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1870 Census of York County, Nebraska
Index of Households by Surname
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This census was very difficult to read in some places, and it appears some entries were written phonetically. We have taken the liberty of making notations where we feel the enumerator was writing the surname phonetically, based on other records available during the same time frame.

As with any transcription, we encourage you to verify the information in this transcriptions with copies of the original documents.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  V  W  Y  Z
(there are no surnames beginning with I, Q, U, or X)


Akin   76, 77, 80
Anderson   1, 3, 4, 5
Armstrong   155

Babcock   61, 62
Baker   46, 47
Barnes   156
Barns   20
Bassett   37, 178
Bates   30
Beezley   21
Bennet   91
Bibe   144
Biggs   32
Brisbin   63
Brown   102, 103
Buckmaster   36
Burris   55
Bussard   148

Chatterton   8
Clark   171
Clary   143
Colins   137
Coon   101, 117, 125, 173
Coopsey   56 (Seen as Copsey in other records)
Crable   38
Creegan   81, 82, 83, 84
Crowder   2
Cunningham   163
Cury   18
Cuttler   178

Dalton   15
Davis   93
Day   45
Deames   151
Dean   25, 26
Deweese   28, 29
Dewitt   115, 122
Doan   123
Dutton   12
Duzenberry   154

Elliott   116, 177
Ellis   67, 68

Fairbanks   58, 59
Flock   65, 66, 69, 73
Fouse   157, 158
Friend   112
Frost   172

Galaway   138
Gales   52
George   57
Gilmore   17, 152
Godding   169
Golden   77
Gunlach   97

Hannah   167
Haris   41
Hasbrouck   88
Hayden   104, 105, 106
Hedgecock   159, 160
Henderson   49, 50
Hendrickson   34
Hessner   170
Hill   87
Hollack   149 (Seen as Holoch in other records)
Hyat   120

Johnson   130

Keading   127 (Seen as Kaeding in other records)
Kellie   54 (Seen as Kaily and Kailey in other records)
Kelly   31
Ketchum   60
Killmer   142

Lacount   168 (Seen as LeCount in other records)
Link   141
Long   166
Lucus   119

Maning   44
Manning   85, 86, 154
Mapes   74, 75
Martin   145
McCabe   131
McCauly   24
McCerey   22, 23
McFadden   132, 133
Mercer   113, 114
Merritt   124
Miller   147
Moore   78, 89
Muligh   94
Mullen   79
Munn   55
Murphy   43
Myers   33, 34

Neil   64
Newcomb   27
Nichols   95, 174

Ong   70, 135

Parker   107
Parsons   161
Peterson   128
Polcin   13

Ramsey   140
Read   90
Reed   39
Reetz   108, 118
Richardson   162, 165
Robbins   111

Schandorff   129
Schultz   126
Seaman   98
Seeman   92
Shackelford   35
Sheelley   153
Shepard   51
Skinner   139
Smith   19, 78, 100, 146
Stanton   72
Stark   71
Stewart   109, 110, 121, 136
Streeter   176
Stublefield   6

Taylor   14
Tidyman   99

Vance   9, 10, 11

Wallace   164
Webster   16
Welch   96
White   53
Wiley   179
Willson   42
Wiup   7, 12
Woodruff   134
Wulbbrand   150
Wyman   40

Yaeger   48
Young   35

Zewieg   175 (Seen as Zieg in other records)


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