. He was born in Beloit, Wis., September 14, 1856. He learned the printer's trade in the office of the Freeport, Ill., Journal, beginning in 1871, and remaining until going to Fort Hartsuff, Neb. He was married February 15, 1882, to Miss Mary F. Ramsey.
Charles E. Wolf, the junior editor of the Journal, came to Nebraska in June, 1881, and in August he purchased a half-interest in the Journal. He was born in Freeport, Ill., March 3, 1855. He learned his trade in the office of the Freeport Journal, beginning in 1872, and working there until he removed to Ord.
The Ord Weekly Quiz is a bright and sparkling paper, Republican in politics, and was founded on April 6, 1882, by Will Haskell, of Chicago. The paper starts out with good prospects for future success.
H. A. BABCOCK, County Clerk Valley County and dealer in real estate, B. & M. R. R. lands, etc., first came to Nebraska May 15, 1872. Located on a homestead nine miles southeast of Ord Village, Section 2, Town 18, Range 13, 160 acres, sixty-five of which are under cultivation. He farmed five years. Also owns 160 acres in Myra Valley, and one-half interest in 160 acres on Section 28, Town 19, Range 13; 160 acres one and a quarter miles from the village of Ord on the southwest quarter of Section 17, Town 19, Range 14; and forty acres on Section 2, northeast quarter of northeast quarter, Town 18, Range 13; also village property. Was elected County Clerk in the fall of 1866. Elected first Sheriff of Valley County March 18, 1873. He has been re-elected County Clerk three successive terms. Mr. B. is one of the first settlers in Ord. Born in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., May 19, 1842. Parents moved to Rock County, Wis., in 1845. Lived there until 1849, and moved to Waushara County, Wis. Enlisted in the spring of 1863, in Company G, Thirty- seventh Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Was Sergeant Major. Mustered out in Washington, D. C., July 27, 1865. Went to Albert Lea, Minn., and engaged in photograping (sic) a year. Then farmed six years in Brookfield, Linn Co., after which he went to Nebraska. Married August 28, 1862, to Miss Retta O. Bristol, of Kenosha County, Wis. They have two children--Everett C. and Royal O. Mr. B. is a member of Commodore Foote Post, No. 40, of Ord, Neb.
D. C. BELL, firm D. C. Bell & Co., dealers in all kinds of lumber and building material, opened the business in Ord November 1, 1880. F. O. Bell, of York, Neb., is the other member of the firm. D. C. Bell first located in Aurora, Neb., with a brother, J. H. Bell, for whom he clerked a year. Then clerked in York about eight months. Then went into the lumber business in Hampton until he came to Ord and opened the above. Born in Westmoreland County, Penn., July 19 1855. Parents moved to Ohio when he was an infant, where they lived ten years; then to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and lived until he came to Nebraska. Married in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, January, 1879, to Miss Frances E. Day, of Wisconsin. They have one son--Clark E. Bell.
JOHN CASE, Postmaster, took charge of the office August 11, 1881. He first came to Nebraska in the spring of 1872, and took a homestead in June of the same year, on Section 32, Town 20, consisting of 169 acres. In the spring of 1854, he moved from Columbia County, Wis., to Jones County, Iowa, and kept a grocery store, in company with Lafayette Scott, in Anamosa, the county seat of Jones County, where he lived about two years, when he moved to Olmsted County, Minn., and bought a farm five miles southeast of Rochester and three miles from Marion, on the direct road between the two towns, at which place the wife of Mr. Case died in July, 1857. Mr. Case remained on his farm until the fall of 1859, when in company with several relatives and friends, he went to Johnson County, Kan., about forty miles from Kansas City, Mo., and fifteen miles from Lawrence, Douglas County. The summer of 1860 was the season of the hot winds and complete failure of crops in Kansas. It was also the summer of still hotter political strife, in which Lincoln was victorious and slavery received its death-knell. Combats were frequent between the pro-slavery and free State men, which frequently resulted fatally on one side. Thousands of people left Kansas, and among them Mr. Case, who went to Iowa, and settled in Jasper County early in the spring of 1861, where he remained six years, engaged in farming and making shingles. He moved from there to Harrison County, and in the spring of 1867, in company with a nephew, D. A. Post, put up a saw-mill, which he ran, in connection with farming, until the spring of 1872, when he moved to Ord, Neb. He was one of the first County Commissioners of Valley County. Served two terms. Was County Surveyor one term. Born in Ontario County, N. Y., November 19, 1819. Parents moved to Western Reserve, Huron County, Ohio, in 1824. Lived there ten years. Then moved nine miles east of Bloomington, McLean County, Ill., and lived there twelve years. Then to six miles east of Portage City, in Columbia County, Wis., and lived ten years. Then to Jasper County, Iowa, and lived there six years, following farming. Then to Harrison County, Iowa. Farmed and followed saw-milling until he came to Nebraska. Married in Columbia County, Wis., in 1854, to Miss Melissa A. Potter, of Huron County, Ohio. They have one son--Alexander B., now in Montana Territory.
