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History of the State of Nebraska
Chicago: The Western Historical Company
A. T. Andreas, Proprietor

Page 1493

bers: H. Seymour, President; F. A. Bidwell, Secretary; Charles Le Count, Treasurer; L. J. Gandy, F. A. Newell, H. M. Detrick.


Methodist Episcopal.—The first attempt made to organize a class in York County, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, took place at the house of David Baker, in the spring of 1871, Mr. Baker acting as class leader. The members of this pioneer class were: David Baker, Elvira Baker, J. H. Bell, Thomas Bassett, L. D. Brakeman, Ella Brakeman, Sarah M. Moore, Thomas Myers, John Murphy, Mary Murphy, S. W. Pettis, Mrs. Shackelford.

In the fall of this year ex-Judge W. E. Morgan was appointed pastor to this charge. It was given the name of the York Mission and included the entire county. Immediately after taking charge, Judge Morgan re-organized the few members that resided in the county at this date into two classes, one on the West Blue, and the other, the original class of the York Methodist Episcopal Society, at the house of David Baker, the total membership of both classes reaching twenty-seven. Judge Morgan officiated as pastor until the close of the conference year in 1875. He held the first service after his appointment in the store of Brahmstadt & Kleinschmidt and from this time until the completion of the schoolhouse in the summer of 1872, at the residence of Mr. Baker. Services were held at the schoolhouse until the spring of 1873, at which date the Presbyterian Church was completed. It was used by the society until the following September, when the Methodist Episcopal Church was completed, Rev. Minor Raymond, D. D., of Evanston, Ill., officiating at the dedication services. At the fourth quarterly conference of the year 1871-72, held during the month of February, 1872, Judge Morgan presiding, the following Board of Trustees were elected: David Baker, S. W. Pettis, C. Tagg, Albert Deems, recording steward.

The lots upon which the church formerly stood were donated to the society by the South Platte Land Company and, $100 were received from the Church Extension Society. The balance was contributed by the citizens of York and members of its several church societies. In 1880 the society conveyed this building to the Swedish Lutheran Church Society, and it was removed to its present site in 1881, and services are now held at Bells' Hall. The parsonage was erected in 1877. Rev. Edwin Buck was the snccessor of Judge Morgan, closing his ministry in the fall of 1877, being succeeded by Rev. E. J. Willis, who also remained for a period of two years. Rev. W. S. Blackburn was appointed to this charge in the fall of 1879, remaining one year. Rev. G. A. Smith, the present pastor, came to York in October, 1880, and is now serving his second year. The present officers of the church are: Trustees, L. J. Gandy, A. J. Codding, George Beck, G. W. Woods, A. W. Wirt, E. M. Cheeney, E. M. Battis, J. C. Tenney, T. D. Knapp; E. M. Cheeney, recording steward.

The organization of the Presbyterian Church of York took place in a grove of elms, since destroyed, situated on the banks of the Beaver, not far from the mill site, July 23, 1871. Rev. George H. Carroll, District Missionary of the Board of Home Missions for western Iowa, presided and preached the sermon, after which the society was formally organized by the following members: A. C. Montgomery, Annie M. Montgomery, Robert Charlton, F. O. Bell, Elizabeth Dixon, R. R. Crawford, J. A. Crawford, M. C. French. A. C. Montgomery was elected Ruling Elder and Clerk and the pulpit was supplied during the first year. Rev. D. B. Fleming became the first pastor in 1872 and during this year the church edifice was commenced and completed, the dedication services taking place November 17. Rev. T. K. Hedges officiated as pastor in 1873, and in 1874 the church was again supplied. Rev. A. S. Powell was called as pastor in 1875, and in April, 1876, D. P. Temple was elected and ordained Ruling Elder. Rev. W. F. Gibson was pastor for one year, commencing in 1877, being succeeded by Rev. B. F. Sharp, the present pastor, who began his labors in April, 1878. In March, 1879, W. W. Giffin was ordained Ruling Elder and during the summer of 1880 the church building was enlarged at a cost of $400, making it 24x56 feet. It is now a neat, comfortable frame building, elegantly furnished with oak pews, while the walls and ceiling are tastefully decorated. The property is valued at $1,500. Since the organization ninety-seven persons have united with the church out of which number five have been removed by death, viz.: Robert Charlton, Mrs. Annie M. Dickey, Mrs. Clara Vanvalkenburgh, Mrs. George W. Miller, and Miss Minnie Sleirart, and several others have been dismissed at their own request and recommended to other churches, leaving a present membership of eighty-four.

St. Joseph Catholic Church was first attended as a mission in 1877 by Father William Byrne, and by him organized into a church. It was under his charge until the spring of 1878 when he was succeeded by Father O'Brien, who was in attendance until 1880. Father Wallace attended during the years of 1880 and 1881 and was succeeded by Father C. J. Quinn, of Utica, the present attending priest. The church was commenced in 1879 and completed in 1881 at a cost of $1,100. The parish has a membership of 300.

The Congregational Church, of York, was organized in May, 1872, at the office of F. A. Bidwell. The organizing members were F. A. Bidwell, Mrs. F. A. Bidwell, Austin Harris, Mrs. Austin Harris, L. D. Stillson [Stilson], Dr. W. Anderson, Mrs. Dr. Anderson. The society erected a large frame building, designed as a school building, in 1874, which was used as a house of worship until recently transferred to Messrs. Buckman and Worley, and are now engaged in constructing a new church edifice. The first Board of Trustees were elected shortly after the organization and included F. A. Bidwell, Austin Harris and Dr. Willam Anderson. First church clerk, L. D. Stillson [Stilson]. The present membership reaches 100. Present Board of Trustees: George A. Chessman, George B. France, F. A. Bidwell. Since the organization of the church no pastor has been called, a regular supply being furnished.

