York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Hacker, R. W. candy manufacturer, with Reader Bros. & Co., res Union block.
Hale, J. F. attorney, No. 107 w 6th st, res 629 e 7th st.
Hale, Mrs. Lydia wid, res same as above.
Hall, H. A. (Hall & Dibble) City Dining Hall.
Hall, Miss Nettie S. student, bds dormitory.
Hall, I. C. laborer, bds Iowa House.
Hall & Dibble (H. A. Hall Dora Dibble), City Dining Hall, 411 Lincoln ave.
Hall, Geo. clerk Coles & Thomas, bds A. S. Thomas'.
Halsey, Rev. R. L. pastor First Baptist church, r 309 East ave.
Hallstrom, Chr. abstracter Baldwin & Crapser, r 727 East ave.
Hamburg, G. H. tailor, bds Nels Rosenloff.
Hamilton, Thos. E. stenographer, res J. H. Hamilton.
Hamilton, J. H. sheriff, res 723 Iowa ave.
Hamlin Bros. (G. W. Hamlin C. H. Hamlin), real estate, loans and insurance, room 4 Masonic Block.
Hamlin, Chas. H. (Hamlin Bros.,) bds Blodgett House.
Hammond, Mrs. M. J. wid, res 302 w 7th st.
Hammond, Geo. W. farmer, res same as above.
Haney, L. M. (Lundy & Haney), r 114 Lincoln ave.
Hannis, Mrs. D. J. wid, res 1011 York ave.
Hannis, Miss Pearl res same.
Hannis, F. A. book-keeper G. P. Chessman, res same as above.
Hansen, Miss Annie wks H. T. Davis'.
Hanson, Andrew baker, bds Andrew Ells.
Hargraves, G. W. carpenter, r 656 e 9th st.
Harlan, A. S. law student with France & Harlan, r 422 e 4th st.
Harlan, N. V. (France & Harlan) res 1025 Lincoln ave.
Harms, A. shoemaker 509 Lincoln ave, res 814 East ave.
Harper, J. H. painter, res 707 Division ave.
Harper, S. A. painter, res same as above.
Harper, Richard laborer, res e s Plum st bet 5th and 6th.
Harper, Frank laborer, res west terminus Grand ave.
Harrison, Mrs. G. M. widow, res 318 w 7th st.
Harrison, Mrs. Kate widow, r 221 w 3d st.
Harrison, Miss Annie res same as above.
Harrison, Miss Vinnie res same as above.
Harrison, W. A. Harrison Nursery Co., res 427 York ave.
Harrison, H. S. Harrison Nursery Co., bds same.
Harrison, J. F. farmer, r 69 Platte ave.
Harrison, Charles T. clerk Grippen & Co., r same as above.
Harrison Nursery Co. (W. A. and H. S. Harrison(.
Harrison, W. H. carpenter, res E. A. Warner.
Hart, J. W. horseman, res 122 e 11th st.
Hart, Ira A. carpenter, res 815 Burlington ave.
Harvey, Wm. res e terminus 9th st.
Haskins, J. R. carpenter, res Plum st bet Grand ave and 5th st
Hatfield, T. J. dentist, 618 Lin av up stairs, res 825 Lincoln av.
Hatfield, Miss Ida clerk Cobb & Co., bds C. C. Cobb.
Hathaway, L. law student, res 82 Iowa ave.
Hathaway, Miss Mattie res same as above.
Hauncey, Miss L. waiter Blodgett house.
Hawley, L W. student, bds A. R. Wightman's.
Hawley, Leonard student, bds dormitory.
Hawley, Mrs. Emily widow, res 807 Nebraska ave.
Hawn, I. C. painter, res 219 Grant ave.
Hawthorne, L. D. clerk C. L Meissner, bds Waverly House.
Hayes, Miss Maggie res 211 e 6th st
Hayward, Isaac laborer, bds J. W. Ridinger.
Heath, G. J. carpenter, res e s Plum, bet Grand ave and 5th st.
Heislar, Daniel contractor and builder, res 326 Thompson ave.
Heller, Peter res 503 e 6th st.
Heller, Andrew J. student, res same as above.
Heller, Miss Ida S. clerks E. M. Cobb & Co., res same as above.
Henton, W. W. carpenter, res 325 Blackburn ave.
Henning, Ed. teamster, res 215 Burlington ave.
Henrie, Miss Maggie waiter Blodgett house.
Herrick, M. S. wagon and tank maker, 205 e 4th st, res B. A. Ward.
Herrick, H. E. carpenter, r 219 Burlington ave.
Hesser, C. S. books and stationery, 109 e 6th, res 655 w 5th st.
Hetzel, E. manager Singer, Manufacturing Co., 114 e 5th st, res 428 Nebraska ave.
Hewitt, Chas. S. insurance and loans, office with Scott & Gilbert, res 707 e 7th st.
Hibbard, Chas. farmer, res sw. cor city limits.
Hicks, Harry clerk supply store, bds J. B. Thompson
Hiett, W. I. laborer, res 540 w 7th st.
Higby, Mrs. H. E. widow, res 322 w 10th st.
Higby, G. W. laborer, res same as above.
Higby, Miss D. E. res same as above.
Higby, O. S. laborer, res same as above.
High, Miss Della student, bds dormitory.
Hill, Miss Mary wks county clerk's office, res C. M. Cowan.
Hinkle, J. W. wks Phillip Ritger, bds Wyoming hotel.
Holden, W. H. painter, bds H. Lagasse.
Holley, S. L. teamster, res 1 block north 7th and Pine.
Hitchcock, N. E. clerk Geo. Marston, r 122 Nebraska ave.
Hobbs, Mrs. Alice res Adam Bott's
Hohensee, Chas. teamster, res 813 Nebraska ave.
Holstrom, Miss Sue M. waiter Commercial hotel.
Hollingshead, Mary (Mrs.) widow washwoman, r 312 Neb ave.
Hopkins & Cowan (Geo. Hopkins, C. M. Cowan), real estate, 529 Lincoln ave up stairs.
Hopkins, Geo. (Hopkins & Cowan), r Hillside.
Hopkins, Henry employ K. C. & O. R. R., bds city dining hall.
Houlgate, Geo. student, bds dormitory.
Houlgate, J. E. student, bds dormitory.
Howe, Geo. carpenter, bds city dining hall.
Howe, S. A. r 803 e 7th st.
Hoyt, D. W. r 928 East ave.
Huffman, Ira clerk, J. S. Gardner's billiard hall, bds Waverly
Huffman, Chas. W. carpenter, res Geo. W. Sprague.
Huffman, Frank laborer, r 108 Grant ave.
Hull, Wm laborer, r 1029, Gandy avenue.
Humphrey, Miss Mollie domestic, W. K. Williams.
Huntington, Mrs. Jane wid r 807 Division ave.
Hutcherson, J. L. architect, Opera Block, r n terminus Platte.
Hutchins, C. Kingsley & Hutchins, r Hillside.
Hutchins, S. E. clks Bagnell Bros. res same as above.
Hutchinson, Jonathan r 714 Beaver ave.
Hutchison, D. wks Lininger, Metcalf Co., r 802 Burlington av.
Hutchison, H. K. printer, res same as above.
Hutchison, Mrs. Sarah wid res same as above.
Hyde, G. S. proprietor Waverly House, near B. & M. Depot.
Hyder, J. V. tinner, r 416 Nebraska ave.
Hyder, J. carpenter, bds Wyoming hotel.

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