E. M. COFFIN, firm of Coffin & Grimes, attorneys at law, wormed the copartnership in April, 1880. They do a general law and real estate collection and chattel loan business, fire insurance, etc. He first came to St. Paul, Neb., and located in 1878, and engaged in the study and practice of law with Mr. Thomas Darnall, where he continued until January 1, 1880, and located in Ord, Neb. Admitted to the bar of the District Court in Sherman County, by Judge George Gaslin, December 19, 1879. Born in Otsego, Allegan Co., Mich., August 20, 1859; lived in his native State until 1877, attending the Otsego (Mich.) Seminary, and began the study of law in the fall of 1877, in Rochester, Olmsted Co., Minn., in the law office of Judge J. W. Fulkerson, and continued until he came to Nebraska. Married, January 29, 1882, to Miss Olive McMahon, of Ord, Neb. Mr. C. is a member of I. O. O. F., of Ord, Neb.
L. A. ELLIS, firm of L. A. Ellis & Co., dealers in hardware, stoves and tinware, and trapper's supplies, etc. Opened trade in September, 1881, carries a stock of $3,500. He first came to Omaha, Neb., in 1870, and was book-keeper for the firm of Irwin & Ellis, the latter of the firm was the brother; was in the employ of the above firm ten years; spent one year in the Eastern States. Came to Ord and opened trade. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 12, 1850.
J. B. GILLESPIE, proprietor of Livery, sales and feed stables, began the business in Ord in April, 1881; keeps about twenty head of horses; wons a barn 30x60 feet, and cost about $800. He operates Mail Route No. 34,144, between St. Paul and the Forks Post Office, sixty-five miles' run. He first located at Coatsfield, Howard Co., Neb., 1871; drove a team for the United States Government two seasons; then went with a surveying party 150 miles northwest of St. Paul, the season of 1873. Married in the fall of 1873, to Miss Anna Eliza Cook, of Dubuque County, Iowa. They have three sons--Harry A., Lewis C. and Raymond. Born in Dubuque County, Iowa, January 1, 1850. Is a member of I. O. O. F., Ord Lodge, No. 90. Was County Commissioner of Howard County three years. Is at present a member of the Village Board.
H. M. GRIMES, firm of Coffin & Grimes, attorneys at law, collecting agents and dealers in real estate, insurance agents, etc. Mr. G. first came to Nebraska in April, 1880, locating in Ord; formed the above copartnership in May, 1880. Born in Russellville, Putnam Co., Ind., November 4, 1852; he lived in his native State until the fall of 1876. He began the study of law in July, 1875, in the law office of Thomas Hannah, of Greencastle, Ind., now Lieutenant Governor of Indiana. He continued in the latter offices several months, and went to Iowa City, Iowa. Entered the State University of that city, and graduated from the Law Department in June, 1877. Began the practice of his chosen profession in Bedford, Iowa, where he continued until he came to Nebraska. Married in Bedford, in October, 1880, to Miss Mary McCracken, of the latter place. Mr. G. is a member of the I. O. O. F., of Ord, and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Bedford, Iowa.
