York County, Nebraska York Homepage

History of the State of Nebraska
Chicago: The Western Historical Company
A. T. Andreas, Proprietor

Page 1498

E. and Sarah S. Post, the former of old New England stock, the latter of Scotch origin. They removed to Athens County, same State, when George W. was but a small child, remaining there till he was ten years of age. They then went to Missouri, about the time of the breaking out of the Rebellion, but his father being a Presbyterian minister and of Northern blood, his services were not appreciated, consequently remained there but a short time. However it was long enough to result in the loss of considerable property. They then removed to Leon, Iowa, thence to Bloomfield, same State, and here the subject of this sketch entered the army when fourteen years old, in the Forty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company D, one hundred days call. Here also, his father died in 1868, leaving a wife and six children, dependent on their own exertions for support. George W. the third child, previous to his father's death, had attended the public school, and since the age of twelve years, had devoted his leisure time to reading law. He had also taught school some, and during this same year of 1868, entered the Troy High School, Iowa, where he was a student for two years. Then commenced reading law in the office of Hon. H. C. Travers. Was admitted to the bar, in the early part of 1871, before Hon. Judge Williams, at Ottumwa, Iowa, and very soon afterwards came to Nebraska, choosing York as his field of labor. He was one of the first lawyers in the county and at that time there was only one exclusive dwelling house in the town, which was occupied by Dr. Tutton, the material, sod. To be sure, there was an inferior structure, that went by the name of hotel, but the accommodations were limited, Judge Post being one of eighteen who occupied a room. Soon after locating here, he became connected with T. L. Warrington, in the law business, continuing a year, after which he practiced alone till 1875, when he was elected Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of Nebraska, and re-elected in the fall of '79. He was married January 1, 1879, at Mount Pleasant, Pa., to Laura, daughter of Dr. James McConaughy of that city.


JOSHUA B. READ, farmer, P.O. York, came to Nebraska in 1870 and purchased a claim on Section 18, Township 11, Range 2, west York Precinct, from the Government. After living on it two years, took up a homestead in Houston Precinct, Section 32, Township 11, Range 2 West. On to this he moved his family and lived there six years, improving his land, after which he returned to his former claim, where he now resides. Owns 240 acres, of which 160 is in York and eighty in Houston Precinct. Mr. Read erected the first frame house in the latter named precinct, hauling the lumber to construct it from Lincoln, a distance of sixty miles. In 1873 he helped organize the first school district in that precinct, and was one of the directors of the same. An incident in the life of Mr. Read, which will admirably illustrate the condition of the treasury of York County in 1870, we relate the following: Mr. Read had been to Milford to transact some business, and on his return from there, while passing through York, the county officials were holding their first meeting in said place. The building in which they were congregated was a small, inferior frame structure, the first and only one in the town. It was entirely destitute of chairs or seats of any kind; there was no desk of any description on which to write. Of course the officials could not proceed with business without either of these, so they cast about to get means to procure them with. As none of the officers had any money, and there was not a dollar in the treasury, they called on Mr. Read, and he loaned them six dollars. It took a good deal of perseverance to get this money back, but he finally succeeded after the lapse of two years. The subject of this sketch was born in Hardin County, Ky., June 25, 1833. Son of Lewis and Alice Read nee Brown. His father is of Scotch and his mother of English descent. He remained in his native State till his emigration to this State. Followed farming till twenty-eight years of age, and then became a merchant. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate Army of the Rebellion, Eighth Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, Company K. He went in as a private, but in the fall of 1863 was promoted to First Lieutenant, and in the spring of 1864, to Captain, for meritorious service under Gen. Morgan. He married in Kentucky in 1866, Miss Alice Rodgers, of that State. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Houston Precinct. They have four children, Jocie H., Alford L., Emma A., and Charley.

JOSIAH J. RICHARDS, proprietor of the "Cedar Park Farm," more generally known as "Cochran Place," came to Nebraska in the spring of 1880, and purchased the above farm. This contains 160 acres all under a high state of cultivation. He has a fine residence, well surrounded with different kinds of ornamental trees, and a twelve acre grove of soft maples. In addition to this, he has a young orchard just starting to bear, and all kinds of small fruits in abundance. The subject of this sketch was born in Champaign County, Ohio, February 9, 1829, son of Josiah and Nancy Richards, nee Powell, who were of German lineage. In 1844 they removed to Logan County, Ill. They were farmers by occupation, and and here Josiah J. went to school and worked on the farm till 1858, when he was married to Miss Eliza Musick, after which he commenced farming for himself. Their family consists of eight children, Henrietta, now Mrs. William Wendell, of Lincoln, Ill.; Emma H., Anna B., Albert D., Straut, Lott, Pearl and Roy. Mr. Richards' farm is entirely fenced with osage orange and willow hedge.

