Nebraska Thursday, October 6, 1887
Chattel loans at Healds
Fuel cartridges at Cloughs
L.M. STAPLES was in Scotia this week
Frank HESTON of Buffalo, was a cash caller on Saturday last
John SORIVANS and Peter DAHLSTEN of Middleport called last week.
J.E. McBRIDE of Aurora, Neb., was in town a few days this week.
Miss Maggie STARR of this place, is attending the Albion fair
this week.
Bro. HEWITT and wife were in town on Saturday.
Will BAIRD represented Garfield County in the Judicial convention
at Scotia on Monday.
D. SCHEMBELDT of Petersburg was in town over Sunday, the guest
of one of our fair belles.
Judge HARRISON, of Grand Island will hold a term of court in this
County commencing on Oct. 26.

J.S. WRAY - Carpenter and Builder
- Ono and Bartlett----Nebraska
Ralph STAPLE left at this office, the other day, a little
radish twenty three inches long. Who can beat it?
George VANHORN, living west of town, showed us a watermelon which
weighed 48 pounds.
Jas. WEEDMARK was up from Moran on Saturday and called. He is
thinking about opening a store at this place.
N.L. WATERS left on Monday for Omaha, where he will purchase a
complete stock of new goods.
Landlord RICHARDS has been having a full house nearly all week.
He runs a good house and should be patronized.
E.A. BOHNE and wife and V.J. THOMAS of North Loup, and Miss BARROWS,
of Hastings, visited with Mrs. MITCHELL this week.
Rev. WILSON, the new Methodist minister for this place preached
a very able sermon in the hall last Sunday.
A.J. STEWART, the constable who had charge of Nelson REEVES, the
libertine, called while in town the other day and informed us
that the prisoner escaped from him while waiting for assistance
and a conveyance with which to bring the criminal to town. We
make this for the reason that we, with others, wrongfully accused
J.W. BAIRD and G.N. BISHOP returned from the Judicial convention
on Tuesday night. They inform us that Judges TIFFANY and HARRISON
were renominated. They will carry our County by large majorities
this fall.
Mrs. HARVEY, our popular milliner, is attending the Albion fair
this week. She will exhibit a crazy silk pillow cover, composed
of 150 different pieces of all colors. The article is only about
20 inches square, and represents a great deal of work.

John WERTMAN - Blacksmith & Repairing - Shop
on old Powell farm
Grand Island Independant
A Horse Thief Secured
Sheriff WEDGEWOOD arrived last night from Van Buren, Arkansas,
with Neils ERRICKSON, who on June 20th stole two horses and a
carriage from C.E. JEROME, a liveryman in this city, hiring the
team for the pretended purpose of driving to Ravenna on business,
claiming to be in the secret business of the Land Department of
the United States. Instead of driving to Ravenna, however, ERRICKSON
drove south and made for Kansas, when two weeks later he stole
five hundred dollars from a farmer with whom he was stopping,
representing himself as a real estate man. He then skipped for
Indian Territory, when he was arrested for his Kansas theft, but
in some manner he managed to dispose of his team and escape from
the officers. He then went to Alabama and from there to Arkansas,
when Sheriff WEDGEWOOD got word of him a week ago last Thursday,
ordering his arrest by telegraph and starting at once for this
man, armed with a requisition from the Governor. Last night he
had the satisfaction of safely lodging his man in the Hall County
ERRICKSON is a Swede, but it seems that he spent time in the Prussian
Army. Soon after coming to this country it seems he located in
Iowa, where he joined the church and was married, but soon afterward
he got into some crooked transactions and skipped for Illinois
leaving a number short on account. In Iowa he passed under the
name of Phillip HOLLBERG. From Iowa he went to Illinois and there
again attempted to play the church racket, having deserted his
wife, but he was found out and again was compelled to skip. He
then went to Kansas where without being divorced from his present
wife he married his present one. He was subsequently arrested
at Beatrice under the name of N.E. DOVE, for forgery; tried and
sentenced to three years in the Nebraska penitentiary, which term
he served. The next we learn of him he is in Grand Island working
as a Tailor for R. FROHBERG, and a little later in business for
himself. He then goes to Custer County and obtains some money
by mortgaging property which he does not own and by other devices.
Then he comes to Grand Island again and hires a team of Mr. JEROME,
uses it two or three days, returns it and pays for it, gets another
team next day and strikes out for new fields, leaving the owner
and his family to hold the bag.
James REDD, a negro
waiter at the Paxton Hotel, Omaha, attempted to murder his wife,
firing at her with a revolver three or four times. He was perfectly
sober at the time, and admits that he was prompted by jealous
motives. He has of late been charging his wife with unchastity,
and the other evening he threatened to stab her with a butcher
knife, and was only prevented from murdering her by neighbors
disarming him.