DR. F. D. HALDEMAN, physician and surgeon, came to Omaha, Neb., in July, 1880. Attended the Omaha Medical College; was assistant to Dr. S. D. Mercer for U. P. B. B. Hospital; he continued in this labor until he came to Ord, and formed a copartnership with Dr. J. M. Klinker. Was born in Muscatine County, Iowa, October 2, 1859, and lied in his native State until he came to Nebraska. He began the study of medicine in 1877, entering the office of Dr. W. S. Gibbs, of Downey, Iowa, where he continued until the fall of 1878. He then entered the United States Medical College in Iowa City, Iowa; took one course; taught school, etc. Graduated from the Omaha Medical College in March, 1882; was chosen valedictorian of the class.
FRED L. HARRIS, proprietor of the Valley County Bank, where a regular banking business is transacted; opened for business October 1, 1880, being the first bank opened in Valley County. Deposits equal $15,000. Mr. Harris located in Lincoln, Neb., with his parents in 1872. Attended school until 1876, and then went to Friend, Saline Co., Neb., and went into the banking business under the firm name of Fred L. Harris & Co.; this he continued until 1878, and then engaged in the stock business until the summer of 1880, when he came to Ord. He was born in Boston, Mass., October 11, 1857.
DR. JOSEPH M. KLINKER, physican (sic) and surgeon, first came to Nebraska in 1872, and located in Dannebrog, Howard County. Practiced medicine until April, 1880, then came to Ord and continued his practice; born in Lancaster, Ohio, May 30, 1838; lived in native State until 1844; family then moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa. He lived on a farm until twenty-one years of age; began the study of medicine in 1862 with Dr. D. W. Robinson of Montezuma, Iowa; enlisted August, 1862, in Company B, Fortheth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry; participated in siege of Vicksburg, Satartia, Miss., and battles near Little Rock, and capture of latter city. All battles in campaigns of Trans-Mississippi, Indian Territory, etc. Mustered out August, 1865, then resumed the study of medicine, attending private medical schools; graduated from Oskaloosa Medical School of Iowa, and practiced in Mahaska County, Iowa, until he came to Nebraska; married in Oskaloosa in 1866, to Miss Cora J. Fry, of latter place. They have two children--Mable and John. He is a member of Commodore Foote Post, No. 40, G. A. R., also Examining Surgeon for pensions.
D. J. MARTZ, firm of Martz & Williams, attorneys at law. D. J. Martz first came to Valley County, Neb., and located at Ord in March, 1880, and continued the practice of law; was born in Somerset County, Penn., on Mason & Dixon's line, November 18, 1850; entered the University of Iowa, at Iowa City, in spring of 1871, attending nine months, then went to Butler County Iowa; read and practiced law until 1880; admitted to the bar in 1872; admitted to the bar of the District Court at Ord in September, 1880; married in Butler County, Iowa, in 1873, to Miss Sarah Hart, of Butler County; have three children--Warren E., John M. and Lewis M. Mr. Martz is a member of Masonic Order, Alpha Lodge, No. 326. The above law firm have been employed in several important law cases, among which are Greeley County vs. B. & M. R. R., recovery delinquent taxes; Greeley County; United States, John Sheldon, etc.
R. F. MILFORD, of the firm of R. F. Milford & Co., proprietors Ord City grist and flouring mills. The mills were erected in the summer of 1880; began operations January, 1881; size 20x30 feet, two and one-half stories high; built of wood. There are two runs of stone for grinding wheat and one for feed. The mill has a capacity of grinding 300 bushels of wheat in twenty-four hours, and 200 bushels of feed. There is seven feet fall; cost of the structure is somewhat over $6,000, and is located on North Loup River. Mr. Milford first located in Ord in 1880. He was born near Parker City, Penn., June 26, 1845; was raised on a farm and lived in his native State until coming to Nebraska. He was married in Pennsylvania December 5, 1872, to Miss Sarah A. Robb, of North Washington, Penn. They have three children--Ione, Ola and Lena D. The above mills are owned by R. F. & G. W. Milford, brothers, and operated by R. F. Milford.