ANDREW L. SANDALL, farmer and stock raiser, Section 34, Township 11, Range 3 west, P.O. York, was born in Sweden, Nov. 17, 1848. He came to the United States with his parents in 1858, who settled in Henry County, Iowa, and commenced farming. When eighteen years old, Andrew L. started out for himself, working at various occupations until the spring of 1871. Then came to Nebraska and homesteaded eighty acres of his present farm, and has since added eighty more. This is all under cultivation, with the exception of twenty acres fenced for pasture. He also has a fine young orchard and three acres of timber all of his own planting. Mr. Sandall was the second Swedish settler in York County, but now their number in York and Baker Precincts has increased to twenty-five families, all thrifty, agricultural people, and able to support a church of their own denomination, called Bethesda Church. Mr. Sandall was married in 1873 at York, by Rev. W. E. Morgan, to Miss Matilda Kaliff, who was also born in Sweden, they being the first couple married in the first church building in York County. They are original members of the church mentioned above in Baker Precinct.

CHARLES M. SANDALL, farmer and stock raiser, Section 28, Town 11, Range 3 west, P.O. York, came to Nebraska in the fall of 1871, and took a look at the country. Liking it very much, he returned to his former home, in Henry County, Iowa, where he was married the following spring, to Miss Fredicka Anderson, a native of Sweden, and immediately started for Nebraska, in company with six Swedish families. He took up a homestead of eighty acres on Section 34, one mile east of his present farm, on which he lived five years. He owns 200 acres of excellent farm land, all of which is under cultivation, and entirely surrounded by willow and osage orange hedge. Also a good residence and a number one barn form part of his improvements. Mr. Sandall has gone into stock raising quite extensively, and has been very successful in the same. He was born in Sweden December 23, 1845, and emigrated to the United States, with his parents, in 1858. They first settled in Henry County, Ill., but only remained there one year, and went to Henry County, Iowa, where they farmed, and here the subject of this sketch lived till his removal to Nebraska. His family consists of five children—Clara A., Silas C., Rebecca C., Carl O. and Esther A. His wife was the first Swedish lady in York County, and they are both original members of Bethesda Church. The Swedish settlement, which goes by the same name as the church, consists of twenty-five families, Mr. Sandall being largely instrumental in bringing them all to this State. The first religious service of this society was held at the residence of E. J. Dalstadt on Section 34, in the summer of 1872.

CAPT. WILLIAM T. SCOTT, attorney at law, of the firm of Scott & Frank, and senior member of the same, came to Nebraska in the spring of 1875, locating at York, where he commenced the practice of law, and at the same time established the weekly paper, known as the York County Sentinel, the second newspaper published in the county. This he successfully edited for one year, and has since devoted himself to his profession, with no partner until the fall of 1879, when the above firm was organized. Capt. Scott was the first Mayor of York City, being elected to the same in 1877. Was re-elected in 1878, but resigned, to fill the office of Legislator, being elected Representative from York County at the same time, and during the fulfillment of this office was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Lower House in 1879. Has served as County Attorney for three terms, and is at this writing Captain of the State National Guards of Nebraska. The subject of this sketch was born in Meade County, Ky., October 30, 1845, but removed with his parents to Harrison County, Ind., in 1864. Was a student in the University of that State, leaving the literary department as a junior, to take up the study of law, graduating from the law department of the said university in the year 1869, and was soon after admitted to the bar. He was married in Indiana, in 1871, to Sallie Miller, who is a native of that State. He is a member of the State Central Committee, and belongs to the I. O. O. F., York Lodge, No. 35. He is Chairman of the York County Republican Committee.

SAMUEL H. SEDGWICK, senior member of the firm of Sedgwick & Power, attorneys at law. This gentleman was born in Du Page County, Ill., March 12, 1848. Was a graduate from Wheaton College, Ill., in 1872, and was also a student at Ann Arbor, Mich., during part of the years 1871-72, and in 1874. Then went to Kewanee County, Wis., and commenced the practice of law, having been admitted to the bar at the city of Green Bay, in the same State, and here remained till his removal to Nebraska. This transpired in October, 1878, when he came to York, and first formed a co-partnership with George B. France. January 1, 1882, the present firm of Sedgwick & Power was organized. Frederick C. Power, junior member of the above firm, was born in St. Lawrence County, N.Y., June 3, 1855. Received an academic education at Antwerp, in his native State, and when he had completed this, commenced reading law in the office of Hon. Judge Neary, of Gouverneur, N.

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