Bartlett, Nebraska, February 8, 1888

February 8, 1888
Wheeler County Republican

Mrs. THEDE has her sister visiting from Minnesota

P.G. RICHARDSON and A.B. CACY were callers at this office last week.

Mrs. George BAKER of Clear Creek was a caller at this office Monday last.

Our friend W.H. FLETCHER of Ono was a caller at this office last week

Miss Etta WATERS was in to see us the other day. Miss WATERS is one of the best school teachers in the county.

Mr. Henry EADE (ENDE?) and Miss Lotie BORD , both of Wheeler County, were married at Buffalo by Judge FRENCH

We have received the particulars of the freezing of Mrs. Jos. MILLER and her son, of Bliss, which we will publish next week.

Freemont Items

Mr. & Mrs. Charles ERICKSON visited Clearwater this week.

A. ANDERSON of Clearwater was up on the Valley looking around

Mr. & Mrs. FOSTER of Genoa have been visiting their sister, Mrs. J.R. COFFIN, for a few days past. There was a pleasant party given for them.

John EARP was doing business in Town Tuesday.

Mud Creek News

L.F. MILLER's family is down with colds

Last Tuesday evening the young people called on Mr. & Mrs. Rob SIMPSON. Rob is still miserable His mother is with them now.

J.P. MITCHELL & Mrs. Nancy MANSFIELD were recently married and the people of the Creek wish them much happiness.

Willis FRANKLIN, a gardener, residing at Florence in this county, was rescued from being frozen to death during the late intense cold spell by his faithful Shepard dog. He started to cross the Missouri on the ice to visit a friend living a mile or so within the Iowa confines. When near the opposite bank he was seized with an epileptic fit and fell on the ice. He must certainly have perished of the cold but his devoted canine friend did his utmost to arouse him with barking, licking his face and pulling at this clothing. Finally FRANKLIN recovered sufficiently enough to sit up and realizing that he was rapidly freezing he called to his dog and grasping him by the tail bade him to go home. The intelligent animal seemed to understand what was wanted of him and started to scramble back across the bleak river. After much tugging he reached the Nebraska bank and here he set up such a dismal howling that he attracted the attention of some passer-by. Although FRANKLIN escaped with his life both hands and one foot were badly frozen.
Omaha Bee

A crazy man riding around Lancaster county has been captured and will be given a place in the asylum as soon as one can be found for him.

Arthur BARTON, a young Englishman living in South Omaha, has fallen heir to $50,000. The money is in England and he will go after it.


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