PETER MORTENSEN, County Treasurer, came to Valley County in April, 1872, and entered the northeast quarter of Section 8, Town 19, Range 14, where he erected the first house in the county, being one- half dug-out and one-half log. Said house served as Treasurer's office until the spring of 1876, as the first schoolhouse in Ord District, and the first trial held in the county being an assault and battery case of Sam. Hawthorne, vs. John McKeller, was held in the same house. Mr. Mortensen was elected County Treasurer in the fall of 1874, and by re-election has held the office since. He was born in Denmark October 8, 1844; came to America in June, 1870; was married February 16, 1878, to Miss Jennie H. Williams, of West Paw Paw, Lee Co., Ill.
HENRY W. NELSON, dealer in general line household furniture, opened trade in January, 1882; carries a stock of $500. His parents located in Omaha in 2862, where he lived with them for twelve years. He learned to be pressman in the Omaha Bee office, and in 1874 he came to Valley County, Neb., and located a homestead and timber claim containing 320 acres, seven miles south of Ord, on Section 10, Town 18, Range 15, sixty acres of which are under cultivation. He was born in Sweden March 5, 1852; came to America with his parents in 1862. He was married in Ord, August 3, 1879, to Miss Lura Abel, a native of Ohio. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Ord. He has been County Surveyor of Valley County for five years; edited the Valley County Courier one and a half years, beginning in 1878.
A. M. ROBBINS, attorney at law, was born in McHenry County, Ill., in 1849. Shortly after this his folks moved to Boone County Ill., where he lived on a farm until the spring of 1866, when he struck out for himself. Going to De Kalb County in same State, he continued to work by the mongh as a farm hand until the spring of 1868, when he entered the Teacher's Institute and Classical Seminary of East Paw Paw, Ill., and commenced a course of studies. He continued his attendance at the institute (with the exception of winters when he was teaching) until July 4, 1873, when he graduated and had conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Science. A few weeks after he graduated, he commenced the study of law in the office of A. K. Truesdell, of Dixon, Ill., and was admitted to practice in the fall of 1875, before the Supreme Court of that State, and in December of the same year was admitted to practice at Omaha. On January 1, 1876, he opened an office at Papillion, Neb., and soon accumulated a successful and lucrative practice. He continued in practice there until April, 1881, when he moved to Ord. He now has a large and lucrative practice, and bids fair to make his influence felt throughout the State. He was married in 1872, to Miss Cyntha C. Haskell, a resident of De Kalb County, Ill., who also is a graduate of the Classical Institute of Paw Paw, Ill. Mr. Robbins is largely interested in real estate in and around Ord. He being one of the original proprietors of the town. Any business intrusted to his care will receive prompt and safe adjustment.
A. D. ROBINSON, general dealer in agricultural implements, began the business February 1, 1882, and keeps all kinds of implements and machinery. He first located on a homestead in Howard County in April, 1878, and farmed two and a half years; then moved to St. Paul and engaged in the implement business during the season of 1881, then to Ord. He was born in Tekonsha, Mich., October 16, 1850; lived in his native State until he came to Nebraska. He was married in Marshall, Mich., 1872, to Miss Estella I. Bickford, of Honeoye Falls, N. Y. Then have one daughter--Grace. Mr. B. is a member of St. Paul Lodge, No. 82, A., F. & A. M.
H. G. ROGERS, dealer in general merchandise, opened business in April, 1881, and carries a stock of $7000 in a general line of merchandise. He first came to Nebraska in the spring of 1876, and clerked in Seward a year; then began business in Aurora under the firm name of Rogers & Co., and continued three years. The firm was known as Rogers Bros., one and a half years of the time. He then located in Ord, Neb., and began business. He was born in Walden, Caledonia Co., Vt., February 2, 1852; lived in his native State until 1871, and went to Colorado, where he engaged in mining until he returned to Nebraska. He was married in Aurora, Neb., in 1880, to Miss Jessie Wheeler, a native of Pennsylvania. They have one son-- Hollis Frank. Mr. B. is a member of Aurora Lodge, No. 68, A., F. & A. M.