Fine peanuts were raised this season on the MALCOLM place,
near Fremont.
Dr. A. BEAR, a prominent democratic politician of Norfolk,
returned last week with a bride, Miss Mamie LEOY, formerly of
Richmond, Va.
The new bridge over the Loup at Columbus will cost $50,000.
The city of Columbus will bond for $40,000, and the township for
Two brothers in Lancaster County named REED quarreled about
division of property, when one pulled a pistol and fired at the
other, but fortunately did not hit him. He was arrested and will
have to answer for his murderous propensities before the District
The twelve year old son of W.T. KICKLEY, of Columbus, met
with a serious accident, in which he sustained a compound fracture
of the left leg below the knee. He was riding a vicious pony,
which became unmanageable, reared and fell backward on the lad.
A temporary wagon bridge over the Loup river at Columbus has
been completed.
There is great rejoicing in Crawford owing to the fact that
the B & M Railroad company has run a preliminary survey through
the town. The line is permanently established to a point fifteen
miles south. Real estate has taken a decided jump. Lots that
were selling for $200.00 cannot now be purchased for double that
A Pullman car porter was struck by a switch engine in the
yards at Lincoln and knocked a rod or two along the ground. He
was badly injured but not fatally.
Secretary AGER, of the railway commission was called to his
home in Ord from Lincoln by the serious illness of his child.
L.H. CASE, who was arrested in Norfolk last December on the
charge of forgery and taken to Kansas, has finally been acquitted
on the charge. On the first trial last April the jury disagreed.
But last week when the case was called the district attorney
entered a _____? On the ground of lack of evidence and that it
was evident that the complaint was originated for the purpose
of obtaining title to a certain land which a squatter had occupied.
Maggie FISCHER, of Hastings, a young German girl, gave birth
to an illegitimate child and wrapped the waif in a blanket and
dropped it in a deep vault. The cries of the child were heard
and it was removed. The heartless mother is under arrest and
will in time get due punishment.
At Wahoo a Saunders County farmer was "done up"
to the tune of $56 by a man whom it is supposed belonged to Davis
& Colvins circus. He proposed to give the farmer greenbacks
for gold, and in making the exchange handed back but $14 out of
Mart HARVEY, an Omaha young man who does not bear a very enviable
reputation, got into an altercation with his brother in law, Lou
CROUNSE, in a saloon, and in the scuffle which ensued, seized
a large butcher knife and stabbed CROUNSE in the arm severely.
CROUNSE's wife who came to the rescue of her husband was also
handeled rather roughly by her brother who was arrested and jailed.
A man named RILEY was arrested in Lincoln for making dangerous
threats to his wife, while in a beastly state of intoxication.
A few days ago he sold a portion of the household effects to
a second hand dealer for the purpose of obtaining money to secure
liquor. Mrs. RILEY refused to deliver the goods when called for,
hence the dire wrath of the inhuman husband.
Quinton CAMPBELL, for a time the city editor of the Omaha
Herald, shot his wife at Leavenworth, Kansas last week, jealousy
being assigned as the cause. The woman, it is thought, is not
mortally wounded. CAMPBELL claims that she had been untrue to
her marriage vows, but there is no proof.
George E. ANDREWS - the candidate
for County Clerk, is a man of 28 years, born in Washington County,
Iowa, on November 5th, 1859, while he resided with his parents
until they moved to Des Moines, where he lived continuously until
four years ago, when he decided to move west and engage in the
stock business. Mr. A. finally located on the Beaver, where he
has a sterling business ability and built up a lucrative business.
Besides being a man competent to fill the position he is also
a republican whom we can support, believing him to be the best
man for the place.
C. THEDE - There is no better in Wheeler county and he is
too well acquainted with our people to need an extended notice
at our hands, having served the people honorably in the capacity
of county treasurer for one term. Mr. THEDE will be elected by
the largest majority of any on the ticket.
John CROCKETT - He was born in Tiffan, Ohio in 1843 and moved
to Heary? County where he resided until the fall of 61 when he
entered the services of his country in company D. 68, O. VV L.
where he served for three years and seven months. He is respected
by his neighbors as an honest upright citizen. He will be elected
Anson H. BIGELOW - for superintendent of schools, is another
man whom it is not necessary for us to give an extended notice
at this time. Mr. BIGELOW is the right man in the right place.
Well educated, gentlemanly in his demeanor and well posted in
shool work. Pick a flaw in his record if you can.
George S. TODD - the next county judge is an old disabled
veteran, an attorney of several years experience and a man competent
to fill the position to which he aspires.
Lyman F. MILLER - was nominated by acclamation for the office
of county surveyor, which fact speaks louder than words in his
Newton H. WILBER, M.D. - the modest young man who will sit
on the lifeless remains of accidental deaths is a graduate of
the New York medical University, a republican and a gentleman
who is competent to fill the position of county coroner.
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