York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Fahrbach, F. Fry & Fahrbach, r 5o3 Burlington ave.
Fair, Geo. teacher, r 114, Nebraska, ave.
Fairleigh W. E. wks Spooner's Laundry, r 120 w 5th st.
Farley, B. F. physician, 6o6 Lincoln ave, up stairs, r 320 Blackburn ave.
Farr, James teamster, r 817 Platte ave.
Farrell, J. J. laborer, bds Wyoming hotel.
Faulkner, A. O. physician 618 Lincoln ave up stairs, r 821 Iowa avenue.
Fender, Miss Bertha clks Miss H. A. Buffum, res G. Prewitt.
Fender, Miss Cora res same as above. .
Ferguson, Samuel Ferguson & Owens, bds R. D. Owens.
Ferguson N. M. county treasurer, r 815 e 6th st.
Ferguson, J. F. commercial traveler, r 1002 Iowa ave.
Ferguson, Chas. painter, res same.
Ferris, R. E. teamster, r east terminus Grand ave.
Ferris, E. J. laborer, res same.
Fisher, D. grain and stock, r 623 e 8th st.
Fisher, W. D. jeweler, with Westervelt Bros, res same as above
Fisher G. C. Blixt & Fisher, r w s Broad'y bet Grand ave and 5th
Flock, Geo. collection agent r 216 Lincoln ave.
Flock, Finley tombstone agent res same as above.
Flinn, Patrick farmer, r 509 Burlington ave.
Ford, Fred laborer bds Wyoming.
Fording, H. A. prop dray line r 703 Burlington ave.
Foristall, D. E. physician 6o6 Lincoln ave up stairs r 714 York ave.
Forsteburg, Chas. Southworth & Forsteburg r 225 w 5th st.
France & Harlan (Geo. B. France, N. V. Harlan, attorneys), 522 Grant ave.
France, C. stone mason bds City dining hall.
France, Geo. B. France & Harlan r 1025 Beaver ave.
France, Miss Emma res same as above.
Franer, Miss Mary r 211 e 6th st.
Franklin, E. S. county supt res W. R. Knapp's.
Frank, M. C. (Dayton & Frank, York Republican) attorney, real estate agent and justice of the peace, office 107 e 6th st up stairs r 826 Beaver ave.
Freeman, Chas. student bds M. M. Wildman's.
French, Geo. P. teamster r 681 e 9th st.
French, H. F. bds Waverly House
Frew, John carpenter, r 503 Blackburn ave.
Frew, Wm. L. grocer, 516 Grant ave res same as above.
Frickey, J. B. well borer, r e s Cherry bet Grand and 5th.
Froid, O. boots and shoes, 107 e 6th st r 913 Iowa ave.
Fry & Fahrbach (Henry Fry, F. Fahrbach) horse importers, 222-224 e 5th st.
Fry, Henry Fry & Fahrbach, bds S. Idell.
Fuchee, Jerry bds Blodgett house.
Funk, Henry laborer, r 825 Elmer ave. (corrected per directory)
Funk, Miss Dora domestic, D. E. Sayre's.
Furman, W. R. City Bakery, 613 Lincoln ave r 201 w 7th st.

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