EDWARD D. SATTERLEE, was born in Ireland, and went to Brazil, South America, working as machinist. He came to the United Staes in 1868, and engaged in the drug business in Michigan for about two and a half years, then went back to South America, joining the army of Gen. Mitre, in Buenos Ayres, (sic) Argentine Republic; was promoted a Lieutenant in the French Argentine Regiment of Zouaves, and after the regiment was captured by Gen. Rosso, at Entre Rios, he escaped to Mendoza and from thence to Paraguay. He again came to the United States in 1875, enlisted in the regular army in Company K, Fourteenth United States Infantry; served five years on the frontier, over four years as a non-commissioned officer; was mustered out at Bear River, Colo., May 27, 1880; came to Ord and built a hotel--the Satterlee House. He engaged in the drug business in Ord in 1880 and the summer of 1881. He is now running one of the best hotels in Northwestern Nebraska.
JOSEPH SLOBODNY, firm of Wacek & Slobodny, dealers in all kinds of farm implements, machinery, and dealers in grain. Opened business in Ord, January, 1882. Mr. S. first located in St. Paul, Howard County, in April, 1876; farmed and clerked in a store until he came to Ord and began the above business. Born in Bohemia, Europe, March 19, 1860; came to America 1865, with his parents, and settled near Prague, Minn., where he lived until he came to Nebraska.
G. H. STOVER, dealer in general merchandise, opened trade June 1, 1882; carries stock of $7000 in general merchandise. He first located in Lincoln, Neb., in the spring of 1872; clerked in a grocery store for two years; farmed two years, and then worked as a carpenter for A. & N R. R., in Atchison, Kan., a year; then returned to Lincoln, Neb., and clerked in a grocery store four years; then came to Ord and kept the Satterlee Hotel eight months, previous to entering into the above business. He was born in Newburg, Cumberland Co., Penn., October 11, 1856, and lived in his native State until he came to Nebraska.
HERBERT THURSTON, Sheriff of Valley County, first settled three miles northeast of Ord on a pre-emption claim in May, 1873, and farmed three years; then moved into the village and opened the first blacksmith shop in Ord in 1876, which business he continued until he was elected Sheriff in the fall of 1879; was re-elected to the same in the fall of 1881. He was born in Franklin County, Me., August 14, 1850, and lived in his native State until 1853. His parents then moved to Waushara County, Wis. He was raised on a farm, and learned his trade in the village of Richford, Waushara County. He was married in Waushara County, Wis., in 1871, to Miss Almena A. Holcomb, a native of Stuben County, N. Y. They have two children--Mary and Ray L. Mr. T. is a member of the Ord Lodge, No. 90, I. O. O. F., and Treasurer of the same.
HOMER A. WALKER, dealer in drugs, stationery, notions, etc., opened trade July 1, 1881; carries a stock of $2000 in a general line of drus, etc. He first located at Seward, Seward Co., Neb., in the fall of 1868, with his parents (his father, Dr. L. Walker, was engaged in the drug trade), and obtained a knowledge of pharmacy in the store of his father, remaining until March, 1877. Then opened business in the drug trade at Aurora, Hamilton Co., Neb., where he continued until he came to Ord. Was born near Mt. Vernon, Ohio, August 20, 1854, the family then moved t Illinois, and lived some time in that State; then to Monmouth, Iowa, and other places in the same State. Married in Lincoln, Neb., December 18, 1879, to Miss Kate E. Stover, of Newburg, Penn. They have one son--George Elmer. Mr. W. is a member of Aurora Lodge, No. 58, A., F. & A. M.
B. C. WHITE, dealer in general merchandise, opened trade in Ord in June, 1881; carries a stock of $5,000. He came to Ord in the fall of 1880, and engaged in the live-stock business. Now owns a large stock ranch fifty miles above Ord on North Loup River, where he has at present 500 head of cattle. Owns 1,120 acres of fine, grazing lands. He began the latter business in the spring of 1879. He first came to Nebraska in 1859, and followed freighting from Plattsmouth, Neb., to Denver, Colo., and, in 1861, enlisted in the Indian volunteer service on the frontier; traveled extensively in Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming for five years, being a member of Company L, Seventh Regular Iowa Cavalry, and participated in many skirmishes; mustered out in June, 1866, and lived in Iowa City and Muscatine three years. Returned to Nebraska and located at Valley, Douglas County, and engaged in Mercantile and stock business ten years. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, February 8, 1840. Married in Muscatine, Iowa, in 1867, to Miss Louisa Gillis, a native of Tennessee. They have four daughters and one son--Cora M., Jennie B., George B., Lydia E. and Maggie E., the two latter by a second wife. He is a member and Adjutant of Commodore Foote Post, No. 40, G. A. R.; also I. O. O. F., No. 90, of Ord, Neb. First wife died in 1877; again married in 1879, to Miss Ella E. Patton, of Iowa City, Iowa.
