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Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Callen, Wm. L. well borer r 302 e 1st st.
Campbell, A. H. horseman, r 556, w 5th st.
Campbell, J. W. teacher, res same.
Campbell, Lyman bus driver, Blodgett house.
Campbell, Mrs. Lyman 2nd cook Blodgett house.
Campbell, W. laborer, bds Wyoming house.
Canfield, Elijah res J. H. Miller.
Capitol,Wm. hostler, W. L. Clark, bds Commercial hotel.
Carey, Lee painter, r 515, Burlington ave.
Carey, B. F. wks G. P. Chessman, r ws Cherry nr 5th street
Carlberg, Gust. carpenter, wks National Lumber Co.
Carlin, J. J. law student, with Sedgwick & Power
Carpenter, C. N. prop Badger Yard, south B. & M. depot r ns Grand ave bet Cedar and Pine.
Carlson Sisters (Ada and Rosa) dressmakers, 607, Lincoln av up stairs.
Carmean, Mrs. Mary wid res E. M. Cheney.
Carnahan, J. C. justice of the peace, 623 Lincoln ave r 517 Beaver avenue.
Carnahan, T. (Montgomery & Carnahan) r 105 Platte ave.
Carpenter, John brick mason, r 412 Grant ave.
Carscadden, R. M. D. 607 Lincoln av up stairs, r 927, Platte ave.
Carscadden & Blackburn (R. Carscadden, R. A. Blackburn) physicians, 607 Lincoln ave. up stairs.
Carrol, Miss Maggie domestic, R. Rae's.
Carter, E. O. K. C. & O., bds St Elmo.
Carter, Ed agent bds St Elmo.
Cartwell, Clarence telegraph operator, bds Waverly house.
Cartwell, J. H. telegraph operator, bds Waverly house.
Carver, Miss Belle stenographer, bds H. Reader's.
Case, Miss Ettie res Mrs Marble.
Catholic church nw cor Iowa ave and 8th st.
Chance, W. stone mason. bds city dining hall.
Chandler, J. B. horseman, r 73, Nebraska ave.
Chapman, W. G. painter, r 807 Division ave.
Chapman, S. S. painter, r 500 w 6th st.
Chapman, Mrs. Margaret wid r 804 Elmer ave. (corrected per directory)
Chapman, G. S. painter res same.
Chapman, A.K. laborer, res same.
Chellgood, H. clerk bds Wyoming hotel.
Cheney, Geo. carpenter, r 509 Burlington ave.
Cheney, E. M. real estate r 1003, Lincoln ave.
Chessman, G. P. grain dealer r 725 York ave.
Chessman, Miss Annie student res same.
Chessman, Mrs. Mary wid r 927 York ave.
Chilcote, J. H. (Chilcote & Co.) r 720 Platte ave.
Chilcote, Miss Maude res same.
Chilcote, Miss Mabel res same.
Chilcote, Geo. Chilcote & Co., bds Commercial hotel.
Chilcote & Co. (J. H and Geo.) grocers, 607 Lincoln ave.
Chipperfield, R. T. student bds O. P. Sheldon's.
Christian M. laborer, bds Wyoming hotel.
Christian church ne cor Grand ave and Cedar st.
Christy, H. C. carpenter, bds Blodgett house.
Chittenden C. M. jeweler, with W. L. Whedon bds Commerc'l
Chubb, E. E. with H. Seymour, res 7I4 Beaver ave.
Churchill Miss Lillie domestic Iowa house.
Clabby, Mrs. wid res 322 e 1st st.
Claggett, Chas laborer, bds Wyoming hotel.
Clapp, F. O. (Meredith, Clapp & Swartz) r 621 Iowa ave.
Clark, F. W. Clark & Cox, r sw cor Plum and 6th st.
Clark, W. M. teamster, bds Iowa house.
Clark, Mrs. Sarah wid compositor Times office bds Wm. Miller
Clark, R. speculator, 623 Lincoln ave r 721 Platte ave.
Clark, J. F. meat market, 611 Lincoln ave res same.
Clark, C. C. wks canning factory, res same.