Universalist.—The organization of this church dates back to June, 1880, at which date it was organized by Rev. L. S. Roripaugh. Rev. E. R. Earl, the present incumbent, became the pastor September 1, 1881. The present house of worship was completed in April, 1881, and the property is valued at $1,800. The trustees of the church are, John Itner, J. D. P. Small, Charles Lee Count [Le Count] .


York Lodge, No. 56, A. F. & A. M., was granted a dispensation August 2, 1874, issued to the following members: Malcolm G. Barney, Charles Lee Count [Le Count], Samuel McConnaughey, William M. Knapp, Lee Love, Andrew Rowley, J. D. P. Small, J. W. Foster, Albert A. Burtch, Henry Smith, James A. McKillip, John A. Eatherley. A charter was granted to the same members June 24, 1875, by Grand Master Frank Welch, and Grand Secretary William R. Bower. The first meeting was held November 3, 1874, at which the following officers were chosen: W. R. Knapp, W. M.; Lee Love, S. W.; M. G. Barney, J. W.; J. A. Etherley, Secretary; J. D. P. Small, Treasurer; J. A. McKillop, S. D.; Charles Lee Count [Le Count], J. D.; Andrew Rowley, Tiler. Trustees—M. G. Barney, Charles Lee Count [Le Count], J. A. McKillop. The lodge is in a prosperous working condition, and one of the strongest in the State. The present officers are: W. M. Knapp, W. M.; D. E. Sayre, S. W.; G. B. France, J. W.; L. A. Brandhoffer, Secretary; G. E. Butterfield, Treasurer.

York Lodge, No. 35, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was granted a charter October 2, 1872, and is the pioneer lodge of York County. The charter members are: William H. Keckley, S. E. Gandy, J. P. Miller, Austin Lindsley, D. A. Ritner, E. H. White, A. E. Streeter, Francis Brooks, R. B. Stevens. At the first meeting held October 2, 1872, the following officers were elected: W. H. Keckley, Noble Grand; S. E. Gandy, Vice Grand; E. H. White, Secretary; J. P. Miller, Treasurer. The lodge owns a fine large frame building, erected in 1878, the chambers of which are devoted to the lodge and ante-rooms of the Order. The present membership reaches seventy-five (75) with the following officers: A. F. Rice, Noble Grand; C. F. Day, Vice Grand; A. L. McClellan, Secretary; W. H. Gould, Treasurer.

Robert Anderson Post, No. 24, Grand Army of the Republic, was granted a charter June 23, 1880, by James W. Sorogage, Department Commander, and Jno. S. Wood, Assistant Adjutant General.

It is named in honor of Gen. Robert Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumter, and its roster of charter members includes the following gentlemen: B. Crabb, Captain Company H, Seventh Iowa Infantry; R. D. Ralston, private, Company H, One Hundred and Nineteenth Illinois Infantry; J. B. Laycock, Sergeant, Company F, Seventh P. R. C. Infantry; John Lett, private, Company E, Eleventh Iowa Infantry; A. W. Gandy, private, Company E, Third Iowa Cavalry; W. M. Knopp [Knapp], private, Company G, Fiftieth New York Infantry; A. C. Montgomery, private, Company B, Eighty-third Pennsylvania Infantry; S. E. Gandy, private, Company E, Third Iowa Cavalry; E. Granger, private, Company F, Twenty-eighth Iowa Infantry; H. C. Graves, private, Company D, Sixty-fifth Illinois Infantry; J. W. Frost, private, Company I, Seventh Minnesota Infantry; C. Penn, private, Company H, Twenty-fourth Iowa Infantry; L. J. Gandy, private, Company H. Seventh Iowa Infantry; George Flock, private, Company D, Sixth Iowa Infantry; D. Hutchinson, private, Company I, Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry; A. H. Campbell, private, Company E, Fifty-third Illinois Infantry; W. L. Nichols, private, Company E, Third Wisconsin Infantry; D. W. Keister, private, West Moreland Guards; L. D. Muller, private, Company L, First Indiana Cavalry; J. S. Gray, private, Company E, First Indiana Artillery; H. D. Wright, private, Company I, Eleventh Illinois Infantry; T. V. Smith, musician, Company A, One Hundred and Second Iowa Infantry; G. W. Albem, private, Company C, One Hundred and Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry; J. G. Ells, private, Company E, Tenth Illinois Infantry; N. M. Morgan, private, Company L, Second United States Artillery; S. R. Lichtenberger, Captain, Company D, Fifteenth Illinois Infantry; W. H. Keckley, private, Company E, Thirty-seventh Iowa Infantry; F. M. Dillon, private, Seventh Iowa Battalion; A. M. Fansler, private, Company B, United States Marines. The First Post Commander was B. Crabb, First Senior Vice Commander, D. R. Ralston; First Junior Vice Commander, J. B. Lacock; First Adjutant, John Lett. The post holds a monthly camp-fire on the second Monday of each month, has a membership of seventy-five, and is one of the strongest in the State.

The present officers of the Post are: A. J. Bell, P. C.; J. H. Ham- [Hamilton]

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