J. C. WHITE, dealer in general stock merchandise, opened trade January, 1, 1882; carries a stock of about $5,000, with an average cash trade of $2000 per month; born in Bath, Stuben Co., N. Y., April 27, 1836; lived in native State seventeen years; parents then moved to Berlin, Wis.; the family were reared on a farm. Mr. J. C. White worked as a farm hand by the month; clerked in one general store in Berlin, Wis., thirteen years, then located in Independence, Kan.; dealt in real estate three years; kept a general store in Kaneyville, Kan., one and one-half years, then opened the first store in Jonesburg, Kan., which latter place he gave its name; kept store four years, after which he came to Ord; married in Berlin County, Wis., 1867, to Miss Mary Sorrenson, of Copenhagen, Denmark; have two children--Mary L. and Frank B.
W. H. WILLIAMS, of the firm of Martz & Williams, attorneys at law, collecting, etc., first located in Ord in the spring of 1880 and formed the above copartnership. He was born in Henry County, Ky., September 6, 1840, and lived in his native State unitl October, 1855, when he moved to Manhattan, Kan.; was raised on a farm. He enlisted in the spring of 1861 in Company G, Eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry; participated in the battles of Fort Donelson, Magnolia Hill, Raymond, Champion Hill and the siege of Vicksburg; was Second Lieutenant of his company and was promoted to First Lieutenant; was appointed Brevet Captain and Brevet Major, holding the latter until he was mustered out May 20, 1866. He then engaged in horticulture in Kansas five years; then went to Santa Barbara, Cal., and prospected in many places on the Pacific coast; returned to Washington County, Iowa, and began the study of law in 1875; was admitted to the bar in 1877; began the practice of law in Monroe, Iowa; continued until he came to Clay County, Neb., practicing a few months, then to Ord; admitted to the bar in the District Court in Geneva, Neb., in the fall of 1879.
CHARLES W. ALLEN, attorney at law and dealer in real estate, first came to Nebraska March 15 1882, finally locating in North Loup in May, 1882, where he engaged in the practice of law and dealing in real estate. He was born in Lorain County, Ohio, December 8, 1854. He lived in his native state until 1860,when he, with his parents, moved to Franklin County, Ill. He lived there two years and then returned to his native State, where he resided until 1878. He entered Oberlin College in 1874; graduated, after taking a classical course in 1878. He studied law in the office of William A. Harris, a brother-in-law, then District Attorney of San Bernadino County, Cal. He was admitted to the bar of the District Court of said county in 1879, and to the Supreme Court of California in 1880, where he practiced until he came to Nebraska. He is a member of the K of P. Valley Lodge, No. 27, of California, and the order of the Chosen Friends Council, No. 37, of California.