Clark, W. L. liveryman, 712 Lincoln ave r 823 Grant ave.
Clark, Rev. F. E. D. D., pastor catholic church, r 817 Iowa av.
Clark & Cox (F. W. Clark, L. Cox) draymen.
Cobb, C. C. with Cobb & Co. r 809 Lincoln ave.
Cobb, Miss Mabel artist, res same.
Cobb & Co. E. M. (The Fair) 603 Lincoln ave.
Cobb, E. B. stone mason, bds city dining hall.
Cochran, Wm. jeweler, 523 Lincoln ave. bds Wyoming hotel.
Codding, A. B. city and countv engineer. r 809 East ave.
Cole, W. R. proprietor Wyoming Hotel. 123-125 west 6th st.
Coles & Thomas (R.J. Coles A. S. Thomas) grocers, 110 e 5t st
Coles, R. J. Coles & Thomas, r 223 e 6th st.
Collier, Joseph contractor and builder, r 505 e 7th st.
Collier, Frank clerk Grippen & Co., res same.
Collier, Chas. clerk, Carl Zimmerer, res same.
Collier, J. J. carpenter, r 508 Iowa ave.
Colling, G. C. wagon maker, with B. F. Marshall r ne cor city limits
Colling, D. J. dry goods, 119 e 6th st, r 416 Nebraska ave.
Collingham, Jacob driver for York dairy, r sw cor Plum and 7th
Compton Wm. T. painter, r 611 Platte ave.
Compton A. F. lather, bds St Elmo house.
Compton, Mrs. W. T. laundry, 611 Platte ave.
Congregational Church se cor 7th st and Beaver ave.
Connell, U. G. job printer, Republican, r 79, Burlington ave.
Constans, Geo. K.C. & O. section boss
Coon, G. W. S. speculator, r 301 w 5th st.
Coon, Mrs. M. J. wid res same.
Cook, Mrs. Rebecca wid res Harry Giller.
Cook, E. confectioner, w s Broadway.
Cook, Geo. S. book-keeper, r 422 e 6th.
Cook, J. W. grocer, 619 Lincoln ave r 615 Nebraska ave.
Corcoran, Geo. F. editor Democrat, 421, Lincoln ave r 84 Lincoln avenue.
Corcoran, Miss Katie seamstress, res same.
Cornwell, Mrs Lottie M Dormitory.
Countz, C. stone mason, bds city dining hall.
Courtney & McBride Bro (W. H. Courtney, G. W. and L. N. McBride) props brick yard, se terminus city limits.
Courtney, W. H. Courtney & McBribe Bros., r 609 e 6th St.
Cowan, C. M. Hopkins & Cowan, r Hillside.
Cowan, C. Lynd p. o. mailing clerk, res same.
Cowell, W. M. attorney, room 2 Masonic Blk, bds Commercial
Cox, R. L. laborer, r 1033 Elmer ave.
Cox, L. Clark & Cox, r w s Plum bet 5th and 6th street.
Cox, J. W. clerk, Commercial Hotel.
Coy, L. R. clk John S. Knott, r 655 e 9th St.
Crabb, B. Crabb & Co., Commercial Hotel, 101-7 e 7th street, and 700-6 Lincoln ave.
Crable, Isaac a 428 Burlington ave.
Cramer, Henry elevator builder, r 527 w 7th St.
Crapser, A. P. Baldwin & Crapser, r 722 e 5th St.
Craske, James produce, r 105 Grant ave.
Creighton, T. A. farmer, r 530 w 5th St.,
Cressey, Miss Kate domestic Waverly house.
Crippen, Miss Louise res Geo. F. Downie.
Cross, Henry r west of canning factory.
Cross, Miss Clara res same.
Crosby, Miss Emma student, bds J. Strawderman's.
Crownover, E. B. clerk J. F. McConaughy's, bds Commercial hotel.
Crownover, Miss Vana teacher, bds Mrs. Graves.
Culver, F. F. pattern maker, foundry, r 402 Nebraska ave.
Cully, W. H. feed stable, 401 Grant ave, bds Capitol restaurant
Curtis, Mrs. Matilda res Mrs. Bly.

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