OSCAR BABCOCK, Postmaster, farmer and stock-raiser, came to Valley County, Neb., and located on a homestead at what is now known as North Loup, in November, 1872. There is now a thriving village containing about five hundred people. The village was laid out by J. A. Green, under the supervision of Mr. Babcock, July 17, 1874, on the northeast quarter of Section 35, Town 18, Range 13, with an addition laid out in June, 1891, by Oscar Babcock; second addition made in May, 1882. Mr. Babcock was President of a Seventh-Day Baptist colony, which was organized in Waushara County, Wis., which colony settled in North Loup in May, 1872. Mr. B. arrived with his family in November of the same year. His wife died in Waushara, Wis., in the fall of 1872. They have four children--Edwin J., Arthur E., Myra and George J. Mr. B., with his small children settled in a dug-out fourteen feet square and lived until the summer of 1873, when he erected a red-cedar block-house. He was pastor of the Seventh-Day Baptist Church for more than five years, preaching the first sermon in a small grove on the bank of the North Loup River, in May, 1872, to a congregation of twenty-five pioneers. He was appointed agent of immigration for Valley County, and has been the means of locating over two hundred families in Valley County. He has been Postmaster since January, 187e. He now owns a timber claim of 160 acres and a one-half interest in the village site. He was born in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., March 15, 1834, and lived in his native State until 1849. His family then moved to Rock County, Wis., where he attended school for five years, then to Waushara County, Wis., being the first of the pioneers in the then wilds of Central Wisconsin. He is a self- educated and thoroughly practical business man. His first wife's maiden name was Metta A. Bristol, of New York State; was again married in 1877, to Miss Hattie E. Payn, of North Loup, who died in February, 1880. Mr. B. was a member of the Wisconsin Legislature in 1865-66; was elected Probate Judge of Valley County, holding the office one term; was County Superintendent of Schools one term; County Commissioner one term, and represented his district one term in the Nebraska State Legislature in 1879.
DR. CHARLES BADGER was born in Kingsbury, Washington Co., N. Y., on the 21st of March, 1824. He lived in his native State until eighteen years of age, during the last three years of which he taught in the public schools of his native town. From this time until the age of twenty-two he studied theology. From twenty-two to twenty- seven years of age, he studied medicine and clerked in a store. On June 9, 1851, he went before Drs. Johnson and Bartlett, of Milwaukee, Censors of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin, and passed a medical examination, and by their recommendation received the society's diploma at the hands of Alfred L. Castleman, who was then President of the society. In the same month he commenced the practice of medicine with A. L. Castleman, at Delafield, Waukesha Co., Wis. On March 31, 1853, he was married to Samantha L. Maxson. They have two children--Katie M. and Hettie S. Badger. While living in Wisconsin, Katie married Mr. W. J. Holladay, railroad contractor. Hettie S. married James Vernon, an English gentleman. Dr. Badger graduated March 14, 1871, at the Chicago Medical College, the Medical Departmentof the Northwestern University receiving the College and University seals. He practiced medicine in Waukesha, Dodge, Dane and Rock Counties, Wis.; McHenry County, Ill., and Clinton County, Iowa. In the spring of 1872, he came to Valley County, Neb., and located on Section 26; broke 120 acres; took a timber claim and broke forty acres, and planted twenty trees. He practiced medicine in Valley, Sherman, Howard, Greeley and Taylor Counties for nearly eight years, when overwork and failing health compelled him to abandon it. He was appointed by the Governor to register votes of Valley County; was Coroner three terms; Justice of the Peace one term; first County Superintendent of Public Instruction for Valley County; fought through the first public highway; built the first bridge and gave to North Loup its name.
NEHEMIAH BEE, dealer in dry goods, drugs and groceries, opened business in North Loup in May, 1879. He carries a stock of about $1,000 in goods. He first came to the above village in 1878, and engaged in farming until he began trade. He owns a farm on Section 36, Town 18, Range 13--160 acres, twenty of which are under cultivation. He also owns quite an amount of village property. He was born in Doddridge County, W. Va., June 17, 1838; moved to Freeborn County, Minn., in 1865; farmed until he came to Nebraska. He was married in West Virginia, December, 1863, to Miss Celia Lowther, of Ritchie County, latter State. They have three children-- Emma C., Raymond N. and Jennie L.
S. A. PARKS, dealer in real estate, wagon-maker, etc., first located in what is now known as North Loup; he bought some railroad land and engaged in farming two years, then settled in the village and kept a livery and feed stable a year, then kept a blacksmith and wagon shop. He now owns a fine stock farm on Section 14, Town 13, Range 18, containing 111 acres, forty of which are under cultivation, with ten acres of young timber. He also owns a part of the village plat. Was born in Pittsburgh, Penn., February 8, 1848; family moved to Ashland, Ohio, then to Cornwall, Canada, and from thence to St. Lawrence County, N. Y.; enlisted December, 1863, in Company H, Ninety- third Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles at Winchester and Harper's Ferry, and many skirmishes; was mustered out December, 1865; went to Appleton, Wis., and attended the Lawrence University, also taught several terms of school in Minnesota; went to Chicato, Ill., and engaged in the grocery trade some time, then to the Black Hills, and to Yankton, D. T., etc. He was married in Omaha, Neb., May 15, 1878, to Miss Mary Thomas, of Elvira, Iowa. They have one daughter, Breezie Ethel.
THOMAS L. REDLON, attorney at law, first came to North Loup August 19, 1879, and taught the higher department of North Loup School, two winters and one summer, since which time he has been in the practice of law and dealing in real estate; also, Land Agent for the B. & M. R. R.; was born in Granger, Allegany Co., N. Y., October 5, 1846; lived in native State until 1853, and went with his parents to Waushara County, Wis.; lived in Plainfield until 1861; enlisted September 24, of same year, in Company E, First Regiment Wisconsin Cavalry; was on scouting duty two and a half years; re-enlisted in Eighth Wisconsin Battery; participated in the battle at Nashville in 1864; was head clerk in the office of Brig. Gen. Van cleve; was mustered out at Milwaukee, Wis., August 10, 1865; attended School in Prairie du Chien, Wis., some time; began the study of law and was admitted to the bar of the Circuit Court June #, 1868; elected County Superintendent of Public Instruction for Crawford County, Wis., and served one term; came to Nebraska in 1874; is a member of St. Paul Lodge, No. 82, A., F. & A. M. He was married in Crawford County, Wis., 1866, to Miss Edline Richardson, of the latter county. They have four daughters--Marcella J., Minnie E., Bertha A. and Serena A.
JOHN SHELDON, dealer in general merchandise, opened business April 1, 1881; carries a stock of about $3,300; deals largely in agricultural implements. He first came to Nebraska in the fall of 1871, and located a claim three miles southeast of North Loup, consisting of 145 acres, ninety of which is now under cultivation. He also owns quite an amount of village property; moved into village in March, 1882. He first located in Scotia, Greeley County, in the spring of 1879, and engaged in the mercantile business three years; was County Treasurer of the Latter county six years, being elected in the fall of 1876; was born in Germany August 31, 1848; came to America with his parents in 1854, settling in Waushara County, Wis., and lived until 1871, clerking for Oscar Babcock in a general store; came to Nebraska as one of a committee of four to locate the Dakota Colony, from Waushara County, Wis. He was married in Waushara County September 21, 1871, to Miss Mary A. Brown, of the latter county and place. They have three children--Ida L., Irving and Lewis. The names of the committee who came to find a location for the colony were Charles P. and Herman Rood, Mansel Davis and John Sheldon. There was only one house in what is now the village of St. Paul, and only one dug-out north of that place, which constituted all the settlers in North Loup Valley.
S. C. TERRY, dealer in groceries and hardware, opened usiness April 3, 1882; carries a stock of about $1,200. He first located about two and a half miles southwest of North Loup on a homestead, in the spring of 1873, being the first man to locate permanently in Myra Creek Valley. He was born in Warren County, N. Y., October 17, 1852;loved in his native State until 1854; parents moved to Welton, Clinton Co., Iowa. He was raised on a farm; lived in Iowa until he came to Nebraska; was married in Valley County, Neb., in 1878 to Miss Emma Rood, of Waushara County, Wis. They have one son, Loyal Erwin. Mr. Terry and afamily are members of the Seven-Day Baptist Church of North Loup.
CHARLES H. WELLMAN, dealer in general merchandise, opened business May 1, 1881, at North Loup. He first came to Greeley County in the spring of 1872, and took up a homestead on Sections 31 and 32, Town 18, Range 12, consisting of 160 acres now has seventy under cultivation; followed farming until he came to the village of North Loup; was Coroner of Greeley County six years, and Justice of the Peace two years, and a member of the first locating committee. He was born in Peru, Berkshire Co., Mass., May 28, 1842. His parents (now deceased) moved to Newton, Marquette Co., Wis. He was married in May, 1868, to Miss Mary A. Francisco, of the latter county. They have three children--Loell C., Clarence E. and Clyde.